Sun God Marvel

Chapter 341

The rainbow divine light in the sky began to puff, and this time the surge of the rainbow divine light became unpredictable. Sometimes it just showed a little sharp edge, and then suddenly disappeared under the cover of the void. Sometimes there was no warning at all, and it shot down fiercely.

Until this time, everyone discovered how ridiculous what oneself had previously thought that the light of the rainbow was already showing signs of decline. The decline they thought was actually just Loki’s tactical adjustment.

And when the rainbow divine light becomes so volatile, the situation instantly becomes unfavorable.

No matter what kind of war situation, the defender will always be at a disadvantage. Because no matter how strong the defense is, it will eventually be broken one day. There has never been an unbreakable barrier, and there has never been an undefeated defender.

As long as Zhou Yi is still in this passive defense, the situation will hardly get better.

So in any case, oneself must be pulled out of this passive defense situation.

Zhou Yi sees it very clearly, but is still at a loss as to how to do it. After all, it is a huge problem to get rid of the current situation.

Behind him are the innocent residents of a whole small town unless they are abandoned. Otherwise he would be impossible to get out of this situation. And, taking another ten thousand steps, Loki is now doing something that destroys the entire world.

Leave aside the Frost Giant in this world, those existences like wild animals on Earth are always innocent.

If Loki is allowed to do this, how many lives will die and how many existences will be destroyed. That is an unpredictable value. And Zhou Yi obviously doesn’t want to see this happen.

If he really did that, then he would not be Dawn Knight. In other words, there is no need for a self like Dawn Knight.

So anyway, this is a knot that cannot be solved. Unless he can find a way to break the game.

The destructive rainbow light is still swallowing unpredictably, and every time it is a temptation or a surprise attack, Zhou Yi has to concentrate attention completely to wait.

He became the only one line of defense for this World and the only Savior that could save this World.

But how long can he defend like this? This has become a question in the hearts of countless people.

No one wants the next moment to be destroyed by the rainbow divine light in the sky, and no one wants to die with this World. However, the problem now is that this result is completely up to them. All the decision-making power is in the hands of Zhou Yi and Loki.

In this regard, Loki is the one leading the situation.

Loki, who has tried countless offenses but can’t break Zhou Yi’s line of defense, changed his mind. He mobilized Bifrost’s unmatched strength and shifted the direction of oneself’s attack.

Although he wanted to overwhelm Zhou Yi with the strongest strength, he would directly destroy Thor and his comrades. But after several attempts to no avail, he decisively transferred the own target.

The final result or the momentary pleasure is important, Loki sees it very clearly. So at this time, he chose to temporarily let go of oneself’s hatred for these guys who have been against oneself, and instead launch the ruined rainbow divine light to another place to achieve his own goal.

His ultimate goal is to completely defeat Frost Giant and destroy the entire Jotunheim. With Bifrost’s power, he can do this.

As long as the maximum power of Bifrost is launched into Jotunheim’s body, the violent void power is enough to cause this World to cause a huge devastating disaster.

Of course, the existence of Zhou Yi may be an obstacle. However, he can protect the entire world for a while, but impossible to protect the entire world at any time.

So this time, Loki chose the other side of the world, a place completely opposite to Zhou Yi’s location as his goal. Then directly increased Bifrost’s power to the limit.

The endless destruction of rainbow light this time no one can stop it anymore. Zhou Yi’s speed is impossible as fast as Bifrost can penetrate the void. And he dared not go, nor could he go. Because no one can guarantee that this is not Loki’s tricky trick.

So, he could only watch the rainbow of destruction fall at the other end of this World, and then let this World begin to undergo drastic changes like a catastrophe.

Jotunheim, like Earth, is one of the nine worlds that World Tree stretches out. Strictly speaking, his relationship with Earth is a parallel world like twin sisters.

It is almost identical to Earth, both in size and quality. If there is a difference between them, then Frost Giant’s rule is the biggest difference between Earth, where humans live.

This World did not know how many years it was ruled by Frost Giant. After Frost Giant’s ancestor Ymir was killed, Frost Giant began to settle in this world, and until now is transforming everything in this world.

Mountains, rivers, oceans, plains. Under the magic of Frost Giant and the endless magic of the divine tool ancient winter treasure chest they have mastered for generations, the entire world has become an ice sculpture world.

Ice, snow and frost have become the theme of this World, and midwinter and cold are the only colors of this World. This situation has continued for so many years. The lives of this World have already adapted to this cold, and this World itself has become accustomed to this cold existence.

However, this does not mean that the world has been cooled down. As a planet, the hottest power flows from the deepest part of its body.

For countless years, this power has been banned. But when the destructive rainbow from Asgard descended on this World, this power began to wake up.

When the rainbow light shreds the ever-frozen insoluble huge glacier, it penetrates the unmeltable frozen soil as hard as steel. When the cold and hard land broke and split, when the sea covered by thick ice overturned oneself with the thick ice layer on top of the earth’s crust, the entire world had been suppressed for thousands of years. roar.

Cracks scrambled to spread from below the surface, and the solid ground gave off a deafening roar and turbulent riots. The glacier broke and moved in this riot. The fierce and ruthless avalanche is running wildly in every corner of this World.

The rivers, lakes, and seas that have only flowed under the ice layer also showed their own hideous features. A huge wave of unknown number of meters was set off in the sea, mixed with countless ice blocks, pushing a huge iceberg It rushed in the direction of the landing place.

And the lakes and rivers also set off huge waves, and wantonly flooding everything around.

This cold world is undergoing changes that it has never seen before in millions and millions years. It is evolving from a frozen world to a broken water world. And this evolution is far from over.

When the rainbow light of destruction penetrates deeper below the surface. The riots on the ground have become more intense.

Crimson’s lava flows frantically along the cracks that spread under the surface. The ice and snow turned into steaming heat under the hot lava, and the billowing heat permeated all corners of the world in a short period of time.

This makes the entire ground seem to be shrouded in a cloud of smoke.

The deeper the rainbow drill, the stronger the earth’s tremor, and the more turbulent the lava flows. The pressure deep underground has obviously reached a limit. The result of this limit is that Frost can no longer suppress this World.

When the frozen mountains one after another cracked and collapsed. When the thick frozen soil was pressed by the strong underground pressure, hundreds of millions of tons of rocks were ejected, and the volcanoes erupted with soaring molten fire. This World has already sounded the death knell.

If the world is a person, then Bifrost’s burst of destruction rainbow light is a life-killing sword. It pierced the heart of the world, caused him to cramp in pain, and caused his blood to soak everything in him irresistibly.

This is the blood of destruction, enough to swallow all the creatures in this world. Surrounded by this flowing lava blood, all lives in Jotunheim fell into a desperate situation.

Whether it was the monstrous flood before, or the lava turbidity that spread all over the world later. Both were the results Loki expected. And this is the result he wants.

In this monstrous upheaval, countless Frost Giants have become the most not worth mentioning victims. And when the drastic changes in this world spread to the other side of the world, the entire Frost Giant’s reign, also their existence will be a thing of the past.

Loki said that oneself will conquer Jotunheim without a single soldier. He did it, but he did it in a way that no one wanted to see. In order to achieve his goals, he destroyed hundreds of millions of creatures.

If these sins are turned into shackles in reality, then the weight of this shackle can definitely make anyone crushed into mud.

Anyone with a conscience cannot bear all this. They are even impossible to make such a decision. But Loki, he was happy about it. He has already abandoned his conscience, leaving only the most utilitarian reality. For his purpose, he can sacrifice everything.

In his view, these sacrifices in front of him are totally worthwhile. For his kingly dominance, for the future territory of Asgard. Everything he has done now is acceptable.

He is the kind of fanatic who has no distinction between good and evil. He is a devil who can do anything terrifying with only oneself.

For such a devil, Zhou Yi never agrees. He must stop him, he must be destroyed. Only in this way can he be regarded as practicing the justice in oneself’s heart. Only in this way can he make the owner feel peaceful.

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