Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2324

The reason they did this is very simple. They are not greedy for the power of fate, but they need to rely on it to reverse the actions of the court of life and save their lost loved ones and loved ones.

This is the only way. But Hulk would not allow them to snatch the spoils of war in front of the owner. He roared, and also stretched out his hand to the power of destiny. But at his incomparable speed, he is faster than Zhou Yi and the others.

At this time, I suddenly realized that the four-handed Hulk might be the most likely Owner of this power of fate, and the Rulers of the entire Infinity universe couldn’t help but start to panic.

After a short observation, they have already seen the nature of this four-handed Hulk. Cruel and mad, stupid and almost irrational. simply is a wild beast dominated by original desire.

Such a wild beast, under the premise of having such a formidable strength, is enough to make them feel terrified. If this allows him to gain the power of destiny that is above the Infinity universe , They really can’t imagine what kind of disaster it would be like.

The life court may be the threat of aloof and remote, making them feel uncomfortable. But in essence, he did not abuse the ability of own at least.

His acting style is still within a legal framework. Although it may not be as fair and just as he advertises, at least, he will not take the initiative to jump out of this framework.

But Hulk is different. He is not a monster who is not bound by common sense, but a pure spoiler who is willful to the extreme and doesn’t care about anything else. Such a monster is already terrifying enough with today’s power. If this is to further grasp the fate, then the entire Infinity universe may become turbulent and turbulent due to his turmoil.

This is not an impossible thing, but a very possible thing. After witnessing the power of this monster, none of them dared to have even the slightest optimism about this kind of thing.

It can be said that even if they do not get the power of fate, they do not want this power to fall into Hulk’s hands. However, the whip is beyond reach. They can only pin their hopes on Zhou Yi.

Compared to speed, Zhou Yi and others are naturally inferior to Hulk. But fortunately, they are not fighting alone, but two people who have a very tacit understanding are working side by side.

The catastrophe is the first to withdraw and withdraw from this state of racing. He gave the opportunity to Zhou Yi, and oneself intercepted Hulk.

Although, the Hulk power at this moment is completely above the catastrophe. But in the end, the catastrophe is not to be underestimated. He may be able to overcome the catastrophe, but it will never be so easy. And when the catastrophe deliberately delayed and blocked, he naturally couldn’t get rid of it easily.

This created conditions for Zhou Yi and also allowed him to immediately contact the power of destiny. And that is just touching the power of fate, Zhou Yi instantly entered a wonderful state.

It is as if the own consciousness has been drawn out, and then I observe everything in the universe from an almost overhead perspective. This feeling that everything appears in oneself’s eyes and can be fully manipulated by oneself act wilfully, really gives him a sense of oneself omnipotent expansion.

Ask to himself, he feels that oneself is not the kind of person who gets lost because of a sense of power. Because his own power is already strong enough, he is already an omnipotent to some extent with the various properties of Ether Yang.

However, after seeing the mighty power of fate, he only felt that oneself was a frog in well in the past. This kind of power that controls everything through fate, like a puppet, is the real omnipotent.

He sighed with emotion, as if he was lost in a trance. And just when he was about to sink into it, the roar from the catastrophe suddenly sounded deep in his heart.

“Fool, what are you doing!”

This made him instantly come back to his senses, and also remembered his own purpose and original intention. Holding the power of destiny, he immediately put all his mind into the search.

Time, space, past and future, beyond dimensions. With the power of destiny, he looked for Clarice and the others like a cocoon. And the hard work paid off, he found a connection with Clarice in the owner.

The power of fate was immediately revealed, even if it was just such a weak connection to fate, he also relied on this to immediately pull Clarice back from dimensions outside of space-time reality.

Clarice’s consciousness still stayed at the moment when oneself just disappeared. She hadn’t figured out what had happened yet, Zhou Yi had already changed time and space abruptly and sent her back home directly.

A big battle is about to happen here, and he can’t worry about letting Clarice stay here and be affected. And just when he sent Clarice away with his front foot, and his back foot was about to do the same with Natasha. However, his complexion changed abruptly and found that things were not at all so easy.

Natasha’s fate line is extremely thin, even if he followed the intersection of them in the past to search, he only searched for some fragmented clues, and could not find her true trace.

So weird, naturally it made him feel a little surprised. But after fighting hard, resisting the feeling of pulling oneself out, and getting deeper into the depths of fate, he suddenly discovered that Natasha’s line of fate was already with another him. That is, the catastrophe is tightly entangled together.

This is not surprising. Because it seems that the star will attract planets congenitally, let it be captured by own gravity, and can only revolve around oneself. An existence like a catastrophe, powerful enough to affect the direction of the entire universe, naturally also easily affects the fate of mortals who have intersection with him.

The intersection of the ordinary is okay, how much can be pulled out by the influence of other external forces. But like Natasha, a person who has almost been entangled in fate to the deepest level is equivalent to being completely shrouded in a catastrophic fate, and it is not a problem that can be solved by just applying any external force.

Zhou Yi has a hunch. If oneself wants to achieve this step through fate, then he must give up the resistance to that sense of withdrawal and immerse oneself into the deeper part of fate. But if that were the case, he would no longer be oneself.

While mastering the power of destiny at a deeper level, destiny also completely separates your destiny from the mundane world. Because only if you really jump out, you might even want to influence and interfere with everything. For many people, it may mean a kind of detachment. But for people like Zhou Yi, this is an absolutely unacceptable result.

He can’t accept that oneself’s loved ones become strangers, and he can’t accept oneself, even the memories can’t be left to them. So, after realizing that oneself needed to do this to save Natasha, he immediately released his hand.

“What the hell are you doing?”

The catastrophe was unbelievable, and an extremely angry voice sounded from the bottom of Zhou Yi’s heart. But he, not at all, gave a reply immediately.

After letting go of the power of fate, he directly turned the spear tip, and a flash appeared in front of Hulk, isolating him from the catastrophe. Before he could react to the catastrophe, he stirred up the light and heat radiation all over his body, and in Hulk’s angry eyes, his quantum body was completely exploded.

This may stop him for a moment, but a moment’s time should be enough. Zhou Yi cautiously estimated, and also took advantage of this moment to directly signal the catastrophe.

“Natasha’s fate is entangled with you, I cannot save her in that situation. This must be done by you yourself, and what I can do now is to help you block this temporarily Guy.”

Hulk’s figure has reappeared in the big collision of high-energy particles, and it is obvious that his body has expanded again.

This is the thing that makes Zhou Yi’s scalp numb the most. When the monster seemed to grow endlessly, he really couldn’t guess how long oneself could hold on. Maybe it’s a moment, maybe it’s just the next moment.

An answer that was completely unoptimistic, made him exhausted his full strength at this time and tried his best to buy more time for the catastrophe. But unfortunately, with the entanglement of until now, Hulk has already raised the power of own to an unimaginable height in the confrontation at this time.

His body can already ignore Zhou Yi’s particle impact tactics. And when Zhou Yi repeated his old tricks again, he directly withstood the terrifying impact generated by particle collision, as if coming across time and space, he appeared directly in front of Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi just felt it, but when he had time to set up his weapon to defend, he was already hit by Hulk. And also under this fist, Divine Spear Rodnier immediately groaned overwhelmedly, breaking apart in Zhou Yi’s unbelievable gaze.

However, even if the divine spear broke, Zhou Yi could only continue to fight back with gritted teeth. He was holding a broken divine spear, as if holding two short spears, one after the other, he stabbed Hulk’s chest and abdomen. Hulk was indifferent to this, just waving his fists and greeted Zhou Yi’s head.

Round speed, he is faster than Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi just stabbed the short spear into Hulk’s body on one side, and Hulk on the other side was already bombarding him with heavy fists, rounding him fiercely.

That is, his root power is closely related to the stars in the universe, and he is impossible to be destroyed before all stars are destroyed. Otherwise, just relying on this fierce offensive is enough to completely Oblivion him.

To say that he was lucky not to be killed. Preventing Hulk with Four Arms has also become an impossible thing.

Hulk still values ​​own spoils of war, even more important than killing Zhou Yi, an annoying opponent. So after getting rid of Zhou Yi’s entanglement, his immediate reaction was to grab the so-called power of destiny.

At this time, the catastrophe has just touched the power of fate, and has not had time to make any actions. Like Zhou Yi, he will almost inevitably be affected by the sense of withdrawal from the power of fate. And under this influence, he couldn’t avoid Hulk’s claws at all.

And Zhou Yi, naturally, it is also impossible to say that he watched him fall into Hulk’s hands. Almost energetic, he condensed his own body again, and pursued Hulk.

It can almost be said to be one after the other, they came to the front of the power of destiny one after another. And in order to prevent the power of destiny from falling into Hulk’s hands, because this inevitably makes Hulk a more terrifying monster, and all the universe, including his hometown, is plunged into an unprecedented crisis.

Zhou Yi can only muster a fierce energy, while attacking Hulk, while also reaching out to the power of destiny.

In normal times, this is of course something Hulk cannot tolerate. But Hulk at this moment, his mind is already bewildered by the power of fate.

After all, he will be faster than Zhou Yi. This makes Zhou Yi already exposed to the power of destiny before Zhou Yi did this action. Compared with Zhou Yi and Haoqi, they can be wary of and resist the feeling of uplift and withdrawal that fate brings. His barren soul and insatiable and tyrannical soul are precisely what he yearns for this special honor.

It can be said that it is almost in a flash. He has already immersed his own mind and consciousness in the deeper part of fate. The power of destiny was poured into him, and his projection was already revealed in every world in the Infinity universe in almost an instant.

Fate is satisfying his desire. What he desires most is the ultimate destruction and destruction.

As an ominous beast that is truly dominated by anger, a monster who has obliterated all humanity in the endless years of imprisonment, and only knows the original anger and impulse destruction. His mind and soul were already dominated by the brutal animality, and he was indulged in it almost forever.

If he is just a mediocre monster, then it’s fine. In the empty and dead world within the realm, he will sooner or later be wiped away by nothingness and time. The problem is that he is not ordinary. The power he possesses is unparalleled in the world, and if this power is plugged into the wings of fate, it will be enough to cause the most terrifying disaster to all the world.

This will be the beginning of the demise of the Infinity universe, but fate will not care. As the authority above everything, there is no difference between existence and destruction. It will only respond to the call of its Owner, no matter where he will use this power.

In this situation, Zhou Yi has no other choice.

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