Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 311: The calculations of the families!


   Song family.

   Followed by the emperor's decree.

   Lingnan Song Family was also in panic.

  The emperor wants to take over the land under the world, and naturally also includes his Lingnan Song family.

   Even if the Lingnan Song Jiagui is now a relative of the emperor, it is no exception!


  Song House Conference Hall.

   Qi Zhi, the elders of the Song family, wanted to ask Song Kun's opinion.

   Song Kun, as the head of the Song family of this generation, certainly understands what the elders are thinking.

   "What do you think my Song family should do?"

   Song Kun sat on the main seat, his eyes calm, looking at the elders.

   An old man sitting at the bottom right of Song Kun said immediately: "Patriarch, I think your majesty's move is very inappropriate."

   "The land of my Song family is hard-obtained by the ancestors, do not steal or snatch, your Majesty said, let my Song family dedicate so many years of accumulation, how is this possible?

   The old man is very uneasy.

   Song Kun heard this and said, "Continue."

   "Therefore, my Song family can be regarded as having never heard of this decree. If the people of the court come, try to delay it as much as possible. In this way, your majesty can't do anything about it.

   The old man's voice just fell off.

   "Drag it down?"

   "Stop it?"

   Song Kun heard the words and snorted: "You mean, my Song family is prepared to resist the decree?"

   The anti-decree did not comply with this matter. In the past, it may be nothing.

   But if you don't comply with the decree in front of Dang Tianzi, then you are looking for death.

   Half a year ago, the ten major jundus did not comply with the decree, ignored the imperial power, and were fierce, but now?

   What is the end of these quarters now?

   If the Song family really dared to delay deliberately, the end might be no different from the Ten Great Jade Envoy.

   "Home... Patriarch, I didn't mean that."

   The old man's face turned pale, he obviously thought of something, and said with a trembling voice.

   Song Kun waved his hand and said, "Well, does anyone else want to say anything?"


An old woman looked at Song Kun: "We dare not disobey your Majesty’s will, but Xian'er is currently a concubine of your Majesty, and she is pregnant with a dragon heir. If Xian'er is asked to come forward and say something nice to my Song family ......"

   The old woman stopped talking about this.

   When the other elders heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.


   Song Xian'er is deeply graced by the Holy Grace. If Song Xian'er blows the pillow breeze to your majesty, even if your majesty's determination to reap the world and land cannot be changed, at least the Song family can be removed.

   Is this the best of both worlds?


   Song Kun's face showed a hint of coldness: "Xian'er will be favored by His Majesty, after all, she is only a harem concubine.

   "The harem must not do politics!"

   "If Xian'er really intercedes for my Song family in front of your majesty, and asks your majesty to take back the holy will, I am afraid that my Song family will really fall into a deadly place."

   Song Kun looked at the elders and sneered again and again.

   These elders are named Song patriarchs, but in fact they don’t have a general view.

   How magnificent is it when you are today?

   What the emperor is determined to do, will it be influenced by a concubine?

   Song Kun's words made everyone in the hall pale.

   "Patriarch, what should I do now with my Song family?"

   one of the elders asked cautiously.

   Song Kun heard these words, his expression slowed, and he said word by word: "According to the imperial edict, hand over the land of my Song family."

   Song Kun said this.

   The expressions of all the elders in the audience changed.

"rest assured."

   "I have studied your majesty's will."

   "Your Majesty only took back the land, but after the land is taken back, the land can still be used by the Song family."

   "As long as my Song family stays safe in the future and doesn't make any major mistakes, I will be worry-free."

   Song Kun looked around for a week and said lightly.

   Song Kun decided in one word, the other elders, even if they were dissatisfied, did not dare to speak out.

   One is because Song Kun is the head of the Song family, and the person with the highest status in the Song family has sufficient decision-making power within the Song family.

  Second, Song Kun is the only powerhouse in the Demon Realm of the Song family.

   Status plus strength.

   Song Kun's words are finalized!

  After the elders left the hall.

   Song Kun sat on the main seat, lost in thought.

   Regarding the emperor's repossession of the land, he immediately discussed with Tiandao Song Que.

   finally came to a conclusion.

   hand over the land obediently.

  Since the emperor has decided to take back the land under heaven, he must be ready for blood flow.

   Lingnan Song Family dare not face the edge of the emperor!



   Except for the Lingnan Song family.

   Other aristocratic clans in the world also made a lot of noise because of this decree.



   The Cui family is a prominent family in the south of the Yangtze River.

  In the Jiangnan area, you may not know who the emperor is today, but you absolutely must know the Cui family.

   The Cui clan covered the sky in Jiangnan, and even the several prefects in Jiangnan were from the Cui clan.

   Not only that, the Cui family provided a large number of officials to the imperial court every year, and his influence spread all over the world.

   It can be said that the only difference between the Cui family and Jiedushi is that the Cui family has no military power.

   At this moment.

   in the Cui family's ancestral home.

   Clan Chief Cui and the heads of other families in Jiangnan gathered together.

   "Your Majesty wants to take back the land of our family, what do you think?" Clan Chief Cui looked calm and looked at other people.

   The words came out.

   The pot suddenly exploded on the field.

   "Patriarch Cui, Your Majesty, this is killing us!"

   "Yes, the land is the capital for my aristocratic family to settle down and live. Your Majesty said it lightly, but the impact on my aristocratic family is no less than a daybed."

"Patriarch There are people in your court. It is said that there are several seniors in the court. They are from your Cui family. Would you let them say something before your Majesty, express something about me. the meaning of?"

   Several family leaders hurriedly said.

   Regardless of power or influence, Cui is the best in Jiangnan.

   Therefore, in the eyes of these family leaders, only Cui is the only one who can make His Majesty take his life.

   "In that case, I will meet in the name of all the families in the south of the Yangtze River and propose to your Majesty." Cui said.

   said it was a suggestion, but it actually put pressure on it.

   This is also the purpose of Cui's calling the heads of the rest of the family.

   In the name of all the families in Jiangnan, forcing the emperor to give in.

   Clan Chief Cui certainly knew that if he did so, he might push the entire Cui family down the abyss.

  The current emperor, no matter the city or the means, are extremely hot, and it is absolutely impossible for the Cui family to resist!

   Clan Chief Cui is not a fool, and even the heads of all the families on the court know what they are doing!

   But the Cui clan leader still has his own confidence.

   His confidence is all the families in Jiangnan.

   If it were the Cui clan alone, the Cui clan chief would naturally not dare to put pressure on the emperor.

   But it's different now!

  The emperor took the land under the world, which was tantamount to offending all the families. .

   In this case, public opinion is completely on the side of the family.

   Clan Chief Cui felt that under popular opinion, even if the emperor was not afraid of killing, he would not dare to kill all the families again, right?

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