Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 108 Off-the-board tricks

Sean couldn't help being taken aback by the other party's reply.

The assassin said again: "However, if you die, this spaceship is useless, so as a perverted murderer, it is very reasonable for me to kill everyone on the ship to relieve boredom, right? I really want to thank the old captain for his thoughtfulness, knowing that I was coming, he deliberately brought all his subordinates and even his own family on board, as a perverted killer, there is nothing more gratifying than this!"

Sean's breathing rhythm was disrupted again.

Although he has repeatedly learned how despicable and shameless his opponent is, and has repeatedly told himself to remain calm no matter what... Xiao En also has to admit that that assassin is really good at manipulating people's hearts, especially at provoking people's anger. Whenever his laughter sounded, Sean felt his heartbeat become unstable.

And the opponent once again hit his vital point. It is impossible for Sean to sit back and watch the other party kill innocent people indiscriminately... Even if the people on the boat may not be so innocent.

Although so far, the assassin who claimed to be a perverted killer hadn't killed any innocent crew members at all, but Sean would never bet on whether the other party was just playing tricks.

"So, little apprentice with poor skills, it's still too late to lie back in the box obediently. The treatment promised to you before is still valid. In the space city [Li], you will live in the senior cadre room and enjoy absolutely preferential treatment. And wait for all After everything has been dealt with, the group will respectfully send the noble master and apprentice back to Coruscant. As for the death of Nan Heli, it will never hinder the status of the Qiankun Group in the Republic, and the order and peace of the Qiankun galaxy will last forever. ...Hey, are you listening?"

Of course Sean was listening. Unlike the previous attitude of ignoring them completely, now he pays more attention to the opponent's trash talk.

Because he found that blindly ignoring had no effect, the assassin was just as good at provoking the opponent's emotions as he claimed, and forcing his composure was just right in his arms... Moreover, this evasive ignorance actually made Sean miss the opportunity to learn more about the situation. opponent's chance.

So after deliberating for a moment, he tried to talk instead: "How high-end is the so-called senior cadre room?"

"Hahaha, of course it is advanced enough. There are at least eighteen senior security fighters outside the door to monitor around the clock, and two small captain-level elites in the room to accompany you day and night. In the Tianxuan District where you are, there will be at least one big captain leading a long-term garrison. , do you mean high-level or not high-level?"

Xiao En silently wrote down the name of Tianxuan District, and began to recall the information in his mind.

As the confidential area of ​​[Li], Tianxuan District, its core Tianxuan Yudong can be said to be famous, and the headquarters of many giant companies are stationed in it, and its status is even no less important than that of [Buzhou].

Such a highly confidential place will naturally be guarded by heavy troops, especially not long ago when the Hongxing team broke through, the security of Tianxuan District is probably the highest among all the districts in [Li].

From this point of view, it is appropriate to place Xiao En under house arrest in Tianxuan District. For Xiao En, this result is actually not too bad. After all, he had only dealt with the person in charge, Mr. Zhang before.

For a moment, the Jedi apprentice had many thoughts in his mind, but the next moment he swept away all the thoughts.

After all, none of what the other party said was true and credible, so there was no point in thinking about how to deal with Mr. Zhang here. What I need is not the information provided by the other party, but the dialogue itself.

So he asked again: "Why didn't you come to watch it yourself? Qiankun Security couldn't afford the wages?"

"Hahaha, it seems that you still remember what I said about the temporary worker. It's really rare. That's right, I have to get an extra bounty every time I go on a mission, and I'm required to stay by your side every day, a nobody. I'm afraid the bureau won't be able to afford the money."

Xiao En's heart moved: "So your status is actually far higher than that of the captain. This time, you didn't come here specially for me. You had other missions in the deserted area, and then you just met me at the right time. Then What did you do in the deserted area? Did you dare to come here while Li Yu was away?"

The assassin smiled even more happily: "Are you playing a reasoning game? Talking so much nonsense, do you want to delay time? I don't care, every minute and every second of your delay, the spaceship is sailing to the beautiful space The city. And the free-spirited perverted murderer is nothing but..."

The assassin's laughter finally stopped abruptly, because he suddenly heard a palpitating buzzing sound, followed by the sharp sound of metal being pierced and melted, and flames bursting out.

The assassin immediately realized what Sean was doing in the cargo hold: he was using a Jedi weapon.

"Boy, you are really... smarter than I expected."

Sean replied bluntly, "Thank you."

While speaking, Sean slowly moved his arm, dragging the lightsaber that had sunk into the floor to the side little by little, and the melting track under his feet was dragged longer.

The reason why Sean wanted to engage in a boring verbal war with the assassin was indeed to buy time - to cut the cargo floor for him and reach the pipeline area below to delay enough time.

According to Xiao En's understanding of this "Giant Camel" type cargo ship, there is a channel under the cargo hold that accommodates multiple energy pipelines, which can be called the key point of the spacecraft. Once it is damaged, the energy supply of the entire spacecraft will be reduced. Half paralyzed.

It should be said that this is an improper design of this type of cargo ship in order to save space and beautify the appearance. Concentrating too many pipelines in one place will naturally pose a safety hazard. Fortunately, the designer has designed a thick enough metal wall for the pipeline channel, which makes [Giant Camel] the favorite of many folk freighters.

But now, the thick metal barrier quickly melted and disintegrated under the cutting of the lightsaber blade, and the pipelines protected by it also snapped after a burst of crackling.

As a matter of course, a piercing alarm bell sounded in the entire cargo ship.

Xiao En listened to the ringing of the bell in his ear, looked at the dazzling red warning lights all around, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It seems that he has been experiencing this kind of thing all the time recently, on the Silver, the underground base of the Red Apricot Squad, and this cargo ship ... The piercing alarm sound seemed to be his own background music.

However, he has no choice.

Destroying the energy supply pipeline of the spaceship was the only way he could come up with after regaining his composure and careful calculation.

The young Jedi apprentice knew very well that he had no way to defeat his opponent in a dignified manner in this environment... Although he was superior to that assassin in terms of both fighting ability and shooting skills, the opponent did not give him a dignified chance to compete. So the advantage in strength is meaningless.

However, the opponent's endless despicable tricks also gave Xiao En a great inspiration.

If you can ignore the difference in strength and do whatever you want as long as you grasp the vital points that the opponent is worried about, then why should I foolishly wait for others to grasp my vital points instead of grabbing them back?

Sean threatened the other party with suicide, trying to take advantage of this principle. It's a pity that this assassin was even crazier than Xia Yan, the security chief at the time, and he didn't care about Xiao En's life at all, which made Xiao En's threat ineffective.

Therefore, there was only one thing that Xiao En could hold on to: the assassin's own life.

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