In the Hall of Longevity.

   Zhang Juzheng, chief minister of the cabinet, reported to the emperor the discovery of the Datang Border Pass.

   If he were an ordinary foreigner, Zhang Juzheng would never report to the emperor.

   After all, at the border of Datang, at the junction of several countries, it is normal for foreigners to appear.

   But the foreigner I found this time had blond and blue eyes.

   This used to be, but it rarely appeared.

   Therefore, Zhang Juzheng made a special report.


   Li Si glanced at Zhang Juzheng.

  In Li Si's memory, he knew that these blond and blue-eyed foreigners were completely different from the Han nationality in Central Plains.


   Zhang Juzheng arched his hands: "When the soldiers at the border spotted them, these foreigners were about to collapse. They took a rest for nearly a day before they were slightly relieved."

   "Now they are being held in a cell, waiting to be dealt with."

   "These foreigners, I don't know where, they learned some of my Central Plains language, and they can barely communicate..."

   Zhang Juzheng continued.

   Li Si was thoughtful after hearing this.

   Li Si looked at Zhang Juzheng with some interest in his heart: "In what direction were they discovered?"

   Zhang Juzheng said immediately: "Return to your Majesty, it was at the border gate to the west of my Datang. After discovering them, the soldiers at the border sent back information as soon as possible."

   Li Si heard Zhang Juzheng's words, and he had roughly guessed where these blond and blue-eyed aliens came from...


   Li Si raised his head slightly and glanced west.

   "They can really run..."

   Li Si said softly.

   According to Li Si's estimation, the distance from the Western countries to Datang is at least ten thousand miles away.

   And, between the two, there are all kinds of dangerous places.

   For example, deserts, swamps, grasslands, etc.

   These people were able to come to Datang alive, and I don’t know how much luck they took.

   Zhang Juzheng heard the emperor's whisper, and a trace of doubt appeared on his face: "Does your majesty know the origin of these people?"

   Li Si shook his head slightly, and said, "I told you before that the world is big, and these foreigners come from the West."

   Zhang Juzheng is the **** and demon summoned by Li Si, and he is absolutely loyal to Li Si.

   So Li Si didn't mind telling Zhang Juzheng a little more secretly.

   "That's it."

   Zhang Juzheng suddenly realized.

   Zhang Juzheng did not ask why the emperor knew this.

   For Zhang Juzheng, Li Si is the omniscient and omnipotent god.

   "Your Majesty."

   Zhang Juzheng respectfully said, "How should we deal with these foreigners?"

   "Do you want to kill or release?"

   Li Si heard the words, fell into a deep thought, and finally said: "Bring them back to Chang'an."

   "I have some questions, but I want to ask them."

   Li Si has great interest in Western countries.

   It's just that the internal worries of Datang have not yet been resolved, and Li Si has no mind to focus his energy thousands of miles away.

   But Li Si can fully understand the current situation in the West...

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Zhang Juzheng quit the Hall of Longevity with his hands, conveying the will of his majesty.

   After Zhang Juzheng left.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

   In Li Si's memory, the Western countries of this period should be in a period of war?

   If at this time, the Datang Empire would strongly intervene...

   At this point, Li Si was slightly excited.



   In the court of the Turkic king.

   The atmosphere is bleak.

   The Turkic State Master stood in front of the Turkic King’s bed with a trace of sorrow on his face.

"National Division."

   The Turkic King grabbed the sleeves of the Turkic State Division, as if he had returned to his glory.

   "Guo Shi, I know I'm dying."

   The Turkic King tried his best to open his eyes and looked at the Turkic national teacher: "There is only one thing, I want to ask the national teacher."

   The Turkic State Division heard the begging of the Turkic King and solemnly said: "Please speak to the King."

   "There is a young child alone, who is still young, and after lonely death, I am worried that it will be difficult for him to subdue those tribal chiefs."

   When the Turkic King talked about this, he stopped, gasping for breath: "I hope that the national teacher will help him more..."

   The Turkic State Master took the hand of the Turkic King and promised: "The youngest son of the King is the master of my Turkic steppe."

   "In this case, Gu is relieved."

   A relieved smile appeared on the face of the Turkic King.

   The next moment, in the eyes of the Turkic King, he completely lost his look.

   The Turkic State Teacher was silent.

   "The Emperor of Tang Dynasty..."

   The Turkic State Master suddenly thought of the stalwart man in the dragon robe sitting on the throne of the dragon chair.

   According to his agreement with the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

   Every Turkic king who succeeds to the throne needs to go to the city of Chang'an in Datang to accept the canonization of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

   The Turkic State Teacher did not know what the consequences would be if the 12-year-old son of the Turkic King went to Chang'an City.

   But the Turkic State Master understood that once this case was opened, the Turkic grasslands would surrender forever under the feet of the Datang Empire.

  Even the king of the Turkic kingdom has to be canonized by the emperor of Tang, so what is the Turkic kingdom?


   If the Turkic national teacher repents and refuses the agreement with the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, I am afraid that the Turkic country will be destroyed.

   The Turkic State Master suddenly thought that outside the royal court, the Huyan tribe that died overnight...

   The emperor of Tang Dynasty was on the grassland, and the Turkic State Master knew nothing about the back hand he arranged.

   But the Tang Empire knew everything about the Turkic grasslands.

   How can I refuse this?

  The Turkic State Teacher suddenly felt a little bit shy.

   The emperor of Tang Dynasty only made a few simple agreements, so that the entire Turkic grassland had no room to stand up.

   Such a plan is terrifying!

   The Turkic State Master walked out of the royal court and looked at the endless grassland.

   Such a magnificent scene is about to hand over to the emperor of Tang, and the Turkic national teacher is deeply helpless.


  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si looked through the The memorial above contains all the information about the imperial examination Chen He.

   Since Li Si discovered that this Chen He often meets with the rich and powerful in Chang'an City, he asked Cao Zhengchun to investigate Chen He thoroughly.

   Chen He was from a poor family.

   My parents died young, and he was alone in the family.

   After ten years of hard study, he finally took advantage of this imperial examination and jumped up and became a student of the emperor.

After   , Chen He was naturally recruited by the rich and powerful in Chang'an City.

   Although, Chen He currently has a very low official position.

   But as a disciple of the emperor, it is natural to be wooed by the rich and powerful in Chang'an City.

   The information found by Cao Zhengchun is nothing more than that.

   Apart from occasionally entering the land of pleasure with Chang'an city dignitaries, Chen He did nothing out of the ordinary.


   "New to officialdom?"

   "Experience another world of drunken gold fans?"

   "The original concept began to collapse?"

   Li Si quickly guessed Chen He's mind.

   Just as Li Si was thinking about it, the **** walked in and said respectfully: "My Majesty, please see me from the Ministry of Household."

   Li Si put down the memorial and glanced at the eunuch.


   "Comply with the purpose."

   quit the eunuch.


   Hube Shangshu walked into the Hall of Longevity.

   "Enlighten Your Majesty.".

   "The minister has something to play."

   Hube Shangshu bowed to the emperor.

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