In the treehouse between the moons, Im looked at the latest reports from the five elder stars. It was really not an easy task to personally take charge of the world government.

Although he can't find those tedious little things, after all, he is managing an entire planet, oh no, two planets, and there are more and more things that he needs to know.

But no one can blame him. He can only blame himself for having done a lot of things this year.

According to custom.

Im first picked up the report on the world of Kabane.

The shogunate has basically taken over. It seems that the people below are doing a good job. The next step is to take over the entire Hinomoto.

In fact, in his opinion, it is now in the stage of investment by the world government in the world of Kabane, including investment in human, physical, financial and other aspects.

Only when we completely control Japan and lead the local people to plant crops and exploit various natural resources can we enter the harvest stage.


Kabane Resource Regeneration Plan?

Opening this document with a somewhat chilling title, Im looked through it expressionlessly, and slowly his eyes became serious.

What a five-year-old star, he is really cruel and ruthless.

Look at what's written on it. They want to try to build a mechanized semi-automatic factory in the world of Kabane that integrates 'breeding', 'collection', 'processing', 'transportation' and other functions.

If this attempt works well, more Kabane factories will be built to concentrate the Kabane in these factories, while making it easier for other departments to exploit natural resources.

It is also said here that the existing Kabane will definitely decrease over time, so there must be a method to 'maintain' the number.

to be honest.

As a good young man who had just traveled through time for two years, I really frowned the whole time when I saw such a dark anti-humanity plan.

He really hasn't thought about the so-called 'renewable resources' issue.

Before, I just thought that Kabane were already monsters, and there was nothing wrong with using their heart membranes, but now Wulaoxing and the others are planning to wait until the Kabane is almost used up before turning people into Kabane!

You want me to sign?

Im suddenly fell into a dilemma. He knew that once he signed and agreed, countless people would be pushed into the factory and forced to become Kabane in the future.

But even he had to admit that Kabane's heart membrane was indeed a biological material with the word black in it. The key was that it could indeed be mass-produced.

【Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.】

The antique dial hanging on the wall was constantly rotating. Ten minutes passed, half an hour passed, an hour passed, and two hours passed.

Im hesitated for nearly three hours before raising his hand and picking up the pen.

The conquest of all worlds is related to the fate of the entire Starfish World. If you don't try your best to become stronger, you will one day be conquered by a stronger world.

While comforting himself in his heart, he looked firmly and quickly signed the word 'agree' on the document. After signing, Im pushed it aside without even looking at it, and picked up the next report document.

What follows is normal.

Convene a government meeting and disclose the Stargate internally, no problem!

Is platinum lead disease still not progressing?

Well, the Academy of Science has already worked out the best solution for inlaying sea-floor stones on the bottom of the ship, and the first knife to 'eat' the animal-type Devil Fruit has also appeared!

Seeing this, Im knew that the Tuntun fruit he gave to Vegapunk had an effect. He thought that the shape memory alloy with its own blood factor would soon be produced.

Has Kaido agreed? It's going better than expected, but can this guy really beat Kozuki Oden?

Im not very confident about this.

Because according to memory, Kaido seems to have lost to Kozuki Oden. In the end, he relied on Kuo Tan Mu Chan to transform into Momonosuke to distract the latter, and then he succeeded in sneak attack from behind.

There will definitely be no problem with Kaido twenty years from now, but Kaido now is still too young.

[Buluboru, Buluboru]

The phone bug rings.


Lord Saint Nerona, your vehicle Noah's Ark has been pushed to the surface by General Garp, and relevant departments are being arranged to deal with it.

On the other end of the conversation was Stussy.

I know, you can come back.


Immediately afterwards, Im called Topman Woqiu Lisheng and ordered: Ask the 'Giant Soldiers' to stand by in the square. I want to see them.

Yes, sir!

After putting the microphone back, Im lowered his head and continued to pick up the file and report and read it.

Two hours later, the social square of Pongol Castle was still covered with green grass as always, and the tennis court called the ‘Sacred Area’ was also quietly placed there.


There was a sound of heavy footsteps, and the grass blades on the ground were trembling faintly. A moment later, three giants nearly twenty meters tall were seen walking forward and two behind.

The man walking at the front was also wearing an oversized coat of justice.

Brother Sauro, why are you still wearing this clothes? Doesn't it mean that you are no longer a navy? Oyimo, who was walking on the left, asked with a smile.

Because I want to ask that Lord something with justice on my back. Sauro, who has orange-red hair like a lion's mane on his face, grinned with his teeth exposed.

He is 19.5 meters tall, a head taller than Oyimo who is 16 meters tall and Cassie who is 17 meters tall.

In terms of strength, he is also the strongest as the Giant Vice Admiral of the Navy.

Therefore, even though the three of them had just met not long ago, the two giants from the former Giant Soldier Pirates called him big brother.

Hey, what is this?

Cassie looked at the 'Sacred Tennis Court' curiously. In his eyes, it was just a blue square painted on the lawn.

What is painted above seems to be the main islands on the Grand Route. Look, we, Elbaf, are also on it! Oyimo pointed at the site representing the 'second half of the Grand Route' and laughed.

Sauro on the side looked at it and fell into silence. He knew what it was, so he knew better what it represented.

Is this the Celestial Dragon?

[Tap, step, step, step]

Suddenly, the sound of crisp footsteps rang in the ears of the three of them. They were all excellent warriors, and their reactions were naturally not much slower. Three pairs of big copper bell-like eyes looked over at them.

I saw a man and a woman coming, a man in white and a blond woman in a black skirt following behind, slowly coming from inside the castle.

【boom! ! 】

When the giants' eyes met the man's eyes, they felt as if a big explosion had occurred in their minds, and a strong sense of fear surged up from deep in their hearts.

Sauro performed well. Although he was shaking, he still stood on the spot. However, Cassie and Oyimo behind him retreated continuously, and finally sat on the grass after two loud bangs.

Is this the giant race? It's so big!

Yi Mu clasped his hands behind his back and ignored their awkward postures, but looked at their huge size with great interest.

This was the first time he had seen this magical race with his own eyes.

I heard that you have something to say to me?

Im suppressed the pressure in his eyes and looked arrogantly at Sauro who quickly relaxed. Behind him, Stusi quietly waited for orders.


Sauro swallowed. He didn't know why this Tianlong man who was to be 'protected' by him had such a terrifying aura, but the obsession in his heart made him choose to ignore it.

I would like to ask you, as a world noble, can you tell me why the world government arrests those innocent scholars?

The other party is just a group of unarmed scholars. Why must they be killed?

It seems to me that the people I have arrested so far just want to understand the past history. If their research is really so dangerous, wouldn't it be enough for the government to help them?

I would like to ask you if you can give me some evidence that they are evil people!

With the voice of his giant clan amplified, these questions really gave people a sonorous and powerful feeling that resounded throughout the Holy Land.

It even attracted Gion and Mihawk who were practicing sword skills nearby.

But this also made Stussi look at him dangerously, and said angrily: Watch your attitude! How dare you be so rude in front of Saint Nerona?

However, Im in front of him waved his hand to signal her to be quiet, because he had specially called Sauro, just to change the other person's fate.

After all, he was a giant lieutenant general. It would be a pity to waste it on those scholars in O'Hara.

What is history?

Im looked at the kind-hearted giant Lieutenant General with calm eyes, but the latter obviously didn't dare to look at him, but it didn't matter.

History is what happened in the past, and history that is forbidden to study is things in the past that do not want, cannot, or do not want to be known to outsiders.

If the World Government is a person, then these are secrets that it does not want to be known, and it has made it clear that it refuses to be discovered.

Sauro was stunned after hearing this. He didn't expect the answer he got was like this. At this time, he heard the Saint of Nerona ask him back.

Do you have a secret that you don't want others to know?

If so, how do you feel when someone is still trying their best to find out the secret even though you clearly told the other person that you don't want your secret to be discovered?

This. Sauro was speechless when asked.

This is from a human perspective, and from a legal perspective, studying historical texts is something that is expressly prohibited by the world government. So are they breaking the law?


According to what I know, the World Government has issued three clear warnings to O'Hara's scholars, prohibiting them from continuing to explore and study historical texts, but they are still doing it. Is this considered a violation of the law?

Im asked again.


Sauro answered, shaking his head with a bitter look on his face.

You are a giant from the Elbaf Kingdom. Does the Elbaf Kingdom have its own laws?


Sauro nodded with difficulty, and Cassie and Oyimo behind him also nodded again and again, and then heard Im ask again: In the Kingdom of Elbaf, if you violate the law knowingly and illegally, will you be punished and sanctioned? ?”

Yes! Yes! If you don't listen to the king, you will be dragged to the duel and have your head chopped off!

Seeing that Sauro was silent, Oyimo immediately answered the question loudly, and then added: But we call these rules over there.

In that case, Sauro, now do you know why you wanted to arrest those scholars?

Im finally asked.


Sauro had nothing to say. He could only raise his neck and look at the sky with emotion. After listening to the Tianlong man's rhetorical questions, he suddenly felt that the scholars of O'Hara were seeking their own death.

Because he really didn't hear the problem with these words, they all sounded very reasonable, and he couldn't think of anything to refute.

Yes, even people have their own secrets, let alone the world government of Nuoda.

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