Sun God Marvel

Chapter 120

When I sorted it out, I found that one chapter was missing. Add it here, but it looks like it might be a jump.

“This is just a child. What are these damn bastards doing to her?” Ororo couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said when he saw the scene in the mirror. However, what answered her was a sneer from Magneto’s side.

“Is the guy who can be regarded as demons by these bastards is just a child in your eyes? It looks like you are really a qualified teacher.”

Ororo expression turned cold stopped talking, but in her heart she was already thinking about this child named Aretha.

“Unfortunately, this person’s memory is still not as good as that of Professor Charles.” Jean sighed. Not seeing the professor’s trace made her worry more serious.

“No, dear.” Magneto was slightly laughed at this time. “This may be the only good news we have seen. They must have not controlled Charles, otherwise this person should have his presence in his memory.”

“Stryker dare not let him There is only one reason why oneself sees Charles. Charles still retains himself. Stryker did not have the courage to let his hands face my old friend. And this is our chance!”

Magneto’s words With the confidence of many people, the loss of the most deterrent existence among the enemies is absolutely exciting news for these Mutants. However, not everyone thinks this way.

Quicksilver curl one’s lip, seems to want to say something. But before I spoke, I felt that oneself was being held back. He looked back, but saw that behind him, his elder sister gently shook her head at him.

Quicksilver paused, and finally chose to stand silently beside Wanda.

Magneto’s words are not necessarily true, but this speculation can restore the morale of these Mutants. And these cheer up Mutants will act as their forwards, testing out the danger ahead for them. So, why stop them?

Quicksilver, who wants to understand the meaning of this, no longer chooses to block it. And this is exactly what Magneto wants to see.

“Very well, I think we only need to wait for the last aid to arrive before we can start.” Magneto, who had no objection anymore, folded his hands and put his own gaze on the dam. He has a hunch that this may be the best opportunity.

At this moment, Zhou Yi’s voice came from above him.

“Don’t wait, I’m already here.” The black Knight landed silently and stopped on the branch above them. It can be seen that he has been here for a while.

“You have become stronger, Dawn Knight.” Magneto’s pupils shrank suddenly, exposing the unrest in his heart. “My magnetic induction can’t detect you anymore, I have to say. You really gave me too many surprises.”

“This is not good news for you. Isn’t it? “” Zhou Yi responded unceremoniously, without concealing oneself’s hostility towards Magneto.

“That’s all after this, isn’t it, wait until all this is over. We will get what you want to understand.” Covering the own expression, Magneto answered calmly. It seems that he is ready for everything.

Zhou Yi did not reply to this. He believes that silence sometimes expresses own determination better than complicated language.

Seeing Zhou Yi’s silent reaction, Magneto, who was inexplicably emotional, waved his hand and said to the group of Mutant elites under oneself.

“This is our most important battle. Maybe some of you will die in this battle. But if you don’t fight, then all Mutants including you will face the fate of destruction. Our dreams and our future will also be reduced to ashes in the hands of those human beings. Therefore, although sacrifice is inevitable. But all our compatriots will remember your dedication and sacrifice. May God bless you, children!”

until now, Mutant’s treatment makes them have a deformed prejudice about their own life experience. They are the most indifferent group of people, but also the group of people most easily agitated. Having experienced many unfair treatments, they can easily do something extreme in the eyes of humans. This is especially prominent among Magneto’s men.

They can give their lives for a lie that Magneto weaves, a goal without scruples. I have to say that this is stupid, but it is also terrifying. Sometimes, I have to admit that. The reason why Mutant can still exist in this world has a lot to do with the contribution of Brotherhood of Mutants led by Magneto. It can be said that from the perspective of Mutant’s world, Brotherhood of Mutants plays a much larger role than Professor Charles’s school.

So, when Magneto asked them to fight and sacrifice for Mutant’s survival in this tone, there was no objection among these people. They have achieved this awareness, or they have agreed with Magneto’s philosophy. The idea that everything can be sacrificed for the sake of the race.

“Wanda, Pietro. Help them open the door!” Magneto lightly instructed. At his command, Quicksilver took Wanda’s hand and it turned into a ball of silver light and shadow in an instant. Disappeared in the crowd.

After reading the memory of the soldiers, they can easily find the door of the hidden base, and how to open it is not a problem for Wanda, who has unpredictable ability.

Watching the Mutant elites shuttle through the forest in groups, heading towards the dam. Magneto smiled slightly and took a step forward. The underground metal elements emerged from the moist soil in the forest like countless flying flies and mosquitoes, forming a flat metal flying saucer under his feet.

When Magneto’s feet stepped on the metal flying saucer, the invisible power drove it, and it flew towards the dam with Magneto.

From here, it is enough to see the background of this Mutant king. Under his ability, everything in this world overwhelming majority can become a manifestation of his power. It is not only limited to the horror of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, but also reflected in the subtleties of everywhere.

According to the Chinese wuxia novel, he almost reached the point where everything in Heaven and Earth can be a sword. For him, his ability is his sword, and in the use of ability, he is indeed a real Great Grandmaster.

Ororo glanced at Zhou Yi who was standing there without any indication, bit his lip, and then activated his own ability. The gust of wind suddenly became louder, holding her body, allowing her to follow Magneto closely under the support of the storm and lightning.

Unlike the Mutants who have been fascinated by Magneto, Ororo, who has only agreed with the concept of Professor Charles, has a very clear view of the current situation. So she also understands one thing very well, that is, only by following Magneto, will she not become an abandoned son who can sacrifice at any time in his hands.

Different from Ororo’s perseverance, Jean Grey’s suffering at this time made her unable to achieve Ororo’s level. Ororo’s pride and strength allowed her to stand in stalemate with Zhou Yi on this matter, but she did not have such courage. Neither she nor she can bear this kind of suffering.

“Yi…” But when the words came to the end, Jean was embarrassed by a thousand words but hard to confess. She really didn’t know how to express the inner heart of own. She wanted to go down completely, but she was afraid that oneself would be underestimated. She wanted to express something proudly, but she didn’t have the courage. Countless words mixed with countless moods made her whole person plunged into inexplicable panic and anxiety.

Feeling Jean’s mental instability, Zhou Yi stepped forward subconsciously. But in the end, he was ruthless and stopped the own action. His feelings for them have not changed, but it does not mean that he can forgive them so easily. Some things must be experienced before they can be forgiven. What he can be sure of now is that they need more time and space to let them see this relationship clearly.

So he stretched out his hand and interrupted Jean Grey’s words, replied with indifference in the same color as his black armor.

“Jean, I think we need more time to awake each other, I believe, not now!”

After that, Zhou Yi quickly rose into the air and drilled Into the clouds in the sky. He will not act with Magneto, because he has an own plan waiting for him to implement.

When she heard Zhou Yi’s indifferent words, a sense of suffocation immediately surged into her heart, and the shock of her thought made her pale immediately, and her body began to shake. In her spiritual world, the agitation of Dark Phoenix is ​​far more terrifying than her appearance.

Crazy, anger, fear, resentment, sadness. All extreme emotions roared and surged in Jean Grey’s mental cage, Charles’s power was shrinking, or in this extreme emotion, Dark Phoenix, who was the incarnation of desire instinct, began to grow stronger and stronger. Even Charles’ power can’t restrain her.

But no one knows this, even Jean’s ontology is not well understood. Her soul was already silent and she walked alone on the road leading to the battlefield. No one noticed her, or no one dared to look at her directly at this time. Because at this moment, looking directly at her is simply terrifying looking at the most desperate abyss.

People who are not strong enough in the defense of the mind will be overwhelmed by crazy emotions in an instant. Become an irrational lunatic and a poor worm dominated by fear and despair. And this is just one of the natural phenomenon she currently exhibits.

When she step by step into the forest, the whole forest began to become quiet. Whether it was animals, plants, or the sound itself, they all began to disappear inexplicably. In the air, leaves, wood chips, dirt, and sandy peaks floated up. Just like in Paris, they were disassembled into countless small particles and surrounded Jean’s surroundings.

Everywhere she walked was a place of dead silence. It was as if she herself had become the incarnation of destruction. For her, it was just the beginning.

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