Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 413 The exposed revolutionary army!

Hey~ I thought it was who it was, but it turned out that Minister Dorag came here~~

After Jabba saw the semi-elemental figure in the air, he let his clothes whistle in the strong wind, and started teasing him naturally, as if he didn't care about the other person's identity at all.

But he did feel a little heavy, because this meant that their intelligence network had not kept track of Dorag's whereabouts.

The revolutionary army is not yet powerful and is not ready to confront the World Government head-on.

So the strategy they formulated was to hide behind the scenes, secretly control the uprising in the fringe kingdom, and then retreat before CIPHER POL or the military police arrived, regardless of the outcome.

In fact, they just set fires everywhere and then leave.

Regardless of the consequences of those 'fires', their purpose is to cause conflicts between the people and nobles of various countries, and then indirectly affect the world government.

But now, they are exposed!

Can you answer me, why are you doing this? Can't you just stay anonymous after disbanding?

Dolag looked down at Jabba and the others expressionlessly.

Ah, indeed, I did want to do this at first, but can you also tell me how Rayleigh died and by whose hands he died?

Jabba asked back.

At the same time, spread out the domineering energy of what you have seen and hear, and check if there are any so-called military police hidden around.

I see, is it because of Rayleigh? Do you want to avenge him?

Dorag understood, and then sighed: Unfortunately, I don't know how he died. The information I know comes from the contents of newspapers just like you guys.

But he deserves it for trespassing on the Holy Land, and your behavior of deliberately causing riots in a kingdom deserves death. Please come with me.

Jabba raised his eyebrows, not paying attention to the other party's words, but asked with a half-smile: Dolag, you seem to be here alone?

That's right.

Dorag did not hide this.

But the wind around him became more violent, and even with the naked eye, you could faintly see the moonlight mixed with a faint green air flow.

Hahaha, he is indeed Garp's son. He is indeed brave enough, but

But no matter how strong the wind was, Jabba's legs would not move at all. He smiled while taking the two iron axes hanging on his waist into his hands.

Is your strength worthy of this courage?

As soon as he finished speaking, the ax blade was stained with a black light, and then it was swung around in a circle. Without affecting Doringo and the others, it dispersed all the strong winds that were about to be swept away by the wind. The people who were walking stabilized their figures.

I'll deal with him, you take the boat and evacuate immediately!

【boom! 】

Jabba disappeared in an instant. As he stepped on the ground, a cone-shaped sonic boom cloud exploded, and he rushed towards Dorag in the air at high speed.

The next second, the black ax in his right hand struck hard on the huge whirlwind released by Dorag.


Like an aerial bomb exploding, a large amount of air exploded, and thick white air waves swept in all directions. The ear-splitting sound woke up residents several kilometers away.

The whole city quickly lit up with lights. Unexplained heads poked out from the windows of every house, looking in horror at the turbulent air circles sweeping across the dark clouds in the night sky.

Now no one could sleep anymore.

The various violent winds, tornadoes and bright lights that were set off from time to time frightened everyone on the island all night, and even the king's army did not dare to get close to observe.

It wasn't until nearly noon that the frightening movements stopped.

But even so, the King's Army troops waited for two more hours before sending people over to take a look, but when they arrived at the scene, everyone was stunned.

Because my island seems to have been bitten by something huge. There is nothing here except the sea water pouring in.

Two hours ago.

About five nautical miles away from the Kingdom of Dunbel, a sea-going ship painted with green paint and with a green five-pointed star police emblem printed on the sail drifted along with the waves.

I saw a group of green wind appearing on the deck.



The police inspector, superintendent and others on the ship hurriedly greeted them, among them were the Water Hashira Tomioka Giyu and the Kasumi Hashira Tokitoru Muichiro from the Demon Slayer World.

Well, let's return.

Dorag nodded expressionlessly, then turned into a ball of wind and disappeared again. This made the police officers look at each other in confusion and secretly said: Didn't the minister go to arrest people? Why didn't he bring anyone back?

He seemed to be injured. I smelled some blood.

Tomioka Giyuu whispered to Muichiro Tokito next to him. Like Scaleryu Sakonji and Kamado Tanjiro, he has a special constitution in terms of smell.

This has almost become a unique feature of the ‘water column’ in the past dynasties.

This world is really scary.

Muichiro Tokitoru, who had always been taciturn, sighed softly after hearing this.

Although they have never seen Dolag fighting with all his strength, they have also seen various images of Sakaski, Kuzan, Porusalino and others taking action before.

Since it is said that Minister Dorag's strength is comparable to theirs, he must be another terrifying existence like a god and demon.

In the captain's office inside the cabin.

Dorag had already taken off his dark green trench coat and light green shirt. He saw a cut about ten centimeters long on his bare right arm, and his chest was covered with more than a dozen blood lines.

However, these wounds were under his control, and the bleeding was stopped even without sutures.

Jabba the Revolutionary Army is indeed difficult to deal with.

Dorag frowned and pondered. He lost the previous battle. He didn't leave any of the opponent's men behind, but only destroyed one of the opponent's ships before escaping.

He went alone this time because he noticed that the other party seemed to have strong intelligence capabilities and could always leave before his police officers arrived.

Therefore, after receiving the secret information from CIPHER POL, they directly used the ability of the wind and wind fruit to set off first, and then let the police ship act as usual to attract the opponent's attention.

But he didn't expect to meet the former crew members of the Roger Pirates, let alone a strong man of Jabba's level.

However, their identities have been exposed, and the 'revolutionary army' has been unveiled as a mystery to the World Government.

Did they gather again because of Rayleigh's death?

Dorag immediately thought of the missing female owner of the ‘Ripoff Bar’ on the Shampoo Islands, the former crew member of the Rocks Pirates, Xia Qi!

It should be her existence that allows the Revolutionary Army to have such a strong intelligence network.

While thinking about it, he picked up the phone on his desk.

Originally, they thought that their own police department would handle the Revolutionary Army matters alone, but now that they have no masters who can fight against Jabba, they need to report it.

Whether it is the identity of the crew of the Roger Pirates or their behavior of causing riots in the affiliated countries, the world government needs to attach great importance to it.

The whole world is getting better and better now, and these insects and ants must not be allowed to continue to mess around!

Dorag thought to himself with firm eyes.

Soon, the call was connected.

Dean, it's me. The true identity of the revolutionary army has been confirmed. They are the remnants of the Roger Pirates and the Rocks Pirates. The leaders are Jabba and Shaki.

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