Sun God Marvel

Chapter 161

When Zhou Yi returned to the camp with the huge black jaguar, many people looked at him with weird eyes.

The guards on patrol set up their own weapons, and the to-and-fro survivors cautiously avoided them. If it hadn’t been for Coulson, who came quickly after hearing the wind, forcibly dispersed the crowd and arranged for Zhou Yi to get into a tent with the big cat. It is estimated that they will be onlookers for a while.

“My goodness, where did you find such a big jaguar.” Coulson couldn’t help yelling at him as soon as Zhou Yi pulled the tent closer. “Do you know, because you brought this thing back. The camp almost exploded. Many people thought we were breached. Even this kind of monster came here. The survivors desperately wanted to go out. We almost didn’t suppress it. If there is a riot at this time, I don’t know how to solve it.”

“Sorry, this child just got hurt. I don’t worry about putting it outside. “Zhou Yi scratched the big cat’s ears and let it lie on the ground. The big cat meekly followed his orders, and when it fell to the ground, Zhou Yi took Jill from it and placed it on the camp bed in the tent.

A jerk on the back made the cat feel refreshed. It rolled a few times on the ground like Sa Huan, and then put its head directly on Zhou Yi’s feet. Fortunately, Zhou Yi’s physique is different from normal people’s, otherwise it will hurt at least for a while. Putting the weight of nearly a thousand kg there is no reason why it doesn’t hurt.

“How do you make it look like this? It looks no different from a larger domestic cat.” Looking at the snoring big cat, Coulson asked in surprise It’s not that he hasn’t seen this kind of beast, some guys with weird tastes like to keep this thing. But few people can feed a beast into a cunning look like a domestic cat. This also takes a lot of time.

“By coincidence, this child is very smart!” Zhou Yi shrugged, at this time he saw Natasha and Ada Wang coming together. The two women were talking and laughing, not at all the hostile feeling of raising their eyebrows horizontally.

“What happened to them?” Pointing to the two women, he asked Coulson. He felt that something interesting must have happened in this little moment when oneself left. Otherwise, these two tit-for-tat women impossible harmony became like this.

“They reached a small agreement.” Seeing the two women, Coulson laughed awkwardly. “Leave them alone, Buddy. Didn’t you adopt a daughter, how are you feeling?”

“Damn, why are you asking me this all of a sudden?” Listening to Coulson talking about own adopted daughter, Zhou Yi immediately became alert. He instinctively felt that there must be some moth in the middle. Because an agent will never ask oneself’s daughter questions for no reason. Unless he is tired of life and crooked.

“For the sake of a friend, I will warn you first, Aretha’s current status is recognized by law, if you don’t want to be killed by me, you’d better not beat her. .”

“Hey, I never thought of this child. I just greet you, do you understand?” Coulson flustered and exasperated responded, oneself just wanted to find a topic Cut in, how suddenly it was turned into a conspiracy. This made him feel incredible, and some even questioned the issue of trust between people.

He asked himself that oneself doesn’t look like a fierce guy, he is also sincere and kind. How could it be like this in Zhou Yi’s eyes.

“You really didn’t have the idea of ​​hitting Aretha?” Zhou Yi continued to examine him, and he began to consider whether to believe the words of the agent chief.

“Damn it, I swear in my grandmother’s name, I never thought about it.” Coulson felt that oneself was going crazy, if it wasn’t for this guy, he must let him taste the SHIELD internal The ultimate Fighting Technique is rumored to be powerful.

“Well, just assume you haven’t had this idea.”

“I didn’t have this idea.”

“Then you say Aretha What are you doing? Don’t you know what an owner’s occupation is? It’s easy to misunderstand, Buddy.” Patted Coulson’s shoulder apologetically, Zhou Yi took out a cigarette and divided him. It can be considered to agree with his innocence.

Coulson took the cigarette very uncomfortably. He wanted to curse. But I found that oneself has nothing to curse. People are just worried about own child. Besides, as an agent, it seems that there is really nothing to say when viewed with a colored eye. This is his job.

“Forget it this time, you should know that as a friend I won’t hurt you.” Waved, Coulson signaled that everything disappeared. As for what he said, Zhou Yi was only nodded with a smile. As for whether he believed in him or not, no one knew.

Coulson doesn’t expect him to believe this so easily, this kind of thing generally requires actual actions to prove it. Mouth alone is no use. So he avoided this topic and talked directly to Zhou Yi.

“Do you remember the child Natasha brought back!”

“Why, is there a problem with that child?”

“There is no problem with that child , Natasha in question.”

“The Borcans were unfortunately killed in this disaster. This child has become an orphan. We have investigated her relatives, and it can be said that none of her relatives has raised her. Great ability. So Natasha moved his mind and wanted to raise this child. But our internal regulations do not allow this.”

“Unless Natasha retires, she is impossible to raise this child. But She cannot decide whether to retire or not. So, I gave her an idea!” Coulson straightened his expression and said to Zhou Yi.

After listening to what he said, Zhou Yi already understood what he meant. So he immediately shook his head and said.

“Do you want me to raise this child? Damn it, do you take it for granted. You should know what is going on in my family, how could such a child be boarded with me!”

“Buddy, of course I know the situation in your home. But the current situation is that we have no more choices.” Coulson explained, pulling his sleeve.

“You should know what William Court Academecian is studying. T virus can arouse so many people’s desires. Even more how is a stronger G virus. William Court Academecian is dead, all The intelligence points to her daughter. We can’t put her in the household of an ordinary person, as that will cause terrifying tragedies.”

“You can put her in your headquarters, where It’s safer and more assured, isn’t it?”

Zhou Yi still rejects this idea. He has enough troubles in his family, and he really doesn’t want to have another trouble.

“I can’t do this, Buddy. I can’t take away a child’s life. You should know what will happen if she is adopted by someone like us. Her life will become incomplete. Moreover, Natasha would not agree with me. That child is a good child and shouldn’t stay in the shadows forever like us.”

Coulson said eagerly, with a pleading on his face Zhou Yi’s appearance made Zhou Yi feel that as long as he refused, it was a sin. He was about to say something more, Coulson had already interrupted everything he was about to say directly.

“Please, Buddy. I beg you, okay?”

“Also I, can I beg you? I just want this child Growing up carefree, I don’t expect anything else. As long as you agree, I can meet any of your conditions.” Natasha also opened the tent at this time and said solemnly to Zhou Yi.

Although she spoke very solemnly, Zhou Yi didn’t take seriously. The previous teasing was endured, and there is no reason to forget about this empty promise.

However, at this time. Zhou Yi is already very difficult to refuse. Coulson is his friend, Natasha and his relationship are more than acquaintances, their request is not so easy to refuse. even more how He still has some sympathy for that poor child. But he still wants to resign. It’s better not to get rid of this troublesome thing.

“I will be very busy in the future, you should know my plan. I will not have any free time to take care of this child in the future.”

“Boss, hand in Just give it to me. I can take time to take care of this child.” Ada Wang also expressed support at this time, but the object of her support is obviously problematic. Obviously, she must have made a dirty deal with these two guys.

“Ada, you are a betrayal!” Zhou Yi gnashing teeth, it is not a comfortable thing to be overcast by the owner person.

“Sorry, Boss. I just want to share your burden. And, Romanoff Young Lady said, as long as I help her, the previous things can be wiped out, and she can help me settle some Hands and feet. So, I can only stand on their side.”

Ada Wang knows Zhou Yi’s bottom line very well, so she also knows which step oneself takes is the most appropriate. Just like she is now, Zhou Yi will not be disgusted by Zhou Yi, but it can also promote the development of this thing to the result they want. And no matter what she does, she will not lose too much. This is the extent to which a smart person can do it.

Looking at the earnestness in the eyes of the three, Zhou Yi pondered over and over again, and finally nodded.

“Well, I agree. But you must promise me two things.”

“First, SHIELD can no longer harass this child’s life. Once I lead her When I go back, she is my child. I don’t allow anyone to give her idea anytime, anywhere, even if it’s you!”

“I can guarantee that SHIELD will not harass her, but if we go to see What about her?” Natasha asked eagerly, as if she seemed to care about the child.

“I can accept that you see the child in your own name, but at most you can only do that.”

“No problem, what about another requirement?” Coulson Acknowledging this, he also saw that this is the solution for the child.

“Second, forget everything about the virus. She is just an ordinary child, and has no connection with the G virus anymore. This is what I need you to record on the data.”

This is not a simple matter, because it not only means removing the child’s past from all files, but also cutting off the sound of viruses inside SHIELD.

The power of G virus will certainly cause some people to watch, Zhou Yi has no mood and no time to pay attention to these ambitious. These people have to ask Coulson to deal with them.

Coulson and they looked at each other, still nodded. They made a choice for oneself’s inner goodness.

(Look for some collections, recommendations, etc. The data hasn’t increased for a long time.)

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