The family of the four kings.

(2) 3.

AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa when black water has to be blacker' was swirling around the golden samae.

Maybe not water, but shadows.

Whether it's the first water you come into contact with when you're born, or the shadow that will drag you along until you die, it's a perfect fit for announcing your birth.

[The phalanx dragon's box is activated.] Water is… … The shadows...

… The water-shadow completely enveloped the goldfish.

Susuk, Sususuk, and the sound of water shadows whirling from inside the cocoon continued to be heard.

And then it started to get smaller.

The cocoon that surrounds the goldfish grew smaller and smaller, and finally slept to the size of a child's toy bell.

On the palm of my hand, a marble that was murky like water, but pitch-black as a shadow, was placed.

"......." That little thing was the existence of Sylvia Evanile.

I picked up the marble with one hand and slowly, politely, with my mouth open---I dropped it.

Like putting a cherry on top of a cake in your mouth.

"......." Everyone in the hall was watching me and was nervous.

In their view, now I am neither Ivancia's companion nor the magyo's minor teacher.

I was a demigod with powers.

As they held their breath as they watched the demigod miracle unfold, I just chewed my teeth.

He chewed the beads and murmured.

Of course, the taste of the beads was different from the cherry.

Cherry is sweet.

It has a sour aftertaste.

But this marble, this Sylvia Evanile's existence, the more you chew it, the more.

The more you bite, the more you bite...

… It tasted like sad rainwater.

- Poetry, Sylvia Youngae.

- Keep that in mind.

You also have someone.

-butler! What are you doing, where are you going!? memories are shattered Memories burst out like popcorn crumbs every time you chew a marble.

"Well." I swallowed and swallowed the memories of the golden sisters I had bitten.

And swallowed one more gulp.

A man's lifetime was either too big or too slimy to swallow in one go.

The golden squirrel was on the squishy side.

Like yokan made too chewy.

I steadily, really steadily, devoured the existence of the Golden Triangle.

[The phalanx dragon's box is complete.] And.

"Uhhhhhhh..." I exhaled slowly.

There was mass in the breath I just exhaled.

there was weight Even with color, it was a breath as black as poison.

In the dark mist, there were two eyes shining like wild beasts.

[The Apostle of 'The Cow Harvesting the Ruins' manifests!] The tower called her two eyes by an old name.

But the sound was too loose to cover her now.

“Sylvia Evanile.”

"......." The one who regained his form from the breath.

To call it reincarnation is too much, and to call it transformation is grandiose.

The one who had once died had turned and knelt before me.

“Do you have a new name you would like to have?”

“… … There is not.

I want to live as I have been called, as I have been called.

Rather… … me, i What should I call you?”

Awe was etched on the golden sister's face.

It was natural.

From her point of view, now I am reviving the dead self.

Using the memories of the white spirits stored in the skill called [Hundred Ghost Reincarnation], I compressed the memories with [Phalangeal Dragon's Box] like a box, and then transplanted it into my body.

Now I can revive the goldfish whenever I want.

No matter how much magic and a person who played among the gods, this was in the realm of miracles by anyone looking at it.

“Wealth and resurrection are the proof of divinity.

As before, I just don't think it's too appropriate to call you Mrs.


… ." "Housekeeper." "Yes?" "You can call me Gaju from now on.

In public.

In private, I don't care what you call Gongja Kim, Confucius, Confucius.

But when there is a war or battle, call me Gaju." "......." I got up slowly.

It was just a cut on my crooked back, but to me it felt like a beast from a long hibernation had finally woken up.

If I felt so, keep me.

It must have been felt that way for many who watched.


I said with an aura in my voice, "Family has two meanings.

One is a family and the other is a family.

Me and Raviel are the only family.

Everyone who approaches me in this world becomes my family.

That… that is my ideal.”

If you could love someone else the way you love Raviel, if you have the possibility to do the impossible.

"Esdel." “Ah, yes, sir… Father.”

Esdel heard my call and ran to her at once, knelt on one knee, and I smiled a little and patted Esdel's head, "This is it." "……Yes?" “Even if Esdel calls me father and I call Esdel daughter, from that moment on, [family] is not magically created.

Look, Esdel.

Where is the daughter who kneels on one knee to her father?”


Esdel was bewildered.

“This is, no matter how much it is between parent and child, if the parents are in the position of king, the child must fulfill the duty of not only the child but also the servant, so there is no choice…! ”

“It’s okay.”

I laughed, "Because we just haven't gotten close enough to each other." "……father?" "I'm immature as someone's father.

Esdel, you've never been a daughter, so you don't know what that is.

So we haven't reached the family yet.

The night wind blew.

Ten years ago, a wind like this blew in any orphanage outside the tower.

It has not been decided what kind of existence each other will be to each other: “We cannot yet be considered a family.”

We're only at the starting line.

"If we ignore that and think [we are a family] and [we are as close as a family], one day the very thought itself will hold us like shackles.

I didn’t know anything].

It is beautiful when the mind goes ahead, but the heart is more beautiful when it supports actions from behind.

I recited what he once said with a weary look on his manners.

“We understand each other, understand what we understand as much as we would like to be understood, and do not understand what we do not understand because we do not understand what we do not understand.

what you want what a habit What is the ultimate voice that you want to leave behind in this world? Why do you love sunset...

… ." I recited the signs of love slowly.

"Until they are known between us, until we get to know them, we are not yet [family]." I looked around at the demon king who tried to destroy the world, the church members from the eternal winter, and the noble girl who cursed people one by one: “We are people trying to become a family to each other.”


"Family is not completed or ended with the word family.

Family is a relationship.

It is the limit of a relationship.

It is a pledge that we will work for each other.

Can this be made easily?”

Yes, “You will have to work hard.”

We'll fight a lot, but we can do it, "Until then--- Let's become one [family] instead of covering ourselves up with the faults of being a family." To my declaration, Esdel, who was being patted on the head, responded, her ears twitched.

"Each family has a job and has a role.

The chieftain is responsible for the hygiene and welfare of the family, and cooks when the people of the family are hungry." Just like the head teacher gave each of us a role.

In the end, people just do what they learn, and they just try to get better.

I looked at Esdel and said seriously, "The eldest daughter is usually the heir.

For example, when the state of California is unable to entertain guests, the eldest daughter takes over the ball and social events.


You are the eldest daughter of our family, so you will be in charge of many things in the future.”

"......." "On the other hand, the warriors protect the family's security.

They protect the family members from being kidnapped by some evil spirit, and when there is a force that dares to destroy our family, they go out and fight." The night sky.

The members of the church, dear to me, melt in the darkness of the night.

The warriors sit here and there on the wall, under the wall, in the courtyard, on the main hall, looking up at me, “I will try to become a family to you.”

None of these people are of mixed blood, but “Until that day comes, first, let’s become a family.”

We can care for each other more than anyone else, because we've been hurt more than anyone, we've hated humans, we've been betrayed by the world, we've seen destruction, nevertheless, we've arrived here for some reason, somehow, because we met like this.

.I opened my mouth, "Sama-kun." "Yes!" In the dark corner of the mansion, each of them struck four directions, and the best and most elite of magicians gathered at my feet.

There were wrinkles on the handsome forehead of the blood horse.

In other words, principled.

To put it bluntly, he was knowledgeable, and as the bodyguard who protected Master the most, he took the discipline of the church members.

He was tall and handsome, but he was a nerd.

Then, after thinking about it for a short time, he changed his name as if he was sighing.

“… … Lord.”

"Well." “We can just use it as a tool.

Little teacher...

… No, the Lord has a good heart.

Even if we use it as a tool, there will be no days of shame or regret.

It's just a well-forged knife, if you admire it, that's enough." “Master was like a mother to me.”

"......." "To you, Master must have meant more than a mother." "......." "Blood Maya." I bent down and covered the spear of the blood horse with both hands.

“We lost one, and he was like a mother to all of us.

Isn't it?" “… … Yes, it is.”

“So we are brothers.”

I said.

“People are not united by what they have, but by what they have lost.

That is the doctrine of our demons.

In fact, we are clearly a sad one who has lost Master.”

"......." "We talk more, try to understand more, get to know each other's boundaries, and sometimes be each other's bastards, and so on." More than now.

Much more than now.

“You will be much more beautiful and happier.”


“Until that day comes, I will not be the head of this family.”

The blood horse opened dry lips.

“Yes, my lord.”

“I entrust the military affairs of the family to the blood horse.

Your position is Lieutenant of the Armed Forces (武士副官).

I will appoint another person to the position of commander-in-chief soon, so please assist the commander as a lieutenant.”

"Yes! Lord!”

I turned my head.




When Uburka got up from the main hall and stepped on it, the courtyard vibrated lightly.

Up to this point, Uburka had managed to control the weight of her body by capturing the aurors.

Now, when I was called, Uburka released all the momentum it had hidden.

“Did you call? Abby.”

There was the sound of terrified breathing from all over the place.

members of the magician.

Those who have now become warriors of my family have measured the status of Uburqa.

Uburka is a monster.

A man who had undergone a metamorphosis when he was young and became a half-loather in old age.

The strongest warrior in the history of the designated tribe.

If time goes by and skill is given, you may get a glimpse of the level that Master once walked.

The warriors of my family noticed this and were nervous.

While all the samurai were nervous, I smiled.

“You are my son.”


hit." “These days, my brain has turned into a bummer, so everyone I meet shows signs of falling in love and trying to confess… … ." "You seem to have forgotten my constellation name, Abby.

Do you want to be hit by a bully?" [The constellation 'muscular pig dreaming of chaos' threatens you.] Ahaha, I laughed a little more.

I'm not married to the best person in the world.

From a cost-effectiveness perspective, I'm already the king of love.

I always want to consult with Abby." "Abby's case is very special and terribly special, so I don't think it'll be of any help at all...


If there's anything to say, I'll tell you.


You are my eldest son.”

I nodded, "He's a stronger warrior than anyone I know." "......." Uburka looked down at me, "How many times have I tried and lost to Abby?" "I've lost hundreds of times to get one win against Esdel.

The number of defeats is just a decoration that makes a win better." “Can I even beat Abby someday?”

"I believe in your talent, in your hard work, in your will.

You are the most perfect warrior in the world." “……”

“Become the commander of my family.”

I put my palm on the back of Uburka's large hand: "When we must fight, lead us with me at the forefront.

You have learned the Demon Heavenly Gods.

You have not only learned, but also penetrated.

You are second only to me.

Now that you have reached the extreme, the warriors of the family will gladly obey your orders.”

The samurai's breathing became a little quieter, probably due to less fear and increased anticipation.魔天陳法) was created.

learn You will learn well.

Learn and teach the warriors.

I will teach you well.”

"......." "My undeserved son.


turn up.

Uburka raised her other hand and covered the back of my hand.

Even though he was a giant, his son, who looked still young, nodded.

“I will become my father’s warrior.”

And I swore.

“Dare to come here.

I will not forgive those who try to destroy our family.

I will protect my father and those who are dear to him, and I will try my best to make them valuable to me as well.

As long as my father loves me, I will love the world too.”

I smiled.

Thank you.

Just like I was born an orphan and you were born with albinism, but now I have people I love around me, and I don't know why you hate the sun now.

In the distant future, we will become something a little different.

I will prove something to this world.

"......." And I remembered the name of the white demon that I had not yet summoned.

The person's scent, hair, and eyes.

I remembered the hint of someone wandering in the person's scent, the traces of scars hidden between the grains of hair, and the past buried in the pale blue and expressionless eyes.

“Come out.”

I called it that came to mind.

[Activate the skill.] The shadow roared.

From there, a boiling hand reached out, and soon hair, face, and body came out.

The white swan took a small breath.


As I imagined, it had a scent, hair, and eyes.

A distant ancestor of Raviel, he resembled Raviel, and it was very easy to think of someone who resembled Raviel.

“Did you call?”

I nodded.

and called the person's name.

"Kim Yul." You too will mean a little more to me.239.

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