Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 161: Reign name "Apocalypse"!

   Tai Chi Hall.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

   The officials bowed their heads and shouted: "Long live your majesty, long live long live."

   "All the love is flat."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   approached the **** and said loudly: "If there is something to tell, if there is nothing to do, leave the court."

   As soon as the attendant eunuch's voice fell, the chief minister of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng, stood out and said, "Your Majesty, the minister has something to play."

   The chief minister of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng, continued: "Your Majesty has been on the throne for more than April, and the minister thought it was time to determine the name of your Majesty."

  As soon as Zhang Juzheng's words fell, the court officials nodded: "The ministers seconded."

The    year represents the face of the emperor.

   Generally speaking, every new emperor ascends to the throne, he will abandon the old reign and choose a new reign to represent the beginning of everything.

   Li Si leaned on the throne of the dragon chair and looked calm after listening to the advice of the ministers.

   It's not that he didn't think about the year number.

   It's just that since he became the throne, there are too many things to deal with.

   Also, there is no sloppy reign.

   Because some reigns will accompany the emperor's life.

   If you take a year number at random, after you announce it to the world, you find that there are some problems.

   Until then, he is the emperor who is ashamed.

   Originally, Li Si prepared for a period of time to ask the Book of Rites to prepare some reigns, and then choose from them.

   But now, since Zhang Juzheng mentioned it, it's better to settle down the issue of the year.

   Anyway, the issue of the year will be resolved sooner or later.

   Li Si turned his gaze, looked at the ministers, and said, "Aiqing do you have any good suggestions for reigns?"

   Li Si's words made the court officials fall into thinking.

The    year represents the face of the emperor.

   Therefore, there must be enough majesty.

   Also, it must have a certain degree of recognizability, which can be distinguished from the year names of all dynasties.

   This is very rare.

   Li Si looked around the chaotic hall, his gaze fell on Shang Shu of the Ministry of War: "Aiqing has any opinion?"

   The words of the emperor made the Department of War Shangshu cold sweat.

   If the emperor asked a civil servant like Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites, he might still get a slightly more satisfactory answer.

   But the Sangbu of the Ministry of War, a Tier 1 Takeshi, although he is not illiterate, but if he wants to come up with a complicated title like a country's reign, what clues can he have?

   It's just that, since the emperor asked, the Department of War Shangshu can only bite the bullet and barely name a year.

   "Returning to your Majesty, the minister thought that since your Majesty's accession to the throne, you will be able to accomplish your great cause, so why not use'great cause' as your reign?"

  Shangshu of the Ministry of War carefully finished speaking, his back was already wet with sweat...

  "Great cause?"

   Li Si frowned slightly.

   This year name, in Li Si's eyes, is too direct...

   Li Si doesn't like it very much.

   Next, Li Si asked some other courtiers.

   But the reigns obtained are nothing more than some reigns such as "Shenlong", "All Things", and "Golden Yuan".

  Only the Book of Rites suggested that Li Si nodded slightly with "Taichu" as the year name.

at this time.

  The first minister of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng, once again stood out: "Your Majesty, the minister has a year number."

   "Say Aiqing."

   Li Si's eyes fell on Zhang Juzheng.

   Zhang Juzheng arched his hands and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you use'Apocalypse' as my Datang Reign?"

   The voice of Zhang Juzheng spread throughout the Tai Chi Hall.

   The court officials heard the words, thoughtful in their hearts.


   means heaven and earth.

   The opening of a flourishing world that has never been seen before!

   For a time, the civil and military officials were very excited.

   Obviously, even the Book of Rites thinks that "Tianqi" is very suitable as a Tang Dynasty title.


   Li Si is quite satisfied.

   "Presenting my will, and spreading the reign title "Apocalypse" to the world!"

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, the court officials handed over: "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

   In the first year of Tianqi, the emperor is in his glory!




   Cihang Jingzhai disciple Jingyue rushed to Lingnan overnight on the order of the master of the fast.

   After Jingyue arrived in Lingnan, according to Cihang Jingzhai's information, she found the residence of the Song family in Lingnan.

   "In the next Jingyue, I want to see the head of the Song family."

   Jingyue looked at the guard in front of the mansion and spoke.

  The guard looked at Jingyue, his eyes flashed with a gleam: "The girl wants to see the Patriarch of the Song family, I don't know where the girl comes from?"

   Lingnan Song Family is one of the world's top celebrities, even the Lingnan prefect, if you want to see Song Family Patriarch, you may not be able to see it.

   The power of the Song family in Lingnan is too big.

   As soon as Jingyue spoke, she wanted to see the Patriarch of the Song family. If it were not for the guards of the Song family mansion, if she noticed that Jingyue was unusual, I am afraid she would have taken Jingyue down and questioned her origins.

   "Emperor Steps on the Peak."

   Jingyue calmly said

   In the whole world, not many people know that Cihang Jingzhai was built on the peak of Emperor Tai.

   But Jingyue believes that the Song family must know.

   "Emperor Stepping Peak?"

  The guard frowned slightly.

   "I hope the girl will wait a while."

   The guard said these words and went directly to the mansion.

   after a moment.

  The guard walked out with a much more respectful attitude: "Girl, come with me."

   Jingyue took a deep breath and followed behind the guard.

   The Song Family Mansion was said to be a mansion, but after entering, Jingyue found out that the area inside was dozens of acres in size.

   Countless children of the Song family patrolled back and forth.

   Jingyue’s heartbeat started to accelerate.

  Because, in this short moment, she saw three great masters with the ultimate innate...

   Innate extreme, although it is far less rare than gods and demons.

   But the number will not be too much.

   can be seen in the Song family, as if it can be seen everywhere.

   Jingyue followed the guard and came to a hall door.

   "Patriarch is inside."

  The guards finished speaking, then turned and left.

   Jingyue settled down and walked into the hall.

  As soon as she entered the hall, Jingyue found a man in a robe, with her back facing Jingyue, looking at a giant painting hanging in the middle of the hall.

   just when Jingyue was in shock.

   An indifferent voice came.

   The robe man slowly turned around and looked at Jingyue.

   "Ci Hang Jing Zhai asked you to come, what's the matter?"



  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

   The date of the Tang Dynasty is confirmed, and Li Si is in a good mood.

   Li Si looked at the memorial presented by Dongchang.

   These memorials are all intelligence that Cao Zhengchun obtained by monitoring the entire Chang'an City in accordance with Li Si's request.

   The intelligence records the very detailed actions of the officials, ranging from the things done by the first-grade officials to the things that the officials accidentally said at home.

   Li Si flipped through the memorial.


   Li Si's eyes stopped and fell on a certain line.

  In the imperial examination, Chen He, after entering the court, often met with the children of the rich and powerful in Chang'an, often haunting places of pleasure...

   Li Si looked calm.

   For this Chen He, he has some impressions.

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin once recommended Wang Mu and Chen He to go to Hexi to take up the post of commander-in-chief.

   Just when Li Si fell into deep thought. .

   Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, came to see you.

   Zhang Juzheng got his majesty’s permission, walked into the Palace of Longevity, and bowed: "Your Majesty, the minister has just received the news. In the border area, there are several blond and blue-eyed foreigners..."

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