Sun God Marvel

Chapter 139

Sitting on the plane leading to Laken City, Natasha took out a black suitcase in front of Zhou Yi and placed it in front of the two.

“What is this?” Zhou Yi of eyes closed Soul Nurturing originally heard the sound and asked without opening his eyes.

“The equipment I want to use in this mission.” Natasha said without looking up while organizing his own equipment. For agents like her, these equipment are undoubtedly the guarantee of life. If you don’t want to use your own life to crack a joke, it is best to treat these equipment carefully.

Zhou Yi hearing this opened his eyes and scanned the contents of the box. In addition to a pistol, a communicator, and an eavesdropping device, he also saw a somewhat special costume.

That is a black tight-fitting battle suit, just from the appearance, it seems to be no different from an ordinary battle suit. However, Zhou Yi discovered a technology that oneself is very familiar with-Nanominium technology.

This surprised him so much that he muttered and stretched out his hand toward the battle suit.

“It seems that you still have some abilities. You have actually cracked the core technology of Nanominium.”

Patting his hand, Natasha immediately turned the suitcase around. He said with a glance. |

“Isn’t anyone telling you not to mess with the lady’s things? In addition, regarding the technique of this dress, many people asked me to send you cordial greetings, saying that they wanted to thank you Sponsored by friendship.”

“Where, I just did what a friend should do.” Zhou Yi laughed and directly translated Natasha’s greeting into a compliment. Then interrupted.

“Can you tell me what you plan to do, know that although I am responsible for covering your actions. But if I don’t know your plan, then covering you will be a joke? “

“Actually, my plan is very simple.” Natasha closed his own suitcase and put a small earphone by Zhou Yi’s hand. “Find an excuse to stay in Umbrella’s headquarters in Laken, and then use the clues we have to find the key things. Sneaking is my specialty, so you don’t need to worry about this kind of thing. All you have to do is think Ways to give me a good cover.”

“Walk around in the city, try to divert Umbrella’s attention to you, so as to buy me enough time. When I After you succeed, I will reunite with you. And if something happens, I will contact you through this linker. That’s when you need your help.”

Less After Natasha’s contactor, Zhou Yi clearly nodded.

“I understand, everything is left to professionals. I am just a rescuer, so understanding is no problem. Romanoff Young Lady.”

“If you don’t mind Words.” Natasha shrugged.

“Of course I don’t mind. Some things are more reassuring than the supplementary explanation afterwards. At least I will be mentally prepared for all situations. You do this very well. Okay.”

“Very well, then it’s okay.” Natasha said, starting the final preparations.

She took out a small makeup box and looked in the mirror to make up oneself. Although her beauty is amazing enough, she doesn’t mind making it more perfect. Because for her, own beauty is sometimes the biggest advantage.

Zhou Yi quietly watched her doing own things, and at the same time let time pass in this waiting. Soon, they reached their own destination, the city of Laken under Umbrella’s name.

Through the porthole of the plane, Natasha glanced out, a triumphant smile appeared on her face.

“They are here, they are really impatient!”

“It looks like you are pushing them too hard, otherwise they won’t get into the condom so easily .You said, should I feel sorry for this bad luck guy?” Zhou Yi has stood up.

“Sorry he kicked off Umbrella’s end. It’s a cheap emotion.” Natasha laughed disdainfully, but consciously took care of Zhou Yi’s suit and tie, like a The real secretary does. While she was doing this, she did not forget to remind him. “Don’t forget the role you want to play. It might be easier to play this as a movie.”

“Are you worried about me? I don’t think it is necessary.” Zhou Yi responded with a smile Tao. “I still have some confidence in acting.”

“Just like the double-faced person you have always played?” Natasha rolled her eyes and put her arms into Zhou Yi’s arms. “Be natural, also don’t make those guys wait in a hurry.”

“Listen to you.” Patted Natasha’s hand, Zhou Yi stepped out of the cabin. Natasha put on a meek and charming smile, and followed him inseparably with a suitcase. They stepped off the plane at a moderate pace, and the people who had been waiting for a long time under the plane greeted them immediately.

“Welcome to Laken City, Mr. Zhou. I am Raymond Edward, Umbrella’s top supervisor in Laken City. Of course, you can call me Raymond.”

He stretched out his hand to Zhou Yi, his face full of courtesy and flattery.

“I have received the order from the headquarters, and from today I will be responsible for all your visits in Laken. Whether it is the main facilities or Umbrella’s mode of operation in Laken. I It can be guaranteed that you will get everything you want here.”

Slightly shook hands with this man named Raymond, Zhou Yi’s face was filled with a weird smile.

“Raymond! I have heard some bad things. The public security problems in Laken City rumored on the Internet are very serious. Maybe it’s not at all as good as I thought. “

“You’re joking!” Raymond responded with a grin. “There are always one or two guys who like to spread rumors in every city, I’m sure. As long as you stay here for a while, you will definitely like this city.”

“I hope you don’t Will disappoint me.” Zhou Yi said pointedly, and then he introduced Natasha next to Raymond. “This is my personal secretary, Natasha Romanoff Young Lady. She will evaluate Umbrella’s operating mechanism for me. As for me, I will look around the city. Is it what they say.”

“I promise, it’s completely different from what you heard.” Raymond said quickly. As he said, he opened the door for Zhou Yi. Put him in the car personally.

Then he seemed to want to say something, but Zhou Yi stopped him. Through the car window, Zhou Yi closed his eyes and changed into a tired posture.

“Don’t talk about those useless, Mr. Raymond Edward. I will only believe in own eyes, and now I’m tired. Please take me to the booked hotel to rest, tomorrow I will let Romanoff Young Lady personally go to your place to study your operating organization. As for me, I don’t bother you to care about it. I want to go around this city by myself, and I don’t want anyone to disturb me.”

After speaking, he rolled up the car window. The driver started under his order and drove towards the hotel he had booked.

While Raymond remained in place with a smile on his face, he watched the direction Zhou Yi left until he could no longer see the car. And it wasn’t until this time that his expression became cold.

“Which department is responsible for blocking the news, tell them if such news is allowed to spread, let them all go to the suburbs for me, there are people waiting for them.”


The deputy next to him immediately shook his body when he heard this. He knew exactly what was in the suburbs. If it is really what Raymond said, it would be Penalty who is not as good as dead. He said quickly, not wanting to get in trouble.

“I will deliver your order, sir. Also, do we need to take some precautions regarding this gentleman and her secretary?”

“Don’t move him , Don’t allow anyone else to move him.” Raymond stopped abruptly. He stared at his deputy with warnings in his eyes.

“This is the person who both you and I cannot afford to offend, and the person who the board member will ask for the highest treatment. Unless it involves core secrets, you can’t take him any sneer. If you I don’t want to be thrown into the laboratory as an experiment. Let your subordinates also be honest.”

“Yes, sir. I understand, sir!” The adjutant quickly agreed. At this time they Already in another car.

As soon as he got in the car, the assistant sitting in the co-driver put a document in front of Raymond. Raymond turned it over and looked at it, with a wry smile that a man could understand on his face.

“Look at this, Natasha Romanoff. Graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in management and has four majors in finance, management, architecture and psychology. It is a high-level talent. In addition, he has studied After a ballet show and a model show, it’s no wonder that the figure is so good. The super rich toy is the highest, doesn’t it? But, it’s just a beautiful toy.”

“Of course, sir. The lady is really beautiful. It’s amazing, I have never seen such a beautiful woman.” The adjutant agreed, of course there is no lack of sincere admiration.

“The most beautiful woman will always belong to the most successful man, and now we are all walking on this path.” Closing the information in his hand, Raymond closed his eyes and fell into the beauty Fantasy. “That Mr. Zhou is just ahead of us. You have to have confidence. Once our career is successful, we can not only stand shoulder to shoulder with him, but even walk ahead of him.”

“At that time, women, money, status. There is nothing we can’t get. As long as you work hard for our cause now!”

“I will put all my efforts, sir. “The deputy was obviously aroused by Raymond’s words, and he became excited. And this is exactly what Raymond wants.

Their career is very dangerous. Only this kind of wild ambition full of fantasies will have the confidence to go on. Therefore, the instillation of some ideas is almost inevitable. Only by letting all participants complete the ideological synchronization can the senior management relax.

He looked at the deputy of own and started to learn Zhou Yi’s appearance and closed his eyes.

“Tomorrow, you will be responsible for picking up that Young Lady. Although that kind of woman is not something we can touch, it is always good to have feast for the eyes. In addition, arrange a group of people to take good care of that Mr. Yi, I don’t want him to see anything that shouldn’t be shown to him.”

The deputy immediately agreed, and he already felt that the age of own was about to come.

(There’s something wrong today, it’s a bit late. I read the book review section, thank you for your support. I will post another chapter when I am finished. It won’t be too late.)

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