Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 276: God's tomb

The hand of time, also known as the right hand of the god, is crystal clear, like the jade hand of a woman with a clock of heaven and earth, surrounded by traces of time, as if it came through time and space, shocking the ages.

Everyone stopped their movements and looked at the old magic stick and the interstellar giant.

The strength of the old **** stick has dropped countless times, unable to use the real hand of time, this hand of **** only contains a trace of charm.

However, even if there was only a trace of charm, the star warrior on the side was trembling involuntarily.

Only with existence like the Interstellar Giant, whose strength reached the cave level, could it barely be imprisoned and deprived of that trace of charm.

"War! What can you do with me?" The former Tianjiao of Taksin roared, the power of the law of the mecha was working at full force, and the dragons and ancient beasts that were thousands of meters long appeared. There are even ancient ancestors thousands of meters high, with animal skins on their waists and wooden sticks in their hands.

However, in the face of this giant hand, the Tucker star giant has no bottom in his heart.

"Fight, the third rule is out!" This is a rare opportunity. I planned for too long, but I didn't expect a series of changes, but I haven't completely lost yet. There is still hope. Therefore, the Tuck Star Giant intends to expose his full strength. , Withstand the old **** stick.

As long as you resist the old **** stick, you can wipe out Qin Lin and others, and conquer the starry sky female insect.

There is no doubt that the power of the star worm is related to the recovery of the Tucker giant's injury.

She fell into the earth and started the genetic age of the earth, but her breath had no effect on the giant Taco. Mainly because of her arrival, the existence of the earth's interior was awakened.

Fluctuations coming from the ground. It is good for the aboriginal people on the earth and foreign creatures, but it is more helpful to the aboriginal people.

As a result, the Tuck Star Giant began to recover quickly after the arrival of the Star Sky Mother Worm.

"It's not as good as a fine technique to perform mixed secret techniques together." Seeing the interstellar giant cast many secret techniques. The old **** stick shook his head and took a picture of the hand of time strangely.

Suddenly, all the alien beasts and ancestors formed by the power of all the laws of the interstellar giant were all annihilated and destroyed. Then, the giant hand fiercely slapped the interstellar giant.

The power of the laws of the interstellar giant is dim. Half of his body fell into the sea, his feet stepped on the bottom of the sea, and he did not escape from the injury again like last time.

The old **** stick frowned slightly, the hand of time suddenly enlarged, and grabbed the interstellar giant.

"Old thief, I killed a clone of you. This clone, I can't kill it!" Tucker giant yelled, and the body of the interstellar giant shook suddenly and continued to grow larger, trying to break away from the giant hand of the old **** stick .

Qin Lin was surprised, the old **** stick has a clone? One was destroyed by the Interstellar Giant, why didn't he know?

This matter. He hadn't heard the old **** stick say it.

"Haha, I don’t know how the old thief deceived Qin Lin and the others, but I know that you or the people behind you have planned countless years and didn’t take life on earth seriously and destroyed batch after batch, even Exiled. Yes, Taco is not the mother planet of life on Earth, but it is true that there have been footprints of the Taco family on Earth. Here are the blood of our Taco giants. You are old and immortal. Take the earth and even the moon. The life of Yinghuoxing was kept as a livestock, just to carry on a so-called big secret. You are the most evil and most inhuman." Tuckstar giant roared like thunder, these words stunned Qin Linhe. Red shadow and thinking.

The Giant Tucker is setting off smoke bombs. Or...this is the fact?

Earth, what is going on?

Qin Lin was sluggish, his mind was filled with mud, and he couldn't tell right from wrong.

A trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of the old **** stick, and then he returned to normal, and said coldly: "To confuse people, you are using this trick to ruin all the lives of the giant family members. What is it for you? Also, the old **** has nothing. The clone is born with the mission to protect the earth's veins."

The Interstellar Giant seems to be crazy, the fuselage is desperately expanding, trying to break the giant hand, the boy's voice continues to come out, with a sneer: "Do you remember the clone on the moon? I remember it clearly. Who took advantage of me to kill the old man on the moon, before I recovered much, took the opportunity to confuse me, and then knocked me and the trophies off the earth?"

Qin Lin woke up from the sluggishness and stared at the old **** stick in a daze.

What the Giant Tucker said didn't seem to be fake.

No matter how perfect the actor's acting is, he can't escape Qin Lin's current ability to discern the sixth sense.

The Tucker giant doesn't seem to be acting, he doesn't need to do this. If he wants to provoke the old cudgel, what's the use of saying these, it's better to say something else.

He seemed to be venting the resentment in his heart, vomiting quickly.

Chi Ying and Si Ruo have also been promoted, and are at a loss. The old **** stick is training them. Whether the purpose is not simple, they are also confused.

Qin Lin had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know what it was like, and his spirit was about to split again.

What is going on here? Could it be that he, Chi Ying, Si Ruo, and all the creatures on the earth are just chess pieces?

The Interstellar Giant persevered, struggling to break free from the giant hand of the old **** stick. He believes that sooner or later the combat power of the old **** stick will be exhausted.

While trying to urge the power of the law, the giant Tucker turned his head and said to Qin Lin in the distance: "Qin Lin, do you remember Starbaby?"

Qin Lin was startled and looked at the Interstellar Giant.

The Tuck Star Giant continued: "Starbucks is my intelligent assistant. When you entered the Star Giant, I was always there, but I didn't show up for fear of frightening you."

After thinking about it, Qin Lin nodded silently, indeed.

"Unfortunately, you fell into the trap of this old thief later. Even Gilgit was also abducted and clashed with my intelligent assistant. My intelligent assistant probably also got some information. I will tell you the secrets of the solar system."

Qin Lin was surprised.

"This is a secret I accidentally learned more than a thousand years ago. For this secret, I drove my interstellar giant nine times to death, sometimes opening wormholes, and sometimes cautiously crossing the universe. It took decades to arrive. Solar system." said the giant Tucker, with regret in his voice, as if he was regretting his trip.

"Sure enough, there are secrets of the gods hidden here. You should be able to feel the existence of the inner earth now. That is the breath of God. I have seen God and felt the breath of God. Haha, fallen God, Unexpectedly, I was standing on the tomb where at least one **** was buried... The **** died and transformed into Tao. Obviously, this **** was either undead or designed to be killed by a certain **** and could not be transformed into Tao. God must not desecrate. …Never heard that there is a corpse of a **** in the tomb of a god. Qin Lin, are you afraid? If this is a self-burial tomb of a god, we are probably a body prepared for the god’s resurrection; if the **** is designed to kill Yes, we may be the food prepared by the gods who kill the gods, and take our good fortune at any time..."

Qin Lin stood blankly, not knowing what to do anymore, the situation became more and more complicated.

"Enough!" At this time, the old **** stick finally spoke with a calm face, but he was indeed listening carefully just now, as if he also wanted to hear the secret: "Everything is just your guess, there is a **** here. It's a secret, but it's not what you said. No matter how you confuse the crowd, you can't change the facts."

Hearing this, Qin Lin was shocked in his heart, thinking of the second world.

People in the second world, like people on earth, think that their past has truly existed.

But the fact is that people in the second world are just "copies", not only the body is copied, but also the memory is copied.

It's just that their copied memories are not all prototype memories.

But that also shocked Qin Lin.

Even the past memories of the prototype characters can be copied by the second world and planted in the mind of "replicas".

God is so powerful that it is incredible.

Come back and think about it, is the memory of the old **** stick also implanted?

Thinking of this, Qin Lin was in a cold sweat, what kind of situation was this, so complicated.

"Qin Lin, fight hard, there are already planets in the solar system that have been reduced to exile. When the outer space is stable, rush out with me. This is a perfect opportunity. Stay here, the longer the time, the harder the fate will be. Take control." The giant Tucker's shout came from the interstellar giant.

.(To be continued...)

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