Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 471: Yulin Orphan

PS: Chapter 2 is in the afternoon

The next day was sunny and sunny, and the two of them sat on the large car park and headed to the Lonely Garden. Bo Mi beat Zhao Wuxi's leg. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

Wu Xun closed his eyes and said, "Actually, the Lonely Garden was set up as early as the first month or two after the war. It protects the buds of plants, raises young children and teenagers, and cares for orphans. If I can't do that, I'll be living twenty or thirty years in vain."

Bo Mi beat him a little hard: "Si Kou is under eighteen years old, where did he come from for twenty or thirty years? Recently, he has always made a slip of the tongue."

Wu Xie laughed and brought up this topic, but just like what he said, the official pension for orphans is not absent in this era. In order to win people's hearts and fulfill his promise to the dead soldiers, Zhao Wuxi established the Lonely Garden. All the expenses of the orphans were maintained by him using the money and silk in his private treasury, and he also gave the Lonely Garden 500 mu of land and many subordinate farmers to maintain their livelihoods.

After they got off the bus, they had reached the outside of Yuncheng. There was a medium-sized courtyard on the edge of a sparse forest. The children played in groups under the trees outside the courtyard.

But I saw six or seven clean-faced girls gathered by the creek. They kneaded soil for rice, made some muddy water as soup, put some wood, soil and **** as pieces of meat, and made pottery beans out of mud. Tao Li's appearance, imitating the adults to eat swallows in the morning, is actually a family game in later generations.

It is reasonable for children to learn to imitate family life since they were children, and it will still be the case after thousands of years. But what they have in their hands is only for play, but they can't eat or fill their stomachs, so generally, in the evening, when tired birds return to the forest, the children will go home after they have had a good time.

"But these girls can't go home. They are either abandoned orphans, or their parents died in the war and the epidemic. Now they can only live here. I have ordered all the people of the country. Those who have no children can come and adopt, but... "

Wu Xie smiled wryly, and took the boy back. When he grew up, he could still be a slave farmer. But after taking the girl back, is it possible that when she grows up, she has to help her buy a dowry? So there are very few who claim girls.

As soon as he spoke, Bo Mi was heartbroken, and what happened in the past came to his mind. She knows the dangers of the world, generally speaking, such lonely girls in the city. Either become a beggar, or be collected by bad-hearted people and sold to aristocrats who need their young daughters to be buried with them, or they will be women!

Bo Mi didn't want these innocent little girls in front of him to suffer such a fate in a gentleman's territory.

She frowned for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "A gentleman encourages weaving, why don't you let your concubine adopt these girls and teach them silkworm weaving, or the skills of seasoning and cooking, and serving others. Later, you can also have a skill, and you can support yourself.”

In this era, the status of women is not as low as that of later generations, and they are not forbidden to show their faces. There are not a few people who are self-reliant. For example, the abandoned woman in "Wei Feng. Rogue" lived alone after divorce, so Bo Mi said this.

Wu Xun smiled and said, "That's what I thought. Although I promised the soldiers who died in the war that I would take care of your wives, but if you are a little older, you have to arrange a way out. Let them stay in the Lonely Garden all the time. It's not long law."

The arrangement for those girls is roughly the same, as for the boys...

While he was talking, he saw a burst of children's shouts coming from a distance, and more than a dozen boys with snot on their faces were riding bamboo horses. A crooked queue ran past the courtyard gate.

Unlike girls who like to play family dramas, boys are naturally happy and have a warlike gene in their blood. They like bamboo horses and slingshots and other games related to war.

The youngest of them was still naked, while the oldest was already six feet tall. The tallest one is probably the boss, who wears a straw ring as a cap. Wearing a dog skin as armor, he beat a flag made of rags, and carried it on a bamboo pole as an army flag.

"Stop, the scouts came to report that there was an enemy army ahead!"

They turned a corner in the open space, raised a large cloud of smoke, and then confronted some other boys who came out of the courtyard, and then raised the rags and said loudly: "We are Zhao's light cavalry, and today we will kill all Qi people. , to avenge the parents, and make a great contribution!"

"The martial arts are victorious!"

The children behind him entered the play, and after a loud roar, they rode their bamboo horses with gnashing teeth and rushed towards the children who played the villain "People of Qi".

"It's a decent look."

The accompanying officials and military officials were amused by this scene, making them snicker. Bo Mi was also a little stunned, but Zhao Wuxi didn't think it was embarrassing. Can a boy who didn't fight when he was a child have a future when he grew up?

He smiled and said: "It's really similar to the scene when I entered Chengxiang at the beginning of the year, but at that time, many children are now six feet tall, and they can join the army with my father."

There are more than 100 orphans of different ages in the Lonely Garden, but there are only two or three little officials and wet nurses who manage this place. They are busy with the screaming children, so they don't have time to take care of these living treasures.

So the boys fought more and more, and by the way, they trampled the girls' pottery beans and pottery dishes and prepared "meal" to pieces. The strong girl jumped up and wanted to fight them, but was pushed down by the powerful boy, and the timid girl grinned and sat down on the ground crying.

For a time, crying and clutter filled this humble playground, causing everyone to look at each other in dismay, Wu Xie was about to let people stop the chaos, but heard a clear child's voice shouting loudly from a distance: "All Stop it!"

The group of children stopped and looked at the position of the pronunciation.

However, he saw a handsome young man with two hairpins on his hips, and he taught them a lesson in a spirited manner: "A soldier who is a military soldier is a soldier who stops fighting! There are eight virtues of wealth, but you only know how to bully women, not like a soldier, but like a pirate, no matter what kind of etiquette you have, don’t fight!”

The child's eloquent words made all the children stunned and withdrew their hands embarrassedly.

Wu Xie took a closer look, and suddenly realized that this is not the street of Qufu, Xiang Lu, who stumped Confucius with two children's arguments, and the tall boy with his head huddled behind him is the Gongshu class who has not seen for many days!


"How old?"

Xiang Lu changed teeth in his mouth, and there were two holes in the two front teeth. He bowed respectfully, and replied in a leaky voice, "Ten years old."

Zhao Wuxi nodded. Only then did he remember that Xiang Lu was the same age as Gongshu Class. After more than two years, he had grown to ten years old. His interest was in Gongshu Class, which could light up the technology tree at any time. Little attention has been paid to this prodigy.

"Who taught you those words just now?"

Xiang Lu rolled her eyes: "My father mentioned it. I remember it after hearing it once, and I can write these words as well."

After he finished speaking, he used a branch to write and draw on the ground as if offering a treasure, and wrote all the words he had just said. Just waiting for Zhao Wuxi to praise him as a "genius" and "prodigy" like everyone else. But Zhao Wuxi just smiled and nodded, saying that he was smart, and then turned his eyes to behind Xiang Lu. Gongshuban, who was always afraid of life, turned his face hard.

"Linqiu's papermaking workshop moved to the outskirts of Yuncheng a few months ago. You also followed your father here. If you don't stay in the workshop, why are you running around?"

Although Gongshuban had seen Zhao Wuxi many times, he was still a little afraid of him, or he was afraid of everyone.

So he said timidly, "It was Ah Chu who brought me here..."

turn out to be. After the fall of Yang Hu, Xiang Lu's father was arranged by Zhao Wuxi to be the city gate chief in Yuncheng, and the two separated after urinating. Now, in order to facilitate transportation along the waterway, the paper factory has been moved to Yuncheng.

Young people hope that the more companions the better, but there are very few peers who can play with them. Xiang Ting heard that there is a loneliness orchard nearby that has adopted many children, so he can't help but bring the Gongxu class over. Although he has only been here a few times, he is able to speak with his own wisdom. Yin Yin became the leader, and the bamboo horses under the children's crotch were cut by Gongshu Ban's skillful hands.

Today, they also brought new toys.

"What did you do?" Zhao Wuxi pointed at the thing blankly.

The public transport class held it in his hand. It was a plaything he was very familiar with, and he involuntarily reached out his hand: "Show it to me."

After taking it, the familiarity came as promised, and Zhao Wuxi showed a smile of memory. The toy is very simple. In fact, a layer of "male paper" is pasted on the bent bamboo strips, and then the shape of a bird is drawn with an ink pen. It has a head, wings, and tail.

It is compact in shape, and the collocation of various parts is natural and reasonable. It looks very light in the hand. Using long and thin twine, it can be placed in the sky while the wind is blowing.

Zhao Wuxi remembered that according to the legend, Mozi invented the wooden kite and Lu Ban improved it, but now, not to mention the wooden kite, how could the paper kite be invented in advance! Could it be influenced by papermaking?

But if this thing has any value in the short term, other than delivering the agreed-upon information within the short distance of sight, it is...playing.

"I'll give it a try." Wu Xie played kites a lot when he was a child, so he started to tuck up his wide sleeves and walked to the open space to fly the line against the wind.

After a while, Xiang Lu and Gongshuban stared at Zhao Wuxi with a stunned expression. They brainstormed ideas and fiddled with each other for a month or two to send the paper kite, which flew over the head briefly, into the sky a hundred feet away!

The warm wind blew his face, the paper kite flew higher and higher, and the children in the Lonely Garden were surrounded by them, and they were also fascinated.

The grass grows and the warbler flies in the April sky, and the willows and willows are drunk in spring smoke. The children came back early from school, busy taking advantage of the east wind to release paper kites...


Zhao Wuxi's itinerary was only planned for half a day, but he ended up spending a whole day in the Lonely Garden, which was unbelievable for him who planned the time extremely precisely on weekdays.

When he left the Lonely Garden at sunset, Bo Mi covered his mouth and said with a smile: "A gentleman is really willing to return that paper kite to Xiao Gong?"

Today's trip made her refresh her understanding of Zhao Wuxi. This little Sikou, who is either majestic, brave, careful, or ambitious, actually ran with a group of children on the field with a paper kite~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ Maybe I have seen Ji Ying, the king and daughter of Jin, as far away as possible?

Zhao Wuxi smiled a little embarrassedly, I am afraid that today's actions will be severely persuaded by many old-fashioned retainers, which will definitely quote from "Shangshu. Traveling Mastiff": "Playing with people loses morality, playing with things loses ambition. ".

"Nothing to give up, I will ask Gongshu class to make more beautiful ones, and I will give you one too, just to let him practice his craftsmanship more, so as not to run around all day."

He pondered for a moment, looked out the car window and said, "Don't look at them as ignorant children now, but I hope they will be able to help the country in the future, like Lin Zhisheng."

The boys in the Lonely Garden who were orphaned due to the war, Zhao Wuxi planned to have them teach them five soldiers, riding real horses, holding real spears, and serving the country's wings. !

Taking advantage of the rare peace, the education school for cultivating talents will also be built together with the hospital. But what troubles Zhao Wuxi is that, not to mention the special case of the Gongxu class, Xiang Lu, a smart kid, is too small to be hired, and it is not enough to send him to the new school? It is estimated that in a few days, his teachers of various subjects will lose their beards because of this prodigy! (To be continued.)

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