Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2325

“I need your help…”

Just like the previous catastrophe awakened him in the spiritual world. Relying on their special connection with each other, Zhou Yi can also do similar things.

Of course, this may not be what the catastrophe expects. Because he was looking for Natasha’s existence along the path of fate, but at this time, Zhou Yi, the fellow, cut in and interrupted him. This of course made him angry in his heart.

“Damn, I’m going to…”

“It’s too late! Look at the situation outside. If we don’t stop him now, wait for him to master this power , Everything is really too late.”

Zhou Yi, who has entered the bystander state through the power of fate, has already seen an ending in a trance. Countless Hulk releases own projection into every universe in the Infinity universe under the influence of the power of fate. This among which is included the universe they are in, and under the premise that they are oneself trapped here and cannot leave at all, no one in their universe can stop the raging of Hulk projection.

Hulk’s projection will turn everything in the universe into dust, driven by its deity’s pure desire to destroy. And this one naturally includes his beloved family.

This is not a result that Zhou Yi can accept. He believes that the catastrophe is also unacceptable. So at this time, they must prevent this from happening. Before everything is too late!

The idea of ​​catastrophe is the same. Although he said that he was desperate to find Natasha’s trace and rescue her. But there are priorities. Under such a severe situation, he also had to be forced to suspend this plan. Turn to respond to the crisis that Hulk brought to them.

And how to deal with this special crisis? Holocaust was also at a loss without a clue. The strength of the four-armed Hulk is already as everyone knows, facing such a monster, they simply have no ability to compete with it. As for blocking, this is even more hopeless.

Everything in this world hasn’t fallen to the point where it will revolve around a person and make his wishes come true. Therefore, neither Zhou Yi nor Catastrophe can have much confidence in the so-called prevention. All they can do is do their best. As for how to do his best, Zhou Yi is already thinking about it now.

“Find a way to seize the sovereignty of fate, idiot. We must do everything possible to expel him from fate.”

“Seizing sovereignty is easy.. .”

I have fought against the catastrophe of the sense of withdrawal from fate. It is clear that this is by no means a simple matter. A little carelessness means that they will completely lose everything.

But if they choose to be terrified and over-cautious because they are afraid of this, it will also not be an acceptable result for them. And compared to their own existence being stripped away by fate, they are even more unacceptable to watch oneself’s loved one disappear in front of own, while oneself is powerless.

So, no matter how hopeful it is. They can only put aside all their worries and worries, and make this desperate fight against the catastrophe on the level of fate. At this time, the only thing that can be called good news is that the confrontation between them and Hulk has shifted from the real world to the realm of mind and soul.

The force of destiny peeled away the layers of their bodies, almost exposing their most essential existence. And it is also because the three people are fighting for the power of fate together at this moment, which means that driven by the power of fate, the consciousness and soul of their three people begin to collide most directly against the origin.

The essence of Hulk is the most powerful. His soul is pure and tyrannical, and its soul is dominated by animal nature. This makes him full of a strong desire to attack. Just in the immediately contacted, Zhou Yi was already suppressed and they could hardly raise their heads.

But, it’s just almost. To be honest, this degree of suppression is much worse than the previous absolute crush on strength.

When it comes to the purity of the soul, Zhou Yi is not inferior to the catastrophe. At the level of self-consciousness, whether it is the superego component in Zhou Yi’s consciousness or the self component in catastrophe consciousness, it is enough to resist the erosion of the beastly self-consciousness of catastrophe.

Under the collision of this kind of essence, winning is not as simple as who is strong and who is weak, who is high and who is low. That is a situation that cannot be judged intuitively. It is a result that requires a series of complex factors such as mind, desire, and belief to rub, collide, and corrode.

The main decision here is the power of willpower. Regarding this decisive factor, whether it is Zhou Yi or Catastrophe, there are reasons for not giving up or failing.

They joined hands, fighting desperately almost completely desperately. Under this premise, the catastrophe immediately fell into a decline, and obviously, it began to decline in a straight line.

In the competition of this origin, Hulk’s transcending power cannot be embodied in any concrete form. He couldn’t use oneself’s familiar method to crush his opponents with heavier fists, and he couldn’t rely on defenses again and again to completely regard the opponent’s attacks as nothing.

He can only endure, and passively bear the increasingly heavy counterattack of Zhou Yi and the catastrophe. And after he could only taste the pain caused by this kind of counterattack, but couldn’t feel the thrill of revenge that grew stronger and stronger, he also took it for granted, subconsciously backing up.

And choosing to retreat in the soul and consciousness is tantamount to waiting for surrender. Zhou Yi and Haojia were keenly aware of this, and immediately increased the intensity of the counterattack, and squeezed Hulk out of the envelope of fate with the strongest posture.

And Hulk will naturally not be reconciled to this. Although he was squeezed out of the competition for fate, it does not mean that he really has no chance.

One of the easiest ways is to completely eliminate you physically, since you cannot defeat you spiritually. And it just so happens that he is an expert in this area. So simply don’t need to think about it, he immediately shook oneself’s angry fist at Huoke and Zhou Yi in front of him.

In reality, he is still invincible. Even speaking of his strength, after several uplifts and breakthrough limits, he has already grown to a point where even Haojia and Zhou Yi can’t compete with it.

This is a fact, and everyone who has witnessed the four-armed Hulk is so powerful that no one can deny it. And based on this point, Zhou Yi and Haojiao want to defeat the Hulk in front of them, and even say that they only need to rely on other ways to resist his powerful attack.

Fate is their only choice. In a sense, this choice also means leaving them alone.

Elevate oneself to a higher level of destiny, completely cut off all the connections with destiny, and become transcendent from all things, and also completely cut off from all things. It’s like the life court. This is not a choice they are willing to make.

Because for them, this World is still too much for them to leave behind. However, if this choice is not made at this time, what will it mean?

Those who have been involved in the deeper fate can see the ending.

Death, destruction, the end of everything. Their struggle is of no avail. In the face of the power of the catastrophe that has become completely above all things, not only themselves and their loved ones, but even all living creatures in the Infinity universe will usher in their end.

And, again and again. Hulk will be transformed into a special end Yan. In the long slumber and awakening, all the universes are ended and restarted again and again in the form of the final fate.

This may be the reason for his birth. Everything, including the torture and suffering he endured, and the transcendent power he possessed above all, is to guide him to such an ending.

This seems to be the choice of fate. Destiny seems to be guided deliberately in this way. It seems to be eager to transform everything, including its so-called incarnation, as a resource for Hulk’s growth, and then sublimate into a more perfect and stronger form through the integration with Hulk.

At the moment, this destiny decision has almost reached the final step. Only need to overcome the catastrophe and Zhou Yi in front of him, and no one can stop Hulk from making this final step of transformation.

He will become the true Child of Destiny, ushering in the ending he is destined for. And for this ending, Zhou Yi and Havoc could not agree. Because even if they die, they must never allow that fate to fall on the one they love.

Even if it is destined. But who has stipulated that things that are destined cannot be broken?

At this moment, Zhou Yi and Haojia really have a clear heart. And without any hesitation, they poured their own will into the long river of fate at the same time.

Incarnate into destiny, this is their choice.

While witnessing with my own eyes, Zhou Yi and the catastrophe are gradually disappearing and annihilated under the endless light of the sudden explosion of the power of destiny, turning into a completely different image. Hulk immediately roared like a child whose beloved doll had been snatched away.

He doesn’t have much sense and wisdom, but that doesn’t mean he has no memory. In the process of going deep into fate, he and Zhou Yi have the same experience. In the process of that experience, what he saw was another ending.

Two insects that shouldn’t have been in his eyes are transformed into an existence that cannot be defeated under the power of fate. And in the hands of this special existence, the power he relied on, his impenetrable strength, were like a bubble, completely eliminated in the cruel reality. What he finally greeted was a terrifying end. And this end is also the most unacceptable answer for him.

He longs for victory, longs for destruction, longs to see that everything is in the hands of the owner. But only impossible saw the end of own.

So in order to prevent this from happening to owner, he immediately waved his fist like a wild beast in a prison of despair, toward what he saw with his own eyes The reality that was similar to that of seven or eight points rushed forward.

He wants to defeat and destroy each other. Use the most powerful violence to prove that oneself is the ultimate winner and the one who laughs last.

But in the face of such a crazy and desperate Hulk, Catastrophe and Zhou Yi, who have merged into one under the influence of fate, opened their eyes expressionlessly.

At this moment, they have turned into a special image.

The body of the brilliant ten thousand zhang is the image of Two Heads Four Arms. The younger side belongs to the catastrophe, its face is cold, expression indifferent, which symbolizes the cruelty and coldness of fate. On the other side, it belongs to Zhou Yi. With compassion in his eyes and calm expression, he represents the tolerance and kindness of fate.

Different from the life court’s four facets of justice, necessity, revenge and blankness to demonstrate the mighty power of destiny. Such description can only say that the destiny they represent is incomplete.

They only embodied a part of the order of fate, and they couldn’t fully show fate at all. And this also made them ban oneself. In the face of Hulk, who is determined by fate and represents the disorderly power of fate, they will only become fish on the chopping board, and they will not even have the ability to resist.

Destiny should not be like that. Destiny should be as manifested by the catastrophe and Zhou Yi at this moment. It is fickle, and it can give people justice and partiality. It can either be merciful or be mercilessly deprived. It overrides everything and controls everything. Everything has been properly arranged by it. Including this moment.

What Hulk saw was the ending that fate had arranged for him. And this ending will never change even half because of what kind of struggle he is making at the moment. It’s like now.

The side of the catastrophe just looked at Hulk, who immediately seemed to be sluggish, and fell down instantly.

This kind of fall is a fall in the conventional sense. Under the influence of universal gravitation, he fell directly from a height. In theory, this should be impossible, because his body is composed of quantum, and quantum is not affected by gravitation.

But this is how fate is arranged. Under the will of fate, Hulk’s body changed. He began to degenerate, from having a quantum body that was almost Infinity possible, directly degenerating into his original flesh and blood body.

And he wants to break the space forcibly, like climbing oneself to in midair, it won’t work either. Because his ability is also degrading. It was as if all his experiences and the past had been erased. Under the premise that he had never experienced any encounters or battles, never surpassed any limits, he was an ordinary Hulk with four arms. Except for jumping around on the ground like a monkey, he no longer has any other abilities.

This is to get him back to his original shape all at once. Deprived him of his rampant capital. And this, of course, made Hulk more and more furious.

He started to run frantically towards Zhou Yi and them, no matter how far oneself is from Zhou Yi and them at the moment.

Because of his special ability, the distance between them will eventually become shorter and shorter. Unless said, he was terminated before facing Zhou Yi directly again. But will he be terminated?

The answer is, of course not. Because he is undying. And this, Zhou Yi and the catastrophe, who have taken charge of their destiny, are also well aware of this. So next moment, Haojiao closed oneself’s indifferent eyes, and Zhou Yi stared at him.

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