Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 414 Im’s murderous intention!

Just when the latest issue of ‘World Economic News’ set off a turbulent tsunami of public opinion in all the sea areas outside the Red Earth Continent.

Dean Smedley of the Tribunal, after listening to Dorag's detailed explanation, showed no signs of slackness or contempt.

Immediately continue to report to the Supreme Governing Council, which is the highest authority department where the Five Old Stars are located.

Because he remembered very clearly that the people above had specially issued a notice before, and any information related to the revolutionary army must be reported as soon as possible.

Although he felt that it was a bit of a fuss.

But no matter what you think in your heart, you still have to do it.

Wulaoxing also felt strange at first.

What happened to the revolutionary army?

Isn't it just a group of new private anti-government organizations? There have been countless such organizations for hundreds of years, but none of them have really taken off.

Either they were secretly eliminated by CIPHER POL, or they had internal strife due to uneven interests, and they were left to fend for themselves.

Now it seems.

Wulaoxing guessed that Lord Im must have 'seen' that this group of revolutionary troops would develop into a force that could threaten the world government in the 'future', so he paid so much attention to it.

In fact, they were right!

On the moon, in the palace on the top floor of Noah's Ark, Im narrowed his eyes when looking at the information he had just received, his pupils flashing with an icy cold light.

Jabba Shaqi is actually one of them. In order to avenge Rayleigh, are they willing to overthrow the world government at the expense of countless lives? How brave they are!

At the same time, he was completely relieved about Dolag, but he didn't feel that he was wrong to doubt him.

It seems we can no longer let this go.

Im directly put down everything at hand, opened the 'Star Map', and then used the 'Star Fate' function to first find the East China Sea in the 'Virtual Starfish', and then find the location of the Kingdom of Dunbel, and quickly search the surrounding area with it as the center. of islands.

The movements of his hands were so fast that they gradually turned into afterimages.

But the eyes and thinking can completely keep up with the high-speed switching of perspectives, and scan every corner of the sea and islands, especially those islands, whether there are obvious towns or not, they will go through them quickly.

This is truly a ‘needle in a haystack’.

Im trying to find the ship that Jabba and others boarded or the island they arrived on in the vast East China Sea.

Fortunately, there is a general area.

It only took a few hours to go back to the police boat after fighting Dorag, and then report it to the police. How far could it go at the speed of a sailboat?

About twenty minutes later, he found it!

Im naturally recognized Jabba's appearance. He was standing on the bow deck of the ship carrying two crossed iron axes, using a telephone bug to communicate with someone.

At this time, Im was like a mysterious god, coldly watching Jabba and the entire sailing ship from above, but the latter was completely unaware of it.

He didn't act rashly, but waited quietly.

Although one Jabba carries a lot of weight, it is best to pull out the roots of these revolutionary armies directly!

the following few days.

Im did not enter Yama Hell again. Instead, he read medical classics and followed Jabba's whereabouts until he arrived at an island in the windless zone on the fourth day.

From the overall environment, it is a rainforest-type island, and there should be few people living there before.

But as he continued to zoom in deeper, he could see many man-made tree houses and wooden houses appearing in the center of the rain forest. Each of them seemed to be a warehouse with a large number of arms and weapons piled up.

There are nearly a thousand tough warriors living here, some of them are responsible for guarding the outside, and some of them practice physical skills, swordsmanship or shooting with a few familiar former Roger Regiment crew members.

It looks exactly like a terrorist base camp!

not only that.

Hundreds of children are learning Chinese characters in a wooden house, and the person in charge of teaching standing in front is Xia Qi with a lady's cigarette in her mouth!

This is to prepare to spread the ideas of the revolutionary army.

Im snorted coldly.

Don't look at the fact that there are only about a hundred children here.

They can wait until they grow up and then disperse around the world.

Then the idea of ​​overthrowing the royal family, nobles, and even becoming enemies of the world government will appear like moss in every corner of the starfish, and no matter how many people are killed, so-called 'successors' will appear.

Although purging the royal families and nobles of various countries is something that the World Government will do in the future, it cannot allow others to do it for them. As for the latter, that is an unforgivable crime!

Now that the base of the revolutionary army has been found, the next step should be to order the Five Old Stars to send a naval fleet and admirals to encircle and suppress it.

But Im's eyes only glanced at the golden phone bug and then retracted it.

As a time traveler.

He knew very well how likely it was that something would happen if his subordinates did something like this, so he might have missed a few people by some mistake, and then continued to disgust himself later.

That's all there was to it, except for the existence of the 'revolutionary army', which made Im extremely afraid.

Even if it is not led by Dolag, the name and the established impression of the 'original work' are enough to take it seriously.

Forget it, I'll do it myself!

Im made a decision and did not attract the 'Yama' and 'Xihe' placed on the knife rest. He just focused his eyes on the image in the star map with his bare hands.

When a faint white light appeared on the body, it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

at this time.

Jabba and Doringo had already led people through the dense rain forest to the base camp. Seeing that Xia Qi was still giving lectures to the orphans, they went to the meeting hall to sit down.

About ten minutes later, Xia Qi came back.

I told you this before I came here. Now that our existence has been exposed, what should we do next? Jabba asked without any nonsense.

Although he has the strongest combat power in the revolutionary army, he is actually the second-in-command, the chief of staff, while Xia Qi is the first-in-command, the commander!

In addition, there is Spencer, the third in command, who serves as the intelligence chief.

However, because he was already married, he did not move here. Instead, he set up a small branch in a secluded kingdom.

Then he handles various tasks for the revolutionary army inside. If necessary, he can also use the video phone bug to conduct video conferencing.

Further down.

Taro serves as the swordsmanship instructor, Peter Mu serves as the shooting instructor, Yanlong serves as the physical arts instructor, and Doringo has bat wings to fly and is quite maneuverable, so he serves as the chief operations officer and is responsible for leading the ship to escort weapons and personnel.

Even though there are only a thousand people on this island, these are the key members they regard as trustworthy.

In addition, there are nearly three thousand peripheral members in various places and an unknown number of intelligence personnel who are only in the hands of Xia Qi.

Spencer, what do you think?

Xia Qi thought for a while and looked at the handsome young man with blond hair in a ponytail on the virtual screen. Spencer said calmly after hearing this.

It is temporarily dormant. If it is just the Revolutionary Army, it should not attract too much attention from the world government.

The key is the identity of Mr. Jabba and us. We will definitely be vigorously hunted down by the Navy, CIPHER POL, and the Police Department.

It's best to let people over there in the South China Sea do something to attract their attention away from the East China Sea.

At the same time, while they were having a meeting, they did not notice that a white light suddenly flashed a thousand meters above their heads.

Immediately afterwards, a lonely figure wearing a white robe with gold patterns appeared out of thin air, with a pair of golden corrugated pupils looking down at the green island covered by dense rainforest below.

Since you are seeking death, I will fulfill your wish.

Do you know what the ability that Imxin showed is, and when did it appear? Readers who have not skipped the subscription will probably know

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Thank you very much to the confused three-legged cat butler for the 113 starting coins reward! bow! Thank you for your support and encouragement!

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