Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 372: : White Beard is full of war

   In front of the camera, as Marshal Sengoku, gave White Beard a terrible evaluation.

  The red dog's face is black.

   indeed felt the horror of the white beard. In the slash, there was shock. He exhausted all his strength and was still injured.

   But I can't say that in person.

"It is too exaggerated to say that the power to destroy the world, Marshal of the Warring States Period." Chi Quan has always tried his best to maintain the face of the navy, but after this sentence, he lowered his voice again, "Please report that his body It’s been damaged so much..."

  The red dog has never looked down on the white beard.

   But now, he feels more tricky.

"Woo la la la." White beard suddenly laughed, as if knowing that the red dog was thinking, raised his other fist, "I don't have the feeling of strength like this now, this I really have to thank those jars. If you are expecting me to be an old man, don’t think about it!"

  He raised a fist, there appeared to be a compressed air due to vibration.

   Then, slammed the hammer.

   The sound of clicking clicks came from the void where the fist was.

   Red dogs and Sengoku and other generals with outstanding knowledge all changed their faces.

   They felt the terrible power and poured themselves into the sea.

next moment--

   The entire surface of the sea is like a fault. A large ocean directly rises tens of meters high. From a distance, the sight is all from the tsunami coming.

  Don't mention the soldiers on the scene, even the crowd who were watching the impact, were caught in a shock.

   They suddenly realized that what the warring states said before, "the power to destroy the world," is very likely to be true.

   This terrible tsunami is like a natural disaster.

   was punched by the man with a punch.

   This is the power of the strongest man in the world!

   "Yuan, Marshal."

   Soldiers could not help looking at the Warring States in the stands.

   If such a tsunami rushes.

  Not to mention them, the whole port must be destroyed.

   "Is that the strongest superhuman, the strength of the shocking fruit?" A magma flame appeared on Chiquan's fist. "It's too easy to destroy an island. Such a force is too dangerous."

   He has some regrets.

   Prepared for this battle too hurriedly, if you give him time, you can use the weakness of the white beard to trust her too much, to counteract someone to attack him and stabb him.

   However, even if the white beard in the peak period is likely in front, the red dog will not flinch.

   He took a step forward.

   But someone is faster.

"Let me do it."

  The body of the green pheasant has rushed out, the body is filled with amazing cold.

"--Ice Age!"

The clicking sound continued to sound, and the coldness approached the sea at an alarming speed. Wherever it passed, everything was frozen, and even the rough waves remained frozen, but in an instant, with the tens of meters high tsunami It also freezes together. After a short time, the whole world seems to enter the ice age.

   Such scenes have made all those who are onlookers speechless.

   A considerable number of people saw this level of combat for the first time.

too frightening.

   is not a world with them at all.

   These people are monsters among monsters!

   "You are the green pheasant?" White Beard looked at the green pheasant, showing an admiring expression, "Do you want to be my son?"

   "Daddy?" Even some of the white-bearded Pirates looked at their dad in amazement.

   The war is ahead, so invite navy generals to join them?

   Even the silence was a bit stunned.

  However, speaking of these, the sons recruited by White Beard are really incredible. It seems that there is only a black beard and a traitor. The rest of the people are very harmonious and loyal, and they don’t know what standard is used to decide.

   At this time, the green pheasant was also silent.

   He found that the white beard who had sent an invitation to him in front of him turned out to be very serious.

   Finally shook his head, exhaled a cold breath, and answered very seriously.

   "I have no intention of becoming a pirate now."

   "Woo la la la." White beard laughed. "Then wait until you have a decision. Then you have to be careful now. Children, follow the dad, the treasure is yours!"

   He held a large knife and slammed hard, even jumping directly towards the place where several generals were.

   And behind him, everyone in the White Beard Pirates, and the pirates who followed, all shouted and jumped off the boat, rushing towards the shore on the ice.

   The war broke out directly.

   "Why do you want someone to deal with all our navy generals?" Chi Quan rushed towards White Beard first, "You are so arrogant, White Beard!"

   "Woo la la la, this is enough to have fun!"

   White beard brandishing a big knife, and hit him with the red dog heavily, the terror wave mixed with magma rolled around, the soldiers around all screamed and were blown away.

  The red dog has exhausted all his strength.

   But White Beard vacated his other hand and punched hard against the red dog's stomach.


  With the dull impact sound, the red dog spouted a sip of blood directly.

   "It's terrible." The yellow ape's voice sounded from the back, and the finger emitted a laser beam towards the body of the white beard. The violent explosion blasted loudly.

   "Power is good."

  The sound of white beard came from the was hit by an attack that was enough to penetrate the island, but only left a burn wound on the burly body.

   The domineering and domineering color of the black has spread all over the white beard.

   Then came the wielding sword, and the blade shone with an extremely sharp roaring sound, which was the blast of air vibration.

   just smashed the aftermath of the stroke, and broke up the land.

   This place of fighting has not allowed anyone with poor strength to come near.

   "Are you really prepared to deal with all our generals by yourself?"

   Sengoku glanced at the rest of the battlefield.

   The captains of the white-bearded Pirates battled against the lieutenant generals, but, as you can see, their purpose was not to fight, but to break through.

   Purpose is really those jars.

  So, staying here with White Beard is to contain the general so that his sons can break through.

"I don't remember you being such a conceited person, white beard!" The Warring States' body began to collide and became a huge golden Buddha, "Since you insist on this, then I will fulfill you, Cap, Green Pheasant, Yellow Ape , Red dog, catch White Beard with all your strength!"

   White Beard just laughed, and his burly figure stood out from the audience.

   He is not an arrogant person.

   If he is a general, he can easily win. Two generals can play for ten days and eight days at will. The three generals are in danger of losing.

   And now-the fighting power of five generals level!

To what extent can you fight?

   Whitebeard's heart is full of war.


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