Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2055: Executors under the Red Star (7)

The moment she lost her perception, Scia felt the darkness surrounding her. She is not afraid of being nervous, and the right amount of pressure can promote the body to maintain a high level of function all the time. It is the panic that can be detected rationally. In the face of a situation that has never been encountered before, there is no clue that can make people more afraid than the unknown.

Cassia's words have only a certain effect. What Sisia is worried about is not her own safety, but the exam that has been going on since the beginning. This is very important to her. If Cassia speaks for the first time, she can feel at ease, but now this time it is very intuitive to make her feel unconscious that her exam has failed.

And this kind of failure, she didn't notice at all. Before Kasia reminded her, she had an intuition that something was wrong, but self-judgment that these mistakes did not go to the point of failing the exam. It can still be remedied in sufficient time. But at this moment, she realized that she had made a very big mistake.

It's just that she still doesn't know where she is wrong, which is what makes her panic. Because there is no clue and direction, there is no effective remedy at all. The thinking capacity of the head has been crowded with all kinds of information because of the loss of perception of Lowell. Right now, she has no place to look at all her choices and judgments from the very beginning.

But as a student with extremely good grades in his school days, Sisia knew that when the examiner did not say "the exam is over, please put down the pen in your hand", the exam continued.

In this regard, she regained a little familiarity and stabilized the fluctuating emotions. Also stop thinking about other things, at least people who are trained to understand the importance of staying calm and rational in the more chaotic the situation. It was quickly determined that the current problem that needs to be solved in the first step - regaining the perception of Lowell.

There is no doubt that his perception ability is not enough, because Cassia has said that it can be captured, and Sisia naturally believes in his judgment. When the words that Cassia had said in the past reappeared in her head, the words of Miss Hillary, who had guided her for a little time before, also sounded together.

Sicily didn't understand what the specific expression of calm and rationality would look like, but she thought that her feelings at the moment might be a less obvious manifestation.

The perception was completely withdrawn by her in an instant, and then centered on herself, like a well-prepared artificial machine restart, each step, each movement was accurately confirmed, and the spread was slow and orderly. The range slowly expanded with her unstoppable running, from a radius of 100 meters to 200 meters, and then stopped at 300 meters.

This time, she did not choose to expand the perception range of nearly 400 meters. When a circle with a radius of about 300 meters was completely formed around, she consciously controlled the proportion of perception in all directions according to Hilary's guidance. I thought it would be difficult before, but now it seems very natural.

There is no need for orders, if such an idea appears in thinking, the weight of perception has been quickly changed accordingly. Lowell, who can only be caught occasionally, appeared in the perception. Although the distance had been pulled to about 150 meters, Scia was not worried or panicked because of the distance.

This is an attempt to quickly and clearly let her know that she has a lot of abilities, but because of tension and pressure, she did not find the correct way to use it, and thus failed to play its due effect.

Sicily let out a breath, and the pressure and the brain crowded with all kinds of thoughts relaxed together. With more places to think about her next move, after knowing Lowell's location, she continued to recall what Cassia had said in the past and was memorized.

Soon she found something like a starting point, which she thought was the direction and clue she was missing now.

Thinking was emptied in a large area after that, and the information-gathering work that she had put behind her from the beginning of the escape was picked up and operated with full force. But rationally, she knew that it was too late to do this step, and the reason why she was reminded twice by Cassia was probably one of the reasons.

But as long as the examiner does not say "the exam is over, please put down your pen", the exam is not over. Sisia has always believed in this sentence, and will seize every moment to make up for the previous mistakes.

The regional map appeared in his mind, and the imaginary fixed route disappeared immediately. Sisia tried to simulate various situations, and it was the first time to try it. It was difficult, but it was not unacceptable. Dozens of routes appeared one after another on the regional map. After one or two breaths, the point representing Lowell's position was also lit up on the imaginary map.

Subsequently, Lowell's forward route also entered the simulation. It looks intermittent and cannot be connected into lines, but as an attempt, this step can be considered very, very good.

"Is this what the eyes and brains of Mr. Cassia and Mr. Zero saw during the battle?" There was a certain place in the fast-moving thoughts, and this question with a sigh appeared. It was like being exposed to a new world, and what Sisia felt was not surprise, but shock.

This is an experience she has never had before, and it is also a form of combat that she has never been exposed to. Although the description of this situation can be somewhat captured from Cassia's words, and its importance is known. But before that, Sisia didn't have a vague concept about it, just heard what Cassia said.

Sisia put away the sigh in her heart and tried her best to maintain the regional map and simulation in her head. Lowell's position and route are still intermittent, and even self-simulation is extremely difficult to be affected by Lowell's changing trajectory.

"Probably need to find the law from the irregular forward route. UU reads and observes Lowell through perception, obtains information, and analyzes a large amount of available information, such as why it chose this direction, why did it happen? Turning there, why do you suddenly slow down, etc., so that the route in the simulation can be connected into a complete line?" The first simulated battle, Sisia felt a lot from it. Awareness of the gap with the current top three-stage surgeons.

Just this form of battle, and the information capacity that will be calculated and analyzed in the brain after the battle begins, Sisia knows that she is just a strange person who has just started, and there is still a long way to go. .

But when she thought of Lowell, who had already used it proficiently, or had used this simulation as an instinct, used it in every battle, and thought that his evaluation in Cassia and No. 0 was very bad, she was very concerned about the battle. , the two have a strong interest in what they see in their eyes.

The exam suddenly lost its importance. She roughly understood that in this exam, the probability of passing the exam on her own was less than 1%.

"The time is still not enough. If you know this battle form in advance and train it, you will have a chance to pass tonight."

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