Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 171: The anger of the emperor!


   Hube Shangshu looks ugly.

  In the view of Hube Shangshu, businessmen are not stupid, although they are only profitable.

   This kind of transaction related to decapitation...

   If there are not a few high-powered patrons standing behind, how dare they do it?

   Hube Shangshu looked at the subordinates who led the departure, and his heart was extremely heavy.

   If this matter is not handled well, it is because of his unfavorable affairs.

   At that time, before your majesty, he is still incompetent at the Ministry of Households!

   Your Majesty delegates the task of monitoring the merchant to him, which is his trust in the Ministry of Households Shangshu!

   Even if Hube Shangshu is dead, he is unwilling to live up to this trust.

   At this moment, Hube Shangshu thought in his heart, do you want to report this matter to your majesty now?

   Finally, Tobe Shangshu gave up this idea.

  Because Hube Shangshu feels that instead of telling your majesty now, it is better to wait for him to find out everything, then pick out the person behind the scenes, and then report to your majesty...

   Thinking of this, Hube Shangshu couldn't wait to come out and investigate this in person.



   Wang Mu and Chen He travelled day and night, spending seven days to reach Hexi.

  In Hexi, there were officials waiting for the two.

  As Hexi was put down, the local families in Hexi were all trembling, not knowing what the Emperor of Tang Dynasty would do with them!

   "Two adults."

   "Please follow me."

   Before Wang Mu and Chen He were led to a restaurant.

   Although Hexi is located at the border, there is no shortage of places to enjoy.

   In Hexi, there are two extremes.

   Ordinary people are hungry and can’t get enough to eat.

   But those family members are very rich.

  When Hexi Jiedu put Fan Qing in power, he didn't pay any attention to this situation.

  Because, for Fan Qing, his Fan family is also one of the great families in Hexi.

   When it comes to wealth, the Fan family is the richest family in Hexi.

   "The two adults rushed all the way, it's hard work."

   "Let’s pick up the dust for the two adults."

   A chubby man arched his hands towards Wang Mu and Chen He, and said politely.

"no need."

   Wang Mu frowned and looked at the people around him.

   In addition to the chubby man, there are others.

   These people are all famous people in Hexi.

   This time I am waiting here specifically to welcome Wang Mu and Chen He sent by the court.

   It's just that Wang Mu's words clearly surprised everyone on the court.

   "I am here on the order of your Majesty to serve as the Hexi General Soldier, not to drink and enjoy with you."

   After Wang Mu said these words, he flicked his sleeves and turned to leave.

   For Wang Mu, his Majesty used him so much, how could Wang Mu fail to do real things?

   Therefore, Wang Mu refused these people on the court without hesitation.

   As for whether this offends the local forces in Hexi...

   Wang Mu even sneered at this.

   You need to know that Wang Mu served as the general soldier and was in charge of the military power in Hexi.

  How can you worry about these aristocratic families?

   It’s just that what Wang Mu didn’t know was that after he left, Chen He stayed...


  Eternal Life Hall.

   After dealing with several important memorials, Li Si walked out of the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si looked at the majestic and continuous palace hall, and suddenly the idea of ​​going outside the palace arose in his heart.

   Since Li Si became the throne, he has only been out of the palace once.

   That time when he left the palace, Li Si was to go to the site of the Ministry of Engineering outside Chang'an City.

   At that time, Li Si's purpose was very clear.

   basically did not pay attention to other things.

   But at this moment, Li Si wanted to stroll around the city of Chang'an.

   Li Si sits on the rivers and mountains of the Tang Dynasty, and the whole world belongs to Li Si.

   But Li Si hasn't even visited Chang'an City...

   I have to say, it is a pity.

   At this point, Li Si began to leave the palace.

   This time he went out of the palace, Li Si did not have tens of thousands of palace guards to protect him like he did last time.

   Li Si just brought Cao Zhengchun with him.

   As for the Dugu Sword Demon, he hides in the dark and follows Li Si.

   Li Si did this for two reasons.

   One is that no amount of palace guards can compare to a **** and demon.

   There are two gods and demons who are personally protected, and Li Si is unlikely to have any accidents.

   The second is that the emperor's refining technique can make Li Si fit the Tang Dynasty's national fortune, and the national fortune is blessed. Li Si's own strength is unfathomable...

   Under such circumstances, Li Si certainly would not bring any guards out of the palace.

   Li Si walked out of the palace in a suit.

   Cao Zhengchun also changed into the **** uniform, and followed Li Si, like a loyal old slave.

   Li Si walked on the street, looking at the continuous stream of the people of Datang.

   These people, living in the city of Chang'an, have happy smiles on their faces.

   Li Si wandered alone in many places in Chang'an City, various quiet streets and alleys, and even Li Si stayed for a while in a place like Wangyue Tower.

   In the Wangyue Tower, the talented man smiled for the boga, chanted poems, and fought against each other.

   Li Si just smiled lightly when he saw this scene.

   Li Si left Wangyue Tower and returned to the street again.

   Li Si passed by a shop.

   At this moment, there is a long line outside this shop.

   Li Si was a little curious, walked up directly, and looked around.

   "This son."

   The guy in the shop saw Li Si's extraordinary temperament and said hello: "Would you like to have some?"

   Li Si heard the words and looked at the man and said, "What is your store selling?"

   Li Si just asked casually.

   For Li Si, no matter what the shop sells, Li Si has no interest.

   The entire Chang'an City belongs to Li Si, let alone a shop?

   "My son, you are a nobleman at first sight."

   "Our shop, what we sell is not simple..."

   The shop assistant lowered his voice and said.

  The shop assistant From the shop, grabbed a handful of things, and said to Li Si, "My son, do you want to get some?"

   Li Sigang was about to turn around and leave, but he stopped when he saw what the shop assistant was holding.

"this is?"

   "This is official salt?"

   Li Si frowned slightly.

   "Official salt?"

   The shop assistant was taken aback for a moment, and then he kept shaking his head: "You misunderstood, son, the salt in our shop is not official salt. Of course, it is not as expensive as official salt."

   "We are private salt."

   "Although ours is not official salt, it will definitely not be worse than official salt!"

   The shop assistant patted his chest and said confidently.

   What the shop assistant didn't notice was that as he said these words, Li Si's expression appeared cold.

   The shop assistants only saw Li Si dressed up, and his dignity, guessing that Li Si must be a noble identity, so he stepped forward and introduced Li Si to the products of their shop...

   "In Datang, isn't it forbidden to sell salt in private?"

   Li looked at the shop assistant and said gently.

   The shop clerk heard the words and didn’t care: “It’s true on the surface, but we’re different.”

   "Our private salt, I have taken care of it!"

   "Otherwise, can you sell it in this Chang'an city?"

   The shop assistant looked around vigilantly, complacent.


"is it?".

   "I took care of it above?"

   A sneer appeared on Li Si's face.

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