The spirit is a consciousness that is naturally condensed and formed. After it is formed, it will approach and imitate certain things. What is the cause? do not know. The only thing I know is that most magicians are using the magic of the summon class, which is the easiest to summon and is quite weak, all belong to this class.

They do not belong to any dimension world, but also belong to all dimensions world. To put it another way, they are in the gap between dimensions, exist, and do not exist. Some people say that they are the starting point of the soul; after all, there is no such thing as reincarnation in the lost land. After all lives die, the destination of the soul is in the underworld. But where the soul’s starting point is, there are still divergent opinions.

So when Fen learned from Lin that he could see the spirit, his mood was shocked. The origin of the soul can be said to be one of the few issues that Lich, who has lived long enough, is still interested in. She even thought about whether there is any way to make some small devices so that others can see the world that Lin sees.

To transform yourself like someone, the brain has built-in dimensionality reduction methods. Such a thing is absolutely not wanted by Fen. Leaving aside from someone’s personal experience, this is not without flaws, and Lich does not want to change his perception casually.

Faith collapse or similar situations can be extremely dangerous in the maze. It is similar to the situation where the martial arts Middle Dantian was broken, the martial arts was lost, and the cultivation deviation might be the same. Especially for people like her, who have already formed and stabilized many concepts, it is not a good thing to change cognition from the root, that is, the level of brain consciousness, and it is not so easy.

So the use of props to assist is the only way that Finn will consider. She has tried the magic stone using branding, which is a Midi version of the camera. But the scene taken by someone when he was traveling through the world was just a fascinating scenery, not the strange scenery that Lin saw.

The direction of Finn’s thinking now is whether he can start from the pair of glasses, and the calculation power can only be made from the head coffin.

Fen is in full swing to start the great business of remodeling glasses. After Lin provided a few mathematical principles of dimensionality reduction, he was ruthlessly ignored. The reason is not why, in terms of typing the program code, someone was despised by the discipline he brought out so much that he even doubted himself. Sometimes it proved that his stupid method was more accurate than the clever method, but he couldn’t stand up Lich’s distrust.

However, Fern would rather do so. I would rather make some small mistakes than to be a philosopher. For Lich so conscious, of course someone is happy to stay out of the matter. Lin also has more time to observe the world in his eyes.

Lich once questioned that this new ability can only be used when high-dimensional interference occurs, and he cannot actively enter it, so it is useless. However, after actual observation, it is found that in the case of high-dimensional interference everywhere, only the degree of erosion is different. If it weren鈥檛 for being carried by the carriage, I鈥檓 afraid the path I鈥檓 walking on is out of sync with other people.

Except for the spirit, what you see is not a static and original scene of the mysterious land. Sometimes there will be some obvious sci-fi-style buildings, which should be walls to be precise. But only a short section appeared, not the entire building stood in the field of vision.

Occasionally, you can see some suspected living creatures moving, but they are fleeting. They look different from spirits, they are more like creatures, and they are not creatures of the kind of devour raw meat and fowl. They may be the figures captured by the inhabitants of some high-dimensional world. Is it’God’? Or is it the civilization that exists in the high-dimensional world?

Another discovery is that after entering this heterogeneous world, the flow of time is different from the reality of mystery. This point was determined after someone took out a pocket watch and observed it for a while. This is because although things are carried on one’s body, the form of the pocket watch is not mechanical, that is, it does not change with the position of one’s body.

The source of the displayed time is the time server set in the Tower of Great Sage, which comes from the outside world. And the changes in Time Flow Speed 鈥嬧€媋re not all speeding up, or all slowing down. But as you move, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

This discovery made Lin curious about the difference between the physical phenomenon and reality of the world he saw. He also devoted himself to related research, and forgot his illness, and the whole person looked radiant.

Someone’s change caused the two girls to worry for a while, for fear that this appearance is what their teachers often refer to as the “return to light”. If I let Lin know about this little thought, and I can’t say I have to teach these two girls again, can this word be used in such a mess!

But soon, Lin’s enthusiasm was extinguished by reality, and he confirmed a few things.

First, the world of all dimensions overlaps, but ordinary people can’t see it.

The same scene is unlikely to reappear, which also confirms from the side that one’s movement in the three-dimensional world is also in a state of movement in other dimensions.

Secondly, if you want to measure the world you see, the known laws of physics are idiotic things.

It’s not that it can’t be measured, and it’s not that there are no physical phenomena. It’s because this World is an assembly, and the laws it presents are the same. Everything is so chaotic that someone is wondering how he’exists’ in such an environment. This also brings out the third discovery.

Third, Fen once mentioned the issue of limits. Because there is no indescribable existence in the things I see, I don’t know what will happen when I look at those things. But the limit in time does exist.

The passage of time in that world is chaotic, so I can鈥檛 tell how long I stayed. But judging from the normal time in reality, the limit that one can stay in that world is one hour and fifty-eight minutes. As soon as this limit time is reached, the sensation of pain coming from the inside of the skull will hit, and even start Seven Orifices to bleed.

Guess the possible reasons, one is that the computer crashes due to over-calculation…It should be said that the human brain and the magic tower in the dream crash together. One situation may be that one’s body is staying in this place where the laws of physics are chaotic. It is quite hard just to maintain the integrity of one’s body, not to mention staying for a long time, completely exceeding one’s limit.

However, this bloody appearance scared the two girls several times, and it also caused someone to spend a few days, but there was no such thing as remembering what happened. Headaches are headaches, and sadnesses are sadness. There is nothing less to remember. I also perfectly clear what I am doing now and make a record.

That is to say, I can鈥檛 remember anything at that time. It was because I suffered a stronger shock, or I saw something terrible, and the whole person couldn鈥檛 bear it. That鈥檚 why. Amnesia? There is a voice of mystery warning yourself not to explore the missing piece. Someone is in the principle of saving trouble and trouble, so forget it.

Of course, there is still a problem with these discoveries, that is, how to use these’advantages’; or how can they be used? There are still a lot of unsolved problems in front of someone, which makes someone sigh.

On the other side, the progress of Kaya’s map stitching project is faster than expected. Because using the tools built by Lin, the general direction of the map can be divided, and even the area can be summarized. So the girl gives priority to dealing with the Basque Country, and even the lost southwestern continent.

The results are also quite gratifying. At least in line with the small Arcane eye opening map Divine Item designed by Lin, the entire group no longer rushes around like a headless fly as to where it is and where it is heading.

The location of everyone is still in the mountains in the Basque Country. Although they are heading north, they are moving towards the Western Continent. A few days away, you can leave this civilization Desolate Land and enter the scope of Human Kingdom.

At night, just after recovering from the horror of the shell explosion last time, Lin sat by the campfire, warming himself. These days, I donate blood to this land with my eyes, ears, nose and nose at every turn. My body is particularly weak. Especially now it’s autumn and the weather is getting colder. Someone doesn’t want to have a serious illness, so take care of yourself.

The three women in the same group are chatting zhi zhi. A certain Lich, who has lived for so many years, has recently become interested in cooking and is discussing this with two young girls. And also made a lot of unfathomable mystery food, which is called aphrodisiac food for strengthening the body, and intends to make a man who is very weak recently tonic.

This is one of the things that they became enthusiastic about when they accidentally learned from someone in his hometown that there are so-called’supplement’ and’diet therapy’ in his hometown.

But the face deathly pale, the man with dark circles and blankets, is holding a bowl of hot soup with a lizard tail floating. There is no aroma and no taste, even the purple soup is bubbling like hot lava. Can this be called Shibu? If this can be called Shibu, it is simply the prestige of the gourmet ghost island of my big food empire.

According to a certain Lich鈥檚 breast-beating guarantee, this bowl of soup can be drunk, not dead…

Can Lich鈥檚 physique and ordinary person mention on equal terms? Even if she drinks arsenic directly, she will not die, can an ordinary person touch her mouth?

While Lin was still tangled, a voice came from the depths of the dark forest: “A good-hearted person who came across during the journey, is there a space by the fire for a stranger to warm up?”

“Welcome, friend. Come on, there is always a place for people in need by the fire.”

Relying on parents at home, and friends when going out, this truth is also fascinating. It works. In the wild life, in order to guard against wild beasts, it is common for weak travelers to hug each other, lean on and guard each other. Of course, it is inevitable that there will be robbers who engage in undercover rapes, and then rebel in the nest.

But generally speaking, the travellers in the lost ground are still kind. Because in the wild, existences more dangerous than humans abound. People who walk outside and don’t know how to help each other will have to die sooner or later.

Another more practical reason is that the divine technique for detecting evil is quite common. As long as people are related to the priesthood, you can throw a few of them every day. Faye also has magic similar to the detection camp. Those who have done bad things or have Evil Thought in their hearts can hardly escape the detection of those who have thoughts.

Perhaps in the city, in the gathering of nobles, throwing detection of evil on other people is a very bad offense. Because few nobles dared to guarantee that they were completely clean and innocent. But in the wild, this is the norm. No one will resist being detected, as long as they are not ill-intentioned and want to be sheltered by the crowd at night.

So the man who walked out of the forest, after passing Hallumi’s magic test, sat down by the campfire, rubbing his cold hands. At this time everyone noticed that this is a elven character… a super brother!

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