Sun God Marvel

Chapter 162

“What a troublesome Little Brat.” Zhou Yi shook the head as he watched the waking girl plunge into Natasha’s arms without saying a word.

This little girl is so attached to Natasha, which is not a good thing for Zhou Yi, because it means that it will take a lot of effort to take her away from Natasha. Zhou Yi, who didn’t have this idle time, threw this troublesome thing directly to Natasha.

“Please tell her clearly about this! I can’t just open this mouth.”

Natasha, who forcibly pulled Zhou Yi here, wanted to introduce the little girl. The future adoptive father, but did not expect Zhou Yi to be so irresponsible. So she could only roll her eyes and talk to the little girl.

“Shirley, this is Zhou Yi. You will live with him in the future. If you can, I hope you can call him father, trust me. He will give you a happy life Yes.”

Natasha spoke very sincerely, but the little girl named Shirley didn’t give her much face. She just hugged Natasha’s waist tightly, her small face buried in her arms. He didn’t even want to look at Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi just blew a whistle on this and walked out quietly. He knew that the next time was Natasha’s psychological counseling time for the little girl, and it was not appropriate for him to be there. So he consciously left space for two people to get along.

Natasha sighed, Shirley’s resistance was in her expectation. But some things do not depend on her will. Shirley likes her, she knows it, because she also likes this child. But she really has no ability to raise this child.

She is a special agent. To put it bluntly, she is a tool in the hands of others. One of the main reasons she doesn’t want Shirley to be with Oneself is that she doesn’t want her to be like Oneself. And the only person who can protect her from being used as a tool by others and who can be trusted by her is Zhou Yi.

This is also the reason why Coulson’s proposal was approved by her. She agrees with Zhou Yi’s power, and only his kind of power can make those who plot wrongdoing put away their own minions.

“Shirley, I am doing it for you. You are still young, and you may not understand what I mean. But you will understand in the future. Only by his side can you grow up carefree! “

Touching Shirley’s head, Natasha said with emotion, she didn’t want to expose her to the dirty world of adults so early, but sometimes she had no other choice. The cruel reality will always destroy all your beautiful ideas, and you can only succumb to the reality forever.

“I know, Natasha.” Shirley’s little blond head rubbed hard in her arms, her big eyes filled with crystal tears, she looked like a heartbreaker The porcelain doll is average. “But I don’t want to leave you, I want to be with you.”

“Baby, I don’t want to leave you either.” Natasha kissed her forehead, tears streaming down her eyes. “But I have no other way, I’m sorry. Shirley, I can’t give the life you want.”

“It’s okay, Natasha. I don’t blame you!” Shirley reached out and wiped awkwardly To her tears, this child with a rough life experience showed rare early wisdom at this time. “I will listen to you, Natasha. But can you promise me that I will visit me often in the future?”

“I will, my dear.” Natasha held Shirley’s face, very solemnly Said. “I assure you!”

She has already put Shirley in her arms firmly.

|Zhou Yi stood outside the tent and lit a cigarette. He could hear the conversation between these two women. What he didn’t expect was that in such a short period of time, the two men actually had such an intimate relationship.

He didn’t know what kind of experience Natasha had, and at this time the maternal side of women would explode. But a woman who can have such emotions is better than a cold machine. Agents are also different, and humane guys like Natasha and Coulson are always more reassuring than those who only know how to execute orders.

The crying and laughing of the two people in the tent continued, and Zhou Yi had no intention of listening. Being caught by someone overhearing is not an easy thing to say clearly, especially when the woman inside is still very difficult.

In order not to get into such trouble, he returned to his own tent. There is a big cat with a gluttonous mouth, and also a drowsy guy who needs his care.

However, as soon as he entered the tent, Zhou Yi found that the atmosphere inside was not much better than that of Natasha. Or it is still something.

I don’t know when Jill woke up coldly and looked at Ada Wang, who was watching her. If his eyes can be concretized in reality, Zhou Yi can swear that there must be The bullets rained, the swords rang.

This guy, Coulson, didn’t know how to remind oneself and ran away. People like this can also be called friends. Zhou Yi said he was desperate for this term.

“Go on, I’m just here to see how the big cat is.” Using the big cat holding a whole cow’s thigh and constantly biting as an excuse, Zhou Yi laughed twice and prepared Good luck. But the two people present will not let him run away so easily.

“Stop for me, Zhou Yi. What did you do to me?” You don’t need to look at it to know that this is Jill’s question. At this moment, she is wrapped in a medical gown, holding her chest and staring he. His eyes were full of surprise and anger.

She was surprised because she didn’t expect that oneself was still alive and had obvious changes. The anger was because she felt that oneself seemed to be fooled again.

Obviously oneself thought that oneself was going to die, so he said that many nonsense before dying. As a result, he didn’t expect the person to die, but his face was almost lost. This gave Jill a feeling of wanting to get into the ground. But her natural toughness made her prefer to blame Zhou Yi for everything.

Everything is Zhou Yi’s fault, even if he is right, he must be wrong. As Natasha said, women are inherently unreasonable. Even a woman like Jill is no exception.

Faced with Jill’s questioning, Zhou Yi thought for a while and decided to tell him part of the truth. He pulled a chair, sat down in front of Jill, and said.

“The first thing I want to tell you is that there is no virus in your body, this thing. In other words, there is no negative effect in you within the body.”

“This How is it possible?” Jill muttered to himself after looking at oneself’s body without any wounds. “Have you vaccinated me?”

“To be more precise, it’s a kind of Catalyst!” Zhou Yi interrupted her imagination and explained. “This Catalyst allows your cells to swallow the virus, making it the key to unlock your evolution within the body. The virus transforms into the energy you need for evolution, making you stronger, stronger, younger and more beautiful. It makes you Your body presents your most perfect state, whether it is energy, physical fitness or age.”

After hearing this passage, Jill looked at own hands in a daze. Those hands are different from her memory. The hands that should be full of calluses and scars are now as smooth as jade stone. The slender fingers look perfect and delicate, not even like the hands of an elite policeman, but more like It’s from a pampered Eldest Miss.

“Damn it, it’s not true.” Facing the impossible situation, Jill shook the head and quickly stared at Zhou Yi again. “You must be lying to me. Impossible has this thing. No matter what you do, it must have nothing to do with what you said.”

Jill said resolute and decisive, as if she had witnessed it The same thing happened. But Zhou Yi can be sure that she was in a coma at the time and it is impossible to know what he did. So he directly covered his face and put on a helpless look.

“Jill, I admit that I lied to you, but I never thought of hurting you. To save you, I paid a huge price. Even if this doesn’t change your resentment towards me, the most At least you have to trust me once. The facts are in front of you, why are you not willing to admit them?”

“Because the facts in front of you are often deliberately let you see , That means it is most likely to be fake.” Jill replied with a sneer. “You forgot that I am a policeman, and I trust my intuition more than evidence. Even more how I have been deceived by you once, so I will never be deceived by you a second time.”

“Well, you won.” Gil stubbornly made Zhou Yi give up. Since she didn’t want to believe it, Zhou Yi would not force her to believe it. Anyway, no matter how she cross-examines, there is only one answer. This is not only to understand the doubts in her heart, but also to silence some people.

The natural phenomenon on Gil’s body will definitely attract SHIELD’s attention, and they will follow the clues from Gil’s body to find Zhou Yi’s body. And only Zhou Yi was killed by a catalytic vaccine, and SHIELD couldn’t help him. No one can force him to hand over the things he refuses to hand over. This is the confidence of a Superhero.

Jill didn’t expect Zhou Yi to give in so simply. She didn’t feel the joy of winning the verbal confrontation, but felt annoyed for a while. An annoyance that is not taken seriously. She gritted her teeth secretly and continued to play own unreasonably.

“Who is she? Why is she next to me?” Pointing to Ada Wang, who was there, Jill’s eyes sharpened again. She looked at Ada Wang as if she was looking at a zombie, full of desire to attack.

What is this, is there a natural contradiction between beautiful women? Should I be glad that Natasha is not here! Zhou Yi muttered while turning his head and looked towards Ada Wang. He needed to know what misunderstanding they had between them.

“This is my new assistant, Ada Wang. Is there any misunderstanding between you?”

“Just a little misunderstanding, Boss!” Ada. The king laughed calmly, then looked straight into Jill’s eyes. “Valentin Young Lady seemed to be a little confused after waking up, she directly attacked me. If it weren’t because of weapons, maybe you can’t see me alive now. From this point of view, I should thank Boss for being able to come back in time.”

“Is that so, Jill?” Zhou Yi asked Jill, but the answer was that Jill turned his head stubbornly. He can only sighed this.

“Although I don’t really want to care about what happened between you? But one thing I want to declare is that Umbrella has already played. Jill, your enemy is going to be finished. So change your mindset. , Live well. Ada has nothing to do with this matter, you don’t need to make the relationship so rigid.”

(also three to five chapters, the biochemical foreshadowing is over. Entering the formal Marvel plot, the heroes of the Women’s Federation and the wild guys have come to the stage. The divinity of the protagonist has gradually evolved to the point of full form. In addition, please recommend and collect. Kind of stuff. I want data on the shelves, but it seems not enough now. Please lend a hand and help me, thank you!)

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