Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 115: Won Jae's Secret

Hall of Eternal Life.

Not long after Taiwei Yang Qinglin left, Shangshu from the Criminal Ministry came to see him.


Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair and said casually. "Zunzhi." The attendant **** retired.

After a while, Xingbu Shangshu walked into the Hall of Longevity.

"I have seen your Majesty." Shangshu of the Criminal Department said respectfully.

Li Si looked at the Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry and said, "What happened to Aiqing?"

"Enjoy your majesty, the old minister came here to report, the prisoner Yuan Zai, wants to see your majesty."

Xingbu Shangshu bowed and said.

"Yuan Zai?" Li Si was taken aback for a moment.

In this Yuan Zai, Li Si still has some impressions.

In Li Si's memory, the prime minister Yuan Zai was the great greed of the Tang Dynasty.

After Li Si ousted Yuan Zai as prime minister, he found a jewellery property worth 50 million taels from his mansion.

You know, even if Datang's annual tax revenue is only a few million taels, less than 10 million taels.

One yuan, the corrupted silver, turned out to be the tax revenue of Datang for more than five years!

One Yuan Zai, let the Tang Dynasty hall be in chaos!

How terrible is this? !

If there were more such corrupt officials above the court, wouldn't Datang have no money to use?

Therefore, Li Si threw Yuan Zai into prison on the spot, waiting for Qiuhou to ask for help.

However, what Li Si did not expect is that Yuan Zai now wants to see the emperor?

"Did he say anything?"

Li Si looked at the Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry and asked.

"Enlighten your majesty, the prisoner Yuan Zai, to tell the old official that what he wants to tell your majesty is top secret, so the old official dare not ask more..."

The Criminal Department Shangshu replied immediately.

"Top secret?"

Li Si sneered.

He wanted to know how top secret what Yuan Zai said was.

If this top secret really impresses the emperor, then Li Si doesn't mind listening to it more.

If he can't move, Li Si may let Yuan Zai walk through the Dongchang dungeon.

There are countless tortures in the Dongchang dungeon. By then, Yuan Zai will probably die even if he wants to.

"Bring Yuan Zai to the palace, let me see if the secret in his heart can be called top secret."

As soon as Li Si's words fell, Shang Shu of the Criminal Ministry immediately bowed and said: "Comply with the purpose."

After the Penal Department Shangshu finished speaking, he got up and left the Hall of Longevity. On the orders of his majesty, the prisoner Yuan Zai was brought to the palace...



Wang Mu officially joined the court as an imperial scholar.

The relationship in the officialdom of the Tang Dynasty is complicated, but because Wang Mu and the other three are the first emperor's protégés, under the name of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, no one dares to embarrass them.

After Wang Mu entered the court hall and contacted the ministers, the feeling of contentment in his heart disappeared from the blow.

Manchu dynasty civil and military officials, rank 4 or higher, which one is not the champion and the best in the ranking?

What does Wang Mu compare to him?

The only title of ‘Emperor’s Protege’ is still the light of Emperor Datang’s reform of the imperial examination.

After Wang Mu realized this, he immediately corrected his attitude and studied the various measures issued by the emperor since he became the throne day and night.

Wang Mu was shocked by this research.

When today, the first thing he took to the throne was to order the Household Department Shangshu to check the land in the world.

Then carry out land reform.

Implement a tax collection system per mu.

This approach has greatly eased the problem of land mergers.

The taxes of the court also increased.

This reform is simply groundbreaking. Since then, Datang will never have a tax-free scene.

Wang Mu trembled with excitement, and his respect for the emperor was beyond words.

Wang Mu firmly believes in his heart that if the land reform is completely implemented, the treasury of the Datang Empire will no longer be empty.

Once upon a time, Wang Mu was also ambitious and wanted to assist the present-day Lord.

But now it seems that the emperor's talent is far beyond his reach.

He Wang Mu, how can He De, have the qualifications to assist the current sage?

It's just that Wang Mu not only didn't worry about it, but was more fortunate.

Datang was obtained from the holy monarch, which is the blessing of the world and the people!

Wang Mu settled down and continued to study.

Soon, Wang Mu saw the Emperor's commercial tax reform and abolished the checkpoint tax.

Once the checkpoint tax is cancelled, the income of Datang merchants will inevitably increase, and the commercial tax will naturally rise.

In this way, Datang's immediate urgency was eased.

One land reform, one commercial reform, one after the other, one long-term and one short-term, completely solved the problem of Datang treasury.

With sufficient treasury, Datang has the confidence to reopen the prosperous age!

Wang Mu was so excited that he wanted to bow before the emperor and express his fanaticism.

Wang Mu settled down, but found that the abolition of the checkpoint tax would increase the revenue of the treasury for Datang, but it would improve the status of the merchant...

Merchants have always been profiting only, and the atmosphere of the market is extremely heavy. If the merchants are made bigger and dominate the atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty, good fortune and misfortune are unpredictable...

In the eyes of businessmen, money can communicate with God, and even some businessmen, for the sake of money, openly ignore the imperial power...

If this phenomenon is not controlled, I am afraid it will shake the country...

Deep worries emerged in Wang Mu's heart...


Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry rushed back to the prison and came to Yuan Zai.

"Your Majesty would like to see me?"

Yuan Zai asked nervously.

The Criminal Department Shangshu did not speak, but instead looked at Yuan Zai.

Just when Yuan Zai was cold in his heart, thinking that his Majesty would not even see him, the Criminal Department Shangshu finally spoke: "Come with me."


Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry brought Yuan Zai into the palace.

Yuan Zai walked in this palace with deep emotion.

Ever since he was ousted from the position of prime minister and imprisoned in the prison, Yuan Zai had never thought that one day he would still be able to walk in this palace.

Yuan Zai clenched his fists.

He Yuan Zai, must seize this opportunity to regain the emperor's favor.

Outside the Hall of Longevity.

After waiting for the notice from the nearby attendant eunuch, Shang Shu of the Criminal Department walked into the hall with Yuan Zai.

Yuan Zai puffed and knelt directly in front of Long An.

"Cao Min Yuan Zai, thank you for your majesty's grace."

Yuan Zai said loudly.

Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair and looked at Yuan Zai who was kneeling on the ground: "Get up."

"Top secret in your mouth, tell me?"

"If I find out that you are deceiving me, what are the consequences? You should know it in your heart?"

Li Si said.

"My Majesty, Cao Min will never deceive your Majesty."

Yuan Zai did not dare to lift his head: "If your Majesty feels that the Caomin is cheating, the Caomin is willing to bear any consequences!"

"In that case, you can tell."

As soon as Li Si's words fell, Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry immediately bowed and said: "Enjoy your majesty, if there is nothing wrong, the old minister will leave first..."

Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry is very self-aware.

To be called top secret by Yuan Zai, it must not be someone who is qualified to contact him with six books.

If Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry is curious and stays and listens, if he hears something that shouldn't be known, he might be locked up in the prison of the Criminal Ministry, and he is the senior writer of the Criminal Ministry...

Therefore, no matter what Yuan Zai's top secret is, the Xing Bu Shangshu has no meaning at all.

Ask to leave directly. After receiving the emperor's nod, Xing Bu Shang Shu left the Changsheng Palace without looking back.

In the Hall of Longevity, Li Si looked at Yuan Zai and said, "Now, should you tell me?"

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