Sun God Marvel

Chapter 186

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“Sit down so that we can speak better. I can also finish this burger more comfortably.” Tony’s silly attitude on the TV, also the embarrassed face beside him, accompanied him to the Obadiah Stane on the ground. Zhou Yi, who was sitting at home, had a playful smile on his face.

“Boss, it looks like you know what Tony Stark will say at this press conference?” Seeing Zhou Yi’s smile, Ida, who already has a certain understanding of his character Asked. She is sure that Zhou Yi must know something. Asking like this is just to see if Zhou Yi is willing to tell her.

“You will know soon, if you see that bald head. After a while, he will rack Tony down flustered and exasperated.” Zhou Yi picked up the cup in front of oneself and pointed to it. Obadiah looked embarrassed. Signals Ada to focus on this guy.

“Mr. Stane?” Ada, who has taken over most of Zhou Yi’s work, naturally came into contact with this Stark Industries’ second speaker. She doesn’t believe that such a sophisticated person would do such a thing in front of the media.

“You will know when you look at it.” Zhou Yi just laughed and said nothing at the moment.

Ada no longer speaks, she has begun to pay attention to developments at the press conference.

“Know, I’m actually thinking about my father at this time. I didn’t say goodbye to him. Yes, I didn’t say goodbye to him in his last time.”

” I really have a question that I want to ask him now. Has he hesitated, has he lingered, has he regretted it. Found this company and sell weapons that can take the lives of others to the world!”

“I really want to ask him, how does it feel to be a Death businessman?”

Tony Stark sat on the ground and said this to countless media. When he tone barely fell, all the media became silent, and then a huge wave of sound erupted. Almost everyone was squeezing forward desperately, trying to bring the microphone closer to Tony. At this time, they already felt the existence of big news with oneself’s keen professional sense.

Not just them, even Obadiah Stane on one side has this weird feeling. He grabbed Tony quickly, wanting to ask him what he was going to say. Why not discuss it with him in advance. But it was too late, and Tony had already let out the explosive news at this time.

“I decided to abolish the weapon development department under Stark International. This resolution is effective now.”

As soon as the news came out, let alone the media. Almost everyone who saw this news felt a sense of mountain cry out and sea howl rushing towards their faces. As long as you are holding Stark stock in your hand, what you want most at this time is to throw out the stock in your hand. Everyone knows that a huge financial volatility is coming.

The one who is most worried and afraid of this big storm is Obadiah Stane. He is one of the founders of Stark Industries. He regards this company as more important than his own son. How could he let Tony remove one of its thighs so easily?

He hastened Tony to stop him from continuing. And occupied the microphone on the podium of the conference. Shouted loudly.

“The main purpose of our press conference is to tell everyone that Tony is back. Apart from this, it’s all Tony and everyone cracking a joke.”

Say, but not many people believe in him. After all, Stark Industries’ last name is Stark, not Destin. Everyone knows that Tony Stark has the final say, not Obadiah Stane.

Tony was put down by Obadiah, and Zhou Yi knew that there must be a series of very complicated exchanges between them. For now, he has no room to intervene between the two. Now he is the director of the board member of the Corona Group. With this status, he no longer has the right to join the Stark board member conference. He will hold shares in Stark, but he can only place people in Stark as a listener. Unless he has mastered Stark thoroughly, he has no right to speak.

This is the product of mutual compromise between several major companies. They are impossible to let an own opponent sit at the meeting to decide the direction of oneself company. So under such unwritten regulations, Zhou Yi could no longer be involved in Stark’s decision-making. Naturally, Tony and Obadiah’s previous problems had nothing to do with him.

In this kind of situation without anyone inviting him, Zhou Yi happily led his own comfortable life. Until the arrival of the next uninvited guest. Judging from Zhou Yi’s current state, this uninvited guest should not be too late.

The real situation is not much different from what he expected. It hasn’t been a week before an uninvited guest comes to him. However, unlike what he thought, it was not Coulson who came this time as a troublesome representative, but the guy who came this time was an annoyance in itself.

“Ms. Hill, I really didn’t expect you to come to me!” Looking at Maria Hill who was brought to oneself by Ada, Zhou Yi said in surprise. He thought SHIELD would still send Coulson to him this time.

It seems that Zhou Yi has guessed what Zhou Yi is thinking, Commander Hill frowned, and said to him.

“Coulson is now in charge of your good friend Tony Stark, so I was sent to talk to you.”

“Tony, what happened to Tony. Is it the stock market? Will fluctuations also affect the normal operation of your SHIELD?” Zhou Yi began to ask a question, when already knows the answer.

“Zhou Yi, don’t think you can pass the level by pretending to be stupid. You should be very clear about the role of the Iron Man Armor researched by Stark.”

Commander Hill As always, Zhou Yi will not give Zhou Yi any good face. Of course, Zhou Yi will rarely give her a good face.

“How could I know what Tony would do? Does it mean that Tony bought some Nanominium from me and needs to report to me what he wants to use these things for? Also, I have been staying here recently , I don’t know what you said about Iron Man Armor and so on.”

How could Zhou Yi not know what Tony did about Iron Man Armor? Not long ago, Tony personally had it with him During the video call, I asked him about the differences between the Nanominiums in his hand, and even showed off the new battle clothes that oneself had just released.

However, for SHIELD’s inquiry, he will never admit that oneself knows and so on. He and SHIELD are not so good that they can betray their own friends at any time.

“You are lying, we know very well.”

“But you can’t help it.”

The two quickly reached a stalemate. This situation Let Serana and Ada both choose to stay on the sidelines in a tacit understanding. Because they know that these two people will not talk about it. Someone will be the first to break this deadlock.

Commander Hill’s towering chest undulated violently. After a while, she took out a document and placed it in front of Zhou Yi, and said to him coldly.

“I don’t have time to fight with you. This is why I came to you. After reading it, we will talk about future issues.”

“It’s strange, some people Don’t you say “will not” when you ask others for help?” Zhou Yi cocked his legs and took the file. He looked at Commander Hill’s face, and unexpectedly it was cold enough to freeze people to death. Just accept it when he sees it, he gives up and continues to molest her.

“Okay, okay. Let’s talk about it after reading this.” After speaking, he began to read the information.

The at first of the data is a person’s resume. Robert Bruce Banner, the main researcher of a special project in the military. In this project, SHIELD put a confidential label. But soon, Zhou Yi found an introduction to this project on the next page, a subordinate of the Super Soldier Project, an experimental project on the transformation of the human body by radiation. This made Zhou Yi sigh. It seems that this secret is treated separately.

In the following information, Zhou Yi found oneself’s familiar silhouette. Bruce Banner had a terrifying accident during the gamma experiment. Because of the special nature of his body, the gamma rays caused his body to undergo terrifying mutations. A terrifying monster was born from his body. Zhou Yi is a little familiar with this monster. In memory, people called Hulk, and here, they called him the Hulk.

He remembers very little about previous life. There are few things worth remembering. But Avengers is definitely one. Although he could not remember all the members in it, he was very impressed with two of them.

One is Tony, the other is Captain America, and the last thing he can remember is Hulk.

A powerful, uncontrollable giant who will become stronger because of anger. Such a person is already qualified to be remembered by him.

After checking the current data with the own memory, Zhou Yi thinks this Bruce Banner is the Hulk in oneself’s memory. Obviously, Hulk has become the prey in SHIELD’s eyes. The suffix of the information is dozens of pages about his analysis, and also the various damages he caused. After flipping through these materials in a hurry, Zhou Yi threw it away and began to ask.

“Okay, I have seen the information almost. Can tell me now, what are you looking for me for!”

Commander Hill retrieved the information and she looked at Zhou Yi, said the intention of own.

“You have seen the information of Dr. Banner, so the rest is very simple. I hope you can help us catch him!”

“Why?” Zhou Yi asked back. “Does this Dr. Banner threaten you, or does he threaten someone. I have read the information, and all the accidents so far are caused by the military’s containment of this giant who became Dr. Banner. From me? From the point of view, Dr. Banner is a victim. So, why should I help you to harm a victim?”

“Because he is a huge danger in itself.” I realized Zhou Yi Commander Hill immediately increased the volume. “Dr. Banner will transform into a terrifying, uncontrolled monster due to various stimuli. We can’t let that monster appear in the city, do you understand?”

“He Where was the last time he appeared? Brazil? He has started to choose to live in isolation, why he suddenly ran into the city. And he also had a big fight in the university, and even destroyed an armored unit. About this, I I think you seem to hide something from me.”

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