Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 470: Hospital

PS: I was very busy at the end of the period, and the chapters are one and two. Thank you for your second reincarnation as the helmsman of this book. If you owe it, you will have a vacation. You must help me remember O(∩_∩)O~

"health care system?"

Bian Que knew that staying in Xilu temporarily for shelter and growth was a better choice at the moment, and at the same time, he was also curious about what new ideas Zhao Wuxi had. He could always surprise people.

"That's right." Wu Xie showed a funny smile: "It can also be called the medical insurance system, referred to as medical insurance."

He pulled aside those who asked to punish the magpie, or pleaded for the magpie, and revealed a draft he had written. On it, was the blueprint of the Xilu medical system he envisioned...

"During the rituals of Zhou, the emperors and princes had their own medical insurance, and there were doctors, medicine houses (medicine warehouses), Shi (medicine management records), apprentices (miscellaneous servants), etc. in the palace. There are four types of disease doctors (internal medicine), ulcer doctors (surgery), and veterinarians. It can be said that they are not comprehensive, but the people who these doctors serve are only meat eaters and their families, or senior retainers, guests, etc. "

Bian Que nodded and said, "When the old man walked among the feudal lords, there were indeed many monarchs and officials who wanted me to be their medical officer, taking care of their illnesses, but not asking about their lives outside the walls."

Without a shirt, if it weren't for Bian Que's reputation too loud, the princes did not dare to stay, I am afraid that he would have become a member of this system long ago, and his freedom of identity has been severely restricted. In the beginning, he and his father Zhao Yang were also like this, but Bian Que could not be kept by the high officials and the wealth alone.

He said: "Of course, but the soldiers in the army and the people of the capital are not responsible for these doctors. They can only rely on a few doctors and masters who have traveled all over the world to practice medicine to survive. And the people of the villages are even more miserable. We can only rely on Wuzhu and ghosts and gods for protection. Just as the poem says, when the sky is powerful, the gods are in mourning; when I am starved, the people go into exile. When encountering minor ailments such as headaches and brain fever, they rely on their own physical strength to survive, but when they encounter a little In serious cases, there is nowhere to ask for help. Chewing wild herbs may not work, and you may die. People in the countryside usually don’t live to be in their forties or fifties, and children are prone to die prematurely. That’s why.”

Bian Que understood: "The little gentleman's plan, is it that he wants to release the official set of medical officers to the common people, so that all the people can benefit from this virtue?"

"Of course! There is a plague this year, and there are many people who have worked hard and died in the ravines. That's all. I plan to set up government-run hospitals in each city first, so that people can see a doctor. At the same time, we can also organize regular medical visits to the countryside. Investigate diseases and adopt abandoned orphans.”

Bian Que was stunned for a moment, but was moved to tears.

"Confucius made the official school go to the people and turned it into the study of the scholars and the common people. The little gentleman turned the official doctor into a doctor for the people!"

He sighed: "This is something that has never happened even in the well-off world of Yao and Shun. It can not only benefit the people, but also allow doctors to collect cases and practice medical skills. The magpie will take over this matter!"


In mid-April, the disciples of Bian Que who were picking and collecting herbs in a peaceful Onozawa were successively recalled to Yuncheng.

"Hospital?" The disciples saw that the Master was fine, and Ling Que would not be expelled and disbanded. One by one, they were overjoyed, but they heard Bian Que say an unfamiliar but very kind word.

"People who suffer from diseases will abandon their empty mansions and call them hospitals in order to store medicines. We used to walk among princes and have no place to stand. From now on, it will be different. This hospital is a fixed place for doctors to rest and treat."

Ziming, who likes to run around looking for herbs, asked inexplicably: "Master, we are not trying to help the world. Are you walking in Kyushu? Why do you have to stay in one place now, is it because Zhao Xiaosikou wants to imprison us in the territory. ?"

Most of the disciples were men who were not afraid of the powerful. When the Marquis of Qi detained Ziyang earlier, they had already aroused their unanimous resentment. Immediately outraged.

Bian Que shook his head: "No, it's just the little gentleman's words that made me understand, constantly changing places, in fact, the people who can help have not stayed in one place for more than a few years. This hospital is not only for the nobles, It's for the people!"

The disciples were shocked: "There is such a good thing?"

The hospital's treatment targets are mainly the garrisoned troops and Chinese people in Yuncheng, and they are obliged to diagnose and treat soldiers and soldiers in the army. No fees are charged. For taxis and Chinese people with economic foundations, drug fees and certain medical fees are charged as the price. But sending doctors to poor villages for diagnosis and treatment is no longer demanding.

In the past, the lords always only dealt with major illnesses and disasters for the people under their control, and did not ask about minor pains and minor sufferings, but they did not know that the deaths caused by these minor diseases were no less than a major epidemic.

Therefore, Bian Que felt that what he was about to do was as important as traveling the world of medicine, and he gave orders to his disciples in high spirits.

"The hospital is the core of public medical care, and it has its own division of responsibilities. It is still the four departments of food, disease, ulcer, and veterinary medicine. I am the head, and the second and third children are physicians, each performing their own duties."

If Zhao Wuxi's funding is the cornerstone, and Bian Que is the pillar that holds up the eaves, then the disciples are like wooden wedges, which together form the components of the hospital.

"Ziyang is good at diagnosing the pulse. Now that he is not there, the old man will come in person. In addition, Zishu Zhang prescribes prescriptions, Ziming handles medicines, and formulates finished medicines according to the recipes. Zitong Zhang fire moxibustion, Ziyi Zhang acupuncture, Zi Yue Zhang Walking around the surrounding villages, Zirong will learn from Ziming first, and then he will be able to collect herbs in the future."

When the disciples saw that the Master had made up his mind, they no longer persuaded him, and responded, "Wei!"

"The rest of the doctors from various countries who joined Ling Que are under you, and they will teach medical skills according to the number of years they have joined. There will also be a special person responsible for teaching medical children and popularizing medicine and epidemic prevention knowledge to the public."

"The hospital is funded by Zhao Xiaosikou. Physicians have different salaries according to the level of medical skills. However, the success and failure of each treatment will be recorded for year-end performance evaluation. Those who do not meet the performance evaluation will be deprived of their doctor status."

At the end, Bian Que said solemnly: "Those who are good at doctors are called good doctors, those who are skilled in ignorance are called quack doctors, those who encourage encouragement are called witch doctors, and those who pray for diseases are called witch doctors. Ling Que wants to cultivate bright doctors, but there is no room for witch doctors and quack doctors!"

From the very beginning, to draw a clear line with witchcraft, this is the foundation of the medical school!


The location of the hospital has already been found. It is located in a large and large house in the outer district. This is the other hospital of the former Dr. Yuncheng. Zhao Wuxie has few family members. If he can't use such a large area, he will set it aside as a public welfare. part of the property. The ground floor of the hospital is a complete sewer system with pottery pipes. The front hall is the place for diagnosis and treatment and prescription of medicine, and the back bedroom is transformed into a ward connected by corridors. Ventilation to the sun, patients live in different rooms according to the severity of the disease, to prevent progressive infection, and a kitchen to prepare soups and diets.

Yuncheng built a hospital. It is only the first step of the entire medical system. After Zhen Yu matured, Zhao Wuxi hopes that in every town of a thousand households, there will be a government-run hospital, and the people working in it are idealistic magpie doctors... …

"A hospital is going to be built in Yuncheng! It will still be presided over by the living fairy doctor Bian Que." The news was quickly spread throughout the city and beyond. The sericulture girls who had already delivered silk from their homes also rushed to watch, and one of the old women proudly pulled her shy daughter to show her smooth and white ankles, claiming that she was a doctor Bian Que. healing.

"At that time, my daughter's foot was broken, and the old fairy just touched her bones and flesh to heal, and her skin regenerated. If you don't believe me, look at it, just like a chicken with its shells peeled off. If my daughter is the wife, there will be no sickness in the family! "

Not to mention this became an episode of Zhao Wuxi and the officials talking jokes after dinner. On the day that Yuncheng Hospital was established, the audience was crowded.

It took a few months to go around Xilu carefully, and the supervisor Kan Zhi, who made the local greedy and despicable officials feel frightened, and the judge in charge of justice, Cheng Tuan, were also watching the excitement from a distance. The two most vigilant about the establishment and actions of magpies.

Everything, big or small, comes from the ruler, and no matter how big or small, they belong to the official. This is the common point of the two people's thinking, so they gradually became friends, and they became a pair of friends but not party officials except for the Confucian disciples.

Looking at the happy appearance of the people of Yuncheng. Kan Zhi said with emotion: "The born sages are different from people like you and me who have only ordinary wisdom. After thinking about it, whether to expel magpies or dismiss them, it will cause some people's dissatisfaction, and will cause doctors to be dissatisfied. If you force him to go to the rest of the country, if you kill him, you will be given the reputation of tyranny."

"But Si Kou's method is different. Although the doctor Bian Que and his disciples are still unwilling to accept the official position, what they do is no different from the Zhao family's official doctor. The country is already very loud. The lords have quite a few scholars who claim to be benevolent and righteous to join, and many of them can be used by us after a little win. Wonderful!"

This move was widely praised by Lu people in Yuncheng under Zhao Wuxi's intentional publicity, and those Xu complaints about strict laws and frequent servitude also disappeared.

Cheng Tuan asked worriedly: "In Si Kou's plan, Yuncheng Hospital needs to operate for one year, and then expand to other cities. After another year, Doctor Bian Que and his disciples will leave this shell behind. Elsewhere. At that time, it will not only bring medical skills, but also the medical insurance system of Xilu, and even the false and real cities of Xilu, which is a potential calamity, and it is better to kill it now."

Kan Zhi snorted coldly: "I want to go, where to go?"

"The people of Qi detained Bian Que's disciples, and the two sides are considered to have settled feuds. Qi will not go there for the time being. It should go to the nearest places such as Lucheng, Cao, and Song."

Kan Zhi seemed to have seen through everything, and showed a mocking smile: "Naive! Regardless of Song and Cao, do you think that in two years' time, Sanhuan, or Luhou or Confucius, will be in charge of Lucheng's political affairs. What!?"


Kan Zhi guessed it well. Zhao Wuxi set up a hospital, which did mean to keep Bian Que and others. But more, it is hoped that through this inter-era good governance, the death rate of the people in Xilu can be reduced.

The rapid growth of the population is the foundation of all grand plans for dominance!

Governing 100,000 or 200,000 people is different from a small township with more than 2,000 people. Before further expanding his financial resources, Zhao Wuxi could not follow all the measures to encourage population reproduction. Now he can only reduce it. Infant, child, and young adult mortality.

After all, although public medical care started not late in China, its progress was slow. It was not until the Song Dynasty that civilian hospitals spread all over the major roads, prefectures and counties.

Hospitals alone are not enough. In addition to the hospitals, Zhao Wuxi also set up several institutions. In terms of nature, most of them are aimed at treating the poor and sick. Some of them also have the meaning of voluntary charity, which is quite in line with the purpose of doctors.

Last year's big epidemic left everyone with lingering fears, so the first thing that came to mind was "Relocation of the House".

In a broad sense, it refers to all infectious diseases, and in a narrow sense, it refers to leprosy, a disease that people talk about. The hospital stipulates that any person who travels through the countryside and is found to have a collapsed bridge of the nose, no hair on the hands, skin lesions with rashes and plaques and other symptoms will be sent to the relocation center for isolation and treatment.

The relocation center is not limited to the shelter of leprosy patients, but also includes other patients with serious infectious diseases. Men and women are separated.

But in fact, Zhao Wuxi knew that for some incurable terminal diseases, the so-called isolation actually means letting them fend for themselves. In this era, limited resources will favor those who still have hope, so he can only Do it. Even Bian Que acquiesced to this. Among his "Six Deaths", there is a terminal illness that cannot be cured by medicine.

In addition, there is the Liao Ze Garden, which is used to bury the poor and those who have died violently, and use a wasteland to bury the corpses. In the past, it was not uncommon for corpses to be thrown into the wild, and it was not uncommon for people to even ignore them in the alleys. During the war, the officials of Luze Garden would bring people to help burn and bury the dead, which could objectively improve environmental sanitation and have a positive significance for preventing epidemics. It's all over again.

In addition, Zhao Wuxi also called on the local clans in each city to fund, establish a ward in Lilu, engage in charity work, and treat the poor and incapable of the clan to seek medical treatment. Some clans who want to take a horse have responded.

Finally, there is the lonely orphanage that houses abandoned babies and war orphans...


In the April of Mengxia, the position of the sun is Bisu; at dawn, the female star Wu is in the middle of the southern sky, and at dusk, Yisu is in the middle of the southern sky. This so-called "Wu women send their Yao, and Yi Zhen contain their essence" is also true.

Wu Nu is also known as the female host, and its constellation is shaped like a scorpion, and it also resembles the word "woman", so this month is a noble woman among the people. This is also the best time to bring new life from spring to summer.

But Bo Mi, who had a good life in the beautiful clothes Jia Rou, was a little depressed.

Although Zhao Wuxi has been running around in the past few months to deal with government and agricultural affairs, there are times when he comes back to live in the same room. Without the moral constraints of later generations, it is natural for a man and a woman to have something to happen, but after a few months, she has not been pregnant for a long time, and she can't help but feel a little sad.

Adi Xing Ao had already arrived in Wu State and sent a letter back saying that he was now living in Xudi and was busy transporting copper, tin and sea salt. Xing Ao depicts the prevailing Chinese style in the water and the land, and has quite the clothes and clothes of the Central Plains.

But Bo Mi was relieved, but thought that in a few months, Adi would continue to travel south, to the country of Wu, where the black tooth carvings are inscribed, and go back and forth, and it is a little farther away from Bo Mi. Without her younger brother, Zhao Wuxi was often absent, and the girl inevitably felt empty and lonely. She was extremely eager to give birth to a child for a gentleman, and she was almost desperate to ask for it.

Of course, she also has plans to secure her position before the marriage of the main wife, Le's daughter, comes next spring. But things backfired. When spring came to summer, the deer in the deer garden gave birth to young cubs and galloped to feed on green apples. The fluffy swallow chicks grew new feathers and opened their mouths to wait for their parents to feed, but the girl's belly just disappeared. movement.

After the incident one night, she snuggled up beside Zhao Wuxi and talked about it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ worried that she was a flower without truth, and wanted to find the living fairy Bian Que for diagnosis, but Zhao Wuxi laughed at her. Fan.

"You and I are young, so this matter is not in a hurry, and the more anxious you are, the less you will be able to ask for it. If you want someone to accompany you, why don't you go to Lonely Garden with me tomorrow."

Bo Mi blushed and nodded. She had already heard the name of the Lonely Garden, because she lost her father and mother at an early age, and her younger brother became a concubine, so she was born with empathy for those children.

"These orphans and young children have their own origins, some are abandoned babies, most of them are girls, and they have to seek nursing mothers to raise them. But more are orphans caused by the war and epidemic last year. There are a few medical children, and I am taking in the whole Xilu together. There are more than a hundred people, half of them are men and women. I have already thought about where they will go, but the girls, I want to ask you How about helping me with adoption training?" (To be continued.)

PS: Thanks to the book friend Man Xing 31, MENGMO, the right of glory, the sun at the end of the step, the poor way of Xuanwu, the reward of the gods and illusions!

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