Sun God Marvel

Chapter 107

“Yi, is he on it?” Ororo asked quietly while pressing the communication device in his ear. It seems to be afraid that if oneself is a little louder, it will disturb the guy above.

At this time, Ororo had put on X-Men’s standard uniform and stood in front of a seemingly shabby monastery, beside her was the equally well-armed Jean Grey. But apart from these two people, there is no one else here. In other words, Zhou Yi is not here.

“Yes, he is on it. Sleeping on the roof beam. I’m sure he must have belonged to the circus before. He could hang oneself in the air with his tail.” Zhou Yi is bored. His voice came from the communication device, and he himself sat on a sofa holding a piece of popcorn. By his side there is also a pair of girls who seem to be only six or seven years old, hehe haha ​​while watching cartoons on TV.

Obviously, he was abandoned. Ororo used the school’s need for a guy who could protect the students to sit as a reason, and forced Zhou Yi down. What Zhou Yi left behind was to watch boring cartoons with a group of children after dinner. I have to say that this is indeed a torture for him.

“Very well, we will catch him.” Ororo cut off the conversation and walked directly into the monastery. And Zhou Yi could only take out a handful of popcorn speechlessly, and put it directly into the mouths of the two drooling children beside oneself.

“Be careful, Little Brat. If you bite my finger, I’m sure it will be you who hurt!”

For Zhou Yi’s joking more than threatening words, two Little Brat, who looked almost exactly the same, glanced at each other and immediately laughed hehe haha. In a short period of time, they almost understood Zhou Yi’s character. For this Uncle, who has been playing with oneself, they have no fear in their hearts.

“Well, it seems that my words are not as useful as my actions. Have you figured out how to accept Penalty? Creak nest Great Demon King is here.” In order to show the majesty of the owner, it is actually for teasing child play. Zhou Yi directly used oneself’s tricks against Clarice when he was a child, scratching the creak’s nest. This trick is very useful, especially against those naughty children.

The two Little Brats immediately twisted into two flowers on the sofa. Of course, the inherent noisy laughter of the little child is definitely indispensable.

“I said Buddy, can’t you let these two little things be quiet for a while, I’m going crazy!” Logan, who was sitting on another sofa, complained dissatisfied. Having a beast-like sensitive hearing at this time does not seem to be a good thing.

“Okay, okay. Logan Uncle has spoken, children. I will let you go first, whoever of you will take a bath first, the slower one will also accept Penalty from the Great Demon King later. Oh!”

“Oh my God, no!” The twin girls hugged and yelled together. They were obviously afraid of Zhou Yi’s methods.

“Then don’t go! If you slow down, Great Demon King will follow you too!”

The two girls looked at each other and turned into two surges. The fresh water flew in midair, and then rushed out of the living room. Fortunately, this is the Mutant School. Otherwise, if someone watches two streams of clothed water flying around, they will definitely have nightmares.

“You shouldn’t let them take a bath. They always like to run along the pipe to other rooms to scare people. And their ability does not need to take a bath.” boy. He is Alex, the youngest child. But unlike his age, he is smart and introverted. When other children are playing around, he always likes to sit alone and watch an old TV.

The way he watches TV is also very peculiar, never using his hands. Just blink your eyelids and the TV will switch to another show.

Electronic equipment control, this is his ability. But it may be because of his age, his ability is currently only useful for those old-fashioned machines.

“Sorry, child. I don’t know these two Little Brat have this bad habit. But at least it is certain that they can’t scare you today.” Zhou Yi cleaned up the explosions all over his body. Rice flower, this is the price paid by the child.

“Uhhmph!” Alex was obviously in a good mood after hearing this. This can be seen from the speed at which he changes programs. That’s really fast and bizarre, except for a guy like him who has magical communication skills with electronic devices, no one else can stand this speed.

At the very least, Logan can’t stand it. Shaking oneself, his head made a little dizzy by the rapid flashing, he stood up and faced Zhou Yi suggested.

“Shall we go find something to drink? It would be boring to sit here and watch the child.”

“It’s a good idea.” Zhou Yi also stood up, he first Patted Alex’s little head, after admonishing not to play too late, he followed Logan’s footsteps. And following the direction guided by oneself’s sensitive sense of smell, Logan led him directly toward the kitchen.

“Do you like children very much? So why not get married and have an own?”

Rogan did not remain silent along the way, but asked like a chat.

“I’m not very resistant to getting married, but. With whom? This is the big question.”

“I can see it!” Logan paused. “Ororo also Jean likes you very much, even also Rogue. But I warn you, it’s better to stay away from Rogue, or don’t blame my paws for being rude.”

“Rogue! Are you crazy?” Zhou Yi directly lowered his voice and yelled in a low voice. What Logan said was completely beyond his expectation. In some ways, he really scared him. “She’s still a child, why do you have such an idea?”

“Damn, how do I know why I have such an idea? This is how I feel. Anyway, promise me, don’t be right Rogue starts, do you understand?” Logan was a little flustered and exasperated, and he didn’t want to think about it. But in this regard, his natural instincts are simply scary.

“I swear, I definitely won’t.” Zhou Yi is solemnly vowed. “I am almost ten years older than them. Besides, I am not interested in these little girls at all. But it is you, Logan! You care about Rogue so much, do you have any other ideas?”

He said this entirely out of a kind of mischievous psychology, because everyone with a discerning eye can see that Logan’s relationship with Rogue is entirely between father and his daughter.

“FUCKYOU! You damn bastard, do you know what you’re talking about?” Logan almost showed his own sharp claw. But in the end, he still managed to hold his own temper. “I should tell you that I treat Rogue like my own daughter. Don’t put your dirty thoughts into it. It’s disgusting.”

“Okay, okay Well. But Logan, since you have this idea, why not have a child yourself. I think you should be liked by women. It shouldn’t be a problem to find someone who is willing to give you a child!”

“child?” Logan’s face suddenly appeared blank, this kind of expression has appeared frequently since he returned from Paris. “If I had a child, I should be about the same age as Rogue now. Unfortunately, I didn’t have this luck.”

The expression of loneliness appeared on his face, which would only appear on lonely old people. expression. But for Logan, it was not surprising that this expression appeared on him. He has been through the centuries, although physically he is still in the most perfect young state. But in spirit he has already withered.

“Don’t do this, Buddy. Your expression is really uncomfortable!” Zhou Yi looked at Logan’s face and couldn’t help but patted his shoulder. He really can’t get used to this kind of appearance, which is probably related to his character. He is the kind of sunny and cheerful person, and this kind of person does not like this gloomy feeling by nature.

“You don’t understand, Buddy! Victor told me something. Many years ago, I had a wife, a beautiful wife.” Logan shook his head said with a bitter smile, In front of Zhou Yi, he broke the secret of oneself’s past. “I can sometimes recall a woman, although I have been uncertain before. But when Victor told me, I was sure. He was my wife.”

“Well, You have a wife. This is good news! What then?” Zhou Yi asked quickly, aroused by curiosity. The love history of Vajra Wolf Logan, this title has enough appeal. “Victor told me that she was dead. She died in front of me!”

Zhou Yi suddenly reduced the smile on his face.

“Sorry, Logan. I mentioned your sadness.”

“You don’t understand, this is not the most sad thing.” Logan pointed to his head . “Do you know what is the earliest thing I can remember? I woke up from a rubble with a woman’s body beside me. The funny thing is that I don’t know who she is?”

“Think about it now, she should be what Victor told me, my wife!”

Here, a deep wry smile appeared on his face. And just as he laughed, tears fell from the corners of his eyes. This is a very natural thing, even he himself cannot control it. His memory may not have that woman, but his soul is deeply imprinted with her. He was crying, completely from the sorrow in the depth of one’s soul.

A person’s loss of love is not the most painful thing for him. Because even if you lose your love, it means that what you love will always live in your memory. And Logan, while he lost his love, he also forgot the existence he loved in his memory. This is a kind of unspeakable sorrow, the soul is crying, but never know why it is crying. I don’t know why I am sorrowful. This is where the real pain lies.

Zhou Yi has never experienced this kind of feeling, but he can feel how torment this kind of feeling is for a person’s soul. What’s more tormenting is that he is immortal undying. This blank memory will also suffer him forever. Like a curse, Logan will always be in pain.

Zhou Yi, who has no idea how to comfort him, can only patted his shoulder silently.

“Maybe this time, getting drunk with oneself is the best decision. I can accompany you, really. As a friend!”

“Thank you, Buddy.” There was a touch of touch on Logan’s face. “You don’t actually have to share this for me, sorry. It makes you feel uncomfortable.”

“No, I should thank you. You let me know one thing.” Zhou Yi thought for a while. Concluded. “Can a person’s love surpass everything. I didn’t believe it before, but now I believe it.”

“You really look like a guy with a philosophy of life.”

“I I think so too!”

The two men, you and me, quietly stepped into the night.

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