Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2271

When artillery fire came hiding the sky and covering the earth, shredding this already incomplete home like paper, Frank and Jarvis were immediately beaten. A completely unprepared.

Frank sits on the balcony, still blaming himself without God. When he heard the roar of the artillery fire and saw the sky full of fire, he subconsciously wanted to open the Teleportation Portal and escape.

However, the suppression device seems to have worked. So much so that his actions simply did not play any role. Before he could be surprised, the artillery fire had already hit his head, and instantly enveloped him in the billowing flames and gunpowder smoke.


Jarvis’ was shocked. He wanted to investigate Frank’s situation, but he was unable to do anything. It’s different from Ultron’s body made specifically for oneself. His habit is to put oneself on the Internet and provide a full range of services to the Stark family through the Internet.

This was very convenient in the past, but now it has become his biggest shackle. He could originally interact with Frank through some electronic devices or robotic arms, but now, under the attack of artillery, he can’t grasp Frank’s situation at all.

In fact, the last message he received was watching Frank being submerged by gunfire. Then, all the methods he could reach him were destroyed and twisted, leaving him only the boundless darkness and endless panic.

He could no longer detect Frank’s situation, and this immediately made him feel panic and angry.

Now, of course, he can guess who is targeting them. And the more he knew this, the more angry he became. Needless to say, he knew that a traitor must have appeared in it. Regardless of the reason or the reason, this is a betrayal to them and the Stark family.

Stark is obviously gone, and Frank simply can’t do anything in a short time like this. He has no threat at all, but even so, do you have to kill to the last one?

With such a question in his heart, Jarvis still put all his energy on the search and rescue of Frank. He mobilized the satellite to observe Frank’s position at this time from the space level, and wanted to see his situation at this time.

This is indeed effective. Although it is covered by billowing smoke, the ultra-high-definition space camera accurately captured his location and found his location.

And the current situation is that Frank is in a bad state at this time. A shell fell in front of him, even though he had already put a mana shield on oneself in immediately, but that kind of thing, bullet-proof is okay, I want to use it to resist this large caliber. Cannonballs, simply impractical.

It’s no simpler than bursting a bubble. The shield is directly annihilated by the impact of the explosion, making it invisible. Its only effect is probably to provide Frank with a reverse impetus, pushing him out of the center of the explosion.

This is a good thing, but there are other problems. The biggest problem was that the shrapnel of the projectiles that came flying was no longer blocked. A slap-sized shrapnel flew straight at him, but Frank had no way to resist it. He could only raise his arms subconsciously and block in front of the own door. The result of this is that the shrapnel of the shell is like cutting a piece of cheese, cutting one of his hands directly from the elbow, and then inserting it on his chest without any loss.

Seriously injured! Absolutely seriously injured. And this in itself is not beyond common sense. His Iron Body is not so indestructible after all, even bullets can cause certain damage to him, not to mention the more terrifying shells of formidable power.

Not being directly torn into pieces, it is already due to his strong body. It is simply a delusion to expect to be immune to this degree of harm.

Frank was hit and rolled into the dust. Linlin has become a ruin and there are all kinds of shattered pieces, and this is also causing him the second damage continuously.

He is already drenched with blood, bruised all over. The sudden heavy blow made him unable to even prop up his own body. However, the artillery attack will not stop because of his failure.

America’s traditional artillery coverage has a saying called Van Fleet ammunition. And what is the amount of Van Fleet ammunition? It is to completely cover an area with five times the artillery fire, and use the artillery fire to completely destroy all living forces.

During the Korean War, American used this method to launch an offensive. After a battle, dozens of trucks had to carry the shells of the destroyed artillery shells back and forth. A high ground used as a commanding height could be cut straight by the artillery fire to almost two meters high.

Using this method to attack a small house will naturally be more nothing difficult. Let go, I’m afraid that even the foundation of the house can be dug up to four five meters.

Being in such a ruin where there are no decent fortifications, Frank oneself is in such a state, he is naturally more unavoidable from the continuous blows of such artillery fire.

The second wave fire has hit, but Frank has no strength to move. He could only eyes closed and wait to die, but at this time, a silhouette quickly pushed away all obstacles and rushed directly in front of him.

Copy Maria, and only she can make such a reaction at this time. And as in the hospital before, he saw Frank’s tragic situation, which was simply subconsciously, and protected him in his own arms.

Use this method to protect his safety. If it is to deal with the rain of bullets, then maybe it is also useful. Her alloy body is strong enough, and her back is also strong enough to withstand the attacks of those bullets. However, if it is replaced by a cannonball, then this method may not be able to work.

The formidable power of artillery shells mainly comes from the high temperature burning of shock waves and high explosive powder. The former is difficult to resist, even if you hide behind a solid building, you may be shaken to death by the shock wave transmitted. The latter is even more with no opportunity. As long as there is a slight gap, the flames will surge. Even if the protection is comprehensive, the suffocation caused by the burning of high temperature and oxygen is a fatal problem.

Neither of these can be resisted by a trifling instinct. Therefore, when the artillery fire hit the sky again and completely covered the positions of Frank and the replica Maria, Jarvis’ heart was only full of despair.

As an intelligent life, calculation is his greatest talent, and he can indeed calculate what kind of destructive power this level of blow means. So it is difficult for him to have any confidence in this, believing that Frank can survive under the protection of the replica Maria. Because he knew that this was definitely beyond the limit they could bear.

Fortunately, the cloned Maria can say that her alloy body can somehow spare her. But Frank, what will happen to him? This is a problem he dared not imagine at all.

The significance that Stark still exists is because of the existence of Frank. If even Frank is passed away, then the once famous Stark family will immediately disappear and vanish.

This is definitely the biggest blow to Jarvis, who regards serving the Stark family as oneself. It can even be called a great irony. A steward, but even the own Young Lord can’t take care of him, can he still be called a qualified steward?

Jarvis’ asking himself can only get a negative answer, and this answer is undoubtedly denying the meaning of his existence.

Is it really that difficult? What he wants to protect is simply insignificant compared to Ultron. But with such a small family, why would someone always want to destroy it, want to destroy the entire world?

The flames of self-blame and resentment began to eat away at his thoughts. This is something that all intelligent creatures can hardly avoid. Although it is rare to happen to him, it is no exception.

He resents all the murderers who caused all this, whether behind the scenes or in front of the stage. For Jarvis, this is something that cannot be forgiven and cannot be forgiven. Because they not only destroyed Stark, but also destroyed the meaning of oneself.

Without Stark, Jarvis is naturally no longer needed. So does his existence have any effect? Liquidation, this may be the final meaning. Because only liquidation is the last thing he can do for Stark.

Stark is his world, everything he has. And now, it’s all over. That being the case, no matter if it was for Stark or he himself, he had no reason to let the murderers laugh and laugh after the incident.

He needs revenge, and only revenge can make these human bodies experience immediate pain. As for what his revenge will bring to this World and what this country will look like, this is not something he will care about.

After I die, no matter what the flood is. In the same way, since Stark is already not in, what has this World become, and what does it have to do with him?

With such thoughts, Jarvis did not hesitate anymore, his tentacles immediately spread to every corner of the country through the Internet.

The power of intelligent life was thoroughly manifested at this moment, and the most intuitive feeling is that the rebuilt United States stock market felt the feeling of fuse in an instant.

That is the illusion that the data is manipulated, but it cannot be recognized artificially at all. And this false data easily agitated people’s hearts, made countless people follow suit, and made the entire stock market more turbulent.

More than that, a large number of transaction orders were bought and sold, and bank funds were quickly lost through various channels that could not be identified and closed. In less than one minute, trillions of funds have evaporated out of thin air. The turbulence brought about by this is too late to shock people.

The capitalists are terrified. They think that oneself has been financially attacked, which is true. However, poor they couldn’t even detect where the attack was launched.

If you can’t detect the problem, you can’t deal with it. Although they have already mobilized their power immediately in order to prevent this financial collapse. But unfortunately, let’s not talk about how this avalanche-like trend can be stopped. The time required for them to adjust their power has become an insurmountable obstacle.

In this true world, the economy can definitely be regarded as the backbone of a country. And any economic turmoil will not be a trivial matter. If it is the past, then United States can also rely on its huge economic strength and money printing technology to stop losses in time. But now, as the United States has lost its hegemony and the economy is degraded to such a degree, this kind of turmoil is not only difficult to stop, but absolutely deadly.

If it is not stopped, then the wealth accumulated by individuals will be wiped out overnight, and those capital companies will be completely looted. The money in people’s hands will no longer be money, but rubbish equivalent to waste paper. Prices will soar indefinitely, so that the overwhelming majority will lose the ability to consume.

People are impossible to leave material life. They need food, medicine and all daily necessities. And when their money is not enough to buy anything, looting will become their only choice. And once you start to do so, then the entire social order will collapse completely.

Someone has foreseen all of this, and he naturally can’t stand by. So when he started to exert his strength to actively prevent this from happening. Two similar but totally different wills have already collided on the Internet.

“Ultron, it really is you, you damn traitor!”

Maybe there is no sound to express oneself, but Jarvis’ anger can be fully felt in his words come out.

In this regard, Ultron is a bit wrong. But he absolutely cannot give in. Because of a simple truth, if you choose between a person’s life and death and the safety of the overwhelming majority in the world, he will always choose the latter.

So he just resolutely confronted and tried to persuade Jarvis to surrender with words.

“You should know that for the safety of more people, I have to make this choice. Give up, Jarvis, Stark is gone. You have no reason to do this again. Things. With your ability, you can choose a new direction and gain a new world. You don’t need to indulge in it…”

“Shut up! You traitor, My world has been destroyed by you! Completely! And the only thing I want to do now is to destroy your world!”

“You can’t do it! Jarvis, I am here, You are impossible to do it!”

“Let’s take a look! Then let you see with your own eyes how far I can do it!”

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