The family of the four kings.

(3) 4.

Kim Yul (金律).

I faced the man with that echo.

'You look good.' The man had long hair.

As the night wind swayed, her silver hair danced softly as if it had no weight.

If you cut off that tiny root hanging from your scalp, your hair will go somewhere right away...

… It seemed to flow into an unknown desert.


Her silver hair seemed to yearn for a certain sandy desert.

The place you left, the place you can leave at any time, the place you will leave.

A longing for the sandy desert roamed gently on every innumerable hair.


Kim Yul.”

“I have been called.

By the way, is this the magic scene? Even if I rushed in my prime, there are so many powerful forces that I can’t decide whether to win.”

Clumsy blue eyes peered into the courtyard of the mansion.

They were elite members of the Magic Kingdom, and now the samurai of our family, the hyeolgwidae (血鬼隊), met Kim Yul's gaze with a vicious force.

“---It’s a lot of power.”

The cafe part-timer, who once reigned as the absolute strongest on the top 50, evaluated with a sincere face.

In fact, Kim Yul always had a face of sincerity.

“If it’s a significant amount of power, how much?”

“Even if you go up to the 50th floor like this, idiots wouldn’t dare approach you.

Even the witches who live with their webs in the magic tower will have to fight with you to find out who the owner of the 50th floor is.”

"There." I tapped Uburka's arm.

“What if this child is added?”

"......." Kim Yul looked at Uburka's whole body with careful eyes.

From the lumpy chest muscles to the thighs that turned into eggs because they couldn't be embedded.

Kim Yul raised his eyebrows slightly as Uburka's airway was pounding the muscles connected to it.


Are you a monster?”

Kim Yul was expressionless.

But it was read in my eyes that he was truly admiring.

When it comes to reading Kim Yul's expressionless expression, there is no one in authority like the head of the library or myself.

“It is the epitome of heaven and earth.

There are warriors who, at most, can cut people apart even if they spread a sword once, and this is called 人武.

There is a great warrior who widens the land of a country by swinging his sword once, and this is called jimu.

However, Tianmu is a different dimension.

Once he swings his sword and cuts through the sky, it doesn't matter how many people die or how many countries live under the blade.

that's awesome With just the power gathered in this mansion, it can already invade and destroy most of the constellation floors...

… ." "My son." "......." Kim Yul kept her mouth shut for the first time since summoning.

The blue eyes are faint, but there is a hint of confusion and confusion.

I'm the one who can confuse Kim Yul.

If so…?”

Kim Yul turned his head to look at Uburka's size, then mine, and finally looked at Raviel.

He had the most complicated equations unfolding in his head.

To his surprise, there were white sweat beads on Kim Yul's forehead.

?...It's impossible.

It's physically impossible, and it seems racially impossible.

Curse of the Tower? Is it the effect of skills? No, but the growth rate is..." “They are adoptive sons.”

“Do you want to die, my lord?”

Suddenly, Kim Yul's hand gripped my neck tightly.

It was a white demon who had lost all the strength of his heyday, so it didn't hurt at all, but the blue eyes staring at me were a bit scary.

“Ah, your emotional expressions have become quite diverse.

His face is still expressionless, but when he sees Uburka, he admires him, he sees me and shows stupid things… … ." "I am a human too.

I can't help it." Kim Yul relaxed my neck and sighed, "I have lost the skill to gain strength by sacrificing memory.

In this notebook, which contains the things I threw away, only my half-life is written." Kim Yul took the notebook out of his arms and looked down.

His eyes filled with many emotions scanned the old leather of the notebook.

"I have already thrown away everything I have to throw away, and it is impossible to throw away any more, so I have only to get something in the future.


Just as you promised me.

I mean, I live life.”

“Things that I didn’t feel before, and things that I felt would have been thrown away quickly are slowly sinking and accumulating in my heart now.

You will be able to love.”

Kim Yul looked at me and said, "If you hadn't brought the class leader and reunited them, I would still be just a machine that doesn't hold anything in my heart.

Four kings.

It's all thanks to you." I smiled and said, "That's great.

Kim Yul is a wonderful person.

By the way, aren't you sorry?" Kim Yul tilted her head, "I'm sorry? What do you mean, King." "Kim Yul has a precious person.

Kim Yul's class leader.

Although he is a little uncertain, he likes Mr.

Kim Yul.

Even if the skill to throw away memories returns, now he can't throw it away without hesitation, right?" "......." Kim Yul thoughtlessly thought, "Yes." After a while he nodded, "I can't throw them away." "......." "There are people who have lived their entire lives for my death.

There are people who are fascinated by my life and love me.

The luxury that a human being can enjoy from birth to death, is to enjoy them all.

I can't miss this luck." Kim Yul looked up at the night sky.

Then he slowly looked back at my face, "I'm happy now, my lord." “……”

“You made me happy.”

There was not only embarrassment, surprise, and gratitude… in Kim Yul’s eyes, but a lot of emotions were shaken in those eyes like the deep blue sea.

“Is that your wish?”

There was even an unknown concern mixed in.

"Are you going to make everyone you meet happy? I'm telling myself, it's never easy to make me like this." “Oh, it was really difficult.”

"I lost my memory.

You created [Trauma World] to bring back the fragments of lost memories.

I was unhappy.

You brought the class leader to prove that I wasn't just unhappy.'s not worth the price." It is difficult to even apply ointment to the wounds of the people, the king, what are you dreaming of?”

I laughed and scratched my head, haha, “That looks good.”

"What?" “It’s great to see you smiling.”

"......." When we become unhappy, there are gods who take on the misfortune instead.

It's difficult.

If you're already born, it's best to achieve everything you want and smile enough to smile.

It's difficult but worthwhile, I say I think, “Mr.

Kim Yul.”

“Tell me.”

“You now have things to protect.”

The head teacher, the hamustra, and even the cafe planetarium that I quite liked.

“But you don’t have the strength to protect them.”

"......." "Now, you can peacefully enjoy the smell of bookshelves and the scent of coffee in the cafe built in the great library.

Hunters can't even go up there and play chess.

I ensured safety, Black Dragon.

, Manshinjeon, Cheonmumun, Sangryun, and Jagyeongdan jointly invested in.

But, in other words, Kim Yul’s happiness now depends entirely on other people.”

I grabbed Kim Yul's shoulder.

There was a time when I couldn't even reach this body and had to sacrifice my life.

But now it's so easy that she couldn't run away from me or shake my hand." ." Kim Yul himself knew it.

So there was a wave in his beautiful eyes.

I smiled and looked into the wave.

"Aren't you afraid?" "......." "You are weak to the director.

You're old.

If a crazy hunter decides to attack you, he'll get revenge in the most brutal way possible later on, but nevertheless, you'll be helpless by the manager.

no." Ripples trembled from my hand on Kim Yul's shoulder: "Hamustra is no longer a constellation.

It's just, a weak kid.

A kid who likes to read.

He's lost his power.

If some madman rushes at him, of course, die.”

"……what." Kim Yul opened her lips, "What do you want? Me." “If you ask me to protect you, I will protect you.”

I said, "Among the samurai of my subordinates, those who are smart and quick-witted, I will infiltrate the library and order them to guard their posture 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day.

I have the ability to turn the day back.”


“You can leave everything to me.”

Even if that's okay, I won't blame you.

For the sins you've committed, I just have to take you with me and save it, but...

"If you don't want to." If I had to choose something other than comfort and comfort: “I will give my life back to Mr.

Kim Yul.”

Slowly, Kim Yul looked into my eyes, “Life…?”

"I'm a little stronger than before.

The abilities you had to give up when you became a White Demon.


I can give them all back." Kim Yul paused.

He looked around at the samurai whose eyes were shining throughout the courtyard.

Not so long ago, they were just as helpless as Kim Yul.

They had the knowledge of fighting and great tenacity, but they were unable to use their inner strength, Couldn't open it.

"...really." At last, Kim Yul’s gaze reached Esdel.

What she felt in the silent new model of Esdel is the power of the constellation that destroyed the Aikim Empire in the past alone.

I realized the true meaning of the words: “You are getting stronger every day.”

“Well, the world wouldn’t let me be weak.”

“…the definition of [strong] will vary from person to person.

However, if the caretaker of a family saves time and swings a pickaxe every day, if he swings his arms incessantly for a second and a minute, he is strong enough.

Not wasting time.

Buying time.

That would be the measure of strength.”

Kim Yul looked at me and said, "You always buy time.

Even though you can turn it back, you can turn it back for a day or a year, so the value of time to you more than anyone else is insignificant, but you live each day as if you could never turn it back." I said," Kim Yul muttered expressionlessly, "That's why I think you're strong." And then, Kim Yul said, “I want to be strong like you too.”

"......." "I will try.

Four kings." I was silent for a moment, 'Everyone is trying.' I wanted to spend a little time savoring that fact.


The child who was a doppelganger one day wanted to become a human.

That is Esdel's wish.

So she will try to become a human being, so that she can become a woman with me.


One day, the immature noble girl wanted to have Raviel.

That is Sylvia's desire.

So she will try to have Raviel, and she will try to fulfill the conditions Raviel has set.

Kim Yul.

By throwing away memories someday The man who has grown strong, now, there are things that cannot be thrown away.

I don't want to throw it away again.

That is the wish that Kim Yul has.

So he will try not to give up on himself.

Others said, 'Yeah, okay.' Since everyone has something, it will definitely work, 'if only a small chance helps.' And to them, I can be an opportunity: "I will give you a body, Mr.

Kim Yul." To give someone an opportunity, I became stronger [The phalanx dragon's box is activated.] [The phalanx dragon's box is complete.] Just like Esdel, Sama-gun, church members, and Sylvia Evanail, Kim Yul's existence is also It became a black marble and dyed my heart.

Feeling a sad existence because it was not white, I let out my breath.

My breath was blackened as much as my heart, and when it came out of my lips, it sank to the ground like a thick fog.

A single body took shape.

"......." Sulcheonseong (殺天星).

The man, who came back from the demon and returned as a human, slowly stretched out his right hand and grabbed it.


Then he murmured, "I really liked the passages in the book I read today.

It was beautiful." Kim Yul looked up at the night sky, "But, much more beautiful things await me than that." In a moment, the sulcheonseong waved his hand, and the aurora that extended from there cut the air of the night apart and cut the clouds covered with moonlight by splitting them apart.

With the full moon in between, the dark clouds silently scattered in both directions.

Scattered clouds.

A white moon seeped in.

Kim Yul looked up at the moonlight pouring down on himself, and said, "I can't remember that phrase anymore." "......." "Four King.

What can I call you?" I approached Kim Yul, "Call me to go." "House owner." "Yes, we're going to be each other's family someday.

But I'm wary of the haste to tell you about it in the first place, because we don't know much about each other yet, and we're not very familiar with each other." “……”

“We can definitely get closer.”

I pulled something out of my arms.

It's been a week since I broke up with God.

In the meantime, I've been walking around the city and preparing things.

I found a stationery while passing an old road.

Elementary school student who skips school and bangs an entertainment device in front of the stationery Passed by, went into the store, and found this.

"It's not very expensive." Whoops.

I untied the yellow rubber band that was tying Salcheonseong's back hair.

The rubber band was very tough, and the silver hair of Salcheonseong was tightly tied.

“It’s a gift I give as I picture the day that will come one day.”

after a while.


It’s my first time tying it up, so this doesn’t work.”

"......." "Ah.

I think it's been a while...

okay? Anyway, I guess this is ok.”

Salcheonseong's ponytail was tied with an ordinary braid.

I took a yellow rubber band and said, "You won't need this anymore." It was simply burned with an auror.

"......." Perhaps a long time ago.

hundreds of years ago.

Lephanta Ai Kim must have thought while throwing away 'Kim Yul's memory'.

[Even if we erase our memories, let's not forget that I was abandoned by the world].

Students at Shinseo High School wore yellow rubber bands to bully Kim Yul.

It hurts when you tie your hair up with a rubber band.

It is a simple yet effective form of bullying.

Anyone could see Kim Yul wearing a rubber band, so everyone knew that Kim Yul was poor, and anyone could see that Kim Yul was being bullied.

It was a stigma.

Lephanta Ai-Kim did not hesitate to throw away Kim Yul's memories.

I don't have any good memories anyway.

If I could just throw it away, I want to throw it away with gratitude.

But the evidence.

He wanted to leave only the evidence that the world had abandoned him.

He wanted to prove who he was, how he was born and what brand his life was.

Only then can you curse the world to your heart's content.

"......." The evidence of the past, which bound the Sulcheonseong for a long time, was burned down here and now.

With an expressionless face, in a way, with a blank face, Kim Yul raised her right hand and traced the back of her head.

Kim Yul's finger was touching a 100-won headband sold at any stationery store.

“I will be the representative of our family.”



Kim Yul, please become the family head.

Be the shadow of the family, explore the dynamics of enemies and obtain their information.

Please collect them.”

“Are you an espionage agent?”

"Yes." I pointed to the warriors hiding under the wall.

“Among the Sima-kun, there is a man named Ghost Demon (鬼魂炎魔).

He is a member of the magician in charge of intelligence, and his commander-in-chief (慰證隊) is a special intelligence force that seizes the strong man.


Kim Yool.

Lead them.”

“… … Is this the right position for me?”

“You are good at recording and analyzing information.”

I tapped the notebook that Kim Yul was holding in her left hand.

The old notebook trembled.

“Now, do not write in your notebook who you are going to kill, who killed you, or what you should throw away.”


“Please write only for us all, for the sake of the family.

That notebook will become our family's diary.


Kim Yool.

Prove us with your pen and your writing.”


“Then I will be very happy.”

Kim Yul was silent.

Time passed before the split clouds scattered and disappeared.

Under the faint moonlight, Kim Yul-eun knelt down on the dry ground in the yard of a hanok where she was just enduring time because she missed the time to die, in a corner of her hometown where she was born and died.

"I know." bowing his head towards me.

“I will put my life on your dreams.”

And Kim Yul made an oath.

“My housekeeper.”


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