Floating in the space of Infinity, bathed in strong radiation from the sun, Zhou Yi felt that his whole body was greatly satisfied. It was as if someone who had been tired all day soaked in a hot spring, and was uncomfortable.

If it weren’t for Dawn I’s energy board that had been showing energy overflow and had been issuing warning voices, Zhou Yi would have fallen asleep if not sure.

But soon, news from Medusa interrupted his comfortable state.

“Sir, there was a bank robbery in Manhattan. I think you need to take a look.”

“Medusa, it’s just a robbery. The police can solve this trivial matter. “Zhou Yi said impatiently. He doesn’t want to be a full-time superman, he takes care of everything.

Like robbery, stealing, this kind of trivial things that the police can solve, oneself does not need to participate. After all, you will be jealous if you waste time without saying it. After all, if you achieve this level, you will basically lose the job of the police.

“Sir, this group of robbers is very powerful, and they hijacked a bus transporting elementary school students. The police can only contain them, and there are many casualties.”

Medusa Continue to report, this situation already has room for their participation.

“Tell me where they are.”

“The target is moving towards Brooklyn Bridge. It is estimated that after 5 minutes and 17 seconds, it will be surrounded by police.”

Zhou Yi didn’t speak, but plunged into the atmosphere. The red line of fire appeared in the atmosphere in an instant.

Brooklyn Bridge.

A yellow school bus is ramming on the bridge. Five or six police cars behind the bus are playing harsh alarm bells while chasing the crazy bus ahead.

The bus that was being chased became more and more frantic under the chase of the police car, regardless of what was in front of it, it just hit it head-on.

In front of this desperate posture, many vehicles have paid a heavy price. Some were smashed and shriveled, and even worse, they were completely turned over.

Of course, after all, it was blocked by obstacles, and the speed of the bus inevitably slowed down. Seeing that the bus slowed down, the police car naturally wanted to cling to it.

But once the police car is too close to the bus, there are always one or two people who leaned out of the window and swept a bullet directly at the police car behind them.

Often at this time, there will be a group of children screaming in the car. Obviously this voice also clearly told these police officers that there is absolutely no shortage of hostages and so on for this group of robbers.

After all, the police are just policemen, not special forces, let alone robocops. Faced with this brutal firepower, these police cars wisely retreated beyond the safety line. The bus continued its rampage like this until it reached the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge and stopped oneself’s crazy charge.

“Barr, what’s the matter?” The covered face yelled at the position of the steering wheel, holding a handful of M4A1. While shouting, he poured bullets crazily behind the bus.

Beside him there is also a Molecular man with the same covered face, holding an AK74 in his hand and constantly spraying sparks, just two people, relying on the guy in his hand to fight back A group of police officers in Beijing couldn’t even lift their heads. I have to say that the firepower of these two guys is really fierce.

Listening to the roar from behind, a thin Little Brat with the same covered face slapped the steering wheel, dragged out an automatic rifle from his side, and fired directly at the front. At the same time, he yelled and responded.

“Damn policeman, Boss, they blocked the road ahead, and this bus can’t make it through.”

Seeing that the interception in front has been successful, the police cars behind are also It stopped, and the two sides formed a stalemate for a while.

And this state is not what the robbers like. The at first roared, the robber called the Boss walked to the front with a gun and saw a dozen police cars in front of the bus. There were also a lot of roadblocks erected in front of the police cars. Obviously they could not be solved by rushing over. thing.

“Andrew, look at the police behind. Barr, keep an eye on this group of brats.” Robber Boss turned around a few times impatiently, pulling up a middle-aged woman whose face was deathly pale, clutching the bleeding wound The driver walked to the door of the bus and yelled outside.

“Idiot policemen, listen to me. I will give you a way out within five minutes. Otherwise, I will start killing hostages. This guy is the first one when the time comes. . Then every one minute, I kill a brat. There are more than 20 brats here. You can figure it out for me.”

There was a commotion on the police side, and after a while. A tough-looking middle-aged policeman responded with a horn.

“Listen to the robbers on the opposite side. I am Chief Stacy of NYPD. You have been surrounded by us and there is no way out for you. The quick reaction force has also set off here. I order you to surrender immediately. Otherwise…”

The words were not finished yet, but a shuttle bullet swept over and Chief Stacy fell on the ground, avoiding the flying bullets.

When the gunfire stopped, a policeman came over and asked: “Chief, what shall we do now?”

Chief Stacy said that I also want to know what to do. The kidnapping of more than 20 children is not a trivial matter in New York, otherwise he would not come over so quickly. But there is really no good solution to this situation right now.

So he could only ask: “What did the emergency team say?”

“The other party is very shrewd. Our sniper said he was not sure to kill the robber directly. According to his judgment, These three guys should be from the army.”

“So, what I hate most is the guy who plays guns more professionally than the police.” Stacy cursed, can only continue to arrange for his men to be surrounded. See if it is possible to force the robbers to surrender.

But unfortunately, this kind of thing can only be thought of. Generally speaking, everyone is willing to be a robber, a job that kills his life, who would want to surrender at this time.

After waiting for a while, I saw that the policemen didn’t have any idea to make way. Robber Boss asked again: “Asshole cops, what do you want. Also two minutes, this guy is going to die.”

When I heard this, Chief Stacy’s head sweated. Down. He knew in his heart that this group of robbers seemed to really fight to the end and didn’t want to surrender this matter. And as an old policeman, he also understands that oneself can no longer control the situation. Once the hostages start to be shot, things will probably get worse.

So he can only calm the robber’s emotions.

“Hey! Buddy, it’s not easy to clear a path now. Give me a little more time.”

Hearing this, the robber glanced subconsciously all around , Experience made him immediately spot the sniper lying on the bridge. Rage flooded his heart for an instant.

“Damn, you are delaying time!” Robber Boss raised his gun directly and swept it at the police.

“don’t shoot, don’t shoot!” Chief Stacy, who was hiding behind the car, ordered loudly. In this case, the consequences of accidentally wounding the hostages are simply unimaginable.

Only a small group of people around Stacy heard Stacy’s command, and this small group did not include the sniper.

As the snipers of the quick reaction force, they have the authority to judge whether to shoot independently in the face of choice, and of course the result is also conceited. At this time, the sniper crouching on the bridge chose to shoot at this time.

His shooting skills are very good, but Robber Boss’s sixth sense, which has been mixed on the battlefield all the year round, saved him his life. He dodged subconsciously to the left, the bullet from the sniper rifle grazed his shoulder, but not at all killed him. Only the hostage in his hand broke out of his control and ran towards the policeman.

And this situation exacerbates the bad form on the court.

The police cared about the safety of the hostages, but the robbers didn’t care about it, and these extremely vicious guys started shooting indiscriminately. Both the fleeing hostages and the police are their targets.

Bullets always run faster than humans. The unfortunate hostage was shot through the thigh by the stray bullet and fell to the ground. And she is not too close to the police. In this case, the police could not rescue at all. And she will soon die of bleeding.

The enraged leader quickly noticed the poor guy, of course, there was no compassion in his heart, instead he moved his gun to the fallen hostage.

“No, no, please, let me go..” The hostage on the ground noticed the robber’s behavior and pleaded in tears.

But the robber just pulled the trigger indifferently. With the sound of gunfire, Chief Stacy closed his eyes unbearably. But a sudden air pressure and strong wind opened his eyes again.

“God, what the hell is this?” Chief Stacy’s eyes widened to find that things were not at all progressing as he expected, and even unpredictable changes had taken place. Faced with this situation, he couldn’t help but mutter to himself.

At this time, in the middle of the confrontation between the two sides, a translucent twisted mask surrounded the hostages on the ground, and the bullet was suspended at the edge of the mask, as if it were still. And above the light shield, a guy in black armor was floating in midair with his arms, and slowly descended.

“What is this damned thing?” Boss on both sides have this question.

Of course, this damned thing is called Zhou Yi wearing nano armor Dawn I.

Zhou Yi landed on the ground, the medical scanning device that came with nano armor scanned the hostages on the ground, and then Medusa gave the best advice.

“Sir, this lady has a penetrating wound on her arm, a ruptured aorta in her left leg, and shrapnel remains. It is recommended to send to the first aid immediately.”

I heard Medusa’s suggestion , Zhou Yi picked up the dumbfounded hostage on the ground and walked directly in the direction of the police. All those who use walking, not flying or running, are to take care of the police’s emotions. He wants to use this way to show that oneself has no malice towards them, so that the police will not get excited and set fire on him.

Obviously, Zhou Yi’s actions were approved by the police.

“Don’t shoot, let him come!” Stacy ordered loudly. Everyone heard clearly this time and lowered the muzzle quite cooperatively.

When Zhou Yi walked into the middle of the police car holding the hostages, Chief Stacy had already surrounded him with several policemen. At his signal, the policemen took the injured hostage and rushed to the ambulance behind him.

And Chief Stacy said to Zhou Yi: “Who are you?” Obviously, he asked a lot of people’s voices, and the surrounding police came close in silence.

“Chief Stacy, it doesn’t matter who I am. You can think of me as a good-hearted man who carries through chivalry and just passes by. I think in this case, you need my help. “

Zhou Yi said straight to the point. And this direct method is obviously not acceptable to the Secretary.

“I won’t ask for help from a guy who doesn’t even dare to show his face.”

“Then the situation will only get worse, sir. Since you have nothing to do, it is better to pay Give it to me. I will save these children.” After saying this, Zhou Yi turned and walked in the direction of the bus.

Looking at Zhou Yi of Future Warrior walking out of the police car phalanx, a senior policeman asked: “Chief, what should we do?”

“Damn, order Go down. Pay attention to the safety of the hostages. The shooting is not allowed without my order. Now I can only rely on this guy.”

Watching Zhou Yi walking step by step, Robber Boss couldn’t help swallowing, loudly said “Strange guy, stop for me.”

Zhou Yi will naturally not listen to him, and is still approaching step by step. This slow way seems to put a lot of pressure on the robbers. In order to relieve the pressure, they faced Zhou Yi and pulled the trigger.

The firepower of the three automatic rifles intertwined and swept onto Zhou Yi’s body. But not at all to get the results they wanted, scattered sparks splashed all over, naked eye can see that the bullet was bounced or simply turned into a pile of deformed metal and fell on the ground.

The armor on Zhou Yi’s body is still brand new, and there are almost no obvious bullet marks. The impact of the bullet did not affect Zhou Yi’s speed at all, he was still advancing at a constant speed.

“Damn it, what kind of monster is this?” Watching the invulnerable Zhou Yi approaching step by step within his own safe visual range, Robber Boss’s eyelids trembled and asked this question.

And the other two robbers around him were also a little panicked, sweating profusely, and asking loudly: “Boss, what should I do. The bullet can’t penetrate this guy.”

“Barr, hold him. Andrew, follow me to get the guy behind.” Robber Boss threw the guy in his hand to Barr, and took the other guy to the back.

Barr looked at Zhou Yi approaching, roaring and pulling the trigger.

At this time, Zhou Yi said that he was walking in the rain of bullets. He looked at the robbers at the door, seeking an opportunity to attack.

The reason why we didn’t use supersonic speed to solve this group of robbers, on the one hand, is to retain strength. After all, also SHIELD and Hydra have attempts to all superpower users. On the other hand, it is because of fear of accidental injury.

Once you run at supersonic speed, the sound barrier will be like throwing a grenade on the ground, let alone the strong wind pressure. If this is done, it is uncertain how many children will spend some time in the hospital. So at this point, Zhou Yi was very curious about how Quicksilver moves at supersonic speed, and does it have special running skills.

Zhou Yi continued to exude his thoughts, and soon approached less than two hundred feet from the bus. At this time Robber Boss leaned out from the back door of the car. He held an RPG in his hand.

“monster, go die for me!” shouted frantically, Robber Boss pulled the trigger. The 40MM rocket ejected strong smoke and flew straight towards Zhou Yi with a deadly tail flame.

Facing the rocket, Zhou Yi stretched out his hand. Then he saw that the rocket was accurately held in his hand, and then the flames skyrocketed, the explosion sounded deafening, the turbulent air current rolled up countless rubble, and even the bus began to shake slightly. Obviously the rocket that was held must have exploded.

Seeing such a scene, the robbers couldn’t help but sighed in relief and lowered their guns. The police also gaped, and some began to draw crosses on their chests. Before they wanted to come, Zhou Yi probably had been blown to pieces.

But the thing is that there will be a twist beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

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