Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 277: Female giant Xu Hui

Hearing the words of the giant Tuckstar, Qin Lin was indifferent, his eyes flickering, and it was impossible for him to turn his head against the old **** with a few words from the other party.

At least, he is a life on earth, born on this blue planet and growing on this fertile land.

And the old **** stick, from beginning to end, did not pose a threat to life on earth.

But the Taks, who cultivated a giant family, watched the giant family shattered, and all died indifferent.

This alone would not give him a good impression of the Tacos.

Even if the solar system is a game of a certain might, he is just a small **** in the game, and he can't make a shot at the old **** stick, and he will die faster.

What's more, the true or false has not yet been determined.

"Are you only provoking discord? Two of Qin Lin's classmates disappeared and you kidnapped them. Why didn't you dare to tell Qin Lin?" The old **** stick held his hands on his back, staring coldly at the interstellar giant, and the hand of time was still urging , Holding the Interstellar Giant tightly.

"My classmate?" Qin Lin was taken aback, he didn't know who the old **** stick was talking about.

Seeing Qin Lin's confused eyes, the old **** stick shook his head. Since Qin Lin turned into a giant, he rarely cared about his former classmates.

This is not to blame him, people of different worlds, there is any intersection.

"Qin Lin, do you remember Xu Hui?" the old **** stick asked.

"Xu Hui?" Qin Lin's expression changed, his eyes were cold, and he stared at the Interstellar Giant: "What have you done to her? Where is she now?"

The Interstellar Giant fought hard, gold, yellow, and purple flowing around the fuselage, the power of the law of gold, the power of the earth, and the power of the wind.

The 100,000-meter interstellar giant. It is gradually getting bigger, one hundred thousand, one hundred twenty thousand, one hundred thirty thousand...

"Qin Lin, I can tell you. Xu Hui is okay, and Huang Feiyong is okay. They are giants that I have personally cultivated. They are now the peak of the imperial rank, so I can only feel the law." While the giant Tuck star stood in a stalemate with the old **** stick Said: "You came back from the Atlantic Ocean. The person who stopped you was Huang Feiyong in the starry sky mecha. Come on, Xu Hui, Huang Feiyong."

As soon as the giant Tucker finished speaking, two star mechas rose from the bottom of the sea and stood in the distance.

"Feiyong. Xu Hui!" Qin Lin looked over. Of the two Star Mechas, one of them was the mecha that blocked him.

No wonder, this mecha didn't kill itself at the beginning, it just blocked itself.

"Qin Lin!"

The masculine starry sky mecha cabin opened, revealing a giant inside.

The giant is eighty meters tall, the peak of physical fitness. It seems that genes have evolved even better than Qin Lin.

This giant is Huang Feiyong.

Qin Lin's expression was joyful, and then changed again. The weather was uncertain, preventing him from coming back to save Chi Wu and others. They turned out to be his high school friends and good classmates.

"Fei Yong, you know the importance of my teammates to me, why do you do this?" The more I think about it, the more Qin Lin feels heartache, a former friend. Become an enemy.

Huang Feiyong looked indifferent, and said, "For the whole mankind, for the earth, I have to do this."

Qin Lin's heart changed as if it had been hit hard. Huang Feiyong changed.

"Did you see the world clearly, did you see everything clearly, so you did it?" For a long time, Qin Lin yelled. He was very angry and sad. Even if he couldn't see clearly, he wouldn't hurt his teammates, comrades, or friends. .

"Qin Lin..." At this time, a crisp voice sounded, and the feminine starry sky mecha cabin opened, and a long-legged giant woman in a tight-fitting battle suit appeared, her beautiful eyes flickering and tears glistening.

Qin Lin looked over, for a long time, couldn't help but scream up to the sky, why, what is this?

In addition to her mother and sister, the first girl to treat herself well, now she is also on the opposite side of her own.

Chi Ying hurriedly approached Qin Lin and gently took his hand.

Seeing the intimacy of Qin Lin and Chi Ying, Xu Hui burst into tears and closed the cabin.

"Qin Lin, the prince didn't brainwash me and Xu Hui. Xu Hui and I have our own judgment. Your old **** is not a good person. He has plans for you." Seeing Xu Hui crying, Huang Feiyong's eyes became more intense. It was cold, but still persuaded Qin Lin to let him recognize the facts.

The prince is the Tucker giant in the interstellar giant.

Qin Lin did not answer, his eyes were fierce, staring at the Interstellar Giant.

There are many warriors in the Three Kingdoms, whether it is Shu, Wei, or Wu, there are generals worthy of admiration for future generations.

There is no good or bad for these fierce generals, but they stand in different camps.

Qin Lin, who is familiar with the Three Kingdoms, was particularly sorry. Some generals he likes are all in different camps.

Sometimes, he wondered how good these mighty generals are in the same camp. Unfortunately, some of the generals he likes have died in the hands of another general that he also likes.

Nowadays, on one side is the first woman thinking of her own, the first girlfriend Chi Wu, and Chi Ying and others; on the other hand, she is the first girl in her life to stir her own ignorant love heartstrings, and the student days before university, My best classmate, Huang Feiyong...

"How many things you have committed against my prohibitions, how can I believe you?" Qin Lin shouted at the interstellar giant with grief and anger.

The voice of the Tuck Star Giant came from the Star Giant: "Qin Lin, I am not trying to persecute you, but I just want you to know that your two classmates have already recognized the situation, and you should also consider it. This old thief... …"

"Enough!" Qin Lin shouted, "If I was stopped by Huang Feiyong and I didn't get promoted to star, I guess my girlfriend and teammates would have died for most of them. Do you think I will join your camp again? Delusion, let’s see what happens to the giant family?"

After Qin Lin was promoted to the star, his divine power could cover thousands of miles, and he also saw the fate of Huang Teng and the giant family through his divine power earlier.

"Qin Lin!" At this time, Huang Feiyong said: "You can't blame the prince for this. Huang Teng is actually my uncle. The star mecha that came down from the moon, and the prince are not the same camp of the iron barrel. They also want to weaken. We have the strength of the Taco star camp, so we didn't choose to save my uncle."

Qin Lin's face was gloomy: "What happened to the Star Giant attacking Chi Wu? Don't tell me, this is just an illusion."

Huang Feiyong did not answer. Prince Tuckstar replied: "Qin Lin, if I tell you that part of it is false, do you believe it? I shot, and the old thief must also do it. Yes, I also want to weaken your faction strength. With you Human beings often say that there are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. The universe is also like this. Your girlfriend, oh, yes, you should have developed to that point. You are relatives. Your relatives and Friends, there is no loss now. What do you care about? You are still weak, and I got some of your memories when you first stepped into the Star Giant. You are not very sorry for the generals in the Three Kingdoms who died for keeping integrity, if you can If you start again, do you want them to change their choices?"

Qin Lin didn’t say anything yet. Chi Ying glanced at the Interstellar Giant and whispered to him: “Qin Lin, although I also think the Earth is weird, the person in the Interstellar Giant is not reliable. For the benefit, he Everything can be sacrificed. In this way, there is no guarantee of character. If we join his camp, he can also sacrifice us in the future."

Qin Lin stared coldly at the still struggling Interstellar Giant, without saying a word, which was silent with Chi Ying.

"Qin Lin, when this matter is we should also have a good talk." The old **** stick has been watching coldly, and now he is satisfied with Qin Lin's performance.

The starry sky mechas stood aside and stopped fighting early, and Xiao Qi also returned, turning into a three or four-year-old little Lolita, and jumping on Qin Lin's shoulders.

The Butterfly Girl also turned into a little angel with wings on her back, and came to Qin Lin's side.

The current situation on the earth is very chaotic, and the starry sky mother worm chose to stand on Qin Lin's side.

Qi Ji looked at Qin Lin for a while, and the little mother also climbed onto Qin Lin's shoulders and sat with Xiao Qi.

The two children seemed to be fighting.


Suddenly, the interstellar giant suddenly broke through the hand of time of the old **** stick, incarnate three hundred kilometers high, with a very powerful aura, as if it could crush the world, and shook Qin Lin and others into flight.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and the Old God Rod could not stop the Interstellar Giant!

.(To be continued...)

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