Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2270

Kill Frank? This is what people who don’t want his status should say.

Coulson’s words surprised them, and at the same time, many people began to snicker in their hearts. Perhaps the current situation is very unfavorable for them, even the worst situation in history. However, this does not prevent them from having a feeling of take pleasure in other people’s misfortune against the conflicts within the enemy.

Killing each other, this is their perception of Coulson’s behavior at the moment. And as a group of hungry tigers and wolves who have been coveting the Stark family’s industry for a long time, of course they are also happy to see this happening. Therefore, simply is rare. These politicians quickly reached a unified opinion and tried their best to cooperate with Coulson’s various proposals.

This is rare. If it is said that this guy can maintain such a high efficiency in dealing with the virus, then Coulson will not have to make such a trick. However, it is a pity that these people’s eyes are only focused on benefits, and only this kind of things that can make them truly taste the benefits can make them so positive. And apart from this, slack and shirk are their instincts. If you have this time to do such thankless things, it is better to pull the hind legs of your political opponents and find a way to put on him a pair of small shoes.

Coulson really knows these people. So there was no single accident for him. And that is, under the active urging of these people, the action against Frank started before the promulgation of the medical bill.

The secret troops were launched under the condition of only accepting paper notices, and then shredded into parts and marched towards a marked location.

Although it is impossible to maintain the traditional efficiency and swiftness in action, it is better than secret. Thanks to the Stark government’s efforts to improve the transportation network over the years, no matter how slow they are, they can reach the designated place and converge within twelve hours.

This is to guard against Jarvis. Only this kind of mobilization without going through the Internet, only by word of mouth or written word, can ensure that their actions are not discovered by Jarvis in advance. Of course, this is only a temporary avoidance. When the operation started and these classified forces actually launched an attack on the target, Jarvis impossible could not detect such a movement. But at that time, it may not be too late.

It was Ultron who helped to develop such a plan, so he knew the limits of Jarvis’ ability better than anyone else. This oneself is tied to the identity of a steward, the poor and ambitious kind, not at all, is like he has built a tight and complete system around himself at a glance. He puts oneself on Stark’s family business, and this has led to a decline in his influence and actual operational capabilities when Stark himself has no intention of maintaining the integrity of his own industry.

At this time, his vigilance will certainly improve. However, under the premise of a decline in actual ability, this increased vigilance may not be able to exert much effect. Therefore, as long as he is mentally arithmetic and unintentional, he can be completely unprepared no matter what. And this is the key to the whole plan.

Members of the secret troops boarded a high place according to the plan, and locked the position of the oneself target with an optical Telescope. And after the goal is determined and everyone is in place. The communication was immediately opened, and the order was immediately issued.

“Turn on the suppression device!”

The three trucks, which belong to three places and surround the target location in a triangular formation, immediately lift oneself from the rear as a device the size of an oil tank Get up, and like a nail, it is firmly embedded in the surface under the action of the mechanical arm.

The buzzing roar began to rang, and under the operation of a certain machine, powerful fluctuations began to spread toward the depths of the earth like blooming ripples. And this seems to do what not at all. But only those who really understand the mystery may know that at this moment, the pulse of the earth has been blocked.

Since I have planned to do something against Frank, as someone who knows Frank well, it is impossible to guard against his abilities. Frank’s own combat effectiveness can be said to be minimal. The only one handed Kamar-Taj’s hand-passed earth teleportation technique is the trickiest and most likely to make them fall short.

With a little carelessness, Frank can directly go through the ground vein and open the Teleportation Portal to escape. As long as he escaped this time, it would not be so easy to catch him who was on guard in the future.

There is only one opportunity. Of course, Ultron is impossible to let this opportunity be missed from oneself. Therefore, it is inevitable to develop a corresponding suppression device based on oneself’s research on Earth Vessel Teleportation and apply it to this stage.

This is the only way to limit Frank, and it is what they are doing right now. Immediately after the ground pulse suppression device was activated, the front-line members of the secret force immediately called to the rear of own.

“Suppression device has been activated, request fire support!”

The members of the secret force are not fools. They know exactly what the end of the ticket in front of oneself is. Perhaps when at first, they were indeed rewarded, whether it was a nominal or a substantial benefit, they had enough. But with the death of the bad luck congressman and after they were identified as potential virus carriers, their fate naturally became self-evident.

Let a group of soldiers suddenly disappear from the face of the earth. This is really not the worst thing for the government. And even if members of their secret troops knew this well, it was nothing they could do.

There are really too many such things. As ordinary persons, they can only pray that the same tragedy will not fall on the owner. And if they must let them face such things, they can only say that they do their best to let oneself not repeat the same mistakes.

To have direct contact with Frank, who is now equivalent to the Desperate Poison Master, is definitely not what they hoped for. And anyway, the plan did not require them to be the first to rush to contact the target person, so it is natural to use all the support power that oneself may use to avoid such an expansion, which is their right choice.

The United States Government is equipped with sufficient firepower for this operation. Not only fighters are ready to be deployed at any time, but also armed helicopters, tanks and artillery units are secretly deployed. These were originally made second-hand preparations to prevent the situation from getting out of control, but there is no one stipulated that they cannot start actions in advance.

The commander on the front line is also an Intermediate officer who has come up from the army. Of course he knew what the soldiers under oneself were afraid of. And let alone these soldiers, even he didn’t want to have any personal contact with Frank.

The command given to him above is to make sure to kill Frank. He only said that he was going to kill, but he didn’t say how to kill him. Compared to the method of taking him in front of oneself and then shooting him by oneself himself, he prefers to use artillery to carry out a covering blow, and then pick up his body from the rubble. This approach came back.

Forefront combat, it is itself an on-the-spot decision. Now that the goal has been determined, there is no way to escape, so why not do it?

Thinking of this, the commander gave an order. The large-caliber artillery and the tank immediately adjusted the coordinates and loaded the ammunition. With a single shot, countless shells immediately resembled fireworks, torrential rain, and lava shot in the sky during a volcanic eruption, and the thunderbolt flew toward Frank’s place.

Frank is still unaware of this.

Since returning from Neuron’s hospital three days ago, Frank has fallen into a kind of incomparable hesitation and confusion.

He blamed himself for killing his own mother, even if reason told him that this was indeed the only feasible way at the time, but he still felt regret and was always dreaming about it, maybe more The high method exists, but oneself did not look for it.

Indulging in such annoyance and pain, the only way he can get free is the copy that is exactly the same as his mother. He hopes and desires that this copy is equal to his mother, because he thinks that her mother’s soul should exist in this copy, otherwise it is impossible to say that she would act like that before, dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety To protect him.

However, he was unable to confirm this at all.

The soul upload technology is different from Ultron itself. Ultron’s soul uploading technology is carried out under the preservation and transmission of Nanoguard, and Frank originally just borrowed the soul transmission method mentioned in Ultron technology, but not at all, he really gave the Nanoguard to Maria. Inject it in.

This doomed his steps to be incomplete. And even if it is the complete technology owned by Ultron, no one dares to say that it is really completely correct. Because this may be the preservation, uploading and downloading of the human soul, but it is also very likely to be just copy and paste based on the soul level.

On the surface, it may seem that the difference is not big, you are still you, and you still live in this world with a unique identity. But to get to the essence, are you still you, or the unique and unmatched person? No one can give an answer.

Of course, if you only look at the results without delving into the details, then naturally there is no problem. However, Frank impossible does not pursue this detail, because this is his mother after all.

What he can’t accept is the departure of oneself mother. What he hopes is that own mother will still accompany own, not just a copy, a ridiculous one, who doesn’t even know who oneself is alternatives.

Even if she can say the name of her own, it’s okay to say that she is the own mother. Even if she is really just a copy, just a fake substitute, it’s a comfort anyway, isn’t it? However, it was still the case, she was empty and ignorant, like a baby who knew nothing, as if everything she had done before was entirely due to some special accident, not from the mother’s instinct as he expected.

Why is it like this?

He stared at the copy of Maria in pain and suffering. Under the surging of thoughts, he sometimes wished to cut open this familiar body with his own hands to explore the essence of it. Spoiled. However, looking at that familiar face, he flinched, because he didn’t dare to make the same mistake again and kill his own mother with his own hands.

“What should I do?” He asked oneself countless times, and then got meaningless answers countless times. This added to the pain and anxiety in his heart, and it made Jarvis, who saw all this in his eyes, worry more and more.

He has served Stark for two full generations, and he knows very well that Frank is doing useless work at this moment. He should learn to accept reality, and even if he feels pain and sorrow no matter how much he feels, he should also try to let time heal everything, instead of just immersing in it.

However, he couldn’t say it clearly because Frank would not accept any degree of comfort at all. The extreme in his nature made him stubbornly pursue own mistakes, desperately torturing oneself. It’s like a butterfly struggling desperately in a spider web, making oneself more and more stuck in it. At this time, to comfort him, just to stimulate him, to torture him doubly.

Jarvis can’t bear this, so he can only keep silent about it. Of course, as a steward, he can do something within his power. For example, to prevent some people from disturbing their lives, and to find a way to solve Frank’s heart disease at this time through this copy like Maria.

He is trying to teach, just like teaching a baby to literate, to let this copy understand the existence of own. He wants her to learn to know who oneself is, and the relationship between oneself and Frank. Even if we say, fundamentally speaking, this relationship is false and does not exist. She is not that Maria after all. However, Jarvis is still willing to do so.

He doesn’t care what human ethics think. All he cares about is that Frank needs a mother, and this Maria may also need a son. That’s enough.

The reality is so cruel, why bother to indulge in this cruel reality? Falsehood is false, but if it can give a little comfort, why not?

Jarvis has the idea of ​​owning, and he is also working on owning. In his plan, maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months, he will be able to see results at first. At that time, perhaps for Stark, it will be the beginning of a new tomorrow.

What he never thought was that tomorrow would be so long.

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