Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 371: : The old man about to die?

He did not fully believe what Xiong said.


   Including the person who said he was a revolutionary army.


   But no matter how incredible it is, he will verify it by himself.


   "I can send you over." After Xiong finished, he added, "Send you wherever you want to go."


   "The fruit ability?"


  Reilly glanced at the palm of the bear. With his eyesight, he had already discovered the difference on the palm of the bear.


   There are very few people who know this seven martial arts demon fruit ability.


   But he didn't rush to agree, just smiled and shook his head.


   "Since this is the case, don't worry."


  He is going to look at the battle scene here before making a decision.


   And if you really want to find the ship of fate, there is still much preparation to be done.


  Raleigh did not make a decision, but many pirates in the world have already made a decision.


   This is a battle between the pirates and the navy, and there are treasures that even white beards are moving.


   Even some pirates in the New World are using their own methods to quickly rush towards the battlefield.


  The white-bearded Pirates seemed to be waiting intentionally, slowing down a bit.


   More and more pirate ships followed behind them.


The increase in    is not just the naval forces in this respect.


   is this day.


   The Warring States and the Yellow Apes also arrived in the Kingdom of Abalastan.


   On the third day, the number of ships of the Pirate Group increased from more than 40 ships of the White Beard Pirate Group to more than 100 ships all the way.


   This is because a lot of weak and weak, and was ruined by some powerful pirates.


   White beard has no control.


   If you dare to follow, you must have the determination to die for the treasure.


   He felt that he already had a better body, holding a big knife, sitting on his own boat in a stable manner, looking away into the distance. In the eyes of everyone, he really had a temperament of contemporary hegemony.


"Dad." Marko landed in the shape of an immortal bird from high altitude and changed back to human form. "The navy has built a fort at the port. It seems that the plan is to be at the port. It will try our best to prevent us from landing. It may be A hard fight."


  Marco did not hide his psychological worries.


   responded to him with white beard and wide hands, patting on the son's shoulder.


   "No need to worry, no matter what is in front of me, I will tear a path." White Beard said with a bold smile.


   This is why White Beard still insisted on fighting after the navy put on this lineup.


   He is not for himself.


After opening dozens of tertiary cans, Bai Huai knew clearly that the future of this world belonged to those who boarded the ship of fate and belonged to those who were eligible to **** the cans, and the navy wanted to monopolize these cans and wanted to stop them. With their participation, he could not have allowed this to happen.




  Marco also had no worries in his mind.


   is different from what Bai Bai thought.


   What the crew members thought was to **** the treasure for the white beard.


   has no operational plan.


   The entire huge fleet of pirates just rushed towards the navy-arranged port.


at last--


  The navy preparing for war on the shore can already see the huge fleet.


   The stern alarm sounded throughout the port.


  The generals and lieutenants who were sitting in the office turned their heads.




  At the same time, newspaper reporters were surrounded and protected by some soldiers at the port, and they also became excited.


   "Quick, get the video bug ready!"


   "Is that the white-bearded fleet?"


   "I can see the white beard, the one sitting at the front is the white beard!"


  With their preparations, people gathered in the squares of several places in the world finally waited for the picture.


   really started!


   Facing all the active lineup of the Navy, White Beard didn't flinch


   The crowd either cheered, or nervous, or longed for.


  Even if Rayleigh looked at the majestic white beard in the picture and missed the past, there was a little envy.


   is different from him.


  The white beard is a real pirate who has been a lifetime, taking the risk of a lifetime, together with his crew.


   "White beard is very old." A woman's voice came from Rayleigh's side.


   looks very young, with a cigarette in his mouth, and his behavior is quite mature.


   "Xia Qi." Raleigh shouted his friend's name.


"The information on my side has always been accurate." Xia Qi took a breath and slowly spit out, "At this age, the accumulated injuries of young people will become serious, white-bearded pirates The most materials purchased by the regiment are all kinds of precious medicinal materials. In this state, he will be very bad in the face of the fighting power of four or five generals."


   "Maybe." Raleigh stared at the picture on the screen, his mouth wide open, seeming to say with some expectation, "But he is a white beard."


  White beard, these three words are enough.


   The screen changes.


   came to the navy side.


   can clearly see that although the soldiers are standing neatly, they all have a tense feeling in their expressions.


   "No need to worry." Chigu's voice came from behind, "It's just an old man who is just about to die."


  His voice spread far away.


   even reached the pirates.


   Is the old man about to die?


   Many pirates who keep up with these days have their eyes turned to the white beard in the front.


   wants to see how he responds.


   The two armies are fighting, the momentum is even worse, not to mention, most of the pirates are people who want to touch the fish in muddy water. If the white-bearded pirate group, or the white-beard is in decline, they will turn around without hesitation.


   and white beard, grinning.


   "Old man?" He held up the long knife in his hand, "Then let me see, you have the level of a navy general, junior!"


   The long knife in his hand was heavily cut off.


   The terrible sword gas accompanied by the tearing sound, blasted towards the red dog, and even rolled up a violent wind.


In front of so many people, the red dog will not dodge naturally He snorted coldly, his fist was covered with dark armed color domineering, so he faced this like a substantive slash Rush up.




  In a staggered moment, countless explosions simultaneously exploded like a torn bang, and some soldiers close by, even covering their ears with this huge and sharp voice, fell to the ground in pain.


   And a red tide appeared on the red dog's face.


  After persevering for a while, his body retreated dozens of steps under the slash that was separated by hundreds of meters.


   Blood was dripping from his fist.


   is stronger and weaker at a glance.


   "Red dog, don't care." Sengoku came out from behind, looking at the white beard in front of him, his face dignified, "The man standing in front of you, but has the power to destroy the world."



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