Sun God Marvel

Chapter 108

“It seems that there is only Coke, which is not very good news!” Turning on the refrigerator in the kitchen, Zhou Yi discovered a not very good fact.

“If this is a joke, then I tell you it’s not funny at all.” Logan opened the cupboard, but found nothing but milk and cereal. “I can’t imagine that you can’t even find a can of beer in such a big place.”

“I want it. This is a school. Besides Scott, most of them are female teachers. The school. And I don’t think that somber guy Scott would like good things like wine.” Almost everyone knows the relationship between Zhou Yi and Scott. So he doesn’t care about letting the guy who knows one more.

“You are right, he is indeed a gloomy dead face.” Logan fiercely fell on the cabinet door. “It’s just that he didn’t expect that he didn’t even have the most fun of men. Oh my god, men who don’t drink. Actually, in this world, there really exists, and it made me meet. What a hell!”

“Hey, Logan goes on.” Zhou Yi threw a jar of things over. “Soda water, I think you can think of it as sparkling wine, maybe it will feel better.”

After catching the consolation prize thrown by Zhou Yi, Logan’s mood was simply good and couldn’t be better. Up.

“What can I say, thank you. Damn it, a can of soda. And it’s still warm!”

“You have to learn to comfort oneself, really. At this point You can learn from me.” Zhou Yi opened the Coke in his hand and took a big gulp. “You know, I feel like I have recovered the youth lost in college!”

“Do you think soda water is related to my youth? And, I have no damn youthful memory at all!” Luo Root looked a little flustered and exasperated, and today was a terrible day for him.

Know that he is not always going to confide in his heart, and he is still facing a man. After finally waiting for him to make a decision that was so difficult for him, he discovered that this miserable place could not even be used to relieve his troubles.

At this moment, he was simply skeptical that if there is a destiny Goddess, there must be a very serious emotional entanglement between them, otherwise she would not play with oneself like this.

And when the two big men tragically and helplessly used soda to solve their own sorrows, good news came from Ororo.

“Yi, we have caught that guy.”

Hearing this, Zhou Yi directly opened the super vision. Ororo and their silhouettes immediately appeared in his vision. And as they said, they have caught the blue Mutant. But what is a bit unusual is that the atmosphere between them is a bit strange. It’s not like going to catch people, but like going to medical rescue.

Because he found that Ororo not at all imprisoned that guy in any way, even Jean is still bandaging his wound.

“I have seen you, can you tell me what’s going on? You look a little weird!”

“He is called Curt Wagner, and he was originally used by General Stryker Only when we control it in some unknown way will we attack the president. But now the ability to control has faded and he is ours! Don’t worry, he has no threat.” Ororo said to Zhou Yi Explained. “Hank is ready to return to the flight, and we can go back in two hours.”

“Don’t be too anxious, there is a no-fly zone over Washington. Especially at this special time. If I’m you, it’s better to go a little further, after all, you now have a passenger on the wanted list!”

“I understand, see you later.” Ororo hung up the communication again, and it looked like In most recently, she wouldn’t give oneself a good face anymore. Thinking of this, Zhou Yi had a wry smile on his face.

“Why, it seems that there is a relationship problem between you?” At this time, Logan leaned forward with a look of expression, and he naturally heard the conversation between the two with his sensitive hearing. For him, it is undoubtedly a very happy thing to see Zhou Yi deflated in this respect.

“A little problem, I’m working hard to solve it.” Zhou Yi put a smile on his face. “But Logan, I just thought of something. When I came today, I seemed to see a boy following Rogue, as if he was pursuing her!”

Then, Logan directly squeezed the soda in his hand, and the three steel claws immediately protruded. And the expression on his face became very ugly. Zhou Yi is familiar with this expression. He saw it on many fathers when he was in high school.

It’s just that parents at that time liked to use shotguns to greet people, while Logan preferred to use his claws to greet people.

“Tell me, who is it?” Logan’s tone began to become very scary, which can be seen from the trembling body of the youngster standing outside the door.

“Who is it? Do you know, Bobby?” Turning and pushing the door open, Zhou Yi spoke to the pale youth outside the door.

The imposing manner on Vajra Wolf Logan’s body is not something ordinary people can bear. He is a man who really walked back from the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. United States Civil War, World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, also many unknown battles, these all are part of his life experience. The total number of corpses he has seen is much more than the living people this youngster has seen.

So when he substituted his own identity into Logan’s angry target, he suddenly realized that it was really scary. His heartbeat almost ran out of F1 speed.

“I don’t know, sir. I don’t know anything.” In this case, Bobby was killed and did not dare to admit what Own had done. He was pursuing Rogue. Good, but not yet To such a desperate degree.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” Logan barked his teeth and asked Bobby. Now every male youth of the right age has become a suspicious target in his heart. If he could, he didn’t even mind fixing every target.

“I’m Bobby, sir. I’m hungry, I came here to find food.” In front of Logan, Bobby instantly became the most well-behaved boy scout. Answered his questions quickly and completely. But anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was nervous.

“Okay, Logan. Put your paws away and you scared this young man.” Zhou Yi interrupted at the right time. He just wanted to make a joke to divert Logan’s attention to him. Instead of asking Logan to actually fix someone. That would be too tragic for the young man who was involved in the innocent.

“I will find that guy, when the time comes, he better pray that oneself has enough insurance!” Logan put away the sharp claw, but still threatened fiercely in his mouth. He unexpectedly broke out of his father’s love in Rogue. At this time, he is simply the endorsement of the best father.

“Perhaps, young man. Are you looking for food, don’t hurry. Do you want to spend the night here?” Quietly pressed Bobby’s back, Zhou Yi Signaled him to leave Logan’s sight early. Otherwise, maybe this keen guy with the sixth sense will discover something.

Bobby understood what Zhou Yi meant, and he first gave Zhou Yi a pity. Expressed oneself’s dissatisfaction with him revealing this secret, and then acted immediately. Now he really dared not stand in front of Logan for a moment.

At this moment, Logan moved his ears suddenly. He asked suspiciously.

“Why are they back so fast?”

Zhou Yi closed his eyes and listened. Then he said with a calm face: “It’s not Blackbird’s voice, it’s a helicopter. It looks like someone has come to attack the base camp. Logan, Bobby. Tell the children downstairs, we will evacuate here immediately. I will pick up the ones upstairs. Little Brat!”

Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters has close to two hundred children, most of whom are children under ten years old. In this case, Zhou Yi must take protecting the child as the first priority, which is also the most important thing that Ororo entrusted to him.

In an instant, he disappeared in front of the two of them. Both knew that he had already begun to act, so they acted immediately. Everyone knows the seriousness of the situation. If you take a small step forward, maybe one child will be in danger.

Because the people who came here at this time were definitely not good people, they knew all Mutant’s methods for Mutant. That kind of coldness and cruelty will not be restrained at all because the other party is a child. They must complete the rescue before these people move.

At this time, outside of Xavier Manor. William General Stryker walked out of the car under the guard of a group of soldiers with live ammunition. He looked at the ancient and huge manor in front of him, and couldn’t help but mutter.

“Xavier Manor, it’s been a long time since I visited here. This time I want to see, also who can keep you! Lieutenant, tell me if our advance team is ready?”

“reporting sir, the helicopters of the advance squad are already in place and they can break into the target at any time. In addition, our large forces have surrounded this area, and we can ensure that no target can leave here.” General Stryker The second lieutenant immediately reported the situation to his officer. As his assistant, he had to admit that his boss was a talented strategist.

Can control one of the two most powerful Mutants in the Mutant world in such a short period of time, and also directly penetrate into Mutant’s nest. Such a feat is not unique among the current generals of United States, but it is also regarded as one of the very best. Seriously, he was so proud of serving such people. After all, as a soldier, military exploits are the capital worth showing off.

“Very good, waited for that many years. Finally, I don’t have to wait any longer. The order goes on, the advance team directly penetrates into the target and can fire at any time. The rest of the troops surround me, don’t let go. A Mutant bastard. You remember to me that what you are doing today is for the better tomorrow of mankind. As long as we succeed, Mutant this huge threat will completely become history, and you will become the heroes who saved the future of mankind. . So you don’t need to be merciful when you treat them, understand?”

The Stryker’s voice is transmitted to the ears of every soldier through the communication device inside the army, and this undoubtedly stimulates the nerves of these soldiers even more. Just like Stryker said, they can’t wait to make achievements.

The first to respond is always the most elite special forces. The smoke bomb directly smashed the glass in the top room, and the fully armed special soldiers quickly descended from the helicopter to the top floor of the manor with a zip line. They will be the pioneers of the first wave of attacks. The bullet has been loaded, for Mutant, even child. They will never show mercy.

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