Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 109 The Price of Innocence

As the sirens in the cargo ship became more and more horrific, the sailing state of the spaceship quickly became unstable, and the hull swayed from side to side for a while, as if the earth was shaking.

Sean stood firmly on the spot, as if magnets were attached to the floor on the soles of his feet... At the same time, he also clearly felt that the assassin was standing outside the cargo door, also motionless.

But Sean knew very well that at this time he finally took the initiative. The assassin outside the door could no longer laugh freely.

In the sound of the alarm, Xiao En said calmly: "Although the [Giant Camel] model is high quality and cheap, and easy to repair, it is very difficult to repair it when it encounters such serious damage, especially after the pipeline breaks. All parts of the ship will be affected. The entire ship must be mobilized and repaired with all efforts to allow the spacecraft to continue sailing."

Outside the cargo hold, the assassin didn't say a word.

At this time, panicked crew members rushed to the scene, and they were surprised when they approached the door: "Sun Xi, why are you here?"

Sean's heart moved. It seemed that the unremarkable assassin had boarded the ship openly... That's right, since the captain was under his control, it would be easy to arrange a fake identity for him.

It's a pity that Xiao En didn't have this kind of treatment. He boarded the ship secretly. Except for the captain and the assassin named Sun Xi, no one knew about him. If it was exposed at this time...

"Wait, you, who are you?"

While speaking, the crew member who was the fastest to go, had already passed "Sun Xi" and walked into the cargo hold with the maintenance toolbox in hand. He saw Xiao En standing by the hole, and was stunned for a moment.

Sean smiled: "A stowaway is nothing to worry about. You should get busy with your business as soon as possible. If the leak in the pipeline is not repaired, the engine may suffer permanent damage. Even if we are lucky, we can only be like space junk Floating in the universe, waiting for a rescue ship that will arrive at an unknown time, if you are unlucky..."

Before Sean could finish his sentence, the crew member hurried over carrying the box.

For the crew of this cargo ship, repairing the cargo ship is of course more important than a mere stowaway. Although broken pipelines are not a fatal problem, they can be fatal if not handled properly.

Sean glanced at the man, saw that he was dressed as a mechanic, and the tools and facilities in the box were relatively complete, so he was a little relieved.

[Giant Camel] As a common cargo ship in the private sector, it is not difficult to repair faults. Even if the core pipeline is damaged, as long as it is an experienced mechanic, it can be quickly dealt with properly.

After all, Xiao En didn't really want to cause the ship to crash, but he just wanted to use a crisis to tie the hands and feet of the assassin. When the crisis hits, everyone on the ship must be busy to repair the malfunction. At this time, if the assassin dared to make trouble, he would take his own life to be buried with everyone.

Sean speculated that the assassin did not have such a sense of sacrifice.

As expected, as the crew members who came to make emergency repairs continued to enter the cargo hold, the assassin never moved. He just stood in front of the door and greeted the passing crew members one after another.

He has a very authentic Xia Jing accent, and the words he speaks are always able to properly resolve the doubts of others. So it was extremely unacceptable for him to stand in front of the cargo door, but the passers-by seemed to understand it.

This made Sean in the cargo hold look even more abrupt.

Sean himself didn't take it seriously, since he had caused this commotion, he didn't expect to be good—in fact, he couldn't be good if he jumped into this trap.

What to do now is to try to tie the hands and feet of that perverted murderer, and then wait for the opportunity to subdue him. As long as this assassin can be controlled, Xiao En is confident that he can persuade the other people on board to drive the spaceship back to the deserted area—of course it can only be returned to the deserted area. Well, it's tantamount to death.

Only the deserted area, or only Li Yu's Silver Knights and Red Apricot Squad can become a safe haven.

Thinking of this, Sean almost wanted to laugh out loud—laughing at his own absurdity and stupidity.

After watching the TV program, he fled recklessly, but he fell into the trap before he even left the deserted area. If he hadn't been lucky enough to listen to those crew members who were secretly smoking cigarettes just now, he might really fly all the way to the space city in ignorance and become a prisoner!

And even though he is trying his best to control the situation now, the only way out is to return to the deserted area... Thinking of the possible reaction of Li Yu and others when they saw him return in disgrace, Xiao En wanted to laugh even more—except Laugh, what else can I do?

The most, the most, is to capture this elite assassin who ranks far above the captain, and give it to Li Yu and others as a trophy, to see if they can redeem their sins... No, it is not enough to redeem their merits, but also Find a way to get Li Yu and others to send him to Xia Jing.

In the final analysis, Sean still wanted to see the master.

It has been a long time since we separated, and it is becoming more and more difficult for the young apprentice to restrain his longing.

However, as soon as Xiao En thought about it, he felt a numbness in his waist, and then a strong impact spread along his waist to his whole body instantly.

Lowering his head subconsciously, Sean only saw that the mechanic who was supposed to be busy with repairs was holding a high-voltage stun gun tightly, pouring all the electric arc from the muzzle into Sean's body. And on the face of that simple and honest crew member, there is clearly a sinister smile blooming!

At this moment, all the thoughts in Sean's mind were shattered by the strong impact. He couldn't even maintain rational thinking, and just watched all this happen without reacting.

Just as Xiao En's consciousness gradually dimmed, the voice of "Sun Xi" came from outside the door again.

"What are you guys doing? You are so limp, are you serving your wife? Give me two more high-voltage electric shocks, and treat that kid as a disobedient Bansa!"

As soon as the words fell, two more intense electric shocks struck from the chest and back one after another.

But there were two more mechanic crew members rushing over with stun guns as if grabbing credit.

After being hit by three high-voltage stun guns one after another, Xiao En couldn't hold it no matter how strong he was, but before he passed out, he heard the voice of "Sun Xi" again.

"You child is really cute. Knowing that this spaceship is a pre-arranged trap, how can you naively think that anyone on this ship is absolutely innocent?"

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