Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2054: Executors under the Red Star (6)

Cassia got up, ready to exchange body control with Sisia at any time. At the same time, the scope of mental perception expanded, collecting all real-time situations about Lowell and his surroundings, and summarizing them in the mental body for analysis. It was the last class, and he still wanted to teach Cixiado something.

"It seems that there are still some reasons for being called an alliance monster. But there are only a few. Unfortunately, when Pekinz was there, he did not ask more details and information about the sacrificial ceremony. The flame alliance is willing to give up the division halfway. Top members like Mr. Erkewa directly shifted the proportion of resources by a large margin not long before the arrival of the Red Star, and there must be a deep-seated reason for the sacrificial ceremony."

"I used to think that there was not enough time, and the Flame Alliance couldn't wait for the rapid growth of Korkewa, so they focused on these alliance monsters. Now I think about it again, and I will soon be in the southern forest. The information given by Pekinz There will be traces of the main reason.”

"But everyone is growing up. Although this alliance monster has many fatal deficiencies, it still has a lot of experience in combat."

Cassia's evaluation is not bad, not bad, at a normal level. Among them, in addition to the fact that the few alliance monsters I have seen have no advantages, and their shortcomings are faintly exposed, there are also reasons why these people can't cause a sense of oppression at all.

But they are a completely different phenomenon for Sicily. Cassia has understood from the very beginning that there are hidden fatal mistakes in Sisia's choices and judgments, whether it will surface to the surface, completely depends on the personal level of the enemy, and bet on whether the enemy can catch the "hidden fatal error".

The result is that the monsters of the alliance have personal strength - which is really not high in the eyes of Cassia and No. 0 - really catch the mistakes that Sisia showed at the beginning, and in this only two or three minutes, turn it into a Factors that could end this catch-up game.

Cassia attributed this result to her own dereliction of duty, because Sisia did learn about "performance", but it was not enough to be used in battle. Controlling emotions, facial expressions and body movements, etc. These are compulsory courses for surgeons. Just like surgery, they can never be counted in the ranks of "performance".

It is an advanced thing, which can be regarded as a very important comprehensive ability - through the understanding and observation of the environment, the enemy and oneself, to think about how to deceive the enemy, interfere so as to influence every judgment of the enemy.

If you have systematically trained this comprehensive ability, although it cannot be said that Sisia can deal with Lowell alone, in Cassia's thinking, if it is used properly, Sisia will now be very relaxed, and can rely on "performance, acting skills" ”, so that Lowell will not act rashly for a period of time, and will still follow carefully behind him, collect the necessary information to analyze the situation of Sicily, and not appear in the current situation.

Sisia looked too simple to hide her thoughts. Cassia thinks this sentence can be used to evaluate her now - there is absolutely no mistake in the choice of direction, but it is too obvious. Lowell may not have known it at first, but under two attacks, the completely unadjusted route made it easy for him to guess Sicia's thoughts.

When driving a limousine, I feel that I am being followed, or even if there is no one behind me, in order to be careful, I often have to go around the city several times. This principle cannot be directly used in the current situation, but the understanding of the route planning and the wrong guidance of the enemy will not be very different.

Lowell knew Sicia's purpose, guessed her thoughts, and roughly figured out the direction and scope of her advance. Then in the next chase, he doesn't have to follow Sisia closely. Just running in the same direction and planning the fastest route reasonably is definitely more correct and simpler than simply increasing the speed.

In Sisia's thinking, Lowell's pursuit route is the route he has traveled, and he will not deviate much. When Lowell deviates significantly from the route, the brain, which is not strong enough to deal with all the current situation, naturally starts to lose its perceptual capture of him.

Cassia does not expect Sisia to figure out the reason for the current situation in the next time. She has great expectations for her, and most of these expectations are in attitude and growth.

"In a short period of time, I have figured out Sicily's strength. In addition to the fact that Siciia showed her full strength from the beginning and did not hide at all, the response to the two sniper rifle bullets also provided a lot of evidence." Cassia feels It is a pity that at this moment, I also express deep regret to Lowell personally.

"Sicia does have many shortcomings, but as an alliance monster, you can probably only have an advantage in battle. But if you evaluate a person, you still need to think from many aspects. You still have many shortcomings. However, They have different positions and are the same people in the world of surgeons. I think you were prepared for this kind of unstoppable struggle long ago."

At this moment, mental perception sent a message to No. 0 at the same time, informing that maybe in five minutes, the exam would end early. The content of the exam is beyond the scope, and the time is not enough, there are indeed many places in Sicily that need to be continuously improved.

Zero, who was sneaking behind Lowell, nodded solemnly, so that Cassia didn't have to worry. This level of enemy,,,

At the same time, Sisia, who was a candidate, did not know this information from the beginning, even a little bit. Her perception of Lowell is almost the same as Cassia's judgment, from blurry to intermittent appearance, to completely unable to capture it for a period of time, and finally to a situation that can occasionally be captured at this moment. UU reading www.

Additionally, each time Lowell was captured, the distance between the two was shrinking.

Sisia, who was already running with all her strength, began to take deep breaths frequently, and when she slowly exhaled, her heartbeat increased again, reaching a value that made her feel the pain in her chest. The cross pupils in her eyes became brighter, and although the speed was increased by one layer, the surrounding buildings were completely turned into flowing water, but the effect was only in the next minute or so, so that she could see that the distance was pulled. open trend.

After that, when the distance was narrowed a little by Lowell again, and it became more and more difficult to capture his perception, a lot of pressure instantly accumulated on Scia.

"Your enhanced perception can definitely capture Lowell at the moment. Calm down!" Seeing Scia's nervousness, Cassia reminded him at this time. At the same time, he was able to stick to the judgment of five minutes and was changed to three minutes by him. In his other thoughts, if Xixi can regain the capture of Lowell, the time can be extended to about seven minutes.

"Understood." Sicily responded, but the voice in her head was no longer so stable. Knowing and not knowing the enemy's location are usually two very different situations for any surgeon.

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