Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 312: Li Si: They were all pulled down and chopped off!


   In the Cui family's ancestral home.

   Clan Chief Cui discussed with the heads of many aristocratic families in Jiangnan how to deal with the edict.

  The Cui clan takes the lead, and the rest of the family have expressed their opinions, vowing to die with the Cui clan.

   "Cui chieftain, I will rely more on the Cui family from now on."

   A family of aristocrats slightly arched their hands towards Cui clan chief, showing humility.

  If it were in the past, these aristocratic families are far inferior to the Cui family, but they are not so flattering.

   But at this moment, following the emperor’s decree, these families are panicked.

   Most of their forces are rooted in Jiangnan.

   In the face of the imperial power like the collapse of the sky, there is no resistance at all.

   Only Choi...

   Only the Cui family has connections in the court and can affect the current son.

   Clan Chief Cui looked calm, but a trace of wild hope flashed deep in his eyes.

   Although the Cui clan was in Jiangnan with one hand, in fact, the Cui clan leader was not satisfied with just the Jiangnan area.

   The Cui clan leader wants to spread Cui's reputation beyond Jiangnan, and let the whole world know him.

   If it is the past, it would take at least decades and hundreds of years of accumulation for Cui to accomplish this.

   But now, the emperor’s imperial decree has brought all the families in the south of the Yangtze River together tightly.

   As long as he can survive this time, Cui will gain an unimaginable harvest!

  As soon as I thought of this, the Cui clan leader immediately sent someone to prepare to contact the Cui clan's children who are now in the court.

   These Cui clan’s children, with the full support of Cui clan, have climbed to their current position, and now they should play their role.



  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Sigang was about to go to the Taiji Hall, preparing for the early morning, and the attendant **** came in to report: "Your Majesty, Dongchang Governor Cao is asking to see him outside.

   "Cao Zhengchun?"

   Li Si frowned slightly.

   What is Cao Zhengchun coming over early in the morning?

   "Let him in."

   "Comply with the purpose."

   after a moment.

   Cao Zhengchun walked into the Hall of Longevity and bowed and said: "Your Majesty, according to the report of the spies, a few days ago, the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River, under the leadership of the Cui family, gathered once in secret."


   "A family in Jiangnan?"

   Li Si shook his head slightly, as if he had expected it.

   Even if Li Si did not ask, he knew that these aristocratic families must have given him the imperial decree.

  Receive the land under heaven.

  The aristocratic family was sitting on the land and had various privileges. Now Li Si has taken back their land with a decree. Will these aristocratic families be willing?

   "What did they talk about?"

   Li Si asked casually.

   "Return to your Majesty, after these aristocratic families have negotiated, the Cui family finally promised that some officials from the Cui family on the court will speak out in the early dynasty."

   Cao Zhengchun said respectfully.

   Since he came to report to the emperor, he must have investigated everything clearly. Cao Zhengchun could answer without hesitation what the emperor asked.

   "Put me pressure on the court?"

   "Then gather the power of all the families in the south of the Yangtze River to force me to regress?"

   "The method is good."

   Li Si heard the words, a trace of disdain appeared on his face.

   These aristocratic families did this with a bit of a brain. They knew that they could not compete with the Tang Empire by relying on their own strength. Therefore, they pulled up the rest of the aristocratic families and wanted to make the emperor feel jealous and achieve their goals...

   What a pity...

   The thoughts of these families are too simple.

   In Li Si's heart, what counts as a family in the southern part of the Yangtze River? How could Li Si be jealous?

   Even if all the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River were slaughtered and the blood flowed into a river, Li Si would not take another look.

   "I see."

   Li Si put on a dragon robe, left the Hall of Longevity, and went straight to the Hall of Taiji.

   Li Si wanted to see how exactly the Cui family planned to ‘speak out and advance advice’ in the morning.


   Tai Chi Hall.

   Li Si strode towards the dragon platform and sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

   "Long live your majesty, long live long live." All the court officials bowed and said loudly.

   "Flat body."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   The civil and military officials just got up.

   Cui Zhengyang, the servant of the Criminal Department, stepped forward and said, "My Majesty, the minister has something to play."

   "Let's talk about it." Li Si looked at the Xingbu minister and said lightly.

   The emperor's voice just fell.

   Cui Zhengyang, the servant of the Criminal Department, took a deep breath: "Your Majesty, the minister thinks that your Majesty should not take back the land of the world."

   Cui Zhengyang said this.

   Six Shangshu waiting for Manchu civil and military heart shocked.

   Since the spread of the sacred decree of "Recovering the Land of the World", it has directly caused a sensation in the government and the public.

   The civil and military officials all had a hunch in their hearts, and the Tang Empire probably won't be too peaceful next.

  Ran goose.

   Even if there is no chaos outside, there is still no official who dares to say a word.

  The majesty of the emperor has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

   It’s just that the courtiers never expected that the Minister of Justice would stand up and question the emperor today?

   "Should not take back the land under heaven?"

   Li Si's eyes were calm and fell on Cui Zhengyang: "Why do you think I shouldn't do this?"

   Cui Zhengyang replied with a serious face: "Your Majesty, the place where the land under the earth is self-reliant has been allocated to the family. This is a decision made by the Emperor Taizu. If your Majesty insists on this, it is against the ancestral instruction!!"

   "Therefore, the minister begs your majesty to take back his will."

   Cui Zhengyang just finished.

   Several ministers stood up and said to the emperor: "The minister agrees."

   "The minister also seconded."

   "Hope, your Majesty will remember the ancestral instructions."

   "Your Majesty, the ancestral precepts cannot be violated."


   Cabinet Secretary Yang Qinglin frowned as he looked at the ministers who stood up one after another.

   Although Yang Qinglin is not familiar with them, he also knows that these courtiers have one thing in common ~ all surnamed Cui!

   "Gangnam Choi..."

   Yang Qinglin sighed deeply.

   The emperor wants to take back the land under the world, and the first to bear the brunt is the family clan.

   These aristocratic clans dare not defy the will of their faces, but they will do it in other ways.

  , for example, is above the Chaotang.

   Yang Qinglin knew in his heart that these officials who stood up were a method used by the Jiangnan Cui family to test the emperor.

   Jiangnan Cui clan is showing his influence to the emperor.

   Jiangnan Cui clan forced the emperor to submit in this way.

   "A bunch of idiots."

   Yang Qinglin looked at the Cui official who stood up, as if watching a group of dead people.

   In Yang Qinglin's view, the Jiangnan Cui clan is too naive.

  In other words, Jiangnan Choi does not understand the current majesty.


   On the throne of the dragon chair, Li Si's eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

   Li Si looked at the court officials and said, "Can you finish?"

   Li Si's voice just fell.

   The officials of the Cui family were taken aback for a moment, thinking that the emperor had listened to them, and joy suddenly appeared on their faces.

   "Your Majesty, when I'm finished, I hope your Majesty will consider..."

  , Cui Zhengyang, the servant of the criminal ministry, was about to continue.

   However. .

   Before Cui Zhengyang could finish speaking, the emperor's next sentence caused them to sweat instantly.

   "Come on, pull these people down and chop them down!"

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