Sun God Marvel

Chapter 119

Logan slowly penetrated into this base. The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty base, making his nerves tense. For him, it is really quiet and almost weird.

With his keen sense of hearing and smell, he didn’t feel the existence of any life here. It is as if this is not a Stryker military base, but a long-abandoned lake embankment dam.

But his reason is still there, and his mind clearly tells him that everything he has experienced is real. Whether it was the previous battle, tracking Magneto’s actions, or this battle that is at stake for Mutant’s fate, it is true. There must be something wrong with all this.

He walked his own steps carefully, slowing his breathing as much as possible, following the direction of oneself’s intuition, carefully groping over. He felt that something must be there in front of the owner.

Darkness, I can’t see my fingers. The smell of decayed rust came out. Walking in the tunnel, you can always feel a nauseous sticky sensation from the skin outside oneself. Logan knew this was the feeling of spider web entangled with oneself, but he still didn’t understand. Why is it like this.

Someone has passed by first, why these spider webs are kept.

He pointed out his own sharp claw, the alloy blade rubbed a long string of sparks on the slippery wall. With the faint light and keen eyes, he saw clearly the situation ahead.

The base that has become a ruin is full of accumulated dust and cobwebs, rusty and deformed metals are everywhere, collapsed cages, and gray skeletons appear in the field of vision. This is a real dead silence, washed away by the torrent of time.

And looking at this, Logan’s eyes began to appear confused. He felt that his own memory began to appear chaotic, and he couldn’t even remember how long it was just now. Obviously it was just a short period of crossing over the tunnel, but it seemed like hundreds of years had passed. Everything has become a decadent past.

The unreality of this time-space transformation gave him a splitting headache. He started to rush forward with his head stuffed, regardless of what was in front of oneself, just wanting to escape from this unimaginable unreality. However, when he just galloped up, he bumped into a black silhouette.

Strong and thick armor, cloak woven from fine metal wires that reflects the shimmer. The prism on the helmet shines with bright blue radiance. The moment he saw this silhouette, Logan let out a breath. This silhouette represents the strongest and most trustworthy force. Seeing him gave Logan courage and confidence.

But the weird situation still lingered in his mind. He impatiently pressed the silhouette’s shoulder armor in front of him, trying to tell him what oneself had discovered. However, something more difficult for him to believe appeared in front of him.

The armor lost all the weight that supported him in an instant, and all the parts fell to the ground with the sound of clang dong clang dong. The once shining black dimmed in the blink of an eye, and disgusting rust grew at a speed visible to naked eye. And under the rotten armor, Logan clearly saw the pale skeletons.

“Who can kill him?” Logan muttered to himself in disbelief. He had seen Dawn Knight, who once demonstrated God-like power in Paris. He didn’t believe anyone could kill him. Such a death exists.

Extreme suspicion and fear impacted his soul, making him subconsciously reach out and explore the armor and skeleton. However, the coldness and jerkyness of the rotten metal, and the touch of the fragile skeleton turning into powder between the palms of the palms gave him a terrifying sense of reality.

Looking at these ashes flowing from the stiff palms, Logan clenched his fists abruptly. He began to walk forward. If this is a nightmare, he hopes that this nightmare can wake up sooner. If this is reality, then he must figure out what is happening here. All this requires him to go down.

Continuing to walk forward, he saw a pair of skeletons holding hands tightly. The red residual leather and the blue green fabric seemed to prove their identity. Magneto’s brother and sister with magical abilities. Although he was mentally prepared, Logan felt a shock in his heart.

Even the person who really raced against time did not escape. His elder sister, who was so strange that even Dawn Knight found it tricky, was buried here. What is going on here?

Logan continued to move forward. Along the way, he saw the skeletons in the weird helmets, old dresses and blue scale armor, squatting in the corner. He guessed their identities, but he couldn’t get more feelings about these. He is already somewhat numb.

There was nothing in his mind. Logan was wandering around this place flooded by Death and decay, muddleheaded, like a walking corpse. He has completely forgotten the loss of time, just wandering, there is no end but never stopped.

At this time, in the same place. Different people have different feelings.

Zhou Yi’s silhouette stood in front of Logan. The Logan in his eyes was completely different from the past. Dark age spots began to appear on his body, and pale hairs grew out like bamboo shoots after a rain, replacing his original black. The full muscles became loose a little bit, and even his eyes became dull and cloudy.

He completely ignores Zhou Yi in front of oneself, and only slowly moves his own steps. Every step, Zhou Yi can feel his exuberant life force weakened. This is theoretically completely impossible, but now it actually appears. The undying Vajra wolf will die from the decay of oneself life, how ridiculous how to think, how to terrifying.

However, it is not just Logan. This is true for everyone in the depths of this base, all soldiers, Mutant. Even including Mystique and Quicksilver brought by Zhou Yi, they are in a strange situation. Wandering in this base like a wandering corpse, at the same time terrifying changes occurred on his body.

Only three people are the exception, and only three people have discovered the weirdness here. Zhou Yi, Scarlet Witch, also Magneto with a helmet that is immune to all Psychic Power. Apart from knowing that everything that happened here was a mental attack, they were helpless and had serious disagreements.

“Erik, we must save them. If this continues, they will soon die.” Wanda’s own younger brother, who was watching closely, showed panic and fear for the first time. disturbed.

Beside her, Quicksilver posed a strange running posture, but slowly like a crawling snail. And every time he moved a little bit, his body became thinner. The young and energetic body quickly shrivelled down little by little, his skin began to cling tightly to his bones, and his hair became haggard, as if all the water and fat in his body had begun to dissipate.

Wanda desperately drives his own red mist to repair the body of oneself younger brother. But even though the red mist magically repaired his body, the next second he evolved into a deteriorating form. Wanda tried her full strength, but she couldn’t reverse it at all.

Looking at Wanda repeating unproductive actions time and time again, Magneto first glanced at oneself’s most powerful subordinate.

Mystique Ruiwen’s body standing still twitching constantly, as if experiencing some pain. With every twitch, a new wound appeared on her body. It was like a knife slashing and it was like a fire, or the bloody skin fell off, or the blood rushed out. This situation reminded him of extremely bad things.

Then he tried to suppress oneself’s inner feelings and whispered.

“Sorry, child. We have no time to waste here. We must go on. Stop everything that is about to happen.”

“What?” Wanda’s voice suddenly became loud, with Unimaginable anger, she questioned. “Pietro is your son. You have never done a little bit of father responsibility to us. Now, do you still want to abandon his life?”

“I have no other choice!” Magneto Looking directly into the eyes of oneself’s daughter, her voice was firm and unshakable. “Our race is about to face the end of the fate. I can’t take this precious time to gamble. Wanda, come with me. If it is Pietro, he must also hope you do.”

Seeing Magneto’s extended palm, Wanda’s eyes were cold. She slapped his palm coldly, and said in a tone of dealing with strangers.

“Let your race die. I won’t go anywhere, just stay with my younger brother.”

“Wanda, you are the worst choice !” Magneto yelled angrily, but was interrupted bluntly by her.

“I hope you can change it, that is my worst choice. I should listen to Pietro from the very beginning. The farther away you are, the crazy guy, the better.”

She said no longer paid attention to this old man of oneself race, and devoted herself to the work of healing oneself brother.

After seeing her attitude, Magneto turned to Zhou Yi. He had guessed the answer, but still undying asked.

“What about you, Dawn Knight. What is your choice?”

“My friend is here!” Zhou Yi responded indifferently, and he began to look all around. But in this place, his super vision seems to be blocked by something. It is impossible to see everything in this dam.

“Don’t forget, your younger sister is also closely related to Charles. If you take a step slower, she will probably die in front of you.” Magneto grasped his weakness and persuaded, he knew that Clarice The importance of Zhou Yi is one of the most important reasons why he can come here.

“I believe in the arrangement of fate, it will not let me down. Similarly, I also believe in my intuition, and he has not let me down.”

Zhou Yi His words made Magneto feel absurd and ridiculous. He didn’t believe in God, let alone destiny. He only believes in own power. For these two people who completely disappointed him, he has lost the desire to persuade him. Even if there is no one to help, with only own power, he will rescue Charles or make a worse decision.

Resolutely turned and left. Erik has become a lone hero in the sense of oneself. He is responsible for the own race, not for one or two individual lives. He has already made a decision. Will never regret it. even more how, he already has room for regret.

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