Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 219 Barrett’s style and anger!

The world of Kabane.

After a bloody siege, the gate of Yuzao Station has been opened wide. Scarlet bloodstains are everywhere on the walls and the ground, but the corpses that were in the way have been cleaned up long ago.

An army soldier wearing a black uniform and holding a heavy assault rifle began to take over all city defenses under the orders of the generals wearing black justice coats.

On the city walls and in the streets, these black-clad warriors exuding a powerful aura can be seen everywhere.

come out!

come out!

Teams of five people drove the people out of each house. Under the threat of gunpoint, these men, women, and children in various kimonos could only walk out tremblingly, and then knelt down in response to the soldiers' scoldings. On both sides of the street.

Looking around, people all over the city began to kneel on the ground, and from time to time there were sounds of children crying.

However, the soldiers did not pay much attention to these children, with an indifferent attitude of just crying louder if they wanted to.

Douglas Barrett once told them that the key to conquest lies in equalizing grace and power, and that power must come first and grace last.

The army is responsible for exerting power. They don't need the gratitude or respect of these people, they only need enough fear and fear from them.

So how do you scare them, make them feel scared?

Very simple.

Attack them head-on, completely defeat them, and wipe out all the resisters who dare to take up arms in front of all the people, making them kneel on the ground and experience the depth of despair and powerlessness.

Only in this way will these people not cause trouble or cause trouble behind the scenes, but will obey the arrangements honestly!

Therefore, whether it is this Yuzao Station or the previous Sendai Station, Kurokawa Station is like this. After capturing the city, all the samurai and soldiers will be cleared out, and then the people in the city will kneel down for five times under the surveillance of the army soldiers. Hour.

This time is enough for subsequent administrative staff and technical staff to arrive, who will then be responsible for management and distribution of various foods, which is the stage of giving grace.

Although this approach was very bloody and ruthless, and attracted the hatred of many local people, it did have a good effect on the stability of order.

After all, without warriors and officials, there would be no leaders, and those who dared to resist and those who had the ability to resist were basically in the defending army.

All these soldiers were dead, and most of the ones left behind were people who only dared to curse in their hearts, but obeyed obediently in action.

[Da da da da da! 】

Suddenly, the fierce gunshots that had just subsided not long ago rang out again, frightening those who were slow to move because of fear. They jumped up and ran quickly, and then fell to their knees with a thud, even their foreheads pressed tightly to the ground.

In front of the city wall to the left of the city gate, hundreds of corpses or bodies in the process of being turned into corpses were lying in a pool of blood. Opposite them was a row of army soldiers who were collecting their guns.

It seemed that the gunfire just now came from them.

Report to the Lieutenant General!

The last batch of Yuzao Station warriors and soldiers have been executed, and there are also thirty-two arrested officials at all levels!

An army colonel appeared instantly with a swish sound and loudly reported to the extremely large and sturdy man.

Well, the officials will stay here first, and then they will be handed over to CIPHER POL. Is the manager here also among them?

Barrett sat on a large version of the heavy-duty motorcycle, lit himself a thick and long cigar of the same size, and asked in a deep voice.

The name of the general manager here is Chengshan Dafang. According to interrogation, he was shot to death on the city wall as soon as the battle started!

That's really an unlucky guy. What are the casualties on our side?

After asking, Barrett held the cigar between his fingers, blew out the smoke, and squinted at the main street that could not be seen in the distance, leading directly to the depths of the city.

The dense crowd of people kneeling on both sides, coupled with the lingering smell of blood in the air, was indeed the best scenery in his eyes.

Isn’t this conquest?

One hundred and twenty-three were killed, 61 were seriously injured, and 315 were slightly injured. As before, they were all caused by being hit by steam cannons while climbing the wall.

Obviously, although the results of conquest are enjoyable, the process of conquest is also accompanied by sacrifice.

Although Army soldiers are physically stronger than people from the Kabane world because they are Starfish people, they have not yet reached the point of invulnerability, and they will still die if they are hit by a highly penetrating steam gun.

But if it only hits a non-vital part, it's okay. You can eat some meat and recover in a few days.

There are about twenty fewer people than before, which is good!

Barrett looked satisfied when he heard this. He didn't care about the life or death of the soldiers who had sacrificed, because he wanted this effect. If a group of people didn't die, it would be unpleasant, so it would be useless to train soldiers. ?

In the future, the difficulty of siege will be increased, and the defenders must use artillery. This siege without artillery is a bit boring, what do you think?

Ah, yes!

The army colonel was sweating profusely, but he could only nod in agreement. Anyway, artillery was of little use to generals and colonels like them. The cannonballs could be split in half with one strike.

It's almost lunch time. Let's see how the environment of the Governor's Mansion is like here. Barrett held the cigar in his mouth, bit it gently with his teeth, and then started the motorcycle under him.


[Buluboru, Buluboru]

Suddenly, just as the engine roared twice, the call of a phone bug rang out from the pocket of his justice coat, which made Barrett stop impatiently.


This is Addison, Lieutenant General Barrett, you need to return to the base as soon as possible. The phone bug said seriously while sitting on his extremely generous palm.

what's up?

Hearing Barrett's somewhat aggressive tone, Senior Director Addison could only smile helplessly and then said.

The Five Old Stars are preparing to hold a government meeting in a month. Officials above the division level and officers above the lieutenant general level will all participate. General Akainu would like to meet with you and Lieutenant General Crocodile before that.

Akainu. Isn't this the replacement admiral from the navy?

Barrett frowned. He had a feeling that what the other person said next would make him very angry, very angry.


It's like this. While you were training outside, General Akainu was transferred from the Navy to the Army, and was promoted from a backup general to an army general.

Senior Director Addison did not notice anything was wrong with the atmosphere and introduced the situation in detail, but this made Barrett's breathing become heavy and rapid.

The army colonel on the side watched in horror as the big man's face turned extremely ugly, and the anger in his eyes was as terrifying as a devil.

This made him dare not move at all, nor dare he take a deep breath. His muscles were completely frozen.

A lieutenant general in the navy becomes a general in the army?

Then why can't I, a lieutenant general in the army, be promoted to general?

Barrett's facial muscles stretched to both sides and he looked at the phone bug fiercely, I would like to see what ability that red-haired dog has to be my superior.


Senior Director Addison was stunned. He didn't expect Barrett's reaction to be so big, and he also blatantly scolded General Akainu.

Ahem, cough, cough, that's what happened anyway. You need to rush back to the base within three days. General Akainu will come here to meet you two on the third day.


After speaking in one breath, Addison hung up the phone directly. He did not want to get involved in the conflicts between these military bosses.

Barrett looked at the phone bug with his eyes closed and said with a sinister smile: Humph, I must be there on time!


Kill all those officials, I want to hear the news!

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