Sun God Marvel

Chapter 185

(QQ group 233361711 Abnormal Human Research Center, the password is the Grand Admiral of the Red Sea. Everyone is welcome to join. Whether you have opinions, ideas, or want to make friends, you are welcome here. We welcome every friend who loves Marvel, and every friend who has an idea about this book.)

“Since I started building this Iron Man Armor, I have been thinking about a question. If so In my case, what materials will I use to make a good work, and then I think of your Nanominium.”

“High strength, high resistance, and free compression. It is definitely the best I can think of this. There is no reason why you, the previous owner, would not have thought of this. You are not an honest guy. I thought about all possible people. And only your current identity is the most probable !”

Tony tore off his coat and placed it on his head. In this scorching sun, he can only use this method to keep oneself cool. Even if this kind of coolness is not very cool.

“I knew I couldn’t hide it from you? But how did you guess that I just saved you?” Zhou Yi laughed, not surprising that Tony could guess the identity of Dawn Knight. He just didn’t think about this before. Once he started to doubt, he would naturally find the real answer. So he was curious why Tony thought it was his hand that happened just now.

It’s just the ability to stay in the air. If you want to find the source, guessing is not easy. There are so many people in this World that have this ability, and it is basically impossible to find someone from this ability.

“Buddy, is your brain sick? I have disappeared in Rhodey’s site. As a friend, Rhodey will not notify you. Will you not come to save me? Do you think I put such a The fire is for what, not to position you fools.”

Looking at the naked contempt in Tony’s eyes, Zhou Yi laughed. This is the Tony Stark he is familiar with. But he wouldn’t let Tony take advantage of the ownership easily, so he refuted it right now.

“Sorry, Tony. You guessed something wrong?”


“It was Pepper who told me your news. Knowing she was crying really hard.” Zhou Yi shrugged, but Tony’s whole heart was lifted.

This playboy now behaves like a boy with first love. He scratched his own face in embarrassment, full of hesitant expressions. But in the end he still asked.

“Is she okay?”

“You shouldn’t ask me this kind of question!” Zhou Yi emphasized that he is not a friend of women, he can get involved in any situation Kick. Many people know what Tony means to Pepper. If he patronizes Pepper here, he will probably despise many people.

“Please, you and Pepper are also friends, aren’t they?”

“Only friends, and you should know that I have been looking for you in this desert. How can I care about Pepper? ? And for Pepper, finding you is the most important thing, isn’t it?”

The two men started a fierce tongue-to-mouth confrontation over a woman, so that they forgot that there was another person on the side. The presence.

Originally, with Yinsen’s character, he didn’t care much about oneself being ignored. But the current situation is that his body cannot tolerate him being ignored. Internal bleeding is also deadly. He is a doctor and understands this very well. So he had to come forward and interrupt the scene where the two men fell in love with each other.

“Gentlemen, although I don’t want to disturb you very much. But I need treatment now, and I must be treated as soon as possible.”

Looking at Yinsen’s pale face and saying this, Tony immediately Asked worriedly.

“Are you injured? Yinsen!”

“Internal bleeding, but not very serious.” Yinsen did not speak before Zhou Yi said it first. This surprised Yinsen. His expression was weirdly nodded, as if he was wondering why Dawn Knight knew about his injury.

“Don’t worry, it’s not a problem.” Zhou Yi naturally won’t give him any explanation. He just stretched out his hand and used the power of the sun’s gift. The golden brilliance instantly improved Yinsen’s body, and incidentally adjusted Tony’s physical condition.

But Zhou Yi is very restrained, he just improved their bodies. But they did not give them the power of eternal youth. This is a big secret, unless as a last resort otherwise he will not reveal it.

“What’s wrong with me?” The radiance faded and Yinsen was the first to react. As a doctor, his knowledge of the body was beyond Tony’s. He knew very well what his own body looked like now. In order to verify the feeling in oneself’s body, he pressed his own ribs forcefully.

The solid touch clearly told him that everything has been restored to its best condition. And this is what makes him most incredible.

“My God, this is a hell of a ghost. I mean, this is Gods Vestige. I’m all right, there are no problems at all. How is this possible?”

Yinsen said incoherently, and became more and more in awe of Dawn Knight. He knows only Jesus who has this ability. Although Dawn Knight is not Jesus, how much is he worse than Jesus Christ?

Unlike Yinsen’s awe, Tony is just curious. As the closest friend, he is impossible to have any feelings beyond friendship for Zhou Yi, which is not his style. So he just asked strangely.

“Why do you have this ability? You are Mutant?”

“Is this important?” Zhou Yi asked rhetorically. And this rhetorical question was immediately met with Tony’s eyes.

“Please, I just want to know the answer. Don’t be so sensitive, okay? Are you Mutant having something to do with me? I am not a politician who excludes Mutant from the upper ranks!”

Such an answer made Zhou Yi feel warm. He knew that Tony had made a choice in terms of race differences. Whether it is Mutant or not, he cares more about the status of Zhou Yi’s friend. And this is enough for Zhou Yi.

“Well, I should confess. I am not a Mutant, I am a naturally mutated superpower user. However, my younger sister is!” This is the first time he confessed his family situation to Tony . Before that, Tony had never known the specific identity of Zhou Yi’s younger sister. He only knew that Zhou Yi had a younger sister, but he didn’t know what she looked like and where she lived.

Hearing Zhou Yi’s explanation, Tony ridiculed again.

“Only a small mind’s eye like you can be wary of me like this. Do you think I care about the identity of a Mutant? Damn it, I am Tony Stark!”

“No, what I worry about is the safety of my younger sister. And just because you are Tony Stark, the playboy I know who has harmed countless girls, that’s why I prevent you from meeting Clarice!”

“Are your younger sister beautiful?”

“Shut up, never ask this question. Tony!” Tony is better than Fangchuan, this is Zhou Yi’s true mentality.

The two people are still chatting, the sound of a helicopter has been heard from the sky. Zhou Yi glanced there, then said to Tony.

“Rhodey is here, I should go too!”

“Why, don’t you want Rhodey to see you?” Tony asked, raising his eyebrows. He was very Not used to this kind of hiding the head and revealing the tail.

“I just don’t want him to be difficult to do, you should know that he is still a soldier after all. So it is better not to expose my identity to him!”

Listen Following Zhou Yi’s explanation, Tony curl one’s lip.

“Whatever you want, this is your problem, not mine. Don’t worry, I will hold your own mouth!”

Get the answer oneself wants, Zhou Yi laughed. Silently disappeared in place. Tony knows, he is already not in here anymore.

The plane in the distance gradually flew over and started to land slowly in front of Tony. Before the plane landed, Rhodey had already jumped out of the cabin.

He gave Tony a strong hug and said in a very emotional tone.

“It’s nice to meet you, Buddy!”

“Me too, Rhodey. But please, please send me back to United States, I really I don’t want to stay in this desert for a moment.”

Tony hasn’t returned yet, and the entire press has begun to operate frantically. The son of Stark, who had returned safely, immediately returned to his throne as a new media star, and almost all the media put their own eyes on him.

No way, Tony’s affairs are too legendary. He was robbed by terrorists under the protection of the U.S. Army, and magically killed him from the hands of terrorists. Just this twists and turns of the plot development has caused a thrilling ups and downs in the entire Stark Industries stock.

But Tony doesn’t care about the stock issue at all. These things should be headaches for shareholders. His entire thoughts were now placed on the little secretary who was standing by the car door, crying and laughing at him.

Sent to the doctor arranged by the military, Tony walked straight to Pepper. Looking at this thin woman, he thought for a while, but finally he suffocated such a sentence.

“Are you crying? Are you worried about me?”

“No, these are tears of excitement.” Pepper, but sorry, flirted with Tony in the crowd. , So immediately wiped away own tears and explained to him. “I’m just happy, since you’re back. I don’t have to worry about losing my job.”

“Is it, then it’s my turn to be sad.” Tony blinked and started ruthlessly Betrayed his own friend. “That guy Zhou Yi told me that you were crying very difficult to deal with. I was very moved at first, thinking you were worried about me.”

“Zhou Yi has already contacted Has he passed you? Has he found Dawn Knight? Did he save you?” Pepper asked repeatedly, but this urgent question made Tony play a small temper.

“I didn’t know that you also chased stars. Yes, I saw Dawn Knight, but he was of no use. At best, it was only a little help. I escaped by oneself. This A little silver forest can testify!”

“Silver forest?” Pepper asked curiously, and Tony timely introduced the silver forest behind oneself, who has been acting as a passerby.

“This is Yinsen, my cellmate. It was he who helped me escape that ghost place, and it has nothing to do with the muscular Dawn Knight.”

“Tony!” Pepper gave him an irritating look. But didn’t expect Tony had gotten into the car roguely, and shouted to Hogan, the owner’s driver and bodyguard.

“Let’s go, Buddy. The most I want to do right now is to eat a cheeseburger, also!”

“Tony, I think you should go to the hospital for a check.” Look As Tony was still messing around as always, Pepper said to him with his face pulled.

“no! One thing is more important.” Tony’s face was even more serious than her at this time. “Tell those media, I want to hold a press conference!”

“Press conference?”

“Yes, it’s press conference!”


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