The flames are still skyrocketing, but a silhouette of naked eye that can only be vaguely distinguished suddenly rushes out of the middle. The speed is so fast that the fire is divided, and people have no room for reaction. When he was caught by sight, he had rushed to the back of the car and grabbed the robber’s boss. Lifted him up amid his screams.

“Let them surrender, right now!” The cold electronic sound made Robber Boss hear the whole body have one’s hair stand on end, but he still pulled out the pistol from his thigh and pointed it at Zhou Yi’s helmet Shoot desperately.

Watching the bullet twist and deform on the crystal shield, leaving a strange visual stain. Zhou Yi, who felt that the guy in his hand was worthless, threw him directly behind him, only to see the bad luck guy flying over a distance of tens of feet, and his whole person was inlaid on the door of a scrapped car. Then he twitched a few times like Pippi shrimp, completely limp there.

This kind of behavior frightened many people. There were policemen, hostages, and the robbers were most impressed.

The guy named Barr threw down the gun, rushed to the driver’s seat and started the car, causing the car to run crazily. And another robber named Andrew scolded and picked up a little girl, and tore open the jacket to reveal the bomb tied to her body.

“I said, don’t you have any plans to surrender?” Zhou Yi jumped into the back door and said to the two robbers who were still putting up a desperate struggle.

“Go away, you monster.” Andrew held the little girl in one hand and pressed a button with the other, and slowly walked back to the front door of the bus. Obviously, he didn’t want to be too close to Zhou Yi, which made him extremely insecure.

But obviously, this distance is not safe. A momentary white light shot from Zhou Yi’s helmet, directly sweeping Andrew’s arm, and then phantom flicker. In the blink of an eye as before, he appeared in front of Andrew, pinched his neck, and He lifted it up.

“Put down the girl, also stop!” Zhou Yi ordered.

“Go to hell, you monster!” Andrew said strugglingly. He pressed the button in his hand subconsciously, but his fingers did not act as he imagined. In fact, as he twisted, his forearm slid down directly without any blood splashing out, and there was only a scorched black at the interface, as if this part was not his. Look closely at the wound on the arm, as if it has been treated with high temperature.

And Andrew didn’t feel the slightest, not even pain. While the ultra-high temperature rays swept off his arm in an instant, it also stopped the bleeding and burned the nerves. So apart from losing an arm, Andrew didn’t take any damage at all. At least, he felt this way.

This is exactly the case, but it makes the robbers more frightened. The already scared Barr stepped on the accelerator frantically, not caring about the direction of the car. And Andrew was quite stiff at this time, at least he looked like an outlaw.

“You bastard monster, my hand, ah!” He yelled and raised his other intact hand, and the little girl in the handle threw her out of the car through the door .

At this time, because of Barr’s loss of control, the bus had already stuck to the edge of the bridge. Andrew’s throw was to directly throw the child off the bridge and fall straight toward the sea. Falling from this height, even if the child learns to swim from the mother’s womb, the pressure caused by falling into the water will knock her to death.

Didn’t expect Zhou Yi, who was so brutal as the robber, immediately threw Andrew in his hand onto Barr’s body. The huge impact made the two of them lose consciousness instantly, and of course they also broke a lot of bones. Zhou Yi quickly rushed out of the car door, and the little girl who had fallen down at a faster speed chased after him.

The little girl was still screaming in midair, but after she didn’t call for long, she felt her body sank, and then she fell into Zhou Yi’s arms. Zhou Yi squeezed the pale face of the little girl slightly, laughed and said, “Little Brat, everything is okay.” The first time he squeezed a little child in this capacity, he was obviously a little lighter and less serious, the little girl’s little face. Some redness has been pinched.

However, the little girl in her arms did not respond at all. At this time, she still had a damn expression, obviously she hadn’t come back to his senses yet.

At this moment, a huge metal crash sounded. Zhou Yi looked up and saw a familiar yellow silhouette rushing down from the other side of the bridge in a press forward posture. Zhou Yi on this side of the bridge can clearly hear the crying and screaming of a car of children.

Just when Zhou Yi was performing flying to save people, the bus that lost control not at all crashed into the obstacle arranged by the police as expected and stopped moving, but was decelerated first. Torn the tire, the sudden deceleration made the dazed Barr slam on the accelerator, the bus still slanted and roared and charged, and then leaned to the outside of the bridge.

This situation is not only Zhou Yi didn’t expect, even the police did not expect it. Obviously watching things have been developing in the best direction, but there was a turning point, and the police felt that oneself was going crazy.

A student from a bus was killed because of the mistakes of the police. One can imagine how much pressure and condemnation the NYPD police will be. These condemnations are not only in the media, in society, but also oneself deep in one’s heart.

Looking at the tragedy, Chief Stacy covered his eyes in pain. What happened today made him feel extremely sad. As a rare high-level conscientious government, Chief Stacy is very suffering. There are also many policemen and onlookers who feel this way.

And the media, as the most fearful species in the world, they rushed to the scene early. At this time they have begun to shoot and live broadcast frantically, and they only have ratings in their eyes, and they probably have guessed how hot the Brooklyn Bridge incident will be. Huo Bin, Superman, huge minor casualties, such topics are enough to make these reporters crazy.

Soon there was a huge uproar among the reporters. This kind of noise made Chief Stacy yell tirelessly: “Can’t these damn reporters stop meeting?” A policeman patted his shoulder and said.

“Director, I think you should take a look at this!” His words were full of joy.

Chief Stacy, who felt something wrong, looked up and saw a black silhouette holding a bus in the light of the afternoon sun, holding a little girl in his arms, slowly Falling to the ground from the air.

The moment he put the bus on the ground, the spotlight almost mapped the ground and him into silver white.

The situation things have taken a new turn. A large number of police officers began to take hostages. In fact, they did not need to take them. The parents who had rushed over had already rushed through the police’s defense line, crying and hugging The own child. The police can only drag away the two robbers who are unconscious. Of course, some violence is indispensable in the process.

A young couple rushed to Zhou Yi, and Zhou Yi clearly passed the little girl in his arms. The woman hugged the child and kissed desperately, while the man hugged the mother and daughter, his eyes flushed and trembling, and said to Zhou Yi, “Thank you, sir. Thank you for saving my child.”

“Don’t thank me!” Zhou Yi gently touched the little girl’s hair, “Your child is very cute. It is my duty to let such a cute child enjoy the beautiful life.”

“Thank God, may God bless you, dear sir.” The couple still thanked again and again, while Zhou Yi waved his hand and walked towards the long-awaited person behind him.

“Everyone is happy, don’t they? Chief Stacy.” Zhou Yi said.

Chief Stacy frowns, staring at Zhou Yi, said: “Who are you, Stark or Osborn’s super machine, or what disgraceful alien? What is your purpose?”


“Neither, as I said, I am just a good-hearted person passing by, a person who also wears chivalry. You can think of me as the last darkness of the night, and also the forerunner of the coming dawn . As for my purpose, you have already seen it, to maintain peace, I think I can use these words to describe it.”

“Do you think I will believe it, also peace and order do not require you to hide The show-faced guy is here to defend, and our police are enough.” Chief Stacy waved his hand irritably. He seemed to have seen what the chaos of New York would look like in the future.

“There will always be something that you can’t solve today.” Zhou Yi shrugged. “I think you will always need my help like this, Director. I will not mess with you or grab your jobs, just treat me as a friendly partner.”

” Partners don’t even say their names.” Chief Stacy complained. His heart has been shaken.

“This is a secret. Chief, use your talents, I think a code name is enough to solve this problem.” Zhou Yi laughed, flying up. In the eyes of countless people, he flew to in midair, and then tore the floating clouds with a loud noise, accelerated to the point where it was completely unrecognizable, and disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Seeing this guy who rescued a car of hostages left the scene in this way, the reporters who had long speared on standby for a long time directly rushed through the police line of defense and surrounded Chief Stacy. .

“Mr. Chief, what is your relationship with this mysterious guy?”

“Mr. Chief, what is the identity of the mysterious person, Superhuman, Mutant or Robot Warrior?”

“Mr. Chief, in this rescue, the police did nothing and even worsened the situation for a while. All rescues were done by mysterious persons. Can I think that the police were A waste of taxpayers’ taxes!”

A series of questioning and questioning made Chief Stacy’s blood pressure go straight, but being able to sit in the position of director, how to say he has also practiced forbearance to a certain realm.

This kind of forbearance made him not at all shook his fist at the reporter. Instead, he patiently opened the microphone that was about to reach oneself’s mouth, and said with a serious face. .

“Gentlemen and ladies. I can only say that this rescue operation was completed with the joint efforts of both parties. So there is no saying that the police is a waste of taxes.”

“Mr. Chief, you said that the two parties are working together. Does it mean that the police department has a cooperative relationship with the mysterious person?”

Chief Stacy coughed and started to make up things, anyway, this is also mysterious Superman approved behavior.

“According to our verbal agreement, you can think so. NYPD and the mysterious person do have a certain cooperative relationship.”

“What is the identity of the mysterious person? The police department Are you going to announce the identity and cooperation content of the mysterious person to the outside world?”

The reporters became even more crazy when they discovered that Chief Stacy could reveal something.

“The cooperative relationship between the two parties is only the mysterious person itself and the police station, and does not involve the true identity of the mysterious person, which belongs to personal privacy. The content of the cooperation is also limited to the maintenance of public order.” Stacy is under him With the help of police officers, they squeezed out of the reporter’s siege, while responding to reporters’ questions.

“So, Mr. Chief, what do you call your partner? Trapeze, Hercules, or Future Warrior?”

Chief Stacy thought about it for a while, and said seriously:” Knight, I call him Dawn Knight (dawnknight).”

As Chief Stacy blurted out the name Zhou Yi, all reporters began to call Zhou Yi by this name, and this name is also With the spread of the media, it was officially finalized.

This is a new beginning for Zhou Yi’s Superhero life.

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