Sun God Marvel

Chapter 114

Jason’s presence makes all this possible. This student, once hailed as the most talented student by Professor Charles, has become the core of Stryker’s revenge plan.

Phantom master Jason, Psychic Amplifier also Professor Charles, this is the core of the Stryker project. When these cores were put together, even a powerful Mutant like Magneto had to lower his head and ask for help from the opponent who defeated him. Because this lineup is so luxurious, so luxurious that even Magneto feels desperate.

Zhou Yi also understands the terrifying of this lineup, but he is more worried about the consequences of all this. For him, the fruits after this are too serious. Neither Ororo, Jean nor Clarice can bear the consequences of losing them.

“Do you know where they are now?”

“We have found their place in Wagner’s memory, in Canada, a place called Ekali.” Jean quickly opened the mouth and said, she felt extremely uncomfortable with Zhou Yi’s indifference. So she replied impatiently, hoping to ease the atmosphere between them a little bit.

Zhou Yi nodded, but there is no answer. He knew that oneself shouldn’t blame Jean and Ororo on this matter, but he couldn’t stop own anger. Understanding is one thing, but understanding is another. In this matter, he felt betrayal.

Without any prior contact, the two women he loved showed up at the owner’s house with his worst enemy. Allowing him to threaten the people around oneself is almost unforgivable for him. Imagine that Magneto was brought here by them while he was away, or Zhou Lan and Clarice’s side. So who can tell what will happen!

The unknown is enough to make anyone feel afraid, because they will always think of the worst. This is the same even for Zhou Yi. If his mother and younger sister were hurt because of this, he would really not forgive them, nor would he forgive oneself.

Looking at Zhou Yi’s unresponsive face, Jean became a little scared. She may realize the harm they did to Zhou Yi and quickly opened the mouth and said.

“Sorry, Yi. We just hope to find a better way of communication to solve this problem…”

Zhou Yi reached out and stopped her apologize.

“You are doing the right thing, there is nothing to apologize to me.” After saying this, he does not pay attention to Jean, but said to Magneto. “I promise to help you solve this matter, but after that, we will have a broken one.” After finishing speaking, he turned and left the back compartment of Blackbird. In the process, he never looked towards Ororo and Jean. The kind of rift created by betrayal had already appeared in his heart, no matter what reason he used to cover it up, he couldn’t hide its existence. This was the first time he felt that oneself was wrong.

For Zhou Yi, he left like a stranger. Jean and Ororo have similar but completely different moods.

At the moment Zhou Yi left indifferently, Ororo felt that something was blocking his heart. An unbreathable heaviness and sadness almost filled her whole heart. She can’t understand why Zhou Yi has such an attitude. Is what she did wrong? Isn’t it okay to make such a decision for Mutant’s future?

This incomprehensible depression and sorrow made her almost have the urge to cry. But she forcibly endured it. Because at this moment, she is the backbone of Mutant School, and everything she has undertaken prevents her from being so weak. Similarly, her character does not allow this to happen.

Crying is something that a weak woman can do, and she will always endure pain and move forward silently.

Just as Zhou Yi does not explain oneself, she is also unwilling to admit that oneself is wrong. Because for her, the so-called betrayal has never existed. Everything she made was a correct decision in her cognition, even if this decision brought her the most unbearable consequences.

Like Ororo, Jean doesn’t feel well. Although Zhou Yi’s indifferent attitude hurt her, it is more of a grievance and fear.

For her, she played an innocent role in the middle. All decisions are made by Ororo, and she only acts as a sharer. So, in the face of everything that happened, she had to say that no resentment was impossible.

However, she is more fearful than complaining. Unlike Ororo, Ororo also supports oneself with a firm belief. But she can no longer adapt to life without Zhou Yi.

This conclusion may be unbelievable for her, but it is the most true conclusion she has drawn in her heart. And it is the conclusion that both of her came to together.

Not only her, but even the Dark Phoenix in her heart has adapted to Zhou Yi’s existence, and there is already an inescapable emotion entwined with him. So when he left mercilessly, the screams of Dark Phoenix’s anger and sadness echoed in her whole heart.

Anger is the stupid decision she made for her body. In the eyes of Dark Phoenix, who is controlled by instinct, the decision made by Jean Grey, who is the body, is really stupid. The sadness was because of Zhou Yi’s departure. As a spiritual existence, she instinctively felt that the distance between them was gradually being widened. But at this point, she can do nothing. She can only whine crazily in the cage of her soul, venting her pain.

As two sides, Jean and Dark Phoenix can share their feelings, which becomes more and more obvious as the power of Dark Phoenix increases. And because of this, Jean feels empathy for her. If twice the emotion is poured into an individual, she will bear far more than twice, but more.

Both women’s hearts have undergone tremendous changes because of Zhou Yi. But they are not the kind of women who ignore everything because of their personal emotions. Such stupid women may exist, but they will never be.

As far as the current situation is concerned, they will only put all their energy on saving Professor Charles. It’s not appropriate for children to have a long relationship at this time. In the future, they may ask Zhou Yi for forgiveness, maybe not, but that will be in the future, not now.

Everyone started to get busy, whether it was the school or the Magneto group. They are all working hard to rescue Professor Charles. It is related to the survival of their race. This alone is enough to make them give up all their previous prejudices.

And Zhou Yi, at this time has disappeared without a trace. No one looked for him, on the one hand because he believed in his character. A Superhero who can even use his life to fight for the safety of mankind, his promise is enough to convince anyone. On the other hand, it is afraid and unwilling.

Jean is afraid to meet him, she is afraid that oneself’s complicated feelings will make her make unbearable consequences, especially at this critical time. On the other hand, Ororo was unwilling. She stubbornly insisted on owning the idea, and naturally refused to show Zhou Yi any weakness. As for the others, they are completely out of the picture.

Only the woman named Wanda, with a kind of curiosity inherent in women. I came to Zhou Yi sitting on the roof alone in a daze.

“The famous Dawn Knight, did he also worry about feelings?”

Wanda sat beside him directly and said without scruples. For her, everything she saw today was interesting and novel. Especially when she saw the complex emotional entanglements between them with the insight of women.

“Are we familiar? If not, please stay away from me. I am not used to confiding in my own enemy.”

Zhou Yi directly responded coldly, just from His indifferent attitude towards this beautiful woman can tell how complicated and irritable he is.

Betrayal, this is a difficult term to define. Especially emotionally. Zhou Yi can tolerate a woman’s harm to him, but he cannot tolerate the slightest harm to his relatives, even if it is just a probability.

For him, mother and younger sister are the most important existence in life, and this will never change. So only he himself knows what damage Ororo and Jean did to him.

“A man rejecting someone’s comfort because of a relationship problem is not something that is worth looking at.” Wanda lightly said, without even giving Zhou Yi a glance at the expressions. She has been staring at oneself’s beautiful nails, showing the same disdain as her words.

“Needing someone’s comfort is the saddest thing.” Zhou Yi’s answer was cold and blunt. “You’re just here for some fun, why should I cooperate with you.”

“Just treat me as if I’m for fun.” Wanda shrugged indifferently. “I’m just not used to seeing a hero acting like a protagonist in a tragic story.”

“A tragic protagonist?” Zhou Yi raised his voice a little bit. “Are you talking about me?”

“Of course!” Wanda definitely nodded. “Let Danger Land leave his lover, and lick oneself’s wound wounded by his love alone in the corner. Coupled with your heroic identity, it is really the best tragic protagonist.”

“You I used the strange vision of that world to see that I was really licking the wound.” Zhou Yi was so confused by her, the depression in her heart dissipated a lot. He began to fight back. No one has ever taken advantage of words from him, never.

“I thought that Magneto’s men were brainwashed lunatics. It seems that there will be some normal people. However, I still want to advise you not to look at those from South Korea. The TV series that come here can easily ruin your worldview.”

“I have watched TV series in South Korea, although they were seen as funny TV series. By the way, I am not under Magneto, I am another His organization work. I am helping him now because of other reasons.” Wanda naturally chatted with Zhou Yi. This was originally her intention, to learn more to satisfy her curiosity.

“Will he pay you, because you are inquiring about the reasons of my love life.”

“No, but for me it can satisfy my curiosity, this That’s enough.” Wanda said directly and honestly. There is nothing secretive about this reason.

Of course, Zhou Yi will be unhappy for sure. No one would be willing to oneself to be part of the fun of others.

“So are you satisfied now?”

“In fact, far from it. I am more and more curious about you. Dawn Knight, a story behind Superhero, this Isn’t it a topic worth following for a long time?” Wanda laughed softly, the chaotic fog enveloped her body, and her existence disappeared by Zhou Yi’s side after a while.

Zhou Yi doesn’t know how she disappeared, and doesn’t care about this issue. He thinks very openly, but he is not particularly open. Sometimes it’s easy to pick up, but I want to let it go. It’s too difficult, too difficult. Feelings are always a question for which no clear answer can be obtained.

Clear your mind and change your appetite. After playing Mutant, go to Dry Laken City. In addition, some people say that the protagonist’s abilities are not clear and there is no way. Ability development is carried out along with the development of the plot. If you want to break your wrist with the later boss, you can only do it slowly. The ability will be strengthened little by little, the physical ability will be upgraded, and the divine power will gradually awaken. It takes time, at first, it will be exposed, how to play with Thanos also sentry in the future.

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