Sun God Marvel

Chapter 138

“You mean, Umbrella’s people have been hooked, and they can’t help contacting me, can’t they?” In Zhou Yi’s study, he faced a stranger The woman asked.

This is a woman who looks very charming. His long, slightly reddish hair was neatly placed behind his head, revealing a smooth forehead and brown eyes that seemed to be able to speak.

The plump and full lips have coveted magic power, and the extremely three-dimensional nose makes her whole facial features look deep and charming.

Of course, her figure is also very good. Not even worse than those cover models. Especially when she is wearing an OL uniform, she always reminds people of many strange things. But I have to admit that this will only make her more attractive.

It can be said that she has surpassed most of the women Zhou Yi knows in terms of charm and beauty alone. Except for Serana and Clarice, who is amazing after makeup, only Susan, who is close to each other, can match her. Even if you want to count temperament. Even they have to bow down.

Because this woman has a different temperament, a kind of mellow wine, but also like a flower with thorns. This temperament makes her more seductive, like a fascinating story that seduce people to continue to explore.

However, Zhou Yi hopes to keep a safe distance from such a woman. Because her identity is so special, a cream of the crop agent, someone you never know she is thinking and so on. The closer you get to her, the more hurt you might get.

So, Zhou Yi, who has just experienced emotional waves, maintains a respectful attitude towards her. This is a wise choice, but it is not necessarily useful.

The woman pushed her own eyes, which filled her with intellectual beauty. Even Serana behind Zhou Yi saw it and couldn’t help showing a trace of envy. This is enough to prove that her beauty is simply for men and women.

“Yes, sir. Umbrella’s CEO has invited you through his own deputy, hoping to talk to you about investment. But I’ve rejected it on your behalf, for the reason It’s that Umbrella’s return of interest is completely inferior to the risk of your investment. If you want to invest, you have to pay something substantial.”

“Then, Romanoff Young Lady, can you tell me your plan What is the substantive return I asked for?”

“Just call me Natasha, from now on I will be your personal secretary. I think we should have a more intimate address, so as not to cause Umbrella’s attention. Their security is quite tight. We had better not show our feet because of these small problems.”

Natasha Romanoff said as he pulled out the folder he was holding in his arms. A land deed was placed in front of Zhou Yi.

“This is a deserted town in the western region. All residents have been evacuated due to natural disasters. Now the surrounding land in this town also is temporarily under your name. And the distance Its nearest city is Laken City.”

“And the excuse we gave you is that you are very interested in the way Laken City operates, and the reason you bought this piece of land is because you want to Build an own city here. So you want to take a look at the core institutions of Laken City, and imitate Laken City to build a new city.”

“If the structure of Laken City makes you satisfied If you do, you will ask Umbrella to use all the resources of Laken to assist you in building this new city in the form of investment, and also arrange the transfer of some residents and facilities. This is also planned.”

Hearing this plan, even Zhou Yi felt that SHIELD was simply cracking a joke. Because the things involved in this plan are not just a little bit. To build a city, it is no longer a problem that can be solved by simple funds. If you really want to convert it, more than one billion may be lost.

Although this is only an illusion on the surface, this illusion is too big to be believed. Even if you say it is false in front of others, some people will not believe it. Because his early investment is already amazingly huge.

Holding the title deed, Zhou Yi shook in front of the owner’s eyes and asked.

“You have so much confidence to kill this big guy at once. You must know that if there is an accident, your losses will be huge. Although I mobilized funds, I definitely don’t I will be so invested in it. The vacancies must be filled in by yourself.”

Natasha laughed and took the title deed back.

“We have estimated all the probabilities, Umbrella will have no hope. Once its research results are exposed, no one in this world, any forces can protect them. This Huge enterprises will be subject to compulsory dismantling and inspections overnight, and once its core is removed. Our so-called investment is completely gone. If not?”

“You are impossible to risk The risk of being condemned by the media and even the entire mankind to build a city like Laken City will not be doubted by anyone. Even more how, a huge ready-made cake is in front of you, how can a qualified businessman What about neglect the root and pursue the tip?”

Hearing this, Zhou Yi couldn’t help laughing. He knew that his little actions had been seen through by these professional agents. However, they were originally allies, and it was nothing to see through. He just shook his finger, showing a look of reluctance.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Natasha. I’m just responding to your request and try to mobilize the funds in my hands as much as possible.”

Natasha, of course, is not that. Allowing him to pass through the confusion, she flipped the information in her hand and pointed to the information on it and said to Zhou Yi.

“Sir, in the past few days. You have almost embezzled all the funds available in oneself’s hands, and even used many stocks, real estate and some properties in your name to borrow from the bank .Up to now, you have almost 100,000,000,000 circulating funds in your hand, which is enough to cause a huge and terrifying impact in any region of any country. Don’t tell me, you just want to use this money to cooperate with us to make an illusion “

“Umbrella is about to fall, you just want to buy it at this time. Don’t think of us as fools, sir. We are much smarter than you think.”

By the time she said this, her eyes were already full of joking, and she began to impatiently want to see how this guy with a dual identity continued to make up own lies.

But he obviously underestimated Zhou Yi’s cheeky. Since he dared to blatantly assemble such a huge amount of funds, Zhou Yi would not be afraid of being discovered by others. Especially SHIELD as a partner and the people standing behind it.

Because as Natasha said, the funds he holds in his hand are simply scary. There is even capital that can be said to shake a country. In this regard, he has almost occupied the biggest advantage. When Umbrella fell below the instant, he could use the money to make Umbrella complete the change of ownership in an instant. Soon there is no chance for others to react.

And this is basically impossible to be prevented by anyone, and it is also impossible to be taken advantage of by anyone. Their plan is secret and detailed. People who know this plan won’t have such a huge fund, and people with such a huge fund won’t know this plan. It can be said that this plan is simply prepared for him.

Tianyou don’t take it, but take the blame. Zhou Yi is not an idiot, so naturally he will not let such a good opportunity run away in vain.

But for representatives of oneself’s allies, he naturally wouldn’t say so.

“Natasha, if you know that I am still a businessman, the businessman should chase benefits. It will be a loss to cooperate with you in mobilizing funds. In this case, I might as well do some big moves directly. But I can guarantee that I at first never had the idea of ​​playing Umbrella. I just planned to acquire Blizzard Studios.”

Natasha almost completely admires this man who is telling lies with his eyes open, she feels own IQ It was insulted. And the kind that is blatant and unabashed. She almost used her nose to pronounce to express own dissatisfaction.

“Do you think I will believe you for this reason, to raise tens of billions of funds for a game studio?”

“Let me think about it, what reason are I compiling? Alright?” Zhou Yi pretended to touch the chin like this, and continued to gag. “By the way, I’ve always wanted to enter Hollywood, so I plan to buy Disney in one go. After that, the money seems not enough.”

Natasha’s full chest began to fluctuate violently. , Which means that she is desperately suppressing the anger in oneself. She had realized that the own plan was useless, but Zhou Yi couldn’t get it up with this method, which really made her feel the inexplicable fire. From the very beginning, Natasha did not intend to prevent or interfere with Zhou Yi’s behavior. Because, as Zhou Yi thought, this is an impossibility, and it is basically impossible to be blocked. So she only proposed it for one point, and that was to give Zhou Yi an illusion that he believed that the own acquisition was carried out with SHIELD’s acquiescence. Through this, Zhou Yi embodied the value and majesty of SHIELD in his heart.

But she did not expect that Zhou Yi is not afraid of boiling water, and would rather die than admit it than eat her. Her idea of ​​constructing a trap through words has no use at all. Instead, it is just trying to make oneself angry.

However, she was born as an agent after all, and suppressing own emotions has almost become own instinct. Soon she recovered her calm and handled Zhou Yi’s business documents like a normal personal secretary.

And seeing her like this, Zhou Yi also lost interest in continuing. He waved his hand to Serana, who was standing behind him in the shadow, and he began to prepare to drive out.

Today is Aretha’s first day of school. As her father, she has to pick him up in person anyway. Maybe in the future he might not have such free time, but today he must spare time. Because this is the duty of a father.

(To be honest, I have read everything in the book review. In fact, I just want to say that this book is basically impossible to sign, so how to write it depends on hobby. Some people take it Let’s talk about it, I can only say that I don’t want to read it. Anyway, there are a lot of people who write about Marvel, so change one to your taste.)

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