Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 170: audacious in the extreme!

  Lingnan Songjia.

   Song Kun, the lord of the Song family, looked at Jingyue, frowning and said, "If I heard you right, did you let me from the Song family save your descendant of Cihang Jingzhai?"

   Song Kun suddenly felt a little absurd.

The descendant of    Ci Hang Jing Zhai must be the most outstanding disciple of Ci Hang Jing Zhai today.

   Not only that, the heirs of Cihang Jingzhai are destined to take over as the lord of the house in the future and take charge of the entire Cihang Jingzhai!

   But now, Song Kun heard that Cihang Jingzhai actually wanted him to save their descendants from the Song family?

   How ridiculous is this?

   "Patriarch Song, this is my condition for Ci Hang Jing Zhai."

   Jingyue didn't seem to notice Song Kun's expression, she still said with a slight respect.

   "It seems that you are in trouble with Cihang Jingzhai?"

   Song Kun, the lord of the Song family, thought about it, thoughtfully.

   At this moment, Song Kun suddenly realized that there was a big problem with the conditions proposed by Cihang Jingzhai.

  Nangongqing, as the successor of Cihang Jingzhai and the candidate for the next lord, how could he disappear for no reason?

   Also, after Nangongqing disappeared, Ci Hang Jingzhai would not save him, but instead asked him to Lingnan Song Family?

   The implications of this are shocking...

   Song Kun, as the head of the Song family, is very extraordinary in both strategy and vision. Almost in a blink of an eye, he guessed that Ci Hang Jing Zhai has provoke a terrible enemy.

   This enemy made Ci Hang Jingzhai not dare to act rashly, and he had no choice but to ask the Lingnan Song family for help.

   Song Kun felt very strange.

   With the background of Ci Hang Jing Zhai, in the world, what power is there that can make Ci Hang Jing Zhai like this? Don't even dare to save his own heirs?

   Jingyue heard Song Kun's question, and didn't mean to conceal it, she bluntly said: "The last place that Junior Sister Nangong went to is Tianxiahui."

   "The disappearance of Junior Sister Nangong is inextricably linked to the World Association."

   "Will the world?"

   Song Kun frowned.

   The Song family dormant in Lingnan, almost regardless of martial arts matters.

   However, above the rivers and lakes, those slightly famous schools, Song Kun is a little heard.

   This world will...

   Song Kun is the first time I have heard of it.

   "Song Patriarch."

   "There should be gods and demons in the world."


   Jingyue talked about this, paused for a moment, and finally said: "The Lord Zhai once said that in addition to the disappearance of Junior Sister Nangong, there should be traces of imperial intervention..."

The Zhai master of    Cihang Jingzhai used deduction to infer the location of Nangong Qing.

   But in the end, it was backlashed...

   The Lord Cihang Jingzhai speculated that this is the obstacle of the fortune of the Tang Empire...

   Before letting Jingyue go down the mountain, the Lord Cihang Jingzhai told Jingyue to tell the Lord of the Song family truthfully, without any concealment.

   The reason for this is simple.

  Using the Lingnan Song family's contacts, even if Ci Hang Jingzhai didn't talk about it, the Song family could hardly find out.

  Instead of this, it's better to be honest.

   "The Great Tang Empire..."

   Song Kun, the lord of the Song family, sighed slightly.

   They finally know why Tangtang Cihang Jingzhai dare not move easily.

   Because the enemy that Cihang Jingzhai faces is the Tang Empire!

   Jingyue raised her head to look at the Lord of the Song Family.

   She is looking forward to Song Kun's reply.


  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

   approached the **** and walked in and reported: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Industry is here to see you."


   "Comply with the purpose."

   Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry quickly walked into the Hall of Longevity, bowed and bowed and said: "The minister has seen your majesty, long live your majesty."

   After the gunpowder leaked last time, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry was deeply aware that the mighty sky is like prison.

   "Get up."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   Li Si looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and asked casually: "Aiqing is looking for me this time, what's the matter?"

   "Return to your majesty, according to your majesty's previous statement, the minister has improved the gunpowder, and has drawn the blueprint of the "artillery" in your majesty's mouth!"

   The words of the Ministry of Industry Shangshu moved Li Si's heart.

   Before, he just said something casually, but he didn't expect the Ministry of Industry to realize it so quickly.

   Although, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry only talked about drawings.

   Since the drawings have come out, are they still far from the real thing?

   Li Si nodded slightly and said with satisfaction: "Aiqing really did not disappoint me."

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, the Ministry of Industry Shangshu hurriedly said, "The minister dare not."

  Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry said this, a trace of hesitation appeared on his face: "My Majesty, the minister has one more thing. The reason why gunpowder can be improved this time, and ‘the fire* paper is drawn so quickly, Gao Ji is indispensable."

   Kobe Shangshu bowed and said.


   Li Si repeated it in a low voice.

   This Gao Ji is the ‘culprit’ of the leak of gunpowder before.

   Gao Jiben was an ordinary citizen of Chang'an City, but he was naturally keen to study fireworks, and he finally developed gunpowder.

   Because of this incident, the Ministry of Industry Shangshu was almost executed by Li Si.

   Finally, Li Si Xicai gave Gao Ji two choices. One was to be kept in the Dongchang dungeon forever, and the other was to join the Ministry of Industry to help the Datang Empire develop gunpowder.

   Under these two choices, Gao Ji did not hesitate to choose the latter.

  What a joke.

  The place in the Dongchang dungeon, can people stay?

   Gao Ji is not a fool.

   naturally knows how to choose.

   say it again,

   After joining the Ministry of Engineering,

   He Gao Ji can develop gunpowder openly.

   without having to hide all day.

   This kind of treatment is what he dreams of, how could Gao Ji refuse it?

   "A hundred taels of silver for Gao Ji, a mansion in Chang'an City."

   Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair and said

   For talents, Li Si has always been generous with rewards.

   In Li Si's view, if there is not enough reward, others will not sacrifice their lives to do things for you.

   The reward is done.

   Penalty for doing wrong.

   This is Li Si's consistent rule.

  "The minister would like to thank your Majesty for Gao of the Ministry of Industry hurriedly bowed.

   "Well, if there is nothing else, let's go on."

   "Comply with the purpose."

   "The minister retire first."

   Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry left the Hall of Longevity

   Li Si looked at the back of Shang Shu of the Ministry of Engineering, thinking in his heart, what should the Ministry of Engineering develop next.




   Tobe Shangshu looked at the booklet in his hand with a gloomy expression.

   "What a courage!"

   "These businessmen are really brave!"

   In the words of Hube Shangshu, suppressed anger.

   A few days ago, Hubu Shangshu vaguely noticed that the merchants in the city of Chang'an were plotting something.

   About this matter, Hube Shangshu also reported to your majesty.

   Your Majesty asked Hubu Shangshu to check it without any worries.

   With the approval of His Majesty, Hube Shangshu is confident.

   After Hubu Shangshu came back, he began to investigate the matter.

   However, the results of the inventory made Hube Shangshu frightened.

   The merchants in Chang'an City are really bold!

   "My lord, what should we do now?"

   a subordinate next to Shangshu Hube asked in a low voice.

"How to do?"

   "Continue to check!".

   "The official wants to see who it is that gave this group of businessmen the confidence to let them take such a big risk!"

   Hube Shangshu said coldly.

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