Led by Nyssa, the two Vampire Hunter and The Bloodpack, who had first come here, came to a place like an underground warehouse.

“All the gates are sealed by concrete, there is only one entrance here.” Nyssa took the lead in opening the warehouse gate and walked into the underground warehouse like a sewer pipe.

“Very unique idea, I will remember.” The blade swept all around and said very seriously.

“What’s the purpose of not at all.” Zhou Yi, who was hidden from the side, also said, his style is different from that of a blade. The blade used to figure out the terrain, then punch in and out. And Zhou Yi likes to fly in and let go and then fly out.

For Blade, such a structure may be difficult to handle, because he has to find a way to get into this heavily guarded blood nest. For Dawn Knight, as long as he saw it while patrolling in the air, it was a dive bombing.

Two people have different battle methods, so they have different ideas about cleaning the blood nest. However, after listening to the evaluation of the two, the faces of Vampire around him were not very attractive. It’s like talking in front of people about how to rush to your house and kill your whole family. It’s really a ghost if they look good.

I have become accustomed to these two guys’ sing-and-a-and-style verbal attack, Nyssa remain unmoved and continued to explain: “We will act separately next, and if something happens, we can contact you through the headset. As for you, Dawn Knight …”

Dawn Knight, who has been wearing a helmet, is obviously unable to equip the headset prepared by Vampire. However, Zhou Yi is not worried about this. He laughed, and his voice has reached several people’s headsets.

“Don’t worry, I’ve decoded your signal. Don’t worry if you can’t call me for help!”

“OK!” Nyssa interrupted this boring ridicule and continued Explained. “You are about to enter our world. Maybe you will see some things, such as eating. Remember your purpose here!”

“Don’t worry, I will not forget.” Blade clearly Answered, and Zhou Yi followed suit. “Of course, you are Master, you are the master.”

Getting the answer oneself wanted, Nyssa waved. Moved the two Vampires guarding the gate into action. The last barrier in front of everyone was opened, and the House of Pain was finally revealed in front of them.

Noisy to almost noisy music, dazzling to dazzling lights, impudent twisting body and heartbeat debauchery everywhere, even the air has bloody sweetness and hormonal stimulation aura. If this is a place for humans, impolitely said is definitely no less than any heavy metal rock concert. But this is the place of Vampire, so it can only become the largest blood nest in New York.

“Let’s split up!” On the chest of Chuba next to Patted, Reinhardt, who had been upset with the blade for a long time, took the lead and got into the crowd with Chuba.

“No problem, I’m going to say hello to an acquaintance!” The blade, who was quite in favor of the split operation, bared his white teeth and walked towards his so-called acquaintance. One can imagine how bad luck is Vampire who can be his acquaintance in this place.

Nyssa couldn’t help but sighed inwardly as Seeing The Bloodpack beside oneself scattered and walked away. She is nominally the daughter of Vampire Supreme Grand Duke, his only heir, the future Grand Duchess. But for many Vampires, this status is not at all. The Supreme Grand Duke has ruled the Vampire Empire for hundreds of years, and it is very likely that he will continue to rule. The future heir may always be the future heir.

“Dawn Knight, how about you?” Nyssa tried to call the invisible person next to oneself, but she didn’t at all get the response oneself wanted. “Dawn Knight, dawn.”

After calling out a few times, Nyssa finally determined one thing, that is, there is no one around oneself. The invisible guy didn’t know where he went.

Nyssa, who was depressed in his chest, breathed a sigh of self-comfort, determined no longer paid attention to this group of irritating guys, chose a relatively quiet trail and started to oneself Perform a search.

At this time, Zhou Yi has already faded away from Dawn Knight’s disguise, and has touched these carnival Vampires as his true identity.

He had to admit that when he changed his perspective and looked at this group of Vampires from the eyes of humans, not from the eyes of Superhero or God, he had to admit that it was quite interesting. Creatures.

To be more specific, this is a group of very strange and funny creatures.

He saw a man and a woman, two Vampires feeding each other razor blades and then kissing. He was a little curious as to what it was, and who had more flexible tongues during the game? Is Reward the blood after a blade cut?

He also saw a middle-aged Vampire posing cooler than the Terminator, in front of two female Vampires, using a knife to separate the skin and flesh on oneself’s arm. It is true that this look looks terrifying, perhaps it suits the appetite of these Vampire chicks. But man, are you sure that there is no problem with the drooling Vampire guys around you?

In contrast, this dude is far behind the other bald Vampire girl. The bald girl was lying on a small wine table, naked and letting others do it. Seriously, it was really letting others do it.

Someone took a scalpel and directly cut the flesh on both sides of the back spine, and then directly began to peel the skin on both sides of the spine. From Zhou Yi’s perspective, one can even clearly see Sen Bai’s spine with flesh and blood, as well as the muscles and skin that have been separated.

This kind of gameplay is a bit too exciting, even Zhou Yi feels it is too hanging, he even regretted not bringing Tony over, let him see this rare spectacle. This is something you can’t see in the human world.

Of course, he is more skeptical that Tony will question whether the special effects are too fake or go crazy on the spot when he sees this thing. Considering the mental problems of oneself friends, Zhou Yi gave up this tempting idea.

Holding the waiter to give oneself a glass of absinthe, Zhou Yi continued to wander through the crazy group of Vampire with the glass.

Several Vampire men and women dancing passionately saw Zhou Yi and twisted their bodies to stick to them.

For beautiful girls to come to the door, even if it is Vampire, Zhou Yi will not refuse. But for men, even Vampire, dare to post Zhou Yi is definitely not polite.

Simply hugged a bright golden hair into a braid, which is considered the most beautiful female Vampire’s waist in his vision, and kicked a few back and wanted to touch oneself Male Vampire’s calf on the body.

Amid the impudent laughter of the impudent woman in their arms, the two began to dance like all the Vampires here and those humans who don’t know the situation.

Vampire chick twisting like a snake in her arms does not seem to be very old, that is, she is seventeen and eighteen years old. But like most European and American girls, the figure of this chick is quite hot. Although she is not tall, her delicate and sweet face also has a little childishness. But the slender and powerful waist, the attractive curves that a perfect woman should have are the same.

If it’s not for the makeup on the face, and the very rebellious hairstyle, it looks full of punk style. It is definitely the popular national Goddess. You must know that this is a rare childlike giant.

Seriously, Zhou Yi feels a bit pity. How could such a cute female child become a Vampire? If it’s a human, he really doesn’t mind learning from Tony and bringing out a Hollywood actress. However, Zhou Yi’s heart is inevitably a little fortunate. This is Vampire, a maid who can’t even reach playboys like Tony.

The Vampire girl in her arms doesn’t know what Zhou Yi is thinking. As Vampire, she doesn’t dislike the feeling of being held in her arms by Zhou Yi all the time, but sticks to him like a snake and twists it wantonly. Although it seems a bit jerky, but this is what this age should have. At least Zhou Yi is satisfied with this jerky.

Maybe this Vampire chick has a different attempt, but Zhou Yi still decides to play with her. This is the privilege of beautiful girls.

Vampire girl pulled Zhou Yi while dancing, and walked towards the corner of the dance floor. But maybe Vampire has some weird rules, or some weird customs. There are always people blocking the way of the Vampire girl along the way, and some even want to forcibly squeeze into the middle of the two people to separate them.

This kind of tentatively preying behavior made the Vampire girl a little bit indignant. It is estimated that if Zhou Yi were not by her side, she might show her fangs and growl like a dog who protects her food. But watching her facial muscles twitching constantly, Zhou Yi estimated that it was not far from this level.

Take action directly to interrupt the ribs of the two male Vampires, kicking them onto the guys who are still ignorant. Zhou Yi’s violent actions obviously provoked many Vampires. Some of them showed their fangs, but they were immediately smashed into the face with a fist. The fragile bridge of the nose and the two conspicuous fangs were all shattered by hammer-like punches. This miserable appearance Vampire around him couldn’t help but take a breath.

“Someone is making trouble?” At this time, the blade who had just scared away oneself’s acquaintance walked slowly here, and he obviously shocked a lot of Vampire when he appeared. But the blade ignored the cowards in this group of Vampire, just looked at the bad luck guy lying on the ground, and said to Zhou Yi with a little surprise. “Good skill, Buddy.”

Although only the hybrid Vampire transformed from Vampire lies lying on the ground, Zhou Yi’s skill is enough to surprise the blade.

It is true that these hybrid Vampires are like slaves and servants in the eyes of Purebred Vampire. In the eyes of the blade, it is not even cannon fodder. But for ordinary persons, they are still Vampire, much more powerful characters than ordinary people.

The power of these hybrids may not be as powerful as Purebred Vampire, which comes from normal fertility, but they are much stronger than ordinary people. Compared with those special forces who have reached a certain level of physical fitness, they are only strong but not weak. Only the most elite warriors of mankind can kill these hybrids.

As for the pureblood Vampire, it is not an existence that the ordinary person class can handle. Their speed power will not be inferior to the predators of the natural cream of the crop. Humans are just their food.

Faced with the praise of the blade, Zhou Yi did not reveal a change in expression. He just responded naturally: “Your trench coat is also very good, Buddy!”

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting. Zhou Yi’s performance was almost impeccable. The least of the blades did not realize that the guy in front of him who looked very powerful was oneself’s teammate in this operation-Dawn Knight. I have to say that Zhou Yi is really an expert in acting.

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