Sun God Marvel

Chapter 113

However, threats do not mean fear. Zhou Yi, who has a nameless fire in his heart, stepped on his feet and rushed directly towards the red woman. Compared with the guy named Pietro, he is the real supersonic. Breaking through the air, breaking through the sound barrier, the instantaneous impact is almost as terrifying as a large explosive explosion.

However, it is only a distance within ten meters, but it has almost become an insurmountable moat. Zhou Yi charged quickly. He could feel the flow of air, the catharsis of kinetic energy, and all the signs of supersonic movement were complete, but he could never touch the body of the woman opposite.

There is always this distance between them, ten meters seems to have become ten light years, a distance that can never be touched.

Stopping the own action, Zhou Yi scanned everything around. The chaotic red mist filled their surroundings, making everything a little unreal.

“What did you do?” He stared straight at the woman’s fascinating crimson eyes, his cold expression almost as sharp as a blade.

“I just did some insignificant little things.” A crimson woman laughed, and the mist of red haunted her, setting her off almost as illusory.

“Dawn Knight, I may not be your opponent. But you don’t want to beat me. So why don’t we sit down and talk?”

“I and The enemy has nothing to talk about.” Looking at Magneto standing behind this woman, Zhou Yi clenched his fists. The last time Magneto forced them to die almost tragically has already destined the identity of the enemy between them. If it hadn’t been for the ability to speed up Pietro to save Magneto, maybe Mutant would have lost one of their most important leaders.

“You will want to talk to us, no. It should be said that you will work with us, Dawn Knight. Because it concerns your most important people, such as these two ladies, Also your younger sister!”

Magneto broke free of Pietro’s support and said, he still didn’t want others to see his weak appearance. That doesn’t suit him.

“Are you threatening me?” Golden flames once again burned from Zhou Yi’s fist. He didn’t like others threatening him, especially threatening him with what he cared about the most.

“This is not a threat, this is just a statement of fact. Things are about to reach the most critical moment, once our enemy’s plan comes true. The people I just mentioned will die, and they It is just an insignificant part of those who died. This is the great crisis of Mutant, and we need your help, Dawn Knight.”

Magneto stepped forward and faced Zhou Yi directly. In the face of the Mutant crisis, he will choose to give up everything to win over all those who can help them, even at the cost of own dignity.

“I beg you, Dawn Knight. Help us! If you agree, I can surrender my own life.”

The Mutants have been moved by Magneto’s terms. Asking others to save the own race at the cost of their lives is something they simply cannot do. And this is where Magneto’s charm lies. He is a person who can really give everything for the own race.

So no matter how extreme his methods are, there will be countless Mutants willing to follow him. Because for Mutant, he is the revolutionary and Guardian of this race. It was him who led them to pursue everything they dreamed of with blood and sacrifice.

Zhou Yi stood there in silence. And all around everyone’s eyes were focused on him. Whether it’s Ororo and Jean, or Magneto and his brothers and sisters with weird capabilities. They were all watching him, his decision at this moment was related to Mutant’s survival, and it was precisely because of this that they had to be so nervous.

“Tell me, how do you need me to help you?” After a long silence, Zhou Yi finally let go of oneself’s clenched fist. He didn’t care about Magneto’s conditions, but he had to care about Mutant’s survival. Because there is the existence he cares about most in Mutant’s race.

Magneto finally took a breath, and for a moment he even felt a sense of instability. This made him feel the ruthlessness and terror of time. But he still cheered up and explained.

“Wanda also Pietro and I discovered strange things in Xavier Manor. Those people didn’t seem to be targeting Charles’ students, but for a machine. A machine I made—a mind augmentation Device.”

“No one is more familiar with its function than I. For almost all the ability users in the world, it can only play a certain role in increasing, but there is one exception. This is my old friend. Charles Xavier.”

“Charles?” Zhou Yi muttered the name silently. All the messy clues have gradually formed a complete line of thought in his mind. He I feel that oneself is getting closer and closer to the truth. Only the most critical link is left.

“No one knows my old friend better than me. His strength is beyond everyone’s imagination. But because of his own cowardly thoughts, he will oneself the great power of talent It’s sealed up. And the Psychic Amplifier is what I made for him to unlock a key in his infinite power.”

“It was my theory.” Beast Hank couldn’t help but said. Always opposed to Magneto, since a long time ago.

“Yes, Hank, this is the theory you put forward, and it is also a proof of your genius mind. But look at what you have become now, this is how you want to get rid of Mutant’s fate The price to pay. Mutant is a right granted to you by God, and it is not so easy to discard.”

Looking at Beast Hank with a sneer, this compatriot is almost like a clown in Magneto’s eyes. .

Hanke let out a low roar, and Magneto’s mockery made his blue hair blow up. It looks like a huge blue wild beast is demonstrating. However, Magneto didn’t worry about his actions at all. Hank is a smart man, and the biggest weakness of a smart man is that he is always suppressed by reason to own all impulses.

Seeing Hank almost trembling, he gathered the sharp claw and fangs together. With a disdainful smile on Magneto’s face, he continued his own topic.

“The infinite power possessed by my old friend was only shown in front of me once, and that time was simply unforgettable. All the creatures with independent minds on the entire world appeared before his eyes , Waiting for him to manipulate like a puppet of one by one. He is like God, dominating all life. If he wants, he can even change the direction of the world instantly and control everyone’s thoughts.”

Speaking of this, Magneto couldn’t help but waved his arm. In his expectation, what a terrifying power this is. The achievement of Mutant’s world of his dreams was only in the thought of Professor Charles. However, soon his expression became gloomy, and a grievance of betrayal appeared on his face.

“But Charles actually told me that this is a force that shouldn’t belong to the world. Who’s soul should not be manipulated, and their thoughts should have own freedom. A powerhouse above the entire world is unexpectedly With this kind of boring idea, he even exiled his own ability to the deepest part of his soul. This is simply an unforgivable mistake.”

Looking at the tangled painful expression on Magneto’s face, Hank’s face showed a soothing smile.

“This is the difference between you and the professor. You will always use this violent coercive method to get others to recognize your ideas, but the professor will not. He will only let others truly agree with him. View, agree with him from the bottom of your heart, you can never compare to the professor, Erik. You are just a madman and a thug controlled by power.”

“Maybe, dear Hank. But to I know, what we may have to face now is your beloved professor, my old friend.” Magneto Erik’s old face showed sadness and helplessness, he muttered to himself. “I don’t know if you will regret it, my old friend. Once my opinion was used by your own compatriot, this is a joke of fate.”

Heard this, Zhou Yi finally sorted it out All the ideas. And when he spliced ​​all these clues together, he had to admit how terrifying and deep what General Stryker had planned for revenge.

Abduct Professor Charles and use the Psychic Amplifier to unlock his sealed Psychic Power. Then, control him to manipulate the hearts of all people in this world. At that time, both Mutant and humans will become pawns to be played at will for him.

And this is just an ambitious way of looking at General Stryker. However, he is not ambitious. It’s a crazier and more extreme Avengers. For revenge, he can do more terrifying things, such as annihilating all Mutant’s hearts and completely erasing them from the world.

“Impossible, Professor Charles would not agree to do this. And no one can force him to do this.” Zhou Yi shook the head, he did not want to believe the inference of own. Moreover, he also came up with a reason. An unbreakable reason.

Since Professor Charles, who is almost like Sage-like, can resolutely give up his own power, how can he be forced to accomplish this kind of destruction of his ethnic group? He is the most powerful spiritual user in the world. It is also one of the most powerful people in the inner world that Zhou Yi knows.

As long as he doesn’t want to, no one can force him. The soul is strong enough to make any opponent helpless against him.

“I also know how strong Charles’ will is, and I also know that no one can force him to do this kind of thing. However, I am not worried about someone forcing him. It is that he is oneself. Completed our enemy’s goal without knowing it. This is entirely possible because they have a trump card in their hands.”

Magneto spreads out his hand and said to Dawn Knight. The last guess in oneself’s mind is the most terrifying guess.

Zhou Yi felt the bitterness in his mouth for an instant. He knew that since Magneto dared to say that, he must have a basis. But he still undying asked heartily.

“Who has the ability to make Charles do such a thing.”

“Jason Stryker. The son of William Stryker. A man who can create fantasy and blind thinking Guy.” Beast Hank took the last question. “We call him, Phantom Master.”

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