Sun God Marvel

Chapter 118

The rumbling sound kept coming from under oneself’s feet. It was the sound of Mutant and the soldiers exchanging fire. Facing the door secretly opened by Wanda’s sister and brother, the Mutants launched an almost crazy attack. Under their abilities of all kinds of strange things, General Stryker’s army was in decline. They had to use huge might weapons to delay Mutant’s attack.

However, there is a magnetic king on Mutant’s side. In front of him, no matter the shrapnel splashing or the bullets fired, they are meekly like a harmless cat. The soldiers’ weapons could not cause any harm to the Mutants.

Looking at the Mutants rushing into the base like a hot knife through butter, the soldiers blocking in front fell in pieces like cut barley, and finally someone flinched and dropped it. The gun in his hand took a step back. And this step hasn’t taken far, a bullet penetrated his head.

The underwhelming team supported Stryker’s adjutant and appeared behind the soldiers. Facing the soldier who had been timidly afraid to open fire, the adjutant frowned and waved. At his gesture, the figures next to him immediately lined up the crowded soldiers and greeted the Mutants who had rushed over.

At the forefront is a sturdy bald big man. As soon as he rushed out of the soldiers queue, his body began to grow larger, and the texture like granite appeared on On his body, and piled up layer by layer. When he ran out for less than thirty yards, his whole person had become a huge humanoid stone.

He is ten feet tall, and every step he runs has a huge vibration. That represents his heavy tonnage. The most surprising thing is his speed, his huge body is not at all as clumsy as he looks, but in fact it is just the idea. His momentum was amazing, and his huge body rushed into the Central Zone of the battlefield in just an instant.

The huge body with terrifying kinetic energy fell on the ground like a cannonball. The agitated air wave even blew some people around him into flight. The worst was at his feet. A bad luck Mutant was hit directly by him because he had no time to react to his rapid impact.

Nearly ten thousand pounds of mass fell on him, and the pressure he vented directly shredded his body. As a Mutant, his body is far stronger than that of an ordinary person, and as a physically mutated Mutant, he is even more powerful than many of his peers. But in the face of such an impact, he did not have any other fate.

The ground was instantly covered with a layer of dazzling red, and under the feet of the huge stone man, the things spread like a carpet are enough to make anyone lose their appetite for food. This is the first Mutant of Death since the war, but it is definitely not the last.

The giant stone man continued to charge forward, waving his four-foot-thin arm, sweeping everything in front of oneself like a baseball. In front of him, the weaker Mutants were not even qualified to stand.

But his body hasn’t charged ahead too far, and a chubby thing fell on him. It was a Mutant that looked a little deformed. His whole body is fat and huge, and the whole has a strange jelly shape, which makes him look like a balloon filled with mucus. Moreover, it is the most dangerous one.

This can be seen from the nickname given to him by his friends, Acid Ball.

The fat body hit the huge stone man, not at all, was bounced away as many people expected. But like a sticky glue, it lost its physical constraints in an instant, and was wrapped around the huge stone man.

The stone man shook his body vigorously, but it had no effect on the gelled liquid on oneself.

And the moment the yellow and green liquid touched the stone man’s body, a choking smoke filled the body, followed by pus with disgusting yellow foam that continuously poured out. That is the liquid produced by the high-strength acid corroding the surface of the stone. And this corrosive force is so fast that almost everyone can imagine it.

The huge stone man was wiped out at the speed visible by naked eye. His head entrapped in acid screamed in pain, but soon the heavy bass disappeared completely. In the pool of yellow and green liquid on the ground. Even with his huge body, nothing is left.

After eliminating the own compatriots, the liquid began to shrink little by little, and the outline of a person gradually appeared. His face still carries the joy of victory. However, at this time, a dazzling beam of light ripped open the battlefield and fell on the winner just now.

The strong beam possesses almost terrifying destructive power, and the high-intensity particle stream can crush almost all obstacles. And when his master is not restrained, this destructive power is more powerful and terrifying.

The expression of the acid ball was frozen at the moment of his victory, and then under the impact of this torrent of light, his liquid body was completely turned into ashes and turned into nothingness.

Looking at this horrible light beam, many people changed their faces. But the most unbelievable one is the group of people in school. Ororo covered his mouth, and the wild beast almost crushed his own fist. But this does not change the facts. Cyclops Scott Summers has become a weapon in the control of the opponent.

The battle between Mutants became more tragic and crazy with the intervention of this Charles’ lover.

Wild beast pounced directly on Cyclops. His agile speed allowed Scott to avoid his laser attack when he was watching him, but on this complicated battlefield. It is not easy for him to break into Cyclops as a remote.

And Storm also flew, and the wind and blizzard immediately swelled in this base. The ultra-low temperature cold air blows on everyone, taking away their precious body temperature. For Mutant, this temperature can be tolerated, but for humans, this temperature is slowly taking their lives.

As a rare Mutant who can control the weather, Ororo’s ability is enough to change the attributes of a battlefield. On this battlefield, the more evolved Mutant obviously has an advantage, and humans cannot even participate in the war.

This is the war between Mutant and Mutant. In this battle that determines the fate of Mutant’s survival, the identities of the two parties involved in the war are simply ridiculous. Every Mutant who still had self and reason felt a kind of sadness that was hard to tell, but for their opponents, they could not retain any strength. This is the time to determine the survival of the race, as Magneto said. Everyone must be prepared to sacrifice.

The fighting continued, but Magneto focused his attention on the humans who had begun to retreat. The adjutant with the mission of Stryker is his goal.

He held down the Quicksilver that began to stir beside oneself, and said to the two of them.

“Don’t worry about this, our purpose is inside.”

Quicksilver took a look in the direction he directed, and saluted it clearly. Then he took Magneto and Scarlet Witch, turned them into a ball of silver light and shadow, and entered his time flow movement.

And soon after Quicksilver and they disappeared, Zhou Yi’s silhouette appeared there. He first glanced at Ororo and the others who were still in battle, then moved his gaze to the direction where Magneto left. After hesitating, he took a step in the direction Magneto had left.

“little man, can you do me a favor?” When he moved, a voice called him. Hearing this sound, Zhou Yi turned his head, looked towards Mystique, who was walking towards oneself, and tilted his head slightly.

“Can you bring me?” Seeing Zhou Yi’s doubts, Ruiwen immediately explained.

“Don’t you want to help your partner, they seem to be in a hard fight!” Pointing to the direction of the battlefield, where the Mutants on both sides are indistinguishable, it is difficult to see which side has Greater advantage.

“My battlefield is not here, cute little man!” Mystique was as charming as ever in front of Zhou Yi. “I think you should also be aware that mine can’t play a greater role here. Only in it can I play a greater role.”

Mystique is the Banshee of countless changes, yes The best sneaker in the world, a true spy master. Perhaps in terms of combat, she really didn’t play a big role. But when she penetrates into the enemy, the damage caused is sometimes more terrifying than those Mutants with strong combat effectiveness. This is what Zhou Yi must admit.

So he was silent for a moment, picked up the demonic girl, and followed Magneto in the direction where he left.

In the chaotic battlefield, perhaps no one will notice the disappearance of these people. They all have their own enemies, and almost everyone’s attention is devoted to the almost life-threatening battle in front of them. In this case, they can’t help but pay attention to something else.

But there are always exceptions, Vajra Wolf Logan’s attention has not been put here. With the body of undying, he was extremely careless about the battle before him. An unspeakable heart throbbing kept him in a state of distraction. Although this did not affect his battle, it made him feel something was wrong instinctively.

He looked all around subconsciously, although all he saw were strange sights. But there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity rise in the mind. He knew this was the feeling that his lost memory brought him, and this feeling made him begin to stir in his heart.

Until he saw the departure of Magneto and Zhou Yi, it was almost instinctive. He forced away oneself’s current opponent, several jumped and rolled, avoiding the chaotic battlefield far away . Then they came to the place where Magneto left, and followed their scent to search for the past.

He felt that oneself must keep up with these people. He felt the summon of oneself’s lost memory. He has a feeling that maybe everything he has can be answered here, and all his past will end here.

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