The blade jumped up and hit Reinhardt’s knee with one hand. The sound of bones hitting is extraordinarily clear, and even has a sore feeling.

And in this pure power showdown, it is Reinhardt this Purebred Vampire that suffers obviously. This time Ling Li’s boxing made his knees bulge, and it was obvious that the bones inside were misaligned. For him, this is not the most serious.

The blade not only hurt his knee, but also disrupted his balance in midair. Power was acting on him, and Reinhardt, who had no place to borrow, immediately lost his balance and flew forward.

In front of him, the blade is already posed and waiting for his arrival. Before Reinhardt hit the ground, the blade was like a friend he hadn’t seen for many years. He stepped forward and took his arm. But it is obviously the kind of harboring malicious intentions.

Clapped the arms with both hands and pressed hard, immediately making Reinhardt loudly roared in pain, his arms have been twisted into a strange angle.

With only a few breaths, Reinhardt has fallen into an absolute disadvantage. This situation clearly tells the Vampires that their opponents are much stronger than they thought. But they had anticipated this, and they also knew one thing, they were a team, not a lone ranger like Blade.

At the moment Reinhardt yelled, the Bloodpack under his hand could no longer be restrained. Lightaxe is the first guy to take action, and his muscles are comparable to his full muscle brain. In this case, he is also the only Vampire who dares to intervene.

Other people are either scrupulous or disdainful, and basically do not plan to do anything. After all, the blade will not kill people at this time, only the light axe. He has already picked up the huge axe in his hand and smashed it in the air against the blade.

In this savage chop, the blade has only two options. Either let go and avoid them, or take the hostages in your hands together. He didn’t want to endure it for a while, nor did he want to give up the guy who was so successful in his hand. So he chose the third option and waited for support.

Support came in an instant. Without being noticed by everyone’s eyes, a figure wearing a black cloak and full body black armor had stopped in front of the blade of the light axe.

Seeing someone blocking him in front of him, the sticky head of the light axe didn’t have the idea of ​​letting go. He showed a bloodthirsty smile, and even his pupils shrank in excitement. The desire for blood has made him somewhat impatient.

The sword and axe are coming, Medusa also sounded the alarm in due course. The Dawn Armor II, which has only 7,400 pounds of impact resistance, cannot withstand such a brutal attack. Vampire’s powerful arms and heavy Axe cold weapons can tear the armor of Dawn II.

Unfortunately, the dawn armor has always been a look. Especially in the eyes of his users, Zhou Yi never relied on this thing to become a Superhero. Dawn Knight is not famous only on this armor.

In Vampire’s opinion, the most impossible situation, Zhou Yi reached out and directly held the light axe. The axe blade rubbed bright fire light in contact with the hand armor. Zhou Yi felt that the axe blade had cut through the armor and touched the own skin, but that was only the end.

His body is definitely harder than the armor on his body, which Zhou Yi never doubted.

The momentum of the big axe is restrained. In the palm of Zhou Yi’s hand, it is like a fool who wants to split the rock by overestimate one’s capabilities, and can only kill oneself there.

Light Axe never thought of this situation. He desperately wanted to move the axe, but the axe was always motionless, as if it had taken root. He saw that the blade of the axe was deforming, and the hard metal twisted and deformed like mud in the hand of the person who was blocking him, leaking out from between his fingers. At this moment, he discovered that oneself had committed a big mistake, but it was too late.

Zhou Yi has borrowed from the trend and used the principle of leverage from the most impossible place. He exerted force from the axe blade, but pulled the huge body of the light axe off the ground. Before he could react, he threw him with an axe into an old car that looked a little older.

The heavy body and the force of throwing people, the light axe not only smashed through the roof, but also smashed half of the chassis. From the perspective of use, this vintage car is estimated to be completely scrapped, and there is no probability of being rescued. In contrast, the battered light axe looked much more normal.

The blade pressed Reinhardt and pulled out a delicate device. One end of the device is a sharp claw, and the other end is a miniature signal receiving device. He pressed the device on the back of Reinhardt’s head, and the hook immediately went into his flesh and fixed it there.

“This is a blasting device.” Looking at the remaining Vampires who began to stir, Blade’s face was twitched unsightly, and then he pulled out a button. “There is silver nitrate in it. I really want to know if the pure blood is blown to my head, will it die after being sprinkled with silver nitrate. You can come and do this for me, as long as I press this button, or some of you move this Little things, all…”

Finally, he made an exploding gesture, and this gesture made Reinhardt who was about to touch the back of oneself’s head immediately stop his hand. He looked at the blade with hatred, then twisted his thigh abruptly, connected the misplaced bone, and walked back to Vampire’s camp without saying a word.

In this round, it was obvious that the side of Blade and Liming gave the Vampires a good start.

Looking at Vilienne and churchman pulling up the light axe together, the blade walked to Dawn Knight’s side with an unsightly expression, and said in a low voice.

“That’s my favorite car, I always treat it like a wife!”

“Sorry!” Zhou Yi glanced at the blade in surprise, apologizing. “I will compensate. If you have a car you like, you can directly bill me.”

“I remember this sentence.” Blade received the compensation that oneself wanted, calmly walked away. The Vampires looked at the two people whispering with fear, and did not expect them to complete a transaction with a classic car. Perhaps in their hearts, these two Vampire Hunters are still talking about the result of their direct battle.

Whether it is a person or a Vampire. They always feel good about themselves, they won’t understand that these two people didn’t put their Vampire in their eyes at all, and the only thing they were afraid of was the alien species, not these Vampires.

But this kind of misunderstanding is not without benefits, at least Vampires have converged a lot. The performance of the two people was enough to shock the jealousy in their hearts.

Seeing the performance of the Vampires, the blade grinned silently. He looked towards Nyssa, the leader of Vampire.

“How do you plan to find out that group of alien species? Just walk into the alley carefree and put a notice on the back that says Come eat me?”

For Vampire, Blade has always ignored how unpleasant oneself’s words are. Maybe he counts this kind of verbal attack on his own profession. However, Zhou Yi estimates that this is more of a racial talent issue.

“I searched the entire red light district of Manhattan last night, as well as those shady places. No one, except for the traces left after being attacked. They have a unified action strategy and a unified command. No When hunting for food, they will completely disguise. If you can’t find them, then everything is in vain.”

Zhou Yi’s words seem to be questionable, but in fact, they help Nyssa invisibly. At least let her not directly deal with the sharp words of the blade.

Nyssa took a deep look at Zhou Yi and said his own plan.

“If you want to catch the hunters, you must first start with their prey. Although these aliens are always coming, both Vampire and humans are their food. But from Jared Nomak’s In terms of performance, he seems to want to deal with Vampire more. In other words, Vampire is the first choice for this group of aliens.”

“My father has ordered all Vampires to give up other blood nests. Only one is left for them to use. Unless they stay at home obediently and honestly, or they want to enjoy the feast, they can only go to this blood nest. At that time, the blood nest will be the only large-scale Vampire in New York. Place.”

“They can only go there, and only there can they meet their food needs for these alien species. They spread too fast, and ordinary numbers can no longer satisfy this group of alien species. “Very good!” The blade patted his hand. “What is this place called?”

“House of Pain.”

Two Vampire Hunters and a team of Vampire soon came to this so-called House of Pain. This is an apartment that is full of wooden boards, looks tattered, and is almost certainly unoccupied. Daofeng looked at this dilapidated old-fashioned apartment and asked his own doubts.

“There is no sign, no Vampire statue, nor your Vampire symbol. This is your biggest blood nest?”

“Because of you, we must change our habits. “Nyssa handed him an infrared imager. A special symbol that can only be seen under infrared vision can be clearly seen there.

“Very well, the House of Pain. I remember, I will definitely come to visit often in the future.” The blade grinned, showing great interest.

Being frequented by Blades is not a good thing for Vampire. Nyssa ignored the seemingly provocative words, but walked in front of Zhou Yi.

“Dawn Knight, you can’t go in this way.” She pointed to Zhou Yi’s most conspicuous armor. “Your appearance like this will expose our existence.”

“Is there no transvestite in Vampire?” Zhou Yi looked at the armor on oneself’s hands and asked this question.

Nyssa rolled his eyes, and the blade said happily, “Buddy, trust me. Without your cool transvestite Vampire, their taste is too bad.”

Zhou Yi shrugged, pulling the cloak to cover his own body, as if there was a strange light and shadow Blink for a few times, he has disappeared from the sight of several people.

“Awesome! Optical camouflage stealth system.” Josh, who has the most technical potential, broke the name of the technology shown by Dawn Knight. “I thought this technology was only in the military’s budget. Didn’t expect already had a finished product. Buddy, your level is amazing!”

“Thanks for the praise!” came from behind Nyssa With Dawn Knight’s deep voice, the invisible existence made people even more fearful. No one wants to be sneaked up by an invisible guy.

“Let’s go!” Zhou Yi laughed, as the laughter that seemed to walk in the wind made The Bloodpack watchful, but also secretly rejoiced. For now, fortunately, the two sides are in the same camp.

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