Bruce Wayne: That's why he said that there will be a mutation in the United States!

John Constantine: Good guy!We are witnessing a its demise!

Loki? Odinson: This kind of twisted crazy world, it's better to perish sooner.

Holy Kaisha: If this world is truly shrouded in darkness and evil, perhaps, destruction is not the worst ending, but some kind of redemption!

Runaway Loli Jinx: Bah!Nonsense! (''mouth' - 1-L

Lolita Jinx: No matter how dark or desperate it is, in that world... there are still people who desperately want to survive!

John Constantine: Sigh.There is nothing we can do now.

John Constantine: I can only hope that there are still people in that world who can work hard and survive.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent...

PS: Next is the beginning of the Marvel Civil War!Ascetic! DC Reborn!Dr. Manhattan!Warhammer!

Chapter 930 Civil War? Ascetic! 616 Earth!Reality show tragedy!Fastball Robbie!The most unfortunate superhero ever!

At this moment, the sound of the system rang again.

[Ding...Choose random lucky members...]

[Selected object: Captain America]

[Start broadcasting the associated Multiverse Live. 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to be: "Civil War? Dervish"]

"civil war?"

Upon hearing this term, Captain America's expression suddenly became serious.

He remembered it clearly.

In the previous video, his variant was instigated by "Zemo"...and Iron Man started a civil war between superheroes!

This civil war eventually led to the disintegration of the Avengers.

Could it be that... this time, is it still a video related to this matter?

Just when the captain was puzzled, a new image appeared on the screen.

[A calm voice also rang out. 】

[This is Earth 616. 】

[On this planet, there are countless superhuman beings and superhuman beings. 】

[Among them, Robbie Baldwin is also a somewhat special existence. 】

[During a scientific accident, Robbie accidentally came into contact with the energy of another dimension, and since then he has acquired superpowers. 】

[Robbie's super power is to create a spherical energy field around his body. ]

[This energy field can absorb all the "kinetic energy" directed at him. 】

[Simply put, whether it is a bullet or a shell, as long as it enters this "ball", it will be drained of "kinetic energy", thus becoming no threat. 】

[Any energy attack, whether it is fire or lightning, will also be absorbed by this spherical energy field. 】

[As long as there is this energy field protection, Robbie is invincible. 】

[Through practice, Robbie Baldwin also learned... the attack technique of launching this spherical energy field and "trapping" the enemy.

[Because Robbie's ability is related to the ball regardless of offense and defense, he nicknamed himself "fastball". 】

[Acquired superpowers at a young age, Robbie quickly became a bit pretentious. 】

[He's not satisfied with fighting alone, but he can't climb the tall branches of the Avengers. ]

[So, Robbie finally joined a "Youth Heroes Organization" called "New, Warriors". ]

[The young heroes in the new battle group are mostly a group of eighteen or nineteen-year-old young people, all newborn calves, with their eyes above the top. 】

[They simply disdain to engage in general crime-fighting behavior, and can't wait to become popular!Want to be famous! 】

[Driven by this mentality, the new battle group finally cooperated with the TV station and participated in a reality show. 】

[However, the first season of this reality show was very dismal. 】

[Seeing that the reality show might be cut off, Robbie Baldwin, the main creator, was suddenly very anxious. 】

[Fortunately, the new chapter soon received a group of news that a group of super criminals escaped from the "Wood" "Raft" prison of S.H.I.E.L.D.! 】

[It is said that that night, the "Raft Prison" specializing in the imprisonment of superpower criminals was attacked by the electric light man, and almost all the prisoners escaped!

[Finally, the world's strongest superhero "Sentry" personally took action, and together with Captain America and others, most of the criminals were arrested again. 】

[Even so, there are still some fugitives living abroad. 】

[Moreover, these guys are all real "super villains" who have super powers and are full of sins! ]

[If the "New Chapter" can catch them in front of the cameras, the ratings will skyrocket! ]

[Quickball Robbie thought it was beautiful, but when these little heroes arrived with the reality show crew and rushed to the place where the fugitives were hiding, his companions immediately changed their faces. 】

【“Hey, these fugitives are not street gangsters!”】

["They even fought against Spider-Man... and the Hulk, and they are not on the same level as us!"]

[Looking at his horrified companions, Fastball Robbie did not care to cheer them on.There's even a female put on make-up before the fight to boost the ratings a bit. 】

[Unfortunately, these teenage heroes hiding and putting on makeup were quickly noticed by the fugitives. 】

【"Oops, they found us!】

["Do it! Hurry up and attack!"]

[Seeing that the whereabouts have been exposed, the fastball Robbie simply swayed his heart, and took the young heroes around him... and launched a strong attack directly! 】

["Bang! Clap! Clap!"]

["Ah ah ah..."]

[Because of being beaten by surprise, although these fugitives have extremely strong superpowers, they will soon fall into an absolute disadvantage. 】

[Every move of the new battle group was also filmed by the TV camera. 】

[Seeing that the young heroes led by Robbie will win an overall victory, and this reality show will also come to a successful conclusion...]

[But at this moment... a mutation occurred! 】

[A heroine in the new chapter chased the super villain "Nitroman" all the way to the road outside, and punched him away! 】


["Nitroman" slammed into an orange school bus. 】

[Just next to this school bus is the school playground, and there are countless children playing on it

[There is only one superpower possessed by the nitrifier... that is to create a terrifying explosion! 】

[Faced with the pursuit of the heroine, the muscles on the nitrified man's face were twisted, and he suddenly burst into laughter:]

["Little devil, you have met a ruthless character today!"]

[Then at the next moment, a violent deafening roar shook the entire city! 】


[Intense light and turbulent heat waves swept across hundreds of meters! 】

kick the ball. 】

[The nitrifying man used his super power to create a terrifying explosion! 】

[In a few seconds, the young heroes of the new chapter, the super fugitives who fought against them, the camera crew of the TV station, and those students in the school... were all swallowed up by heat waves and shock waves! 】

[The only survivor... is the fastball Robbie! 】

[Faced with the terrifying explosion, his body automatically created an invisible energy field, absorbing all the impact of the explosion and the "?|| kinetic energy". 】

[But the impact of this explosion was so strong that it still sent the fastball Robbie flying far away and landed in a farmland dozens of kilometers away! 】

[Robbie himself also fell into a coma. 】

[Finally, a nearby farmer and a passing policeman found Robbie who fainted. 】

[They wanted to help the fainted young man. 】

[But as soon as these two approached, Robbie unconsciously… released all the kinetic energy of the explosion he had absorbed before! ]


[The terrifying explosion sounded earth-shattering! 】

[Intense high temperature and heat wave, in an instant, these two good-hearted hapless... blown into skeletons! 】

[There are two more people who died because of the fastball Robbie. 】

[When Robbie finally woke up from the coma, he found himself in the hospital with an oxygen tube stuck up his nose. 】

[The doctor in charge of rescuing him told him that all members of the entire new chapter (the Hao Hao Nagisa E was killed, and only Robbie survived.]

[He is now accused of indirectly killing more than 600 people!60 of them...are school kids! ]

["What? I didn't kill anyone, how could it be the murderer?"]

[The seriously injured Robbie was stunned, but the "doctor" quickly told him two more things. 】

[First, before the video of Robbie exaggerating the ratings in front of the camera... has been broadcast countless times on TV stations across the country. 】

[So now... almost everyone thinks that it was because of his reckless behavior that this tragedy happened! 】

[Second, this doctor is actually an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Robbie was arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D.!Big】

【“What are you kidding, I did something bad, why should you arrest me!”]

[Just when Fastball Robbie was furious, he didn't know... how big of a mistake he had made. 】

[It is precisely because of this tragedy that more than 600 people died that it directly triggered the parting of Tony Stark, the Iron Man, and Steve Rogers, the captain of the United States, and finally led to the first civil war of superheroes! ].

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