Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 114: Emperor's scheming

Prison of the Criminal Ministry.

The former prime minister Yuan Zai deeply realized what is the warmth of humanity!

Even if he has power in his hand and covers the sky with only his hand, everything comes from the emperor.

The emperor wants him to die, he has to die! Yuan Zai has embezzled countless amounts. He thought he was the richest person in the world, but under the imperial power, he could embezzle, but he could not keep it.

This is imperial power!

This is the emperor! Yuan Zai was a little unwilling.

When he woke up, it was too late.

He has completely lost the favor of the emperor and the position of prime minister.

If Yuan Zai is given another chance to come back, Yuan Zai will certainly not ignore the emperor like that...

"I still have a chance!" Yuan Zai's eyes suddenly burst into unprecedented light.

Although, at this moment, he is in deep prison and has a dead end, but it may not be impossible to turn over.

As long as the emperor is willing to re-trust him.

Everything is solved.

At this moment, Yuan Zai deeply realized what imperial power was.

In the Datang Empire, imperial power is heaven.

Under the imperial power, all are ants.

Even if Yuan Zai committed heinous crimes, as long as the emperor didn't want him to die, he could not die.

This Great Tang is the Emperor's Great Tang.

At this point, Yuan Zai stood up suddenly, looked at the jailer guarding the prison, and said with a hoarse voice: "I want to see your Majesty."

Although Yuan Zai was a death row prisoner, he was the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty after all, so the Ministry of Criminal Justice arranged a special jailer to guard Yuan Zai.

At this moment, the jailer's face suddenly changed when he heard Yuan Zai's words.

If other people dare to say such things, they will be tortured.

But Yuan Zai is the former prime minister.

He wants to see the emperor, not a little jailer can decide.

The jailer hurried out to report.

Soon after, Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry came in person.

"Your Majesty is not for you to see."

The Penal Department Shangshu looked at Yuan Zai and said, "Why don't you tell me why you went to see your Majesty, I will tell your Majesty."

Yuan Zai shook his head slightly: "The matter I reported is top secret, are you sure you want to listen?"

As soon as Yuan Zai's voice fell, Xing Bu Shang Shu was surprised.

Top secret?

Xingbu Shangshu was playing drums in his heart.

If it's really top secret, he knows, it's a blessing...

Thinking of this, Xingbu Shangshu took a deep breath, waved his sleeves, and left the prison.

He wants to enter the palace and tell his majesty that the former prime minister Yuan has something to report.


Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, lost in thought.

The problem reported by Taiwei Yang Qinglin really needs to be resolved.

To complete the colonial plan and completely colonize the Turkic state, economic and cultural influence is essential.

Only by allowing the Turks to rely on the business houses of the Tang Dynasty, as well as the children of the Turks, being nurtured by the Tang culture at all times, can the Turkic nation be completely reversed.

Li Si stood up from the throne of the dragon chair and walked slowly back and forth.

When Taiwei Yang Qinglin saw this scene, he became more respectful.

Yang Qinglin was the minister of life left to Li Si by the first emperor, but Yang Qinglin had never relied on this status.

Yang Qinglin is very clear about his identity.

He is a courtier of Datang.

And Li Si is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

There is a difference between the emperor and the minister.

Even if Yang Qinglin is Minister Gu Ming, he is also a minister!

When Yang Qinglin was respectful, Li Si suddenly stopped.

Upon seeing this, Tai Wei Yang Qinglin couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty has thought of a solution?"

Li Si nodded slightly and said: "According to my decrees, all businesses that are willing to station on the grassland will be exempt from tax for one year."

"As for the Confucian scholars who go to the depths of the grassland to teach the barbarians, the court will personally issue honors for the people of the world to know..."


As soon as the emperor's words came out, Tai Wei Yang Qinglin was dumbfounded and did not react for a long time.

Li Si sat back on the throne of the dragon chair and looked at Taiwei Yang Qinglin: "What does Aiqing think of my approach?"

Taiwei Yang Qinglin said with excitement: "Your Majesty Shengming, the minister is not in time..."

As the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Si could make an order to force the great scholars to go to the grassland.

However, in this way, whether it is a business or a big Confucian, it will be unwilling.

This is the next strategy.

But the two methods mentioned by His Majesty did not mean the slightest force.

It is guided by profit.

Merchants are rich in money, so the emperor granted tax exemption privileges. If merchants are willing to stay in the grassland, they will definitely earn more money. In this way, in order to make money, there will definitely be a large number of merchants pouring into the grassland.

Great Confucianism has the same name, so the emperor promised to use his fame and imperial court as a guarantee, promised to publicize for the Confucian scholars, and to improve his reputation and status. With such a move, the great Confucians who are willing to go deep into the grassland are bound to be countless.

And what did the court pay for this?

Some money, and publicity.

Only paying such a small price allowed merchants and Confucian scholars to go to the grassland willingly. In the eyes of Taiwei Yang Qinglin, this is simply incredible...

Taiwei Yang Qinglin could not think that the question of thinking hard and not thinking about tea and rice became so simple when he came to the emperor?

Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, looked at Taiwei Yang Qinglin, and said, "Since Aiqing has no objection, go down and implement it as soon as possible!"

Taiwei Yang Qinglin heard this and respectfully said: "The minister abides by the decree."



Yongan The Queen Mother sat on the main seat and said: "Come on, let the emperor come over."


The imperial physician walked into Yong'an Palace and arched his hands towards the queen mother: "The old official has seen the queen mother."

"Free gift."

Looking at the imperial doctor, the queen mother looked forward to her face: "How is Mu Meiren's body? Is she pregnant with a dragon seed?"

The imperial physician heard the words and said truthfully: "Mu Mei's pulse is normal, and there is no sign of pregnancy..."


The queen mother sighed, her face full of loss.

The emperor canonized Mu Meiren for almost two months, and he has been lucky for several times, but Mu Meiren’s belly is still very big.

"Doctor, you tell Ai Jia, how can you give birth to a dragon heir?"

As soon as the Queen Mother spoke, the imperial doctor hesitated and said, "Queen dowager, the dragon seed matter, you can't be anxious, but if there are more concubines in your majesty's harem, chances may be higher..."

"How many more concubines?"

The queen mother thoughtfully.

For more than three months since the emperor ascended the throne, there was only Mu Mu in the harem.

This is absolutely rare among all dynasties.

Before, the queen mother had thought about drafting for the emperor, but she was messed up by the remnants of the magic door.

At this time, the Queen Mother suddenly raised her mind to draft for the emperor again.

There are so many beautiful women who enter the palace, even if the emperor looks down on them, they are kept in the palace and chat with the queen mother.

"Hmph, this time, the Ai family wants to see, who dares to take advantage of the draft to enter the palace and do something wrong!"

A cold light flashed across the queen mother's face. Last time, she didn't pay attention and let the remnants of the demon door take advantage of it.

This time, the queen mother made up her mind that if anyone dared to make troubles, the queen mother would definitely make her pay a price that she would never forget!

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