Looking at the biceps muscles are thicker than his own thighs, the strong figure is afraid of no less than two meters in height, just like a Little Giant. However, oval face’s beautiful features like eggs, sharp ears, and blonde hair are hard to ignore.

Such an image reminds Lin of a term far away from him-Vajra Barbie. Although it is a description of women, no one can think of a more suitable description.

Be bold, Lin lowered his voice and asked a very offensive question: “Half-elf?”

“Unfortunately, purebred. The three generations of ancestors have not mixed up. Other bloodlines.” As if accustomed to being asked like this, the elf sitting by the fire didn’t think it was disgusting, and ridiculed himself skillfully. He glanced at the pot set on the fire, he did not know where to conjure a bowl, and with a hearty smile that was not at all elegant like an elf, he said, “Come on?”

Someone can help destroy the pot. Of evil things, Lin certainly couldn’t ask for it. Greeted enthusiastically, and at a speed that could not cover his ears, before the other party could see the contents of the pot, he took a bowl full of them.

When the hot broth was in his hands, the elf was accustomed to all the hardships and difficulties of traveling, and he was dumbfounded when he looked at the bowl. Have the courage to have a bite, and after a few bites, eyes shined said: “This is the smell of flaming magic mushrooms, blazing male lizards, and fire squirrel eggs. Good things, good things.” After speaking, drink in one sip. Dried the broth.

Is it really good to drink? Lin asked tentatively: “One more bowl?”

The elf was a little regretful, and asked with a bit of a joke: “Then someone would like to spend the Spring Festival with me tonight?”


The two girls shook their heads like a drum, while Fen floated her eyes far away as if she hadn’t heard it. Haha, who is not so strong as an elf, smiled and said, “It seems that I am not lucky enough to be favored by anyone tonight. So I can’t drink more of this soup, or it will be very painful. But I think Fortunately, you should drink more. This is good for your body.” At the same time, he looked at his lower body meaningfully.

This thing… can it be drunk? Lin’s mood was shaken, even his hands shook. I saw the lizard’s tail sinking in the soup bowl, exposing its head. The hollow eyes are looking at someone, and the mood is even more shaken. I couldn’t help complaining: “Although I told you about food tonic, do you know what is called deficiency and no tonic. People who are too weak are not suitable for medicine with too strong medicine efficacy, so you have to use milder ones. Regulate your body, don’t you know.”

Seeing three more women, they looked over with those hard to describe eyes. Someone estimates that if this soup is drunk, the body will be more vacant…

Fortunately, the appearance of the elves seems to allow someone to escape the fate of being drained.

Stranger travellers, sitting by the same fire under the karmic meeting, they will not be silent big eyes staring at small eyes. The most common thing, of course, is to exchange experiences with each other on the journey. To put it another way, everyone is boasting B and see who is better at blowing it. People who are eloquent will of course get more courtesy. As for the truth or not, no one cares.

Especially when the elves took out a panjiu from the bag, playing and singing, it was more like an ultimate weapon, so that the two girls could hear as if drunk and stupefied. Fern was also admiring, but not as fascinated as the two girls. Although someone calmly appreciates, he misses the place where he traveled even more. As for the entertainment industry, it is estimated that the fascination will not be able to catch up in a thousand years.

Learn the identity of the other party from the chat. The other party is a wanderer from a nearby elf tribe, Wadwo, whose name is Kalamaharang. In human language, his name can be translated as’Thunder God’. I don’t know the number of journeys, embarking on the journey home. Also invited the entire group to his tribe as a guest.

When I heard the name of the tribe, Kaya’s attention was immediately drawn. And quietly passed a text message into the vision of everyone’s glasses.

‘Vadwo, a tribe of wood elves, not friendly. ‘

The six great races of Homo sapiens in the maze, elves, dwarves, humans, goblins, orcs, and orcs. The orcs are more like the “minorities” that Earth calls them. They have different appearances, customs and habits, and the number and distribution are not so large that they can be treated as a group by themselves. That’s why it uses such a general term to represent so many orc-like races.

Even if they are of the same race, they are divided into many different groups with different customs and habits, so it is difficult to generalize. If they are distinguished according to their degree of civilization, they can be divided into civilized and uncivilized different races of the same species.

Between civilized and uncivilized, half-orcs are a race where most groups tend to be uncivilized. They are not good at creating, and what they are not good at here not only refers to the cultural aspect, but also includes the creation of weapons and other war weapons. And instead of obediently farming and making things, they are more willing to use grabbing to meet their own needs.

Dwarves are the most civilized race. Perhaps it is the nature of the race to dig ore, beat and beat, or even brew good wine, so hardly a dwarf will fall behind the accumulation and advancement of these technologies. And as long as there is accumulation and progress, civilization will be born.

Humans are similar to goblins. Civilized people form kingdoms and empires to help each other and develop a brilliant civilization; uncivilized people are called Barbarians and exist in the form of tribes, with various habits similar to wild beasts, allowing them to choose the most primordial way to survive.

Goblins go more extreme than human beings between civilized and uncivilized. Enlightened goblins have developed civilizations that threaten magic, especially the self-destruct formidable power is amazing. Except for the extremely fast proliferation, no other race dared to use the lives of generations to promote technological innovation like this group of wrinkled dwarfs.

Just like the phrase “two-legged goblins are everywhere,” they never consider safety in their creation. Either take away the enemy in one wave, or take away oneself in one wave, of course, what happens most often is to take away the enemy and also take away oneself at the same time. Imagine that there is technology like the American Emperor, but one by one, like the Holy War soldiers, plays suicide bombing attacks with you. Really, not many people dare to provoke such a race.

As for the uncivilized goblins, they have a different name-the sore of the lost ground. This is because the medical technology is not advanced enough to recognize cancer. In other words, people here will die before they have time to live with cancer. Otherwise, calling the uncivilized goblins “cancer of the lost ground” is definitely not too much.

Simply living by predation, the reproduction power is amazing, and it is even more annoying than cockroaches. They even degraded their language ability. Except for some Yiyiyaya words in the conversation, all that is left is to scribble.

The only thing that is fortunate is that even their civilized compatriots do not wait to see this group of uncivilized compatriots who only follow instinct and plunder. Therefore, he will not hand over his own creations that are full of’explosive’ nature to this group of compatriots of the same species.

Elf Race, who has a high degree of wisdom and a long life to explore all truths, says that they should not have uncivilized tribes. In fact, compared with the elves who established the kingdom, the tribes that call themselves wood elves can be classified as uncivilized tribes.

Different from the uncivilized compatriots of other Homo sapiens. The situation of other races may be an environment where there is no accumulation of knowledge, or there is no teacher who leads the door. Coupled with living in a difficult environment, survival is the most important major event of the day. Apart from this, there is no energy to do other pursuits, so there is no obvious achievement in the accumulation of civilization.

But the wood elves are pursuing such a life themselves.

Living in the forest like an animal, taking only the things necessary to maintain one’s own survival, and never taking too much. Be indifferent to life and death, advocating the way of balance, there is no distinction between good and evil concepts. He doesn’t interfere much with most things, and is quite indifferent to the idea of ​​revenge, and only regards what happens as the inevitable destiny.

So it sounds like the uncivilized wood elves are very bully, and anyone can step on their feet. Even the elven female slaves kept privately by some human nobles are usually captured from the tribe of wood elves by the slave repair team.

But if such an ethnic group can live to this age, how can there be no reliance on it?

Natural hunters, the whole clan has the innate talent of druids. In addition to elf magic and human magic, wood elves have the magic ability to speak freely. Of course, it cannot involve too esoteric. rule. But this kind of ability doesn’t need to be learned or practiced, everything seems to be imprinted in the bones. If you want to show it, just open your mouth.

Just looking at this discussion, the wood elves are like warlocks under the ADND rules.

If you say you don’t like revenge, it doesn’t mean that they will not resist right now. To defeat a wood elf, it is conservatively estimated that there will be a ten-man squad composed of familiar human warriors before there is any hope. Even their compatriots, the civilized elves who established the country, are fully armed one-on-one against the wood elves, and they are usually crushed.

There are such individual differences because every tribe of wood elves must have a World Tree, and the World Tree nourishes the elves under its shade. When there is an extra wood elven tribe in Midi World, it means that this World has an extra World Tree.

Relying on this plant that belongs to the legendary existence in many fantasy stories and myths in Earth is the reason why the wood elves can continue and even obey the tradition stubbornly. Because living in the scope of World Tree, there will be various unimaginable benefits; but in contrast, there are many precepts that must be observed.

This is the reason why certain elves will break away from the scope of World Tree, form nations and embark on the road of civilisation. It is also the reason why the Wood Elf tribe maintains its uncivilized style.

However, World Tree not only nurtures a very powerful individual wood elves to protect themselves, and enters its range of influence, but also has various buffs and debuffs.

For other Homo sapiens, World Tree is like a magic tower with its own Tower Spirit. Not only will it proactively discriminate between friend and foe, but the various auxiliary functions will make people with bad intentions feel desperate. Fortunately, the proliferation of World Tree is not so easy, coupled with the isolated character of the wood elves, so that they will not spread like the uncivilized goblins.

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