Nick Fury: It's just that he doesn't seem to live long either.

Wanda Maximoff: Damn it!This kind of crazy and morbid world, it is better to destroy it as soon as possible!

Bruce Wayne: I think...I probably understand why this video is called "ruin".

Bruce Wayne: It's like... the twisted worlds in the dark multiverse.This "ruined" world is over!

Bruce Wayne: What we're seeing is the image of this world... before it's gone!

Tony Stark: What?Dark multiverse?

Stephen Strange: No wonder the world is so dark and depraved!

Ganata, Daughter of Swallowing Stars: A World Doomed to Doom... 5.7

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues. 】

[After leaving the mutant prison, Philip woke up and continued his "Wonderful Man investigation plan". 】

[According to his interview, Philip discovered a series of appalling facts. 】

[An unlicensed doctor named Philip Donald, claiming to be Thor!He also created a sect worshiping "Thor" by himself. 】

[But according to the investigation, this guy just ate some poisonous mushrooms in Northern Europe, so he had hallucinations...]

[Besides, there is a woman named Emma Foster who runs a welfare home and has adopted many children. 】

[But in fact, Emma Foster used the inheritance inherited from her parents to perform various operations on the brains of these children...!Hope to give them "psychic abilities"! 】

[The more investigation, the more desperate Philip. 】

[The subjects he investigated, whether they were ordinary people or people with superpowers, seemed to be crazy! 1.

Chapter 929 The Evil Knight Was Burned To Death!The Fantastic Four are gone!Peter Parker destroys the world!The end of the ruins!

【"The world has gone crazy!"】

[Although I have seen many terrifying dark images, it was the scene in the desert... that made Philip Sheldon completely convinced of this. ] [In a simple circus in the desert, the famous locomotive Johnny Blazer, in front of the audience, made the last performance of his life. 】

[He opened the oil drum, poured it on his head, and then lit his head with a lighter... 】


[In an instant, Johnny Blazer's head turned into a fireball. 】

[But in his shrill screams, Johnny was still driving a locomotive and galloping in the desert! 】

[Philip Sheldon, raising the camera with trembling hands, captures the horrific image in front of him. ]

[Just a few hours after he took the photo... Johnny Blazer, who was on fire on his head, was still riding his bike, spinning in circles in the desert. 】

[His terrifying screams have never stopped. 】

[Finally, the high-temperature flames dried up Johnny Blazer's flesh and blood, and burned his head into a skeleton! ]

[The most incredible thing is that, after being burned like this, Johnny still continues to ride and run! 】

【"A dead man... is doing a motorcycle show!"】

[Leaving the circus in the desert, Philip Hilton checked into a hotel. ]

[Of course, Johnny Blazer turned into a corpse in the end. 】

[But the terrifying image of "Fire Skull Knight" 19 still lingers in his mind. 】

["Everything is crazy, or... everything is going bad!"]

[After seeing so many... tragedies related to superhuman beings, Philip finally came to a terrifying conclusion:

[“It’s like Murphy’s Law, everything that can go wrong is going to go wrong.”]

["There is absolutely no reason to say, everything is constantly deteriorating, it seems that there is no end!"]

["The world is striding towards the end! But not only can I not save it, but I can't even see the reason.]

[In pain and helplessness, Philip slept in the hotel. 】

[Because of his excitement, he didn't even notice the red scars that appeared on his arms. 】

[And in the dream, Philip saw a bright era of heroes. ]

[In that era, heroes would soar in the air and fight all kinds of evil. ]

[These heroes even pulled President X out of his White House, forcing him to weep bitterly and admit his mistake, promising to remedy everything.

["That's a...a world where good things happen every day!"]

[But when Philip opened his eyes, he could only face... the cruelty and despair in the real world. 】

[He came to the Rocky Mountains and interviewed a burly former astronaut... Ben Graham. 】

[Many years ago, Ben and the genius scientist Reed Richards and Susan Stone were good friends. 】

[Reed Richards had a particular obsession with studying cosmic rays.Moreover, I really want to be persistent in going into space. 】

[One night, the excited Reed knocked on the door of Ben's house, wanting to steal a heavy rocket called "Yishin", and then sit on it and fly into space!

[The most outrageous thing is that Reed Richards even wanted "Ben" to go on this crazy adventure with him. 】

["Ben" pointed out directly that the "Yishin" was not equipped with... an engine that moved laterally in the universe. 】

[Sitting on it and flying to the sky is simply self-destruction! 】

[But Reed didn't believe it at all, and even persuaded a university lecturer named Victor von Doum to be the pilot of the rocket. 】

[Then Reed, Doom, and the Susan Stones stole the rocket and flew into the universe together, crashing into a cosmic ray storm! 】

[The final result is also conceivable...]

[Susan Stone's younger brother...Johnny Stone, was burned to coke by the high temperature of cosmic rays.But his body was at least well preserved, so it was the first to be found after the fact. 】

[Susan Stone became an invisible woman due to the influence of cosmic rays, but the side effect was... her eyes were blinded. ]

[And, since Susan is invisible, the rescuers didn't find her at all at first. 】

[Until Susan fell from the sky and hit his brother. 】

[The situation of Doom, who drives the spaceship, is more complicated.Some say he...was an animal when he woke up, and a mineral when he fell asleep. 】

[Some people say that his internal organs were turned outside,]

[Anyway, Doom may not be dead, but it's definitely worse than dead. ]

[As for Reed Richards, who directly caused all this, his body was distorted, alienated, and even elongated by cosmic rays! 】

[When Reed's body was found, everyone found only one... a skeleton with limbs like plasticine! 】

[Speaking of this, "Ben" suddenly sighed:]

[“If Reed is not so impatient, wait until the displacement engine is installed before taking off.”]

[“Or, at that time, I was the pilot of the rocket, and the situation… may be different.]

[After this series of interviews, Philip Shelton returned to New York. 】

[He felt that he had collected enough material to finish the book called "Amazing Man". 】

[However, the weird scar on Philip's arm has also extended from the palm to the palm. 】

[His skin began to crack, and blood kept pouring out! 】

[Looking at the mutation of his body, Philip suddenly thought of a young man. 】

[The young man's name is Peter Parker, a photojournalist for the Daily Bugle. 】

[When Philip was traveling around the country, he also heard that this Peter was bitten by an irradiated spider because he screwed up a university experiment.

[After being bitten by a spider, Peter Parker did not gain any superpowers, but contracted a terrible disease. 】

[His body began to crack continuously, and countless wounds appeared all over his body, and finally all the blood was drained, and he was corpse on the street! 】

[But just before Peter fell ill, he visited the Daily Bugle and shook hands with leading photojournalist Philip Sheldon. 】

[Peter infected Philip with this terrible and strange disease! 】


[After thinking about all this, Philip suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the sky in a small alley in New York City. 】

[He traveled all over the country, and all the photos of superhuman beings he took were scattered all over the place, and were even blown up by the wind! 】

[At this time, the screen gradually dimmed. 】

[The playback of "Ruins" ends. 】

Seeing this, there was an uproar in the chat group.

Wanda Maximoff: No way!Did Peter contract the "spider virus" after being bitten by a spider?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I... my variant, also infected this virus to that Mr. Philip! (one △ one;)

Stephen Strange: It's over, it's over.

Captain America: Finished?Why do you say that?

Stephen Strange: That Philip, after being infected by the spider virus, went all over the country sick!

Stephen Strange: How many people did he infect on the way to 033?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Oh my God! ! ! (one bite)!!

Seeing Strange's analysis, countless people in the chat group were stunned.

Tony Stark: Is this... the end of this "ruined world"?

Tony Stark: That white Nick Fury, because he knew there would be such a disaster, so early...

Nick Fury: Wait a minute!

Nick Fury: How did "I" know!

Nick Fury: And, if "I" knew, why not just kill that Philip?Continue to let him carry the virus all over the country?

Bruce Wayne: If I'm not mistaken, that President X, maybe he has some kind of foreknowledge, or...he has someone like that.

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